Пример #1
Eigen::Vector3d unit_normal(double theta, double phi) {
  Eigen::Vector3d rhat(

  return rhat;
 * The problem with this is that it doesn't really know if it's already performed turnaround,
 * and has no hysteresis, so it ends up wobbling its ass a lot, decelerating much more slowly
 * than it should be able to, and overshooting the target.
 * Also for reasons I can't figure out, it only accelerates for about the first third of the trajectory,
 * instead of until halfway as it should.
void SimpleShipMovementController::step(RocketShip& ship, point2 target) {
    // Angular tolerance within which directions are considered equivalent.
    const plane_angle direction_slop = ship.side_thruster_acceleration() * pow<2>(0.25*seconds);


    vec2<length> r = target - ship.position();
    unit_vec2 rhat(r);
    vec2<velocity> dr = ship.velocity();
    acceleration dv = ship.main_thruster_acceleration();

    // Not sure WTF these expressions mean physically, but it's the result of hours of screwing around and seems to produce nice results.
    unit_vec2 thrust_direction_towards(rhat*fudge_direction_ratio_ - dr.rejection(r)*((1-fudge_direction_ratio_)*second/meter));
    unit_vec2 thrust_direction_away(-rhat*fudge_direction_ratio_ - dr.rejection(r)*((1-fudge_direction_ratio_)*second/meter));

    time_interval time_to_target = r.magnitude() / dr.scalar_projection(r);
    time_interval time_to_stop = dr.scalar_projection(r) / dv;

    //plane_angle turnaround_delta_a = angle_difference(thrust_direction_away.angle(), ship.heading() + M_PI*radians);
    //time_interval maximum_turnaround_time = .75*seconds; // FIXME: pull this number from somewhere other than my ass
    //time_to_stop -= maximum_turnaround_time*(fabs(turnaround_delta_a) / (M_PI*radians)); // is this really linear wrt delta_a?
    if(fabs(turnaround_delta_a) > direction_slop) {
        time_to_stop -= maximum_turnaround_time*(fabs(turnaround_delta_a) / (M_PI*radians));

    unit_vec2 thrust_direction(0,0);
    if(time_to_target < 0*seconds || time_to_stop < time_to_target) {
        // Before turnaround - thrust towards the target.
        thrust_direction = thrust_direction_towards;
    } else {
        // After turnaround - thrust away from the target.
        thrust_direction = thrust_direction_away;
    point_at(ship, thrust_direction);
    // Thrust if heading within tolerance
    if(fabs(angle_difference(thrust_direction.angle(), ship.heading())) < direction_slop) {
    // Finally,
Пример #3
void main(void)
	// indices for nodes in the scene
	static const int TARGET_GEOM_INDEX = 1;
	static const int HAND_GEOM_INDEX = 4;
	static const int OBJECT_GEOM_INDEX = 13;

	enum StateMachine

	StateMachine stateMachine = Default;

	// connect to mujoco server.

	double lTarget = 0.0;
	double rTarget = 0.0;

	// load hand model.
	if (mjIsConnected())
		Sleep(1000);  // wait till the load is complete

	if (mjIsConnected() && mjIsModel())

		// size containts model dimensions.
		mjSize size = mjGetSize();

		// number of arm degress of freedom (DOFs) and controls
		// (does not include target object degrees of freedom)
		int dimtheta = size.nu;

		// identity matrix (useful for implementing Jacobian pseudoinverse methods).
		Matrix I(dimtheta, dimtheta);

		// Zero Reference vector.
		Vector ZeroVector(dimtheta);

		// target arm DOFs.
		Vector thetahat(dimtheta);		thetahat.setConstant(0.0);

		for (;;) // run simulation forever
			// simulation advance substep.

			mjState state = mjGetState();

			// current arm degrees of freedom.
			Vector theta(dimtheta);

			// state.qpos contains DOFs for the whole system. Here extract
			// only DOFs for the arm into theta.
			for (int e = 0; e<dimtheta; e++)
				theta[e] = state.qpos[e];

			mjCartesian geoms = mjGetGeoms();

			// current hand/gripper position.
			Vector x(3, geoms.pos + 3 * HAND_GEOM_INDEX);

			// Target blue object position - which has the object to pickup
			Vector xhatObject(3, geoms.pos + 3 * OBJECT_GEOM_INDEX);

			// Target Green marker position.
			Vector xhat(3, geoms.pos + 3 * TARGET_GEOM_INDEX);

