Пример #1
static TUI_MENU_CALLBACK(set_directory_callback)
    char s[256];
    int drive = (int)param;
    const char *v;

    if (!(check_current_drive_type(ATTACH_DEVICE_FS, drive))) {
        return "N/A";

    if (been_activated) {

        *s = '\0';

        if (tui_input_string("Change directory name", "New name:", s, 255) == -1) {
            return NULL;

        if (*s == '\0') {
            return NULL;

        resources_set_string_sprintf("FSDevice%iDir", s, drive);

    resources_get_string_sprintf("FSDevice%iDir", &v, drive);

    return v;
Пример #2
static int output_graphics_open(unsigned int prnr,
                                output_parameter_t *output_parameter)
    const char *filename;
    int device = 0;
    output_gfx[prnr].gfxoutputdrv = gfxoutput_get_driver("BMP");

    if (output_gfx[prnr].gfxoutputdrv == NULL) {
        return -1;

    switch (prnr) {
        case 0:
            resources_get_int("Printer4TextDevice", &device);
        case 1:
            resources_get_int("Printer5TextDevice", &device);
        case 2:
            resources_get_int("PrinterUserportTextDevice", &device);

    resources_get_string_sprintf("PrinterTextDevice%d", &filename, device + 1);

    if (filename == NULL) {
        filename = "prngfx";

    output_gfx[prnr].filename = lib_malloc(strlen(filename) + 3);
    sprintf(output_gfx[prnr].filename, "%s00", filename);

    output_gfx[prnr].screenshot.width = output_parameter->maxcol;
    output_gfx[prnr].screenshot.height = output_parameter->maxrow;
    output_gfx[prnr].screenshot.dpi_x = output_parameter->dpi_x;
    output_gfx[prnr].screenshot.dpi_y = output_parameter->dpi_y;
    output_gfx[prnr].screenshot.y_offset = 0;
    output_gfx[prnr].screenshot.palette = output_parameter->palette;

    output_gfx[prnr].line = lib_malloc(output_parameter->maxcol);
    memset(output_gfx[prnr].line, OUTPUT_PIXEL_WHITE, output_parameter->maxcol);

    output_gfx[prnr].line_pos = 0;
    output_gfx[prnr].line_no = 0;

    output_gfx[prnr].screenshot.convert_line = output_graphics_line_data;
    output_gfx[prnr].isopen = 0;

    return 0;
Пример #3
static void init_printer_dialog(unsigned int num, HWND hwnd)
    HWND printer_hwnd;
    int i, res_value, res_value_loop;
    char  printer_name[30];
    const char *res_string;
    int current = 0;
    int xmax;
    int xpos;
    int size;
    const int *ui_printer = 
      (opencbmlib_is_available()) ? ui_printer_opencbm :

    /* translate all dialog items */
    uilib_localize_dialog(hwnd, printer_dialog_trans);

    if (num != 0) {
        /* translate the iec dialog item(s) */
        uilib_localize_dialog(hwnd, printer_iec_dialog_trans);

    /* adjust the size of the elements in the left group */
    uilib_adjust_group_width(hwnd, printer_left_group);

    /* get the max x of the bottom right group */
    uilib_get_group_max_x(hwnd, printer_bottom_right_group, &xmax);

    /* get the size of one of the elements of the bottom right group */
    uilib_get_element_size(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_OUTPUT_FILE3_NAME, &size);

    /* get the max x of the left group */
    uilib_get_group_max_x(hwnd, printer_left_group, &xpos);

    /* move the top right group to the correct position */
    uilib_move_group(hwnd, printer_top_right_group, xpos + 10);

    /* move the bottom right group to the correct position */
    uilib_move_group(hwnd, printer_bottom_right_group, xpos + 10);

    /* get the max x of the bottom right group */
    uilib_get_group_max_x(hwnd, printer_bottom_right_group, &xpos);

