Пример #1
rf_lookup_hostlist(router_instance *rblock, address_item *addr,
  uschar *ignore_target_hosts, int lookup_type, int hff_code,
  address_item **addr_new)
BOOL self_send = FALSE;

/* Look up each host address. A lookup may add additional items into the chain
if there are multiple addresses. Hence the use of next_h to start each cycle of
the loop at the next original host. If any host is identified as being the local
host, omit it and any subsequent hosts - i.e. treat the list like an ordered
list of MX hosts. If the first host is the local host, act according to the
"self" option in the configuration. */

for (host_item * prev = NULL, * h = addr->host_list, *next_h; h; h = next_h)
  const uschar *canonical_name;
  int rc, len, port, mx, sort_key;

  next_h = h->next;
  if (h->address) { prev = h; continue; }

    debug_printf("finding IP address for %s\n", h->name);

  /* Handle any port setting that may be on the name; it will be removed
  from the end of the name. */

  port = host_item_get_port(h);

  /* Store the previous mx and sort_key values, which were assigned in
  host_build_hostlist and will be overwritten by host_find_bydns. */

  mx = h->mx;
  sort_key = h->sort_key;

  /* If the name ends with "/MX", we interpret it to mean "the list of hosts
  pointed to by MX records with this name", and the MX record values override
  the ordering from host_build_hostlist. */

  len = Ustrlen(h->name);
  if (len > 3 && strcmpic(h->name + len - 3, US"/mx") == 0)
    int whichrrs = lookup_type & LK_IPV4_ONLY
      : lookup_type & LK_IPV4_PREFER
      : HOST_FIND_BY_MX;

      debug_printf("doing DNS MX lookup for %s\n", h->name);

    mx = MX_NONE;
    h->name = string_copyn(h->name, len - 3);
    rc = host_find_bydns(h,
        whichrrs,			/* look only for MX records */
        NULL,				/* SRV service not relevant */
        NULL,				/* failing srv domains not relevant */
        NULL,				/* no special mx failing domains */
        &rblock->dnssec,		/* dnssec request/require */
        NULL,				/* fully_qualified_name */
        NULL);				/* indicate local host removed */

  /* If explicitly configured to look up by name, or if the "host name" is
  actually an IP address, do a byname lookup. */

  else if (lookup_type & LK_BYNAME || string_is_ip_address(h->name, NULL) != 0)
    DEBUG(D_route|D_host_lookup) debug_printf("calling host_find_byname\n");
    rc = host_find_byname(h, ignore_target_hosts, HOST_FIND_QUALIFY_SINGLE,
      &canonical_name, TRUE);

  /* Otherwise, do a DNS lookup. If that yields "host not found", and the
  lookup type is the default (i.e. "bydns" is not explicitly configured),
  follow up with a byname lookup, just in case. */

    BOOL removed;
    int whichrrs = lookup_type & LK_IPV4_ONLY
      ? HOST_FIND_BY_A
      : lookup_type & LK_IPV4_PREFER

    DEBUG(D_route|D_host_lookup) debug_printf("doing DNS lookup\n");
    switch (rc = host_find_bydns(h, ignore_target_hosts, whichrrs, NULL,
	&rblock->dnssec,			/* domains for request/require */
	&canonical_name, &removed))
      case HOST_FOUND:
        if (removed) setflag(addr, af_local_host_removed);
      case HOST_FIND_FAILED:
	if (lookup_type & LK_DEFAULT)
	    debug_printf("DNS lookup failed: trying getipnodebyname\n");
	  rc = host_find_byname(h, ignore_target_hosts, HOST_FIND_QUALIFY_SINGLE,
	    &canonical_name, TRUE);

  /* Temporary failure defers, unless pass_on_timeout is set */

    addr->message = string_sprintf("host lookup for %s done insecurely" , h->name);
    addr->basic_errno = ERRNO_DNSDEFER;
    return DEFER;
  if (rc == HOST_FIND_AGAIN)
    if (rblock->pass_on_timeout)
        debug_printf("%s router timed out and pass_on_timeout set\n",
      return PASS;
    addr->message = string_sprintf("host lookup for %s did not complete "
      "(DNS timeout?)", h->name);
    addr->basic_errno = ERRNO_DNSDEFER;
    return DEFER;