			// current hand/gripper orientation
			Quat r(geoms.quat + 4 * HAND_GEOM_INDEX);

			// Blue Object orientation
			Quat rhatObject(geoms.quat + 4 * OBJECT_GEOM_INDEX);

			// Create a quartenion which represents a rotation by 90 degrees around X-axis.
			Quat Rotation90(0.4, rhatObject[1] * 0.707, 0, 0);

			// Except when the state machine is in the last stage of taking the object towards the target marker,
			// mask the orientation of the BLUE object to be perpendicular to its actual orientation,
			// rotate around X-axis, by 90 degrees.
			if (stateMachine != MoveTowardsTarget)
				rhatObject = Rotation90 * rhatObject;

			// Target Green Marker orientation.
			Quat rhat(geoms.quat + 4 * TARGET_GEOM_INDEX);

			mjJacobian jacobians = mjJacGeom(HAND_GEOM_INDEX);

			// current hand position Jacobian.
			Matrix Jpos(3, jacobians.nv, jacobians.jacpos);

			// current hand orientation Jacobian.
			Matrix Jrot(3, jacobians.nv, jacobians.jacrot);

			// extract only columns of the Jacobian that relate to arm DOFs
			Jpos = Jpos.getBlock(0, 3, 0, dimtheta);
			Jrot = Jrot.getBlock(0, 3, 0, dimtheta);

			// -- your code goes here --
			// set thetahat through Jacobian control methods here
			// for part 4 of assignment, you may need to call setGrip(amount, thetahat) here
			// thetahat should be filled by this point

			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Homework Part 4
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Step 1 - Align perpendicular to Capsule/Object orientation. Pseudo Inverse Method - Explicit Optimization Criterion, for orientation control
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Step 2 - Move towards the BLUE object, with combined position and orientation control. Pseudo Inverse Method - Explicit Optimization Criterion, for orientation control
			//			Orientation control remains perpendicular w.r.t BLUE object orientation.
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Step 3 - When close enough to the BLUE object, open claws/set grip and continue combined position and orientation control. Pseudo Inverse Method - Explicit Optimization Criterion, for orientation control
			//			Orientation control remains perpendicular w.r.t BLUE object orientation.
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Step 4 - Close grip, wait till closed to enough extent, based on the target close setting of -0.4
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Step 5 - Take object, manouvre combined position and orientation control to move towards target GREEN marker.
			//			Orientation control such that BLUE object is oriented w.r.t GREEN marker.
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			Vector rdelta;
			rdelta = quatdiff(r, rhatObject);

			switch (stateMachine)
				case Default:
					stateMachine = AlignPerpendicularToObject;

			// If aligned perpendicularly is complete (which means rdelta[0] == 0), proceed to next state, ApproachingObject.
			if (rdelta[0] == 0.0 && stateMachine == AlignPerpendicularToObject)
				stateMachine = ApproachingObject;
			else if (stateMachine == AlignPerpendicularToObject)
				// Continue with orientation control to complete step 1
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				// Step 1 - Align perpendicular to Capsule/Object orientation. Pseudo Inverse Method - Explicit Optimization Criterion, for orientation control
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				Matrix Jrottransponse = Jrot.transpose();
				float alpha2 = 0.01;
				Matrix JHash = Jrottransponse * ((Jrot * Jrottransponse).inverse());
				Matrix JHashJ = JHash * Jrot;
				Matrix Intermediate1 = I - JHashJ;
				Vector Intermediate2 = ZeroVector - theta;
				Vector RightTerm = Intermediate1 * Intermediate2;
				Vector LeftTerm = (JHash * rdelta) * alpha2;
				Vector deltaTheta = LeftTerm + RightTerm;
				thetahat = deltaTheta + theta;
			else if (stateMachine == ApproachingObject)
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				// Step 2 - Move towards the BLUE object, with combined position and orientation control. Pseudo Inverse Method - Explicit Optimization Criterion, for orientation control
				//			Orientation control remains perpendicular w.r.t BLUE object orientation.
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				Vector rDelta = quatdiff(r, rhatObject);
				Vector xdelta = xhatObject - x;
				// This threshold/constant is based on the size of the blue object
				// and the size of the claws/fingers
				// When close enough to the object, open the claws/gripper to grip the object.
				if (xdelta[0] < 0.11)
					stateMachine = OpenGrip;
					Vector ConcatenatedXRDelta(xdelta.getSize() + rDelta.getSize());
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[0] = xdelta[0];
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[1] = xdelta[1];
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[2] = xdelta[2];
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[3] = rDelta[0];
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[4] = rDelta[1];
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[5] = rDelta[2];
					assert(Jrot.getNumCols() == Jpos.getNumCols());
					assert(Jrot.getNumRows() == Jpos.getNumRows());
					Matrix ConcatenatedJacobMatrix(Jpos.getNumRows() + Jrot.getNumRows(), Jpos.getNumCols());