    /* set the size of the bottom right group */
    uilib_set_group_width(hwnd, printer_bottom_right_group, size + xpos - xmax);

    /* get the max x of the printer emulation drop down element */
    uilib_get_element_max_x(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_TYPE, &xpos);

    /* adjust the size of the elements in formfeed group */
    uilib_adjust_group_width(hwnd, formfeed_group);

    /* move the send formfeed button */
    uilib_move_element(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_FORMFEED, xpos + 10);

    if (num == 0) {
        sprintf(printer_name, "PrinterUserport");
    } else {
        sprintf(printer_name, "Printer%d", num);

    resources_get_int(printer_name, &res_value);
    printer_hwnd = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_TYPE);
    for (res_value_loop = 0; ui_printer[res_value_loop]; res_value_loop++) {
        SendMessage(printer_hwnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)translate_text(ui_printer[res_value_loop]));
    SendMessage(printer_hwnd, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)res_value, 0);

    resources_get_string_sprintf("%sDriver", &res_string, printer_name);
    printer_hwnd = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_DRIVER);
    if (num == 6) {
        for (res_value_loop = 0; ui_plotter_driver[res_value_loop]; res_value_loop++) {
            SendMessage(printer_hwnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ui_plotter_driver[res_value_loop]);
            if (!strcmp(ui_plotter_driver_1520[res_value_loop], res_string)) {
                current = res_value_loop;
    } else {
        if (num == 0) {
            for (res_value_loop = 0; ui_userprinter_driver[res_value_loop]; res_value_loop++) {
                SendMessage(printer_hwnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ui_userprinter_driver[res_value_loop]);
                if (!strcmp(ui_userprinter_driver_ascii[res_value_loop], res_string)) {
                    current = res_value_loop;
        } else {
            for (res_value_loop = 0; ui_printer_driver[res_value_loop]; res_value_loop++) {
                SendMessage(printer_hwnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ui_printer_driver[res_value_loop]);
                if (!strcmp(ui_printer_driver_ascii[res_value_loop], res_string)) {
                    current = res_value_loop;
    SendMessage(printer_hwnd, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)current, 0);

    resources_get_string_sprintf("%sOutput", &res_string, printer_name);
    printer_hwnd = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_OUTPUT);
    for (res_value_loop = 0; ui_printer_output[res_value_loop]; res_value_loop++) {
        SendMessage(printer_hwnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ui_printer_output[res_value_loop]);
        if (!strcmp(ui_printer_output_ascii[res_value_loop], res_string)) {
            current = res_value_loop;
    SendMessage(printer_hwnd, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)current, 0);

    resources_get_int_sprintf("%sTextDevice", &res_value, printer_name);
    printer_hwnd = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_TEXTOUT);
    for (res_value_loop = 0; ui_printer_text_device[res_value_loop]; res_value_loop++) {
        SendMessage(printer_hwnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ui_printer_text_device[res_value_loop]);
    SendMessage(printer_hwnd, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)res_value, 0);

    if (num > 0 && (iec_available_busses() & IEC_BUS_IEC)) {
        resources_get_int_sprintf("IECDevice%d", &res_value, num);
        CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_USEIECDEVICE, res_value ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
    } else {
        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_USEIECDEVICE), FALSE);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        resources_get_string_sprintf("PrinterTextDevice%d", &res_string, i + 1);
        if (res_string) {
            strncpy(printertextdevice[i], res_string, MAX_PATH);

    enable_printer_controls(num, hwnd);
Пример #4
static void init_dialog(HWND hwnd, unsigned int num)
    const char *disk_image, *dir;
    TCHAR *st_disk_image, *st_dir;
    int devtype, n;
    int xpos, xpos1, xpos2, xpos3;
    int distance1, distance2;
    RECT rect;
    uilib_localize_dialog_param *diskdevice_dialog =
      (opencbmlib_is_available()) ? diskdevice_opencbm_dialog : 

    if (num >= 8 && num <= 11) {
        /* translate all dialog items */
        uilib_localize_dialog(hwnd, diskdevice_dialog);