  /* Permanent failure is controlled by host_find_failed */

  if (rc == HOST_FIND_FAILED)
    if (hff_code == hff_ignore)
      if (prev == NULL) addr->host_list = next_h; else prev->next = next_h;
      continue;   /* With the next host, leave prev unchanged */

    if (hff_code == hff_pass) return PASS;
    if (hff_code == hff_decline) return DECLINE;

    addr->basic_errno = ERRNO_UNKNOWNHOST;
    addr->message =
      string_sprintf("lookup of host \"%s\" failed in %s router%s",
        h->name, rblock->name,
        f.host_find_failed_syntax? ": syntax error in name" : "");

    if (hff_code == hff_defer) return DEFER;
    if (hff_code == hff_fail) return FAIL;

    addr->special_action = SPECIAL_FREEZE;
    return DEFER;

  /* Deal with the settings that were previously cleared:
  port, mx and sort_key. */

  if (port != PORT_NONE)
    for (host_item * hh = h; hh != next_h; hh = hh->next)
      hh->port = port;

  if (mx != MX_NONE)
    for (host_item * hh = h; hh != next_h; hh = hh->next)
      hh->mx = mx;
      hh->sort_key = sort_key;

  /* A local host gets chopped, with its successors, if there are previous
  hosts. Otherwise the self option is used. If it is set to "send", any
  subsequent hosts that are also the local host do NOT get chopped. */

  if (rc == HOST_FOUND_LOCAL && !self_send)
    if (prev)
        debug_printf("Removed from host list:\n");
        for (; h; h = h->next) debug_printf("  %s\n", h->name);
      prev->next = NULL;
      setflag(addr, af_local_host_removed);
    rc = rf_self_action(addr, h, rblock->self_code, rblock->self_rewrite,
      rblock->self, addr_new);
    if (rc != OK)
      addr->host_list = NULL;   /* Kill the host list for */
      return rc;                /* anything other than "send" */
    self_send = TRUE;

  /* Ensure that prev is the host before next_h; this will not be h if a lookup
  found multiple addresses or multiple MX records. */

  prev = h;
  while (prev->next != next_h) prev = prev->next;

return OK;
Пример #2
  router_instance *rblock,        /* data for this instantiation */
  address_item *addr,             /* address we are working on */
  struct passwd *pw,              /* passwd entry after check_local_user */
  int verify,                     /* v_none/v_recipient/v_sender/v_expn */
  address_item **addr_local,      /* add it to this if it's local */
  address_item **addr_remote,     /* add it to this if it's remote */
  address_item **addr_new,        /* put new addresses on here */
  address_item **addr_succeed)    /* put old address here on success */
host_item h;
int rc;
int widen_sep = 0;
int whichrrs = HOST_FIND_BY_MX | HOST_FIND_BY_A;
dnslookup_router_options_block *ob =
  (dnslookup_router_options_block *)(rblock->options_block);
uschar *srv_service = NULL;
uschar *widen = NULL;
uschar *pre_widen = addr->domain;
uschar *post_widen = NULL;
uschar *fully_qualified_name;
uschar *listptr;
uschar widen_buffer[256];

addr_new = addr_new;          /* Keep picky compilers happy */
addr_succeed = addr_succeed;

  debug_printf("%s router called for %s\n  domain = %s\n",
    rblock->name, addr->address, addr->domain);

/* If an SRV check is required, expand the service name */

if (ob->check_srv != NULL)
  srv_service = expand_string(ob->check_srv);
  if (srv_service == NULL && !expand_string_forcedfail)
    addr->message = string_sprintf("%s router: failed to expand \"%s\": %s",
      rblock->name, ob->check_srv, expand_string_message);
    return DEFER;
  else whichrrs |= HOST_FIND_BY_SRV;

/* Set up the first of any widening domains. The code further down copes with
either pre- or post-widening, but at present there is no way to turn on
pre-widening, as actually doing so seems like a rather bad idea, and nobody has
requested it. Pre-widening would cause local abbreviated names to take
precedence over global names. For example, if the domain is "xxx.ch" it might
be something in the "ch" toplevel domain, but it also might be xxx.ch.xyz.com.
The choice of pre- or post-widening affects which takes precedence. If ever
somebody comes up with some kind of requirement for pre-widening, presumably
with some conditions under which it is done, it can be selected here.