					int i = 0, j = 0;
					for (i = 0; i < Jpos.getNumRows(); i++)
						ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.setRow(i, Jpos.getRow(i));

					assert(i == Jpos.getNumRows());

					for (j = 0; j < Jrot.getNumRows(); j++)
						ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.setRow(i + j, Jrot.getRow(j));

					assert(j == Jrot.getNumRows());
					Matrix JConcatTranspose = ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.transpose();
					float alpha5 = 0.006;
					Matrix JHash = JConcatTranspose * ((ConcatenatedJacobMatrix * JConcatTranspose).inverse());
					Matrix JHashJ = JHash * ConcatenatedJacobMatrix;
					Matrix Intermediate1 = I - JHashJ;
					Vector Intermediate2 = ZeroVector - theta;
					Vector RightTerm = Intermediate1 * Intermediate2;
					Vector LeftTerm = (JHash * ConcatenatedXRDelta) * alpha5;
					Vector deltaTheta = LeftTerm + RightTerm;
					thetahat = deltaTheta + theta;
			else if (stateMachine == MoveTowardsTarget)
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				// Step 5 - Take object, manouvre combined position and orientation control to move towards target GREEN marker.
				//			Orientation control such that BLUE object is oriented w.r.t GREEN marker.
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				Vector rDelta = quatdiff(rhatObject, rhat);
				Vector xdelta = xhat - xhatObject;

				Vector ConcatenatedXRDelta(xdelta.getSize() + rDelta.getSize());
				ConcatenatedXRDelta[0] = xdelta[0];
				ConcatenatedXRDelta[1] = xdelta[1];
				ConcatenatedXRDelta[2] = xdelta[2];
				ConcatenatedXRDelta[3] = rDelta[0];
				ConcatenatedXRDelta[4] = rDelta[1];
				ConcatenatedXRDelta[5] = rDelta[2];
				assert(Jrot.getNumCols() == Jpos.getNumCols());
				assert(Jrot.getNumRows() == Jpos.getNumRows());
				Matrix ConcatenatedJacobMatrix(Jpos.getNumRows() + Jrot.getNumRows(), Jpos.getNumCols());

				int i = 0, j = 0;
				for (i = 0; i < Jpos.getNumRows(); i++)
					ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.setRow(i, Jpos.getRow(i));

				assert(i == Jpos.getNumRows());

				for (j = 0; j < Jrot.getNumRows(); j++)
					ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.setRow(i + j, Jrot.getRow(j));

				assert(j == Jrot.getNumRows());
				Matrix JConcatTranspose = ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.transpose();
				float alpha5 = 0.001;
				Matrix JHash = JConcatTranspose * ((ConcatenatedJacobMatrix * JConcatTranspose).inverse());
				Matrix JHashJ = JHash * ConcatenatedJacobMatrix;
				Matrix Intermediate1 = I - JHashJ;
				Vector Intermediate2 = ZeroVector - theta;
				Vector RightTerm = Intermediate1 * Intermediate2;
				Vector LeftTerm = (JHash * ConcatenatedXRDelta) * alpha5;
				Vector deltaTheta = LeftTerm + RightTerm;
				thetahat = deltaTheta + theta;
			else if (stateMachine == OpenGrip)
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				// Step 3 - When close enough to the BLUE object, open claws/set grip and continue combined position and orientation control. Pseudo Inverse Method - Explicit Optimization Criterion, for orientation control
				//			Orientation control remains perpendicular w.r.t BLUE object orientation.
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

				Vector rDelta = quatdiff(r, rhatObject);
				Vector xdelta = xhatObject - x;