        /* adjust the size of the elements in the diskdevice_left_group */
        uilib_adjust_group_width(hwnd, diskdevice_left_group);

        /* adjust the size of the 'read-only' element */
        uilib_adjust_group_width(hwnd, diskdevice_read_only);

        /* get the min x of the read only element */
        uilib_get_element_min_x(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_ATTACH_READONLY, &xpos3);

        /* get the min x of the autostart element */
        uilib_get_element_min_x(hwnd, IDC_AUTOSTART, &xpos2);

        /* get the max x of the first browse element */
        uilib_get_element_max_x(hwnd, IDC_BROWSEDISK, &xpos1);

        /* calculate the distance between the browse button and the autostart button */
        distance1 = xpos2 - xpos1;

        /* get the max x of the autostart element */
        uilib_get_element_max_x(hwnd, IDC_AUTOSTART, &xpos2);

        /* calculate the distance between the browse button and the read only element */
        distance2 = xpos3 - xpos2;

        /* get the max x of the disk_device_left_group items */
        uilib_get_group_max_x(hwnd, diskdevice_left_group, &xpos);

        /* move the filename elements and browse buttons to the right position */
        uilib_move_group(hwnd, diskdevice_middle_group, xpos + 10);
        /* get the max x of the first browse element */
        uilib_get_element_max_x(hwnd, IDC_BROWSEDISK, &xpos);

        /* move the autostart element to the right position */
        uilib_move_element(hwnd, IDC_AUTOSTART, xpos + distance1);

        /* resize the autostart element */
        uilib_adjust_element_width(hwnd, IDC_AUTOSTART);

        /* get the max x of the autostart element */
        uilib_get_element_max_x(hwnd, IDC_AUTOSTART, &xpos);

        /* move the read only element to the right position */
        uilib_move_element(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_ATTACH_READONLY, xpos + distance2);

        if (opencbmlib_is_available()) {
            /* adjust the size of the real iec element */
            uilib_adjust_element_width(hwnd, IDC_SELECTREAL);

            /* get the max x of the real iec element */
            uilib_get_element_max_x(hwnd, IDC_SELECTREAL, &xpos1);
        } else {
            xpos1 = 0;
        xpos1 = 0;

        /* get the max x of the second browse button */
        uilib_get_element_max_x(hwnd, IDC_BROWSEDIR, &xpos2);

        if (xpos2 > xpos1) {
            xpos = xpos2 + 20;
        } else {
            xpos = xpos1 + 20;

        /* move the diskdevice_right_group to the right position */
        uilib_move_group(hwnd, diskdevice_right_group, xpos);
        /* move the p00 group element to the right position */
        uilib_move_element(hwnd, IDC_DISKDEVICE_OPTIONS, xpos - 5);

        /* adjust the diskdevice_right_group elements size */
        uilib_adjust_group_width(hwnd, diskdevice_right_group);

        /* adjust the p00 group element size */
        uilib_adjust_element_width(hwnd, IDC_DISKDEVICE_OPTIONS);
        /* get the width of the disk_device_right_group items */
        uilib_get_group_width(hwnd, diskdevice_right_group, &xpos1);

        /* get the width of the p00 group element */
        uilib_get_element_width(hwnd, IDC_DISKDEVICE_OPTIONS, &xpos2);

        if (xpos2 + 5 > xpos1) {
            xpos = xpos2 + 15;
        } else {
            xpos = xpos1 + 10;

        /* set the width of the p00 group element */
        uilib_set_element_width(hwnd, IDC_DISKDEVICE_OPTIONS, xpos);

        /* adjust the none element size */
        uilib_adjust_element_width(hwnd, IDC_SELECTNONE);

        /* adjust the size of the use iec device element */
        uilib_adjust_element_width(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_USEIECDEVICE);