The rewrite_headers option works only when routing an address at transport
time, because the alterations to the headers are not persistent so must be
worked out immediately before they are used. Sender addresses are routed for
verification purposes, but never at transport time, so any header changes that
you might expect as a result of sender domain widening do not occur. Therefore
we do not perform widening when verifying sender addresses; however, widening
sender addresses is OK if we do not have to rewrite the headers. A corollary
of this is that if the current address is not the original address, then it
does not appear in the message header so it is also OK to widen. The
suppression of widening for sender addresses is silent because it is the
normal desirable behaviour. */

if (ob->widen_domains != NULL &&
    (verify != v_sender || !ob->rewrite_headers || addr->parent != NULL))
  listptr = ob->widen_domains;
  widen = string_nextinlist(&listptr, &widen_sep, widen_buffer,

  if (some condition requiring pre-widening)
    post_widen = pre_widen;
    pre_widen = NULL;

/* Loop to cope with explicit widening of domains as configured. This code
copes with widening that may happen before or after the original name. The
decision as to which is taken above. */

for (;;)
  int flags = whichrrs;
  BOOL removed = FALSE;

  if (pre_widen != NULL)
    h.name = pre_widen;
    pre_widen = NULL;
  else if (widen != NULL)
    h.name = string_sprintf("%s.%s", addr->domain, widen);
    widen = string_nextinlist(&listptr, &widen_sep, widen_buffer,
    DEBUG(D_route) debug_printf("%s router widened %s to %s\n", rblock->name,
      addr->domain, h.name);
  else if (post_widen != NULL)
    h.name = post_widen;
    post_widen = NULL;
    DEBUG(D_route) debug_printf("%s router trying %s after widening failed\n",
      rblock->name, h.name);
  else return DECLINE;

  /* Set up the rest of the initial host item. Others may get chained on if
  there is more than one IP address. We set it up here instead of outside the
  loop so as to re-initialize if a previous try succeeded but was rejected
  because of not having an MX record. */

  h.next = NULL;
  h.address = NULL;
  h.port = PORT_NONE;
  h.mx = MX_NONE;
  h.status = hstatus_unknown;
  h.why = hwhy_unknown;
  h.last_try = 0;

  /* Unfortunately, we cannot set the mx_only option in advance, because the
  DNS lookup may extend an unqualified name. Therefore, we must do the test
  subsequently. We use the same logic as that for widen_domains above to avoid
  requesting a header rewrite that cannot work. */

  if (verify != v_sender || !ob->rewrite_headers || addr->parent != NULL)
    if (ob->qualify_single) flags |= HOST_FIND_QUALIFY_SINGLE;
    if (ob->search_parents) flags |= HOST_FIND_SEARCH_PARENTS;

  rc = host_find_bydns(&h, rblock->ignore_target_hosts, flags, srv_service,
    ob->srv_fail_domains, ob->mx_fail_domains, &fully_qualified_name, &removed);
  if (removed) setflag(addr, af_local_host_removed);

  /* If host found with only address records, test for the domain's being in
  the mx_domains list. Note that this applies also to SRV records; the name of
  the option is historical. */

  if ((rc == HOST_FOUND || rc == HOST_FOUND_LOCAL) && h.mx < 0 &&
       ob->mx_domains != NULL)
    switch(match_isinlist(fully_qualified_name, &(ob->mx_domains), 0,
          &domainlist_anchor, addr->domain_cache, MCL_DOMAIN, TRUE, NULL))
      case DEFER:
      addr->message = US"lookup defer for mx_domains";
      return DEFER;

      case OK:
      DEBUG(D_route) debug_printf("%s router rejected %s: no MX record(s)\n",
        rblock->name, fully_qualified_name);

