Пример #1
void spectrum_wrapper(control *c, timeseries *ts, double *xdata, double *ydata, double *frequency, double *power)
        wrapper func - to calculate periodgram for given time-series 
        also has the options to remove trends from the data and apply
        a window.
    int     i, j, istart;
    double  intercept = 0., abdev = 0., slope = 0.;
    double *ftrx = NULL, *ftix = NULL, *xwk = NULL, *ywk = NULL, scal;
    ftrx = allocate_memory_double(ts->lfreq+1, __LINE__);
    ftix = allocate_memory_double(ts->lfreq+1, __LINE__);
    xwk  = allocate_memory_double(ts->nseg+1,  __LINE__); /* periodgram power */
    ywk  = allocate_memory_double(ts->nseg+1,  __LINE__); /* corresponding frequencies */
    /* scale autospectrum and setup frequency axis */
    scal = 2.0 / ((double)ts->n50 * (double)ts->nseg * ts->df * ts->ofac);
    ts->factor = scal;    /* store for coherency code */
    for (i = 1; i <= ts->n50; i++) {
        /* copy data of i'th segment into workspace */
        istart = (int)((i - 1) * (double)ts->nseg / 2.);
        for (j = 1; j <= ts->nseg; j++) {
            xwk[j] = xdata[istart + j];
              ywk[j] = ydata[istart + j];
        /* detrend the data */
        if (c->DETREND == TRUE) {
            rmtrend(c, ts, ywk, xwk);
        } else if (c->ROBUSTDETREND == TRUE) {
                fitting method that is more sensitive to outliers in 
                the time-series, I guess the way to go? 
            medfit(ts->nseg, ywk, xwk, &intercept, &slope, &abdev);
            /* Subtract the fitted line from the time-series to obtain a linear detrend */
            for (j = 1; j <= ts->nseg; j++) {
                ywk[j] -= (slope * xwk[j]) + intercept;
        /* apply window to data */
        if (c->WINDOW_TYPE != NO_WINDOW) {
            if (c->WINDOW_TYPE == COSINE_TAPER) {
                taper_timeseries(c, ts, ywk);    /* leads to some bizarre results if used in coherency */
            } else {
                window(c, ts, ywk, xwk);
            calculate periodgram 
                - there are two options the original implementation in Scargle paper
                  or the Press et al method. They give identical results.
        if (c->PERIODOGRAM_TYPE == SCARGLE) { 
            ft_uneven_data(xwk, ywk, ftrx, ftix, ts->nfreq, ts->nseg, ts->lfreq, ts->wz);
            /* sum raw spectra */
            for (j = 1; j <= ts->nout; j++) {
                power[j] += ftrx[j] * ftrx[j] + ftix[j] * ftix[j];
        } else if (c->PERIODOGRAM_TYPE == PRESS) {
            period(xwk, ywk, ftrx, ftix, ts->nseg, ts->df, ts->nout);
            /* sum raw spectra */
            for (j = 1; j <= ts->nout; j++) {
                power[j] += ftrx[j] * ftrx[j] + ftix[j] * ftix[j];
        for (j = 1; j <= ts->nseg; j++) {
            xwk[j] = 0.0;
              ywk[j] = 0.0;
    /* rescale periodogram */
        for (i = 1; i <= ts->nout; i++) {
            power[i] *= scal;
            frequency[i] = (i - 1) * ts->df;
    } else if (c->PERIODOGRAM_TYPE == PRESS) {
        for (i = 1; i <= ts->nout; i++) {
            power[i] *= scal;
            /* press algorithm starts at df, rather than 0.0 */
            frequency[i] = i * ts->df;
    /* tidy up */
Пример #2
/* dplR: Returns the spectrum of x(t), a vector of length nfreq.
SEXP spectr(SEXP t, SEXP x, SEXP np, SEXP ww, SEXP tsin, SEXP tcos, SEXP wtau,
	    SEXP nseg, SEXP nfreq, SEXP avgdt, SEXP freq, SEXP n50,
	    SEXP segskip, SEXP lmfit) {
    SEXP gxx, twk, xwk, ftrx, ftix, tmp, cbindcall, lengthfun;
    double dnseg, segskip_val, scal, np_val;
    long double sumx, sqrt_nseg;
    size_t i, j, nseg_val, nfreq_val, n50_val, segstart, ncopy;
    size_t sincos_skip, wtau_skip;
    size_t wwidx = 0;
    double *t_data, *x_data, *ww_data, *tsin_data, *tcos_data, *wtau_data;
    double *gxx_data, *twk_data, *xwk_data, *ftrx_data, *ftix_data, *freq_data;
    const double si = 1.0;
    const double tzero = 0.0;
    const size_t lfreq = 0;