        /* get the max x of the window filling elements */
        uilib_get_group_max_x(hwnd, diskdevice_filling_group, &xpos);

        /* set the width of the dialog to 'surround' all the elements */
        GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);
        MoveWindow(hwnd, rect.left, rect.top, xpos + 10, rect.bottom - rect.top, TRUE);

        disk_image = file_system_get_disk_name(num);
        st_disk_image = system_mbstowcs_alloc(disk_image);
        SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_DISKIMAGE, st_disk_image != NULL ? st_disk_image : TEXT(""));

        resources_get_string_sprintf("FSDevice%dDir", &dir, num);
        st_dir = system_mbstowcs_alloc(dir);
        SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_DIR, st_dir != NULL ? st_dir : TEXT(""));

        resources_get_int_sprintf("FSDevice%dConvertP00", &n, num);
        CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_READP00, n ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);

        resources_get_int_sprintf("FSDevice%dSaveP00", &n, num);
        CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_WRITEP00, n ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);

        resources_get_int_sprintf("FSDevice%dHideCBMFiles", &n, num);
        CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_HIDENONP00, n ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);

        resources_get_int_sprintf("AttachDevice%dReadonly", &n, num);

        resources_get_int_sprintf("FileSystemDevice%d", &devtype, num);
        switch (devtype) {
            case ATTACH_DEVICE_FS:
                if (disk_image != NULL) {
                    n = IDC_SELECTDISK;
                } else {
                    n = IDC_SELECTDIR;
            case ATTACH_DEVICE_REAL:
                n = IDC_SELECTREAL;
                n = IDC_SELECTNONE;

        if (opencbmlib_is_available()) {
            CheckRadioButton(hwnd, IDC_SELECTDISK, IDC_SELECTREAL, n);
        } else {
            CheckRadioButton(hwnd, IDC_SELECTDISK, IDC_SELECTDIR, n);
        CheckRadioButton(hwnd, IDC_SELECTDISK, IDC_SELECTDIR, n);
        enable_controls_for_disk_device_type(hwnd, n);

        if (iec_available_busses() & IEC_BUS_IEC) {
            resources_get_int_sprintf("IECDevice%d", &n, num);
        } else {
            CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_USEIECDEVICE, BST_UNCHECKED);
            ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_USEIECDEVICE), FALSE);
Пример #5
/** \brief  Create printer driver selection widget
 * Creates a group of radio buttons to select the driver of printer # \a device.
 * Uses a custom property "DeviceNumber" for the radio buttons and the widget
 * itself to pass the device number to the event handler and to allow
 * printer_driver_widget_update() to select the proper radio button index.
 * Printer 4/5: [ascii, mps803, nl10, raw]
 * Printer 6  : [1520, raw]
 * \param[in]   device  device number (4-6)
 * \return  GtkGrid
GtkWidget *printer_driver_widget_create(int device)
    GtkWidget *grid;
    GtkWidget *radio_ascii = NULL;
    GtkWidget *radio_mps803 = NULL;
    GtkWidget *radio_nl10 = NULL;
    GtkWidget *radio_raw = NULL;
    GtkWidget *radio_1520 = NULL;
    GSList *group = NULL;
    const char *driver;

    /* build grid */
    grid = uihelpers_create_grid_with_label("Driver", 1);
    /* set DeviceNumber property to allow the update function to work */
    resource_widget_set_int(grid, "DeviceNumber", device);

    if (device == 4 || device == 5) {
        /* 'normal' printers */

        /* ASCII */
        radio_ascii = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(group, "ASCII");
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(radio_ascii), "DeviceNumber",
        g_object_set(radio_ascii, "margin-left", 16, NULL);
        gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), radio_ascii, 0, 1, 1, 1);

        /* MPS803 */
        radio_mps803 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(group, "MPS-803");
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(radio_mps803), "DeviceNumber",
        g_object_set(radio_mps803, "margin-left", 16, NULL);
        gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), radio_mps803, 0, 2, 1, 1);