  /* Deferral returns forthwith, and anything other than failure breaks the
  loop. */

  if (rc == HOST_FIND_AGAIN)
    if (rblock->pass_on_timeout)
      DEBUG(D_route) debug_printf("%s router timed out, and pass_on_timeout is set\n",
      return PASS;
    addr->message = US"host lookup did not complete";
    return DEFER;

  if (rc != HOST_FIND_FAILED) break;

  /* Check to see if the failure is the result of MX records pointing to
  non-existent domains, and if so, set an appropriate error message; the case
  of an MX or SRV record pointing to "." is another special case that we can
  detect. Otherwise "unknown mail domain" is used, which is confusing. Also, in
  this case don't do the widening. We need check only the first host to see if
  its MX has been filled in, but there is no address, because if there were any
  usable addresses returned, we would not have had HOST_FIND_FAILED.

  As a common cause of this problem is MX records with IP addresses on the
  RHS, give a special message in this case. */

  if (h.mx >= 0 && h.address == NULL)
    setflag(addr, af_pass_message);   /* This is not a security risk */
    if (h.name[0] == 0)
      addr->message = US"an MX or SRV record indicated no SMTP service";
      addr->message = US"all relevant MX records point to non-existent hosts";
      if (!allow_mx_to_ip && string_is_ip_address(h.name, NULL) != 0)
        addr->user_message =
          string_sprintf("It appears that the DNS operator for %s\n"
            "has installed an invalid MX record with an IP address\n"
            "instead of a domain name on the right hand side.", addr->domain);
        addr->message = string_sprintf("%s or (invalidly) to IP addresses",
    return DECLINE;

  /* If there's a syntax error, do not continue with any widening, and note
  the error. */

  if (host_find_failed_syntax)
    addr->message = string_sprintf("mail domain \"%s\" is syntactically "
      "invalid", h.name);
    return DECLINE;

/* If the original domain name has been changed as a result of the host lookup,
set up a child address for rerouting and request header rewrites if so
configured. Then yield REROUTED. However, if the only change is a change of
case in the domain name, which some resolvers yield (others don't), just change
the domain name in the original address so that the official version is used in
RCPT commands. */

if (Ustrcmp(addr->domain, fully_qualified_name) != 0)
  if (strcmpic(addr->domain, fully_qualified_name) == 0)
    uschar *at = Ustrrchr(addr->address, '@');
    memcpy(at+1, fully_qualified_name, Ustrlen(at+1));
    rf_change_domain(addr, fully_qualified_name, ob->rewrite_headers, addr_new);
    return REROUTED;

/* If the yield is HOST_FOUND_LOCAL, the remote domain name either found MX
records with the lowest numbered one pointing to a host with an IP address that
is set on one of the interfaces of this machine, or found A records or got
addresses from gethostbyname() that contain one for this machine. This can
happen quite legitimately if the original name was a shortened form of a
domain, but we will have picked that up already via the name change test above.

Otherwise, the action to be taken can be configured by the self option, the
handling of which is in a separate function, as it is also required for other
routers. */

  rc = rf_self_action(addr, &h, rblock->self_code, rblock->self_rewrite,
    rblock->self, addr_new);
  if (rc != OK) return rc;

/* Otherwise, insist on being a secondary MX if so configured */

else if (ob->check_secondary_mx && !testflag(addr, af_local_host_removed))
  DEBUG(D_route) debug_printf("check_secondary_mx set and local host not secondary\n");
  return DECLINE;

/* Set up the errors address, if any. */

rc = rf_get_errors_address(addr, rblock, verify, &(addr->p.errors_address));
if (rc != OK) return rc;

/* Set up the additional and removeable headers for this address. */

rc = rf_get_munge_headers(addr, rblock, &(addr->p.extra_headers),
if (rc != OK) return rc;