    dnseg = *REAL(nseg);
    nseg_val = (size_t) dnseg;
    nfreq_val = (size_t) *REAL(nfreq);
    np_val = *REAL(np);
    n50_val = (size_t) *REAL(n50);
    segskip_val = *REAL(segskip);
    t_data = REAL(t);
    x_data = REAL(x);
    ww_data = REAL(ww);
    tsin_data = REAL(tsin);
    tcos_data = REAL(tcos);
    wtau_data = REAL(wtau);
    freq_data = REAL(freq);
    PROTECT(gxx = allocVector(REALSXP, nfreq_val));
    PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(twk = allocVector(REALSXP, nseg_val), &pidx);

    /* dplR: cbind(1, twk) needed for lm.fit() in rmtrend().  Another
     * approach would be to use 1. allocMatrix() or to assign
     * dim=c(nseg, 2) on a vector and 2. fill the first column with
     * ones.  The cbind() approach should be compatible with array
     * dimensions greater than 2^31 - 1 if that is allowed in future
     * versions of R.  I don't see that limit becoming a problem,
     * though.*/
    PROTECT(tmp = cbindcall = allocList(3));
    SET_TYPEOF(cbindcall, LANGSXP);
    SETCAR(tmp, install("cbind")); tmp = CDR(tmp);
    SETCAR(tmp, ScalarReal(1.0)); tmp = CDR(tmp);
    SETCAR(tmp, twk);
    REPROTECT(twk = eval(cbindcall, R_BaseEnv), pidx);
    /* dplR: twk_data points to the non-constant column; the constant
     * column will not be altered */
    twk_data = REAL(twk) + nseg_val;

    PROTECT(xwk = allocVector(REALSXP, nseg_val));
    /* dplR: unused halves of ftrx and ftix were removed */
    PROTECT(ftrx = allocVector(REALSXP, nfreq_val));
    PROTECT(ftix = allocVector(REALSXP, nfreq_val));
    gxx_data = REAL(gxx);
    xwk_data = REAL(xwk);
    ftrx_data = REAL(ftrx);
    ftix_data = REAL(ftix);
    sqrt_nseg = sqrtl((long double) dnseg);
    wtau_skip = nfreq_val - 1;
    sincos_skip = wtau_skip * nseg_val;
    for (i = 0; i < nfreq_val; i++) {
	gxx_data[i] = 0.0;
    lengthfun = install("length");
    ncopy = nseg_val * sizeof(double);
    for (i = 0; i < n50_val; i++) {
	/* copy data of i'th segment into workspace */
	segstart = (size_t) segfirst((double) i, segskip_val, np_val, dnseg);
	memcpy(twk_data, t_data + segstart, ncopy);
	memcpy(xwk_data, x_data + segstart, ncopy);
	/* detrend data */
	rmtrend(twk, xwk, lengthfun, lmfit);
        /* apply window to data */
	sumx = 0.0L;
	for (j = 0; j < nseg_val; j++) {
	    xwk_data[j] *= ww_data[wwidx++];
	    sumx += xwk_data[j];
        /* Lomb-Scargle Fourier transform */
	ftfix(xwk_data, twk_data, nseg_val, freq_data, nfreq_val, si,
	      lfreq, tzero, tcos_data, tsin_data, wtau_data,
	      sumx / sqrt_nseg, ftrx_data, ftix_data);
	/* dplR: adjust tsin, tcos, wtau for next segment */
	tsin_data += sincos_skip;
	tcos_data += sincos_skip;
	wtau_data += wtau_skip;
        /* sum raw spectra */
	for (j = 0; j < nfreq_val; j++) {
	    gxx_data[j] += ftrx_data[j] * ftrx_data[j] +
		ftix_data[j] * ftix_data[j];

    /* scale autospectrum */
    scal = 2.0 * *REAL(avgdt) / n50_val;
    for (j = 0; j < nfreq_val; j++) {
	gxx_data[j] *= scal;