        /* NL10 */
        radio_nl10 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(group, "NL10");
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(radio_nl10), "DeviceNumber",
        g_object_set(radio_nl10, "margin-left", 16, NULL);
        gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), radio_nl10, 0, 3, 1, 1);

        /* RAW */
        radio_raw = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(group, "RAW");
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(radio_raw), "DeviceNumber",
        g_object_set(radio_raw, "margin-left", 16, NULL);
        gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), radio_raw, 0, 4, 1, 1);
    } else if (device == 6) {
        /* plotter */

        /* 1520 */
        radio_1520 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(group, "1520");
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(radio_1520), "DeviceNumber",
        g_object_set(radio_1520, "margin-left", 16, NULL);
        gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), radio_1520, 0, 1, 1, 1);

        /* RAW */
        radio_raw = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(group, "RAW");
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(radio_raw), "DeviceNumber",
        g_object_set(radio_raw, "margin-left", 16, NULL);
        gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), radio_raw, 0, 2, 1, 1);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%s(): invalid device #%d\n",
                __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, device);

    /* set current driver from resource */
    resources_get_string_sprintf("Printer%dDriver", &driver, device);
    printer_driver_widget_update(grid, driver);

    /* connect signal handlers */
    g_signal_connect(radio_raw, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(on_radio_toggled),

    if (device == 4 || device == 5) {
        g_signal_connect(radio_ascii, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(on_radio_toggled),
        g_signal_connect(radio_mps803, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(on_radio_toggled),
        g_signal_connect(radio_nl10, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(on_radio_toggled),
    } else if (device == 6) {
        g_signal_connect(radio_1520, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(on_radio_toggled),

    return grid;
Пример #6
static MRESULT EXPENTRY pm_drive(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2)
    static int drive = 0;

    switch (msg) {
        case WM_INITDLG:
                int val, i = 0;
                HWND ihwnd = WinWindowFromID(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE);

                while (i < 10 && ui_status.imageHist[i][0]) {
                    WinLboxInsertItem(ihwnd, ui_status.imageHist[i++]);
                WinLboxInsertItem(ihwnd, "");
                resources_get_int("DriveTrueEmulation", &val);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_TRUEDRIVE, val);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_DRIVE8|drive, 1);
                WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_SWITCH, (void*)drive, 0);
                WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_DRIVESTATE, (void*)ui_status.lastDriveState, NULL);
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_TRACK, (void*)i, (void*)(int)(ui_status.lastTrack[i] * 2));
    case WM_COMMAND:
        switch (LONGFROMMP(mp1)) {
            case PB_CREATE:
                return FALSE;
            case PB_ATTACH:
                ViceFileDialog(hwnd, 0x0100 | (drive + 1), FDS_OPEN_DIALOG);
                return FALSE;
            case PB_DETACH:
                file_system_detach_disk(drive + 8);
                return FALSE;
            case PB_FLIPADD:
                fliplist_add_image(drive + 8);
                return FALSE;
            case PB_FLIPREMOVE:
                fliplist_remove(drive + 8, NULL);
                return FALSE;
            case PB_FLIP:
                fliplist_attach_head(drive + 8, FLIP_NEXT);
                return FALSE;
    case WM_CONTROL:
            switch (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) {
                case RB_DRIVE8:
                case RB_DRIVE9:
                case RB_DRIVE10:
                case RB_DRIVE11:
                    WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_SWITCH, (void*)(SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) & 0x3), 0);
                case CB_TRUEDRIVE:
                    WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_SWITCH, (void*)drive, 0);
                case CB_CONVERTP00:
                    toggle_drive_res("FSDevice%dConvertP00", drive);//);
                    WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_SWITCH, (void*)drive, 0);
                case CB_SAVEP00:
                    toggle_drive_res("FileDevice%dSaveP00", drive);
                case CB_ALLOWACCESS:
                    toggle_drive_res("FileSystemDevice%d", drive);
                    WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_SWITCH, (void*)drive, 0);
                case CB_HIDENONP00:
                    toggle_drive_res("FSDevice%dHideCBMFiles", drive);
                case CB_MEM2000:
                    toggle_drive_res("Drive%dRAM2000", drive);
                case CB_MEM4000:
                    toggle_drive_res("Drive%dRAM4000", drive);
                case CB_MEM6000:
                    toggle_drive_res("Drive%dRAM6000", drive);
                case CB_MEM8000:
                    toggle_drive_res("Drive%dRAM8000", drive);
                case CB_MEMA000:
                    toggle_drive_res("Drive%dRAMA000", drive);
                case CB_READONLY:
                    toggle_drive_res("AttachDevice%dReadonly", drive);
                case CB_PARALLEL:
                    if (drive == 0 || drive == 1) {
                        toggle_drive_res("Drive%dParallelCable", drive);
                case RB_NEVER:
                case RB_ASK:
                case RB_ALWAYS:
                    if (drive == 0 || drive == 1) {
                        resources_set_int_sprintf("Drive%dExtendImagePolicy", (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) & 0x3), drive + 8);
                case RB_NONE:
                case RB_TRAP:
                case RB_SKIP:
                    if (drive == 0 || drive == 1) {
                        resources_set_int_sprintf("Drive%dIdleMethod", (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) & 0x3), drive + 8);
               case CBS_IMAGE:
                   if (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == CBN_ENTER) {
                       char psz[CCHMAXPATH];

