Пример #1
void imProcessCalcRotateSize(int width, int height, int *new_width, int *new_height, double cos0, double sin0)
  float xl, yl, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
  float wd2 = float(width)/2;
  float hd2 = float(height)/2;

  rotate_transf(wd2, hd2, 0, 0, &xl, &yl, cos0, sin0);
  xmin = xl; ymin = yl;
  xmax = xl; ymax = yl;

  rotate_transf(wd2, hd2, width-1, height-1, &xl, &yl, cos0, sin0);
  xmin = min_op(xmin, xl); ymin = min_op(ymin, yl);
  xmax = max_op(xmax, xl); ymax = max_op(ymax, yl);

  rotate_transf(wd2, hd2, 0, height-1, &xl, &yl, cos0, sin0);
  xmin = min_op(xmin, xl); ymin = min_op(ymin, yl);
  xmax = max_op(xmax, xl); ymax = max_op(ymax, yl);

  rotate_transf(wd2, hd2, width-1, 0, &xl, &yl, cos0, sin0);
  xmin = min_op(xmin, xl); ymin = min_op(ymin, yl);
  xmax = max_op(xmax, xl); ymax = max_op(ymax, yl);

  *new_width = (int)(xmax - xmin + 2.0);
  *new_height = (int)(ymax - ymin + 2.0);
Пример #2
transf PositionStateApproach::getCoreTran() const
	double dist = readVariable("dist");
	double rx = readVariable("wrist 1");
	double ry = readVariable("wrist 2");
	transf handTran = transf(Quaternion::IDENTITY, vec3(0,0,dist));
	handTran = handTran * rotate_transf(rx, vec3(1,0,0) ) * rotate_transf( ry, vec3(0,1,0) );
	return mHand->getApproachTran().inverse() * handTran * mHand->getApproachTran();
Пример #3
Sets a new theta value for revolute joints and recomputes the current value
of the transform.
void DHTransform::setTheta(double q)
	theta = q;
	tr1 = rotate_transf(theta,vec3(0,0,1));

	tran = tr4TimesTr3 * tr2 * tr1;
Пример #4
CGDBGraspProcessor::processGrasps(std::vector<db_planner::Grasp*> *grasps)
	std::vector<db_planner::Grasp*>::iterator it;
	for (it=grasps->begin(); it!=grasps->end(); it++) {
		if (mMaxGrasps >=0 && mProcessedGrasps >= mMaxGrasps) break;
		//silently assume that the grasps are actually GraspitDBGrasp
		  //hack for a few grasps which seem not to have f-c
		if ((*it)->EpsilonQuality() == 0.00685985 ||
		    (*it)->EpsilonQuality() == 0.00647612 ) {
		  DBGA("Skipping grasp with epsilon quality: " << (*it)->EpsilonQuality());
		int numContacts = mHand->getGrasp()->getNumContacts();
		DBGA("Processing grasp number " << mProcessedGrasps << "; " <<  numContacts << " contacts.");

		//hack for the mcgrip optimizer; also transpose the grasp
		bool transposeGrasp = true;
		if (transposeGrasp) {
			//interchange the dofs of the two chain
			double dofs[6];
			for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
				std::swap(dofs[j], dofs[3+j]);
			//rotate the hand
			transf handTran = rotate_transf(M_PI, vec3::Z);
			transf newTran = mHand->getApproachTran().inverse() * handTran * 
							 mHand->getApproachTran() * mHand->getTran();
			if (!mHand->getWorld()->noCollision()) {
				DBGA("Transposed grasp in COLLISION!!!");
			if (mHand->getGrasp()->getNumContacts() != numContacts) {
				DBGA("Transposed grasp has " << mHand->getGrasp()->getNumContacts() << " contacts.");
			DBGA("Processing grasp transpose");

		mProcessedGrasps ++;
Пример #5
/*! Initializes the DHTransform with the 4 DH parameters. */
DHTransform::DHTransform(double thval,double dval,double aval,double alval) :
	transf tr3,tr4;

	dtrans[0] = 0.0;
	dtrans[1] = 0.0;
	dtrans[2] = d;

	atrans[0] = a;
	atrans[1] = 0.0;
	atrans[2] = 0.0;

	tr1 = rotate_transf(theta,vec3(0,0,1));
	tr2 = translate_transf(dtrans);
	tr3 = translate_transf(atrans);
	tr4 = rotate_transf(alpha,vec3(1,0,0));
	tr4TimesTr3 = tr4 * tr3;

	tran = tr4TimesTr3 * tr2 * tr1;
Пример #6
Sets a new theta value for the linear offset along x and recomputes the current value
of the transform.
void DHTransform::setA(double q)
	a = q;
	atrans[0] = a;

	transf tr3,tr4;
	tr3 = translate_transf(atrans);
	tr4 = rotate_transf(alpha,vec3(1,0,0));
	tr4TimesTr3 = tr4 * tr3;

	tran = tr4TimesTr3 * tr2 * tr1;
Пример #7
transf PositionStateAA::getCoreTran() const
	double tx = readVariable("Tx");
	double ty = readVariable("Ty");
	double tz = readVariable("Tz");
	double theta = readVariable("theta");
	double phi = readVariable("phi");
	double alpha = readVariable("alpha");
	transf coreTran = rotate_transf(alpha, vec3( sin(theta)*cos(phi) , sin(theta)*sin(phi) , cos(theta) )) *
	//transform now returned relative to hand approach transform
	return mHand->getApproachTran().inverse() * coreTran;

void Leaf::computeBboxOO()
	//compute the covariance matrix
	double covMat[3][3], v[3][3];
	DBGP("Cov mat:"); DBGST(print(covMat));

	//perform singular value decomposition
	Jacobi(covMat, v);
	DBGP("eigenvalues:"); DBGST(print(covMat));
	DBGP("eigenVectors:"); DBGST(print(v));
	int first = 0, second = 1, third = 2;
	if (covMat[1][1] > covMat[0][0]) {
		std::swap(first, second);
	if (covMat[2][2] > covMat[first][first]) {
		std::swap(first, third);
	if (covMat[third][third] > covMat[second][second]) {
		std::swap(second, third);
	DBGP("Eigenvalues: " << covMat[first][first] << " " << covMat[second][second] 
		 << " "  << covMat[third][third]);

	//set up rotation matrix
	vec3 xAxis(v[0][first], v[1][first], v[2][first]); 
	vec3 yAxis(v[0][second], v[1][second], v[2][second]);
	vec3 zAxis = normalise(xAxis) * normalise(yAxis);
	yAxis = zAxis * normalise(xAxis);
	xAxis = yAxis * zAxis;
	mat3 R(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);

	DBGP("Matrix: " << R);

	//compute bbox extents
	vec3 halfSize, center;
	fitBox(R, center, halfSize);

	//rotate box so that x axis always points in the direction of largest extent
	first = 0;
	if (halfSize.y() > halfSize.x()) first = 1;
	if (halfSize.z() > halfSize[first]) first = 2;
	transf rotate = transf::IDENTITY;
	if (first == 1) {
		// y has the largest extent, rotate around z
		rotate = rotate_transf(M_PI/2.0, vec3(0,0,1));
	} else if (first == 2) {
		// z has the largest extent, rotate around y
		rotate = rotate