Пример #1
static SetNode*
rotate_double (SetNode *root, int dir)
  root->link[!dir] = rotate_single(root->link[!dir], !dir);
  return rotate_single(root, dir);
Пример #2
 void rotate(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {
     for (int i=0; i<matrix.size()/2; i++){
         rotate_single(matrix, i);
Пример #3
static void rebalance(Ttree *ttree, TtreeNode **node, TtreeCursor *cursor) {
  int lh = left_heavy(*node);
  int sum = abs((*node)->bfc + (*node)->sides[opposite_side(lh)]->bfc);

  if (sum >= 2) {
    rotate_single(node, opposite_side(lh));
    goto out;

  rotate_double(node, opposite_side(lh));

   * T-tree rotation rules difference from AVL rules in only one aspect.
   * After double rotation is done and a leaf became a new root node of
   * subtree and both its left and right childs are half-leafs.
   * If the new root node contains only one item, N - 1 items should
   * be moved into it from one of its childs.
   * (N is a number of items in selected child node).
  if ((tnode_num_keys(*node) == 1) && is_half_leaf((*node)->left) && is_half_leaf((*node)->right)) {
    TtreeNode *n;
    int offs, nkeys;

     * If right child contains more items than left, they will be moved
     * from the right child. Otherwise from the left one.
    if (tnode_num_keys((*node)->right) >= tnode_num_keys((*node)->left)) {
       * Right child was selected. So first N - 1 items will be copied
       * and inserted after parent's first item.
      n = (*node)->right;
      nkeys = tnode_num_keys(n);
      (*node)->keys[0] = (*node)->keys[(*node)->min_idx];
      offs = 1;
      (*node)->min_idx = 0;
      (*node)->max_idx = nkeys - 1;
      if (!cursor) {
        goto no_cursor;
      else if (cursor->tnode == n) {
        if (cursor->idx < n->max_idx) {
          cursor->tnode = *node;
          cursor->idx = (*node)->min_idx + (cursor->idx - n->min_idx + 1);
        else {
          cursor->idx = first_tnode_idx(ttree);
    else {
       * Left child was selected. So its N - 1 items
       * (starting after the min one)
       * will be copied and inserted before parent's single item.
      n = (*node)->left;
      nkeys = tnode_num_keys(n);
      (*node)->keys[ttree->keys_per_tnode - 1] = (*node)->keys[(*node)->min_idx];
      (*node)->min_idx = offs = ttree->keys_per_tnode - nkeys;
      (*node)->max_idx = ttree->keys_per_tnode - 1;
      if (!cursor) {
        goto no_cursor;
      else if (cursor->tnode == n) {
        if (cursor->idx > n->min_idx) {
          cursor->tnode = *node;
          cursor->idx = (*node)->min_idx + (cursor->idx - n->min_idx);
        else {
          cursor->idx = first_tnode_idx(ttree);

      n->max_idx = n->min_idx++;

    no_cursor: memcpy((*node)->keys + offs, n->keys + n->min_idx, sizeof(void *) * (nkeys - 1));
    n->keys[first_tnode_idx(ttree)] = n->keys[n->max_idx];
    n->min_idx = n->max_idx = first_tnode_idx(ttree);

  out: if (ttree->root->parent) {
    ttree->root = *node;