                       WinLboxQuerySelectedItemText(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE, psz, CCHMAXPATH);

                       if (!strlen(psz)) {
                           file_system_detach_disk(drive + 8);
                           return FALSE;

                       if (file_system_attach_disk(drive + 8, psz)) {
                           WinMessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "Cannot attach specified file.", "VICE/2 Error", 0, MB_OK);
                   return FALSE;
                case CBS_PATH:
                    switch (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1)) {
                        case SPBN_CHANGE:
                                char path[255];

                                WinSendDlgMsg(hwnd, CBS_PATH, SPBM_QUERYVALUE, &path, 255);
                                if (!chdir(path)) {
                                    resources_set_string_sprintf("FSDevice%dDir", path, drive + 8);
                        case SPBN_KILLFOCUS:
                                const char *path;

                                resources_get_string_sprintf("FSDevice%dDir", &path, drive + 8);
                                WinSendDlgMsg(hwnd, CBS_PATH, SPBM_SETARRAY, &path, 1);
                                WinSetDlgSpinVal(hwnd, CBS_PATH, 0);
                    return FALSE;
                case CBS_TYPE:
                    if (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == CBN_ENTER && (drive == 0 || drive == 1)) {
                        const int nr  = WinQueryLboxSelectedItem((HWND)mp2);
                        const int val = WinLboxItemHandle((HWND)mp2, nr);

                        resources_set_int_sprintf("Drive%dType", val, drive + 8);
                    return FALSE;
            HWND ihwnd = WinWindowFromID(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE);
            const char *name = (char *)mp1;

            int pos;
            for (pos = 0; pos < 9; pos++) {
                WinDeleteLboxItem(ihwnd, 0);

            pos = 0;
            while (pos < 10 && ui_status.imageHist[pos][0]) {
                WinLboxInsertItem(ihwnd, ui_status.imageHist[pos++]);

            WinLboxInsertItem(ihwnd, "");

            if (drive == (int)mp2) {
                WinLboxSelectItem(ihwnd, name[0] ? 0 : pos);
        return FALSE;
    case WM_TRACK:
        if (!(ui_status.lastDriveState & (1 << (int)mp1))) {