/* Get store in which to preserve the original host item, chained on
to the address. */

addr->host_list = store_get(sizeof(host_item));
addr->host_list[0] = h;

/* Fill in the transport and queue the address for delivery. */

if (!rf_get_transport(rblock->transport_name, &(rblock->transport),
      addr, rblock->name, NULL))
  return DEFER;

addr->transport = rblock->transport;

return rf_queue_add(addr, addr_local, addr_remote, rblock, pw)?
Пример #3
  router_instance *rblock,        /* data for this instantiation */
  address_item *addr,             /* address we are working on */
  struct passwd *pw,              /* passwd entry after check_local_user */
  int verify,                     /* v_none/v_recipient/v_sender/v_expn */
  address_item **addr_local,      /* add it to this if it's local */
  address_item **addr_remote,     /* add it to this if it's remote */
  address_item **addr_new,        /* put new addresses on here */
  address_item **addr_succeed)    /* put old address here on success */
ipliteral_router_options_block *ob =
  (ipliteral_router_options_block *)(rblock->options_block);
host_item *h;
const uschar *domain = addr->domain;
const uschar *ip;
int len = Ustrlen(domain);
int rc, ipv;

addr_new = addr_new;         /* Keep picky compilers happy */
addr_succeed = addr_succeed;

DEBUG(D_route) debug_printf("%s router called for %s: domain = %s\n",
  rblock->name, addr->address, addr->domain);

/* Check that the domain is an IP address enclosed in square brackets. Remember
to allow for the "official" form of IPv6 addresses. If not, the router
declines. Otherwise route to the single IP address, setting the host name to
"(unnamed)". */

if (domain[0] != '[' || domain[len-1] != ']') return DECLINE;
ip = string_copyn(domain+1, len-2);
if (strncmpic(ip, US"IPV6:", 5) == 0 || strncmpic(ip, US"IPV4:", 5) == 0)
  ip += 5;

ipv = string_is_ip_address(ip, NULL);
if (ipv == 0 || (disable_ipv6 && ipv == 6))
  return DECLINE;

/* It seems unlikely that ignore_target_hosts will be used with this router,
but if it is set, it should probably work. */

if (verify_check_this_host(CUSS&rblock->ignore_target_hosts,
       	NULL, domain, ip, NULL) == OK)
      debug_printf("%s is in ignore_target_hosts\n", ip);
  addr->message = US"IP literal host explicitly ignored";
  return DECLINE;

/* Set up a host item */

h = store_get(sizeof(host_item));

h->next = NULL;
h->address = string_copy(ip);
h->port = PORT_NONE;
h->name = domain;
h->mx = MX_NONE;
h->status = hstatus_unknown;
h->why = hwhy_unknown;
h->last_try = 0;

/* Determine whether the host is the local host, and if so, take action
according to the configuration. */

if (host_scan_for_local_hosts(h, &h, NULL) == HOST_FOUND_LOCAL)
  int rc = rf_self_action(addr, h, rblock->self_code, rblock->self_rewrite,
    rblock->self, addr_new);
  if (rc != OK) return rc;

/* Address is routed to this host */

addr->host_list = h;

/* Set up the errors address, if any. */

rc = rf_get_errors_address(addr, rblock, verify, &addr->prop.errors_address);
if (rc != OK) return rc;

/* Set up the additional and removable headers for this address. */

rc = rf_get_munge_headers(addr, rblock, &addr->prop.extra_headers,
if (rc != OK) return rc;

/* Fill in the transport, queue the address for local or remote delivery, and
yield success. For local delivery, of course, the IP address won't be used. If
just verifying, there need not be a transport, in which case it doesn't matter
which queue we put the address on. This is all now handled by the route_queue()
function. */

if (!rf_get_transport(rblock->transport_name, &(rblock->transport),
      addr, rblock->name, NULL))
  return DEFER;

addr->transport = rblock->transport;

return rf_queue_add(addr, addr_local, addr_remote, rblock, pw)?