Пример #1
void do_experiment(swp_t&swp, sind_t&sind, rng_t&rng)
  constant_indicator mind(
  relative_indicator_t<sind_t, constant_indicator> rind(sind,mind);

  if (parameters.experiment() == "SWEEP")
  { IndicatorsDisplayController<swp_t,ParamsClass>
    ind_display.installIndicator(rind,"fixation/Moran prob");

//     //   cout << "fixation / Moran probability is " << rind(swp) << endl;
//     for (double rsr = 0.001; rsr <= 1000; rsr *= 1.1/*1.01*/)
//       //   for (swp.room_switch_rate = 1000; swp.room_switch_rate >= 0.001;
//       //        swp.room_switch_rate /= 1.01)
//     { double p_switch = rsr / (1 + rsr);
//       swp.setroom_switch_rate(rsr);
//       ind_display.update(p_switch,swp);
//     }

    for (double mp = 0.01; mp < 1; mp += 0.01)
    { swp.setlattice_move_probability(mp);
  else if (parameters.experiment() == "SAMPLE")
  { cout << "swarming pattern:\n" << canonical(swp);
    double pfix = sind(swp);
    cout << "fixation probability: " << pfix << '\n';
    cout << "Moran probability: " << mind(swp) << '\n';
  else if (parameters.experiment() == "OPTIMIZE")
  { cout << "Moran probability: " << mind(swp) << '\n';
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- space --- */
static int
space(float dim[],          /* first 4 args: arrays of 2 elements */
      float source[],
      float warp1[],
      float warp2[],
      float dec,
      float rndval)
   int    i;
   double pow1, pow2, pow3, pow4, rval, xval, x;
   float  rndseed, bounce[NTAPS][2];
   float  xxx, xlist[2];

   rndseed = (rndval == 0.0) ? 0.3 : rndval;

   pow1 = log((double)warp1[0]) / log(0.5);
   pow2 = log((double)warp1[1]) / log(0.5);
   pow3 = log((double)warp2[0]) / log(0.5);
   pow4 = log((double)warp2[1]) / log(0.5);

   for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      source[i] *= dim[i];
      x = (double)i / 2.0;

      rval = ((double)rind(0.5, &rndseed) + 0.5) / 2.0 + x;
      xval = exp(log(rval) / pow1);
      bounce[i][0] = (float)rval;
      bounce[i][1] = (float)pow(xval, pow2);

      rval = ((double)rind(0.5, &rndseed) + 0.5) / 2.0 + x;
      xval = exp(log(rval) / pow3);
      bounce[i + 4][0] = (float)rval;
      bounce[i + 4][1] = (float)pow(xval, pow4);

      rval = ((double)rind(0.5, &rndseed) + 0.5) / 2.0 + x;
      xval = exp(log(rval) / pow2);
      bounce[i + 2][1] = (float)rval;
      bounce[i + 2][0] = (float)pow(xval, pow1);

      rval = ((double)rind(0.5, &rndseed) + 0.5) / 2.0 + x;
      xval = exp(log(rval) / pow4);
      bounce[i + 6][1] = (float)rval;
      bounce[i + 6][0] = (float)pow(xval, pow3);

      bounce[i + 8][0] = (rind(0.5, &rndseed) + 0.5) / 2.0 + x;
      bounce[i + 10][0] = (rind(0.5, &rndseed) + 0.5) / 2.0 + x;
      bounce[i + 8][1] = bounce[i + 10][1] = 0.0;

      bounce[NTAPS - 1][i] = source[i];

