Tree balanceLeft(Tree t) { if(t -> left -> bf == LH) { // simple (rotate right) t = rotateRight(t); t -> bf = EH; t -> right -> bf = EH; } else { // double (rotate left and then right) t -> left = rotateLeft(t -> left); t = rotateRight(t); switch(t->bf) { case EH: t -> left -> bf = EH; t -> right -> bf = EH; break; case RH: t -> left -> bf = LH; t -> right -> bf = EH; break; case LH: t -> left -> bf = EH; t -> right -> bf = RH; } t -> bf = EH; } return t; }
void Align::rotatePolar(double angle){ rotateLeft(3*M_PI/2); double seconds = ((angle) * ROBOT_DIAMETER * M_PI) / (2 * M_PI * 3.0 * WHEEL_RAD); seconds = seconds - (9.15*(seconds / 100)); //stop if(seconds < 0.0){; seconds = seconds * -1; }else{; } //sleep until at correct angle ros::Duration(seconds).sleep(); //stop rotating; //ros::Duration(3).sleep(); ready = 1; //ROS_INFO("Rotate Position: %d", position); }
void MyGallery::setupActions() { p->toolbar->addAction(QIcon::fromTheme("object-rotate-left"), tr("Rotate Left"), p->viewer->obj(), SLOT(rotateLeft())); p->toolbar->addAction(QIcon::fromTheme("object-rotate-right"), tr("Rotete Right"), p->viewer->obj(), SLOT(rotateRight())); }
void AVLTree<K, V>::rotateLeftRight(Node * & t) { *_out << __func__ << endl; // Outputs the rotation name (don't remove this) // Implemented for you: rotateLeft(t->left); rotateRight(t); }
void AVLTree<K, V>::insert(Node* & subtree, const K & key, const V & value) { if(subtree == NULL) { subtree = new Node(key, value); return; } if(subtree->key == key) return; if(key < subtree->key) { insert(subtree->left, key, value); } else { insert(subtree->right, key, value); } if(heightOrNeg1(subtree->right) - heightOrNeg1(subtree->left) == 2) { if(subtree->right != NULL) { if(heightOrNeg1(subtree->right->left) > heightOrNeg1(subtree->right->right)) { rotateRightLeft(subtree); } else if (heightOrNeg1(subtree->right->left) < heightOrNeg1(subtree->right->right)) { rotateLeft(subtree); } } } else if(heightOrNeg1(subtree->right) - heightOrNeg1(subtree->left) == -2) { if(subtree->left != NULL) { if(heightOrNeg1(subtree->left->right) > heightOrNeg1(subtree->left->left)) { rotateLeftRight(subtree); } else if(heightOrNeg1(subtree->left->right) < heightOrNeg1(subtree->left->left)) { rotateRight(subtree); } } } subtree->height = calculateSubtreeHeight(subtree); }
void AVLTree<K, V>::rotateRightLeft(Node * & t) { *_out << __func__ << endl; // Outputs the rotation name (don't remove this) // your code here rotateRight(t->right); rotateLeft(t); }
/*Balanceamento da AVL a esquerda*/ AVL balanceLeft(AVL p) { if(p->left->bf==LH) { p=rotateRight(p); p->bf=EH; p->right->bf=EH; } else { p->left=rotateLeft(p->left); p=rotateRight(p); switch(p->bf) { case EH: p->left->bf=EH; p->right->bf=EH; break; case RH: p->right->bf=EH; p->left->bf=LH; break; case LH: p->right->bf=RH; p->left->bf=EH; } p->bf=EH; } return p; }
void MainWindow::initButtomBar() { bottomFrame = new FloatFrame(this); ///set all the button's focous policy to Qt::NoFocous in 'ui' file. contralBar = new ContralBar(bottomFrame); bottomFrame->addWidget(contralBar); QHBoxLayout *hlayout = new QHBoxLayout(bottomFrame); hlayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); ///qframe's layout margis default is not 0. hlayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); hlayout->addWidget(contralBar); bottomFrame->setLayout(hlayout); settingButton = contralBar->settingButton; openButton = contralBar->openButton; preButton = contralBar->preButton; playButton = contralBar->playButton; nextButton = contralBar->nextButton; rotateLeftButton = contralBar->rotateLeftButton; rotateRightButton = contralBar->rotateRightButton; deleteButton = contralBar->deleteButton; connect(settingButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setting())); connect(openButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(openFile())); connect(preButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), viewer, SLOT(prePic())); connect(playButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(switchSlideShow())); connect(nextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), viewer, SLOT(nextPic())); connect(rotateLeftButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), viewer, SLOT(rotateLeft())); connect(rotateRightButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), viewer, SLOT(rotateRight())); connect(deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), viewer, SLOT(deleteFileAsk())); bottomFrame->installEventFilter(this); }
FlightPanel::FlightPanel(QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent), wi(this), timer(this) { up.reset(new QPushButton(QIcon(), QString("up"), this)); down.reset(new QPushButton(QIcon(), QString("down"), this)); left.reset(new QPushButton(QIcon(), QString("left"), this)); right.reset(new QPushButton(QIcon(), QString("right"), this)); up->resize( controlHeight, controlHeight/2.5); down->resize( controlHeight, controlHeight/2.5); left->resize( controlHeight, controlHeight/2.5); right->resize(controlHeight, controlHeight/2.5); QRect rect = QRect(0, 0, this->width(), this->height() - 50); wi.setGeometry(rect); wi.setVisible(true); QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick())); QObject::connect(up.get(), SIGNAL(clicked()), &wi, SLOT(rotateUp())); QObject::connect(down.get(), SIGNAL(clicked()), &wi, SLOT(rotateDown())); QObject::connect(left.get(), SIGNAL(clicked()), &wi, SLOT(rotateLeft())); QObject::connect(right.get(), SIGNAL(clicked()), &wi, SLOT(rotateRight())); timer.setInterval(200); timer.start(); }
void rotate() { if(speed > 10) rotateLeft(MAXSPEED/(speed-10)); else if(speed < 10) rotateRight(MAXSPEED/(10-speed)); }
int MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QMainWindow::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: openFile(); break; case 1: applyChanges(); break; case 2: saveFile(); break; case 3: exit(); break; case 4: effects(); break; case 5: zoom(); break; case 6: resize(); break; case 7: crop(); break; case 8: rotateRight(); break; case 9: rotateLeft(); break; case 10: mirror(); break; case 11: reflection(); break; case 12: grayScale(); break; case 13: xray(); break; case 14: sepia(); break; default: ; } _id -= 15; } return _id; }
void print_permutation(char *wordRa){ static count; char singleWord[2]; char aheadWord[10],currentwordRa[10]; int index,wordRalength,i; wordRalength=strlen(wordRa); if(wordRalength>2){ strcpy(currentwordRa,wordRa); for(i=0;i<wordRalength;i++){ singleWord[0]=currentwordRa[0]; singleWord[1]='\0'; strcat(toBePrinted,singleWord); strcpy(aheadWord,currentwordRa+1); print_permutation(aheadWord); index=strlen(toBePrinted)-1; toBePrinted[index]='\0'; rotateLeft(currentwordRa); } }else { //printf("\n%d)TOBEpTelse=%s",++count,toBePrinted); printf("\n%s",toBePrinted); printf("%s",wordRa); //printf("\n%d)TOBEpTelse=%s",++count,toBePrinted); printf("\n%s",toBePrinted); printf("%c%c",wordRa[1],wordRa[0]); } }