				// This threshold/constant is based on the size of the blue object
				// and the size of the claws/fingers
				if (xdelta[0] < 0.036)
					stateMachine = CloseGrip;
					Vector ConcatenatedXRDelta(xdelta.getSize() + rDelta.getSize());
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[0] = xdelta[0];
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[1] = xdelta[1];
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[2] = xdelta[2];
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[3] = rDelta[0];
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[4] = rDelta[1];
					ConcatenatedXRDelta[5] = rDelta[2];
					assert(Jrot.getNumCols() == Jpos.getNumCols());
					assert(Jrot.getNumRows() == Jpos.getNumRows());
					Matrix ConcatenatedJacobMatrix(Jpos.getNumRows() + Jrot.getNumRows(), Jpos.getNumCols());

					int i = 0, j = 0;
					for (i = 0; i < Jpos.getNumRows(); i++)
						ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.setRow(i, Jpos.getRow(i));

					assert(i == Jpos.getNumRows());

					for (j = 0; j < Jrot.getNumRows(); j++)
						ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.setRow(i + j, Jrot.getRow(j));

					assert(j == Jrot.getNumRows());
					Matrix JConcatTranspose = ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.transpose();
					float alpha5 = 0.00004;
					Matrix JHash = JConcatTranspose * ((ConcatenatedJacobMatrix * JConcatTranspose).inverse());
					Matrix JHashJ = JHash * ConcatenatedJacobMatrix;
					Matrix Intermediate1 = I - JHashJ;
					Vector Intermediate2 = ZeroVector - theta;
					Vector RightTerm = Intermediate1 * Intermediate2;
					Vector LeftTerm = (JHash * ConcatenatedXRDelta) * alpha5;
					Vector deltaTheta = LeftTerm + RightTerm;
					thetahat = deltaTheta + theta;

			if (stateMachine == OpenGrip)
				// Open the claws of the gripper to be able to encapsulate the object/capsule.
				setGrip(1, thetahat);
			else if (stateMachine == CloseGrip)
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				// Step 4 - Close grip, wait till closed to enough extent, based on the target close setting of -0.4
				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				// Close the grip to the extent of -0.4 as gripAmount.This number was arrived at
				// as a function of the sizes of the capsule and the claw dimensions.
				lTarget = 0.4;
				rTarget = -0.4;
				setGrip(-0.4, thetahat);
				stateMachine = ClosingGrip;
			else if (stateMachine == ClosingGrip)
				// If the grip is almost close to the target values (lTarget, rTarget) at this point,
				// Proceed with the next step - Moving towards the target.
				// Else, proceed with ClosingGrip state.
				if (abs(theta[7] - lTarget) < 0.01 && abs(rTarget - theta[8]) < 0.01)
					stateMachine = MoveTowardsTarget;

			// set target DOFs to thetahat and advance simulation.
			mjSetControl(dimtheta, thetahat);

Пример #4
Matrix<double> sparse_bicgstab(SpMatrix* A, Matrix<double> b, Matrix<double> xold, double tol, int maxiter)
// Solves general linear system Ax=b using stabilized biconjugate gradient method of van der Vorst
	Matrix<double> rold(b.rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> r(b.rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> rhat(b.rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> t(b.rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> vold(b.rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> v(b.rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> pold(b.rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> p(b.rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> s(b.rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> errdiff(b.rows(), 1);
	Matrix<double> x(b.rows(), 1);
	double rhoold, rho, wold, w, alpha, beta;
	double error, initres;

	A->multiply(xold, &t);		// t = A*xold, initially (t is only a temp variable here)
	rold = b - t;
	initres = error = rold.l2norm();
	int steps = 0;
	int i;

	vold.zeros(); pold.zeros();

	rhat = rold;

	rhoold = alpha = wold = 1.0;

	while(error > tol && steps <= maxiter)
		if(steps % 10 == 0 || steps == 1)
			cout << "sparse_bicgstab(): Iteration " << steps << ": relative error = " << error << endl;

		rho = rhat.dot_product(rold);
		beta = rho*alpha/(rhoold*wold);

		for(i = 0; i < b.rows(); i++)
			p(i) = rold.get(i) + beta * (pold.get(i) - wold*vold.get(i));

		A->multiply(p, &v);			// v = A*p
		alpha = rho / rhat.dot_product(v);

		for(i = 0; i < b.rows(); i++)
			s(i) = rold.get(i) - alpha*v.get(i);

		if(s.dabsmax() < tol*tol)
			x = xold + p*alpha;