        WinSetDlgSpinVal(hwnd, SPB_TRACK8+(int)mp1, (int)((int)mp2 / 2));
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_HALFTRACK8 + (int)mp1, ((int)mp2 % 2));
    case WM_DRIVELEDS:
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_LED8+(int)mp1, (int)mp2);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SPB_TRACK8, (int)mp1 & 1 == 1);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_HALFTRACK8, (int)mp1 & 1 == 1);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SPB_TRACK9, (int)mp1 & 2 == 1);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_HALFTRACK9, (int)mp1 & 2 == 1);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_LED8, 0);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_LED9, 0);
    case WM_SWITCH:
        drive = (int)mp1;
                const HWND lbox = WinWindowFromID(hwnd, CBS_TYPE);
                int type = 0;
                int val;
                int res;
                int drive89 = (drive == 0 || drive == 1);

                resources_get_int("DriveTrueEmulation", &val);


                if (drive89) {
                    int i, nr;

                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_NEVER | get_drive_res("Drive%dExtendImagePolicy", drive), 1);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_NONE | get_drive_res("Drive%dIdleMethod", drive), 1);

                    nr = 0;
                    res = get_drive_res("Drive%dType", drive);
                    for (i = 0; i < nDRIVES; i++) {
                        if (!drive_check_type(driveRes[i], drive)) {

                        WinLboxInsertItem(lbox, driveName[i]);
                        WinLboxSetItemHandle(lbox, nr, driveRes[i]);

                        if (res == driveRes[i]) {
                            type = nr;

                } else {
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_NEVER, 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_ASK, 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_ALWAYS, 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_NONE, 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_SKIP, 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_TRAP, 0);
                WinLboxSelectItem(lbox, type);

                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_PARALLEL, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dParallelCable", drive) != 0);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_MEM2000, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dRAM2000", drive) != 0);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_MEM4000, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dRAM4000", drive) != 0);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_MEM6000, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dRAM6000", drive) != 0);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_MEM8000, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dRAM8000", drive) != 0);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_MEMA000, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dRAMA000", drive) != 0);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_PARALLEL, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_NEVER, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_ASK, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_ALWAYS, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_NONE, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_SKIP, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_TRAP, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CBS_TYPE, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_MEM2000, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_MEM4000, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_MEM6000, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_MEM8000, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_MEMA000, drive89 && val);
                    int acc  = get_drive_res("FileSystemDevice%d", drive) != 0;
                    int conv = get_drive_res("FSDevice%dConvertP00", drive) != 0;

                    if (!conv) {
                        resources_set_int_sprintf("FSDevice%dHideCBMFiles", 0, drive + 8);

                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_ALLOWACCESS, acc);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_CONVERTP00, conv);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_SAVEP00, get_drive_res("FSDevice%dSaveP00", drive) != 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_HIDENONP00, get_drive_res("FSDevice%dHideCBMFiles", drive) != 0);
                    WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_ALLOWACCESS, !(drive89 && val));
                    WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_SAVEP00, !(drive89 && val) && acc);
                    WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_CONVERTP00, !(drive89 && val) && acc);
                    WinEnableControl(hwnd, CBS_PATH, !(drive89 && val) && acc);
                    WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_HIDENONP00, !(drive89 && val) && acc && conv);

                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_READONLY, get_drive_res("AttachDevice%dReadonly", drive) != 0);
                    char tmp[CCHMAXPATH];
                    int max = WinDlgLboxQueryCount(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE);
                    int pos = -1;

                    do {
                        WinLboxQueryItem(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE, ++pos, tmp, CCHMAXPATH);
                    while (pos < max && strcmp(ui_status.lastImage[drive], tmp));
                    WinDlgLboxSelectItem(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE, pos);
                    const char *path;
                    resources_get_string_sprintf("FSDevice%dDir", &path, drive + 8);
                    WinSendDlgMsg(hwnd, CBS_PATH, SPBM_SETARRAY, &path, 1);
                    WinSetDlgSpinVal(hwnd, CBS_PATH, 0);
            return FALSE;

    return WinDefDlgProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2);