/* void MovieTree::fixUpAdd(Movie*) Description: Private method used to balance the tree after adding a movie. Example: MovieTree tree; tree.addMoviebyTitle("Back to the Future", 1985, 96, 5); Precondition: The ends of the tree are nil. The tree is arranged correctly. Postcondition: The tree will be balanced. */ void MovieTree::fixUpAdd(Movie *x) { x->isRed = true; while (x != root && x->parent->isRed) { if (x->parent == x->parent->parent->left) { Movie *y = x->parent->parent->right; if (y->isRed) { x->parent->isRed = false; y->isRed = false; x->parent->parent->isRed = true; x = x->parent->parent; } else { if (x == x->parent->right) { x = x->parent; rotateLeft(x); } x->parent->isRed = false; x->parent->parent->isRed = true; rotateRight(x->parent->parent); } } else { Movie *y = x->parent->parent->left; if (y->isRed) { x->parent->isRed = false; y->isRed = false; x->parent->parent->isRed = true; x = x->parent->parent; } else { if (x == x->parent->left) { x = x->parent; rotateRight(x); } x->parent->isRed = false; x->parent->parent->isRed = true; rotateLeft(x->parent->parent); } } } root->isRed = false; }
int AVLTree::ins(AVLNode* &p, FFSObject *e) { int deltaH = 0; if (p == NULL) { p = new AVLNode; #ifdef _DEBUG_AVL AVLTree::tree_cnt++; #endif p->elem = e; p->bal = 0; p->left = p->right = NULL; deltaH = 1; /* tree hight increased by 1 */ #ifdef _DEBUG_AVL fprintf(stderr, "added %s to AVLTree (count %d)\n", e->getName(), count); #endif } else if (compareType == AVL_CMP_NAME ? e->compareName(p->elem) > 0 : e->compareAll(p->elem) > 0) { if (ins(p->right, e)) { p->bal++; /* height of right subtree increased */ if (p->bal == 1) { deltaH = 1; } else if (p->bal == 2) { if (p->right->bal == -1) { rotateRight(p->right); } rotateLeft(p); } } } else /* if (e->compareAll(p->elem) <= 0)*/ { if (ins(p->left, e)) { p->bal--; if (p->bal == -1) { deltaH = 1; } else if (p->bal == -2) { if (p->left->bal == 1) { rotateLeft(p->left); } rotateRight(p); } } } return deltaH; }
/* Notes: * tree insertion using splay method * produces different results to the visualiser */ Link insertSplay(Link n, int value) { if (n == NULL) { return newNode(value); } if (value < n->value){ // right rotations if (n->left == NULL){ // left branch is NULL n->left = newNode(value); } else if (value < n->left->value){ // zig zig left n->left->left = insertSplay(n->left->left, value); // n->left = rotateRight(n->left); n = rotateRight(n); } else{ // zig zag left n->left->right = insertSplay(n->left->right, value); n->left = rotateLeft(n->left); } n = rotateRight(n); } if (value > n->value){ // left rotations if (n->right == NULL){ n->right = newNode(value); } else if (value > n->right->value){ // zig zig right n->right->right = insertSplay(n->right->right, value); // n->right = rotateLeft(n->right); n = rotateLeft(n); } else{ // zig zag right n->right->left = insertSplay(n->right->left, value); n->right = rotateRight(n->right); } n = rotateLeft(n); } return n; }
void C_galgas_type_descriptor::recursiveInsert (C_galgas_type_descriptor * & ioRootPtr, C_galgas_type_descriptor * inDescriptor, bool & ioExtension) { if (ioRootPtr == NULL) { ioExtension = true ; ioRootPtr = inDescriptor ; }else{ const int32_t comparaison = strcmp (ioRootPtr->mGalgasTypeName, inDescriptor->mGalgasTypeName) ; if (comparaison > 0) { recursiveInsert (ioRootPtr->mPreviousType, inDescriptor, ioExtension) ; if (ioExtension) { ioRootPtr->mBalance++; if (ioRootPtr->mBalance == 0) { ioExtension = false; }else if (ioRootPtr->mBalance == 2) { if (ioRootPtr->mPreviousType->mBalance == -1) { rotateLeft (ioRootPtr->mPreviousType) ; } rotateRight (ioRootPtr) ; ioExtension = false; } } }else if (comparaison < 0) { recursiveInsert (ioRootPtr->mNextType, inDescriptor, ioExtension) ; if (ioExtension) { ioRootPtr->mBalance-- ; if (ioRootPtr->mBalance == 0) { ioExtension = false ; }else if (ioRootPtr->mBalance == -2) { if (ioRootPtr->mNextType->mBalance == 1) { rotateRight (ioRootPtr->mNextType) ; } rotateLeft (ioRootPtr) ; ioExtension = false; } } }else{ ioExtension = false; C_String errorMessage ; errorMessage << "FATAL ERROR (type '@" << inDescriptor->mGalgasTypeName << "' already defined)" ; fatalError (errorMessage, __FILE__, __LINE__) ; } } }