		A->multiply(s, &t);			// t = A*s

		w = t.dot_product(s)/t.dot_product(t);

		for(i = 0; i < b.rows(); i++)
			x(i) = xold.get(i) + alpha*p.get(i) + w*s.get(i);
			error += (x.get(i) - xold.get(i)) * (x.get(i)-xold.get(i));

		error = sqrt(error);

		for(i = 0; i < b.rows(); i++)
			r(i) = s.get(i) - w*t.get(i);

		for(i = 0; i < b.rows(); i++)
			xold(i) = x.get(i);
			rold(i) = r.get(i);
			vold(i) = v.get(i);
			pold(i) = p.get(i);
		rhoold = rho;
		wold = w;

	cout << "sparse_bicgstab(): Done. Iterations: " << steps << ", final relative error: " << error << endl;

	return x;
Пример #5
void PrBiCGStab::solve(const PrMatrix& A, PrVec& x, const PrVec& b)
  double time0 = Go::getCurrentTime();
  double tol = tolerance_ * tolerance_;

  int n = x.size();
  int j;

  PrVec r(n);
  //r = b - Ax
  for(j=0; j<n; j++) r(j) = b(j) - r(j);

  if(r.inner(r) < tol)
    it_count_ = 0;
    cpu_time_ = 0.0;
    converged_ = true;

  PrVec rhat(n);
  for(j=0; j<n; j++) rhat(j) = r(j);
  double rho0 = 1.0, alpha = 1.0, omega0 = 1.0;

  double rho1,omega1,beta;
  PrVec s(n);
  PrVec t(n);

  // All these must be set to zero. Changed PrVec so it actually happens!
  PrVec v0(n);
  PrVec v1(n);
  PrVec p0(n);
  PrVec p1(n);
  double snorm;

  for(int i=1; i<= max_iterations_; i++)
    //s_o << "i = " << i << endl;

    rho1 = rhat.inner(r);
    beta = (rho1 / rho0) * (alpha / omega0);

    //p1 = r + beta * (p0 - omega0 * v0)
    for(j=0; j<n; j++) p1(j) = r(j) + beta * (p0(j) - omega0 * v0(j));

    //v1 = A * p1

    alpha = rho1 / rhat.inner(v1);

    //s = r - alpha * v1
    for(j=0; j<n; j++) s(j) = r(j) - alpha * v1(j);

    snorm = s.inner(s);
    //s_o << "snorm = " << snorm << endl;

    if(snorm < tol)
      //x = x + alpha * p1
      for(j=0; j<n; j++) x(j) += alpha * p1(j);

      it_count_ = i;
      cpu_time_ = Go::getCurrentTime() - time0;
      converged_ = true;

    //t = A * s

    omega1 = t.inner(s) / t.inner(t);

    //x = x + alpha * p1 + omega1 * s
    for(j=0; j<n; j++) x(j) += alpha * p1(j) + omega1 * s(j);

    //r = s - omega1 * t
    for(j=0; j<n; j++) r(j) = s(j) - omega1 * t(j);

    rho0 = rho1;
    omega0 = omega1;

    //v0 = v1
    for(j=0; j<n; j++) v0(j) = v1(j);
    //p0 = p1
    for(j=0; j<n; j++) p0(j) = p1(j);

  it_count_ = max_iterations_;
  cpu_time_ = Go::getCurrentTime() - time0;
  converged_ = false;

Пример #6
void main3(void)
	// indices for nodes in the scene
	static const int TARGET_GEOM_INDEX = 1;
	static const int HAND_GEOM_INDEX = 4;
	static const int OBJECT_GEOM_INDEX = 13;

	// connect to mujoco server.

	double lTarget = 0.0;
	double rTarget = 0.0;

	// load hand model.
	if (mjIsConnected())
		Sleep(1000);  // wait till the load is complete

	if (mjIsConnected() && mjIsModel())

		// size containts model dimensions.
		mjSize size = mjGetSize();

		// number of arm degress of freedom (DOFs) and controls
		// (does not include target object degrees of freedom)
		int dimtheta = size.nu;

		// identity matrix (useful for implementing Jacobian pseudoinverse methods).
		Matrix I(dimtheta, dimtheta);

		// Zero Reference vector.
		Vector ZeroVector(dimtheta);

		// target arm DOFs.
		Vector thetahat(dimtheta);		thetahat.setConstant(0.0);

		for (;;) // run simulation forever
			// simulation advance substep.

			mjState state = mjGetState();

			// current arm degrees of freedom.
			Vector theta(dimtheta);

			// state.qpos contains DOFs for the whole system. Here extract
			// only DOFs for the arm into theta.
			for (int e = 0; e<dimtheta; e++)
				theta[e] = state.qpos[e];

			mjCartesian geoms = mjGetGeoms();

			// current hand/gripper position.
			Vector x(3, geoms.pos + 3 * HAND_GEOM_INDEX);

			// Target blue object position - which has the object to pickup
			Vector xhatObject(3, geoms.pos + 3 * OBJECT_GEOM_INDEX);