   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      bounce[i][0] *= (0.5 * dim[0]);
      bounce[i][1] *= dim[1];
      bounce[i + 4][0] = (1.0 - bounce[i + 4][0] * 0.5) * dim[0];
      bounce[i + 4][1] *= dim[1];
   for (i = 8; i < 10; i++) {
      bounce[i][0] *= 0.5 * dim[0];
      bounce[i + 2][0] = (1.0 - bounce[i + 2][0] * 0.5) * dim[0];

   xlist[0] = 0.5 * dim[0];
   xlist[1] = 0.0;
   bounce[NTAPS - 1][0] = source[0];
   bounce[NTAPS - 1][1] = source[1];

   xxx = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < NTAPS; i++) {
      float d, s, a;
      specs(source, &bounce[i][0], xlist, dec, &d, &s, &a);
      delay[i] = d;
      sloc[i] = s;
      amp[i] = a * boost(s);
      xxx += amp[i];
   printf(" x-loc   y-loc   delay    sloc     amp\n");
   for (i = 0; i < NTAPS; i++) {
      amp[i] /= xxx;
      delay[i] -= delay[NTAPS - 1];
      printf("%7.2f %7.2f  %6.5f  %6.5f  %6.5f\n",
             bounce[i][0], bounce[i][1], delay[i], sloc[i], amp[i]);

   return 0;
Пример #3
void pio_drq_block_in(struct ata_channel *channel, unsigned int addr_datareg, unsigned int buf_addr, long word_cnt )
	long bcnt;
	int mem_dt_opt;
	unsigned int data_regaddr;
	unsigned int *uip1;
	unsigned int *uip2;
	unsigned char *ucp1;
	unsigned char *ucp2;
    unsigned int reg_addr = channel->pio_reg_addrs[ addr_datareg ];

	// NOTE: word_cnt is the size of a DRQ data block/packet
	// in words. The maximum value of wordCnt is normally:
	// a) For ATA, 16384 words or 32768 bytes (64 sectors,
	//    only with READ/WRITE MULTIPLE commands),
	// b) For ATAPI, 32768 words or 65536 bytes
	//    (actually 65535 bytes plus a pad byte).

	if ( channel->pio_linear )

		// PCMCIA Memory mode data transfer.

		// set Data reg address per pio_memory_dt_opt
		data_regaddr = 0x0;
		mem_dt_opt = channel->pio_memory_dt_opt;
		if ( mem_dt_opt == PIO_MEMORY_DT_OPT8 )
			data_regaddr = 0x8;

		if ( mem_dt_opt == PIO_MEMORY_DT_OPTB )
			data_regaddr = 0x400;

		if (  channel->pio_xfer_width == 8 )
			// PCMCIA Memory mode 8-bit
			bcnt = word_cnt * 2;
			ucp1 = (unsigned char*)channel->pio_linear + data_regaddr;
			for ( ; bcnt > 0; bcnt -- )
				ucp2 = (unsigned char*) buf_addr;
				* ucp2 = * ucp1;
				if ( mem_dt_opt == PIO_MEMORY_DT_OPTB )
					data_regaddr = ( data_regaddr & 0x03ff ) | 0x0400;
					ucp1 = (unsigned char*) channel->pio_linear + data_regaddr;
			// PCMCIA Memory mode 16-bit
			uip1 = (unsigned int*) channel->pio_linear + data_regaddr;
			for ( ; word_cnt > 0; word_cnt -- )
				uip2 = (unsigned int*)buf_addr;
				*uip2 = *uip1;
				buf_addr += 2;
				if ( mem_dt_opt == PIO_MEMORY_DT_OPTB )
					data_regaddr += 2;
					data_regaddr = ( data_regaddr & 0x03fe ) | 0x0400;
					uip1 = (unsigned int*) channel->pio_linear + data_regaddr;
		int pxw;
		long wc;

		// adjust pio_xfer_width - don't use DWORD if wordCnt is odd.

		pxw = channel->pio_xfer_width;
		if ( ( pxw == 32 ) && ( word_cnt & 0x1 ) )
			pxw = 16;

		// Data transfer using INS instruction.
		// Break the transfer into chunks of 32768 or fewer bytes.

		while ( word_cnt > 0 )
			if ( word_cnt > 16384 )
				wc = 16384;
				wc = word_cnt;

			if ( pxw == 8 )
				// do REP INSB
				rinb( reg_addr, buf_addr, wc * 2 );
			else if ( pxw == 32 )
				// do REP INSD
				rind( reg_addr, buf_addr, wc / 2 );
				// do REP INSW
				rinw( reg_addr, buf_addr, wc );
			buf_addr = buf_addr + ( wc * 2 );
			word_cnt = word_cnt - wc;
