Пример #1
 *              macdrv_surface_flush
static void macdrv_surface_flush(struct window_surface *window_surface)
    struct macdrv_window_surface *surface = get_mac_surface(window_surface);
    CGRect rect;
    HRGN region;


    TRACE("flushing %p %s bounds %s bits %p\n", surface, wine_dbgstr_rect(&surface->header.rect),
          wine_dbgstr_rect(&surface->bounds), surface->bits);

    rect = cgrect_from_rect(surface->bounds);
    rect = CGRectOffset(rect, surface->header.rect.left, surface->header.rect.top);

    if (!IsRectEmpty(&surface->bounds) && (region = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&surface->bounds)))
        if (surface->drawn)
            CombineRgn(surface->drawn, surface->drawn, region, RGN_OR);
            surface->drawn = region;


    if (!CGRectIsEmpty(rect))
        macdrv_window_needs_display(surface->window, rect);

    lastReading = 0;
    lastReadingSide = 'R';

Пример #3
 *              create_surface
struct window_surface *create_surface(macdrv_window window, const RECT *rect,
                                      struct window_surface *old_surface, BOOL use_alpha)
    struct macdrv_window_surface *surface;
    struct macdrv_window_surface *old_mac_surface = get_mac_surface(old_surface);
    int width = rect->right - rect->left, height = rect->bottom - rect->top;
    DWORD *colors;
    pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
    int err;
    DWORD window_background;

    surface = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,
                        FIELD_OFFSET(struct macdrv_window_surface, info.bmiColors[3]));
    if (!surface) return NULL;

    err = pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr);
    if (!err)
        err = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
        if (!err)
            err = pthread_mutex_init(&surface->mutex, &attr);
    if (err)
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, surface);
        return NULL;

    surface->info.bmiHeader.biSize        = sizeof(surface->info.bmiHeader);
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biWidth       = width;
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biHeight      = height; /* bottom-up */
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biPlanes      = 1;
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biBitCount    = 32;
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage   = get_dib_image_size(&surface->info);
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
    surface->info.bmiHeader.biClrUsed     = 0;

    colors = (DWORD *)((char *)&surface->info + surface->info.bmiHeader.biSize);
    colors[0] = 0x00ff0000;
    colors[1] = 0x0000ff00;
    colors[2] = 0x000000ff;

    surface->header.funcs = &macdrv_surface_funcs;
    surface->header.rect  = *rect;
    surface->header.ref   = 1;
    surface->window = window;
    if (old_mac_surface && old_mac_surface->drawn)
        surface->drawn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(rect);
        OffsetRgn(surface->drawn, -rect->left, -rect->top);
        if (CombineRgn(surface->drawn, surface->drawn, old_mac_surface->drawn, RGN_AND) <= NULLREGION)
            surface->drawn = 0;
    surface->use_alpha = use_alpha;
    surface->bits = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage);
    if (!surface->bits) goto failed;
    window_background = macdrv_window_background_color();
    memset_pattern4(surface->bits, &window_background, surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage);

    TRACE("created %p for %p %s bits %p-%p\n", surface, window, wine_dbgstr_rect(rect),
          surface->bits, surface->bits + surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage);

    return &surface->header;

    return NULL;
Пример #4
BOOL nulldrv_GradientFill( PHYSDEV dev, TRIVERTEX *vert_array, ULONG nvert,
                           void * grad_array, ULONG ngrad, ULONG mode )
    DC *dc = get_nulldrv_dc( dev );
    char buffer[FIELD_OFFSET( BITMAPINFO, bmiColors[256] )];
    BITMAPINFO *info = (BITMAPINFO *)buffer;
    struct bitblt_coords src, dst;
    struct gdi_image_bits bits;
    unsigned int i;
    POINT *pts;
    BOOL ret = FALSE;
    DWORD err;
    HRGN rgn;

    if (!(pts = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, nvert * sizeof(*pts) ))) return FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < nvert; i++)
        pts[i].x = vert_array[i].x;
        pts[i].y = vert_array[i].y;
    LPtoDP( dev->hdc, pts, nvert );

    /* compute bounding rect of all the rectangles/triangles */
    reset_bounds( &dst.visrect );
    for (i = 0; i < ngrad * (mode == GRADIENT_FILL_TRIANGLE ? 3 : 2); i++)
        ULONG v = ((ULONG *)grad_array)[i];
        dst.visrect.left   = min( dst.visrect.left,   pts[v].x );
        dst.visrect.top    = min( dst.visrect.top,    pts[v].y );
        dst.visrect.right  = max( dst.visrect.right,  pts[v].x );
        dst.visrect.bottom = max( dst.visrect.bottom, pts[v].y );

    dst.x = dst.visrect.left;
    dst.y = dst.visrect.top;
    dst.width = dst.visrect.right - dst.visrect.left;
    dst.height = dst.visrect.bottom - dst.visrect.top;
    if (!clip_visrect( dc, &dst.visrect, &dst.visrect )) goto done;

    /* query the bitmap format */
    info->bmiHeader.biSize          = sizeof(info->bmiHeader);
    info->bmiHeader.biPlanes        = 1;
    info->bmiHeader.biBitCount      = 0;
    info->bmiHeader.biCompression   = BI_RGB;
    info->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
    info->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
    info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed       = 0;
    info->bmiHeader.biClrImportant  = 0;
    info->bmiHeader.biWidth         = dst.visrect.right - dst.visrect.left;
    info->bmiHeader.biHeight        = dst.visrect.bottom - dst.visrect.top;
    info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage     = 0;
    dev = GET_DC_PHYSDEV( dc, pPutImage );
    err = dev->funcs->pPutImage( dev, 0, info, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 );
    if (err && err != ERROR_BAD_FORMAT) goto done;

    info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = get_dib_image_size( info );
    if (!(bits.ptr = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage )))
        goto done;
    bits.is_copy = TRUE;
    bits.free = free_heap_bits;

    /* make src and points relative to the bitmap */
    src = dst;
    src.x -= dst.visrect.left;
    src.y -= dst.visrect.top;
    offset_rect( &src.visrect, -dst.visrect.left, -dst.visrect.top );
    for (i = 0; i < nvert; i++)
        pts[i].x -= dst.visrect.left;
        pts[i].y -= dst.visrect.top;

    rgn = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    gradient_bitmapinfo( info, bits.ptr, vert_array, nvert, grad_array, ngrad, mode, pts, rgn );
    OffsetRgn( rgn, dst.visrect.left, dst.visrect.top );
    ret = !dev->funcs->pPutImage( dev, rgn, info, &bits, &src, &dst, SRCCOPY );

    if (bits.free) bits.free( &bits );
    DeleteObject( rgn );

    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pts );
    return ret;
void PushN8AbsNormFeetDevice::start_readings()