			// Target Green marker position.
			Vector xhat(3, geoms.pos + 3 * TARGET_GEOM_INDEX);

			// current hand/gripper orientation
			Quat r(geoms.quat + 4 * HAND_GEOM_INDEX);

			// Blue Object orientation
			Quat rhatObject(geoms.quat + 4 * OBJECT_GEOM_INDEX);			

			// Target Green Marker orientation.
			Quat rhat(geoms.quat + 4 * TARGET_GEOM_INDEX);

			mjJacobian jacobians = mjJacGeom(HAND_GEOM_INDEX);

			// current hand position Jacobian.
			Matrix Jpos(3, jacobians.nv, jacobians.jacpos);

			// current hand orientation Jacobian.
			Matrix Jrot(3, jacobians.nv, jacobians.jacrot);

			// extract only columns of the Jacobian that relate to arm DOFs
			Jpos = Jpos.getBlock(0, 3, 0, dimtheta);
			Jrot = Jrot.getBlock(0, 3, 0, dimtheta);

			// -- your code goes here --
			// set thetahat through Jacobian control methods here
			// for part 4 of assignment, you may need to call setGrip(amount, thetahat) here
			// thetahat should be filled by this point
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Homework Part 3
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Combined Position and Orientation Control - Common code for concatenating position and orientation variables
			// to be used for all methods.
			// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
			Vector rDelta = quatdiff(r, rhat);
			Vector xdelta = xhat - x;
			Vector ConcatenatedXRDelta(xdelta.getSize() + rDelta.getSize());
			ConcatenatedXRDelta[0] = xdelta[0];
			ConcatenatedXRDelta[1] = xdelta[1];
			ConcatenatedXRDelta[2] = xdelta[2];
			ConcatenatedXRDelta[3] = rDelta[0];
			ConcatenatedXRDelta[4] = rDelta[1];
			ConcatenatedXRDelta[5] = rDelta[2];
			assert(Jrot.getNumCols() == Jpos.getNumCols());
			assert(Jrot.getNumRows() == Jpos.getNumRows());
			Matrix ConcatenatedJacobMatrix(Jpos.getNumRows() + Jrot.getNumRows(), Jpos.getNumCols());

			int i = 0, j = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < Jpos.getNumRows(); i++)
			ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.setRow(i, Jpos.getRow(i));

			assert(i == Jpos.getNumRows());

			for (j = 0; j < Jrot.getNumRows(); j++)
			ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.setRow(i + j, Jrot.getRow(j));

			assert(j == Jrot.getNumRows());

			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Combined Position and Orientation Control - Jacobian Transpose method
			// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
			/*Matrix JConcatTranspose = ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.transpose();
			float alpha3 = 0.1;
			Vector deltatheta = (JConcatTranspose * ConcatenatedXRDelta) * alpha3;
			thetahat = theta + deltatheta;*/

			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Combined Position and Orientation Control - Pseudo Inverse Method - Basic Method (Lecture Slide Page 10)
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			/*Matrix JConcatTranspose = ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.transpose();
			float alpha4 = 0.01;
			Matrix JJConcatTransponseInverse = (ConcatenatedJacobMatrix * JConcatTranspose).inverse();
			Vector deltaTheta = JConcatTranspose * (JJConcatTransponseInverse * ConcatenatedXRDelta);	// Multiplied with xdelta to perform Matrix * vector rather than Matrix * Matrix
			deltaTheta = deltaTheta * alpha4;
			thetahat = deltaTheta + theta;*/

			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			// Combined Position and Orientation Control - Pseudo Inverse Method - Explicit Optimization Criterion (Lecture Slide Page 13)
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			Matrix JConcatTranspose = ConcatenatedJacobMatrix.transpose();
			float alpha5 = 0.01;
			Matrix JHash = JConcatTranspose * ((ConcatenatedJacobMatrix * JConcatTranspose).inverse());
			Matrix JHashJ = JHash * ConcatenatedJacobMatrix;
			Matrix Intermediate1 = I - JHashJ;
			Vector Intermediate2 = ZeroVector - theta;
			Vector RightTerm = Intermediate1 * Intermediate2;
			Vector LeftTerm = (JHash * ConcatenatedXRDelta) * alpha5;
			Vector deltaTheta = LeftTerm + RightTerm;
			thetahat = deltaTheta + theta;

			// set target DOFs to thetahat and advance simulation.
			mjSetControl(dimtheta, thetahat);
