Пример #1
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "SMJobBlessHelper: uid = %d, euid = %d, pid = %d\n", getuid(), geteuid(), getpid());
    return respondToRequests();
Пример #2
//this function is started as a thread by startipc()
int MVipc(const int environmentn, var& pgconnparams)

	//TODO prevent or handle SELECT in dictionary functions

	//flag to connect NOT to be recursive and open yet another ipc thread
	tss_ipcstarted.reset(new bool(true));

	//clone the postgres connection because the parent thread is running a select with it
	if (!var().connect(pgconnparams))
		throw var(L"MVipc Cannot connect additional thread to postgres");
		return false;

	//set the threads environment number (same as and provided by the parent thread)
	//AFTER opening the database connection
	var processn=getprocessn();
	//this is a dict library caller
	//TODO check if possible to have no environment;
	//*COPY in mvipc_posix.cpp mvipc_boost.cpp mvipc_win.cpp
	MvEnvironment standalone_mv;
	MvEnvironment* mv=global_environments[environmentn];
	if (not mv)
#if TRACING >= 2
		std::clog<<"MVipc() Using a standalone MvEnvironment"<<std::endl;
	ExodusFunctorBase exodusfunctorbase(*mv);
	//strings of MS tchars
	//typedef basic_string<TCHAR> tstring;
	//wchar_t* exoduspipename="\\\\.\\pipe\\exoduspipexyz";
	var temp="requestexodusservice-"^processn^L"."^environmentn;
	std::string requestqueuename=temp.toString();
	var temp2="responseexodusservice-"^processn^L"."^environmentn;
	std::string responsequeuename=temp2.toString();
	//string requestqueuename="requestexodusqueue";
	//string responsequeuename="responseexodusqueue";

	closeipcqueues(requestqueuename, responsequeuename);

		//open request queue
		boost::interprocess::message_queue request_queue
			boost::interprocess::open_or_create	//only create
			,requestqueuename.c_str()	//name
			,100		//max message number
			,BUFSIZ		//max message size

			//open response queue
			boost::interprocess::message_queue response_queue
				boost::interprocess::open_or_create	//only create
				,responsequeuename.c_str()			//name
				,100		//max message number
				,BUFSIZ		//max message size

			//indicate to waiting/paused parent thread that the pipe is open
			//(the pipe is not actually waiting until the next step)
			//scoped so that the scoped_lock is automatically released after the notification
				boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(global_ipcmutex);
				#if TRACING >= 3
				std::clog<<"MVipc() Notifying that pipe has been opened\n";
				//TODO make sure notifies CORRECT parent thread by using an array of ipcmutexes and tss_environmentn
				#if TRACING >= 3
				std::clog<<L"MVipc() Notified that pipe has been opened\n";

			std::clog << "finished responding to queue " << requestqueuename<<std::endl;

		catch(boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception &ex)
			std::cerr << "cannot open " << responsequeuename << " " << ex.what() << std::endl;
			closeipcqueues(requestqueuename, responsequeuename);
			return 0;

	catch(boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception &ex)
		std::cerr << "cannot open " << requestqueuename << " " << ex.what() << std::endl;
		closeipcqueues(requestqueuename, responsequeuename);
		return 0;

	closeipcqueues(requestqueuename, responsequeuename);
	return 1;
Пример #3
//this function is started as a thread by startipc()
int MVipc(const int environmentn, var& pgconnparams)

	//flag to connect NOT to be recursive and open yet another ipc thread
	tss_ipcstarted.reset(new bool(true));

	//clone the postgres connection because the parent thread is running a select with it
	if (!var().connect(pgconnparams))
		throw var(L"MVipc Cannot connect additional thread to postgres");
		return false;

	//set the threads environment number (same as and provided by the parent thread)
	//AFTER opening the database connection
	var processn=getprocessn();

	//this is a dict library caller
	//TODO check if possible to have no environment;
	//*COPY in mvipc_posix.cpp mvipc_boost.cpp mvipc_win.cpp
	MvEnvironment standalone_mv;
	MvEnvironment* mv=global_environments[environmentn];
	if (not mv)
#if TRACING >= 2
		std::clog<<"MVipc() Using a standalone MvEnvironment"<<std::endl;
	ExodusFunctorBase exodusfunctorbase(*mv);

	/*create the socket directory*/
	//std::string socketdir="/tmp/exodus";
	//if (!var(socketdir).osdir())
	//	var(socketdir).osmkdir();
	//std::string socketpath=socketdir+"/ipc";
	std::string socketpath="/tmp/";


	int sock;
	//int fromlen;
	sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

	/*grant owner/group/others rw access to the socket*/
	/*TODO review security of this*/
	mode_t oldumask=umask(0111);

	/*server binds to the socket*/
	struct sockaddr_un addr;
	strncpy(addr.sun_path, socketpath.c_str(),sizeof(addr.sun_path));
	addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
	if (bind (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, strlen(addr.sun_path) + sizeof (addr.sun_family))<0)
		boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(global_ipcmutex);
		std::cout << "cannot open " << socketpath << " " << errno << " " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
		closeipcqueues(sock, socketpath);
		return 0;

	/*restore permissions mask*/

	#if TRACING >= 3
		wprintf(L"---------------------------------\nMVipc: bound socket %s\n",socketpath.c_str());
	//indicate to waiting/paused parent thread that the pipe is open
	//(the pipe is not actually waiting until the next step)
	//scoped so that the scoped_lock is automatically released after the notification
		boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(global_ipcmutex);
		#if TRACING >= 3
			cout<<"MVipc() Notifying that pipe has been opened\n";
		//TODO make sure notifies CORRECT parent thread by using an array of ipcmutexes and tss_environmentn
		#if TRACING >= 3
			cout<<"MVipc() Notified that pipe has been opened\n";

	std::cout << "stopped responding to socket " << socketpath << std::endl;

	closeipcqueues(sock, socketpath);

	return 1;