// -1 --- неуспешно включване, елементът вече го има // 0 --- успешно включване, но няма промяна във височината // 1 --- успешно включване и има увеличение на височината с 1 int insertAt(P p, T const& x) { if (!p) { // дъно BinaryTree<AVL>::assignFrom(p, AVL(x)); return 1; } // p --- валидна позиция if ((*p).data() == x) // Грешка! x вече го има return -1; // p && *p != x int result; if (x < (*p).data()) { // вмъкваме наляво result = insertAt(-p, x); if (result == 1) { (*p).balance()--; if ((*p).balance() == -2) { if ((*-p).balance() == 1) rotateLeft(-p); rotateRight(p); result = 0; } } } else { // вмъкваме надясно result = insertAt(+p, x); if (result == 1) { (*p).balance()++; if ((*p).balance() == 2) { if ((*+p).balance() == -1) rotateRight(+p); rotateLeft(p); result = 0; } } } // ако сме вмъкнали успешно и балансът се е получил 0 // значи нямаме промяна във височината if (result >= 0 && (*p).balance() == 0) result = 0; return result; }
bool ExpressionTreeUtils::fixExprPrecedence(Expression*& top, Expression* e) { if ( dynamic_cast<Value*> (e)) return false; if ( dynamic_cast<Empty*> (e)) return false; Operator* op = dynamic_cast<Operator*> (e); bool more_iterations_needed = true; while (more_iterations_needed) { more_iterations_needed = false; // Fix all children for (int operand = 0; operand < op->size(); ++operand) more_iterations_needed = fixExprPrecedence(top, op->at(operand)) || more_iterations_needed; } //Look left if (op->descriptor()->prefix().isEmpty()) { Operator* left = dynamic_cast<Operator*> (op->first()); if (left && left->descriptor()->postfix().isEmpty()) { if (op->descriptor()->precedence() < left->descriptor()->precedence() // Must rotate because of precedence // Must rotate because of associativity. This assumes that the associativity of different operators at the same precedence level is the same. || ( (op->descriptor()->precedence() == left->descriptor()->precedence()) && op->descriptor()->associativity() == OperatorDescriptor::RightAssociative) ) { rotateRight(top, left, op); return true; } } } //Look right if (op->descriptor()->postfix().isEmpty()) { Operator* right = dynamic_cast<Operator*> (op->last()); if (right && right->descriptor()->prefix().isEmpty()) { if (op->descriptor()->precedence() < right->descriptor()->precedence() // Must rotate because of precedence // Must rotate because of associativity. This assumes that the associativity of different operators at the same precedence level is the same. || ( (op->descriptor()->precedence() == right->descriptor()->precedence()) && op->descriptor()->associativity() == OperatorDescriptor::LeftAssociative) ) { rotateLeft(top, right, op); return true; } } } return false; }
int main(void) { setupADC(); setupStepperMotor(); startTimer(); USART_init(); mouse.velocity = 0; mouse.maxVelocity = 5000; mouse.acceleration = 2000; mouse.deceleration = 10000; enableDrive(1); turnOnTimers(1,1); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int right = isWallRight(); int front = isWallFront(); int left = isWallLeft(); if(!right) { rotateRight(); } else if(front && !left) { rotateLeft(); } else if(front) { moveBackwardsAndCorrect(); } if(left && right) mouse.IR_CORRECT = 20; moveForwardAndStop(); mouse.IR_CORRECT = 0; } turnOnTimers(0, 0); enableDrive(0); while(1==1) { } }
bnode *addNode(bnode *root, char *input) { if (root == NULL) { bnode *newNode = malloc(sizeof(bnode)); newNode -> word = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(input) + 1); strcpy(newNode -> word, input); newNode -> freq = 1; newNode -> left = NULL; newNode -> right = NULL; return(newNode); } match = 0; match = strCheck(root, input); if (match == 1) return(root); bnode *parent = root; bnode *ptr = root -> left; while (ptr != NULL && ptr -> left != NULL) { if (ptr -> right == NULL) break; parent = parent -> left; ptr = ptr -> left; } if (ptr == NULL) ptr = parent; bnode *newNode = malloc(sizeof(bnode)); newNode -> word = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(input) + 1)); strcpy(newNode -> word, input); newNode -> freq = 1; newNode -> left = NULL; newNode -> right = NULL; if (ptr -> left == NULL) ptr -> left = newNode; else if (ptr -> right == NULL) { ptr = rotateLeft(ptr); ptr -> right = ptr -> left; ptr -> left = newNode; if (parent -> left != NULL) parent -> left = ptr; if (ptr -> right == root) root = ptr; } root = rotateTree(root); return(root); }
void AVLTreeIndex::restoreBalance(AVLTreeNode *parent, AVLTreeNode *newNode) { // case 1: parent DNE, newNode unbalances if (parent == NULL) { if (newNode->key < root->key) root->balance = biasleft; // newNode inserted left of root else root->balance = biasright; // newNode inserted right of root adjustBalance(root, newNode); } // case 2: insertion of newNode in opposite subtree of parent, balances parent else if (((parent->balance == biasleft) && (newNode->>key) > 0)) || ((parent->balance == biasright) && (newNode->>key) < 0))) { parent->balance = balanced; adjustBalance(parent, newNode); } // case 3: insertion of newNode in right child of parent else if (parent->balance == biasright) { if (newNode->key > parent->right->key) { // insertion into right subtree of right child, single rotation left parent->balance = balanced; rotateLeft(parent); adjustBalance(parent->parent, newNode); } else if (newNode->key < parent->right->key) { // insertion into left subtree of right child, double rotation left rotateRight(parent->right); rotateLeft(parent); adjustRL(parent, newNode); } } // case 4: insertion of newNode in left child of parent else if (parent->balance == biasleft) { if (newNode->key < parent->left->key) { // insertion into left subtree of left child, single rotation right parent->balance = balanced; rotateRight(parent); adjustBalance(parent->parent, newNode); } else if (newNode->key < parent->right->key) { // insertion into right subtree of left child, double rotation right rotateLeft(parent->left); rotateRight(parent); adjustLR(parent, newNode); } } }
Node* rotate(Node* gr, Node* par, Node* ch) { if (par->left == ch) { return rotateRight(gr, par, ch); } else { return rotateLeft(gr, par, ch); } }
bool Block::rotate(int direction) { switch (direction) { case DIRECTION_LEFT: return rotateLeft(); break; case DIRECTION_RIGHT: return rotateRight(); break; } return false; }
static spltreeNode_t* delete_max_rc(spltreeNode_t* splnode, spltreeNode_t** max) { if(!splnode->right){ *max = splnode; return splnode->left; } splnode->right = delete_max_rc(splnode->right,max); if(!splnode->right) { return splnode; } return rotateLeft(splnode); }
void QMapDataBase::rebalance(QMapNodeBase *x) { QMapNodeBase *&root = header.left; x->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Red); while (x != root && x->parent()->color() == QMapNodeBase::Red) { if (x->parent() == x->parent()->parent()->left) { QMapNodeBase *y = x->parent()->parent()->right; if (y && y->color() == QMapNodeBase::Red) { x->parent()->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Black); y->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Black); x->parent()->parent()->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Red); x = x->parent()->parent(); } else { if (x == x->parent()->right) { x = x->parent(); rotateLeft(x); } x->parent()->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Black); x->parent()->parent()->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Red); rotateRight (x->parent()->parent()); } } else { QMapNodeBase *y = x->parent()->parent()->left; if (y && y->color() == QMapNodeBase::Red) { x->parent()->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Black); y->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Black); x->parent()->parent()->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Red); x = x->parent()->parent(); } else { if (x == x->parent()->left) { x = x->parent(); rotateRight(x); } x->parent()->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Black); x->parent()->parent()->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Red); rotateLeft(x->parent()->parent()); } } } root->setColor(QMapNodeBase::Black); }
void AVL_Tree::balance(Node* city, int counter) { Node* check; while(city){ counter++; if(city->getBalance() == 0) break; else if(city->getBalance() == 2){ check = city->getRight(); counter++; if(city != m_root){ if(city -> getParent() -> getRight() == city) city -> getParent() -> adjustBalance(-1); else city -> getParent() -> adjustBalance(1); } counter++; if(check->getBalance()==-1) rotateRL(city); else rotateLeft(city); city -> setBalance(0); check -> setBalance(0); } else if(city -> getBalance() == -2){ counter++; if(city != m_root){ counter++; if(city -> getParent() -> getRight() == city) city -> getParent() -> adjustBalance(-1); else city -> getParent() -> adjustBalance(1); } check = city -> getLeft(); counter++; if(check -> getBalance() == 1) rotateLR(city); else rotateRight(city); city -> setBalance(0); check -> setBalance(0); } city = city -> getParent(); } std::cout << "Comparison count for this function is " << counter << "\n"; }//end balance
// testing the functions int main(){ unsigned int swapMe = 0x12345678; swapMe = swap(swapMe); unsigned int rotateMe = 0x88888888; rotateMe = rotateLeft(rotateMe); printf("swapped: %x\nrotated: %x\n", swapMe, rotateMe); return 0; }
void printPermutations(char* s, int pos){ int len; if(pos >= (len=strlen(s))-1){ puts(s); return; } int i; for(i=0; i< len-pos; i++){ rotateLeft(s, pos); printPermutations(s, pos+1); } }
void QMapPrivateBase::rebalance( NodePtr x, NodePtr& root) { x->color = Node::Red; while ( x != root && x->parent->color == Node::Red ) { if ( x->parent == x->parent->parent->left ) { NodePtr y = x->parent->parent->right; if (y && y->color == Node::Red) { x->parent->color = Node::Black; y->color = Node::Black; x->parent->parent->color = Node::Red; x = x->parent->parent; } else { if (x == x->parent->right) { x = x->parent; rotateLeft( x, root ); } x->parent->color = Node::Black; x->parent->parent->color = Node::Red; rotateRight (x->parent->parent, root ); } } else { NodePtr y = x->parent->parent->left; if ( y && y->color == Node::Red ) { x->parent->color = Node::Black; y->color = Node::Black; x->parent->parent->color = Node::Red; x = x->parent->parent; } else { if (x == x->parent->left) { x = x->parent; rotateRight( x, root ); } x->parent->color = Node::Black; x->parent->parent->color = Node::Red; rotateLeft( x->parent->parent, root ); } } } root->color = Node::Black; }
node* balancedTreeInsert(node* root , node* newnode) { if(root == NULL) { return newnode ; } if(less(newnode->key,root->key)) { root->lc = balancedTreeInsert(root->lc , newnode) ; } else { root->rc = balancedTreeInsert(root->rc , newnode) ; } root->ht = max(getHeight(root->lc) , getHeight(root->rc)) + 1 ; if(isBalanced(root)) return root ; z_cnt++ ; int balance = getBalance(root) ; node* ret = NULL ; if(balance > 1) { if(!less(newnode->key , root->lc->key)) { root->lc = rotateLeft(root->lc) ; } ret = rotateRight(root) ; } if(balance < -1) { if(less(newnode->key , root->rc->key)) { root->rc = rotateRight(root->rc) ; } ret = rotateLeft(root) ; } return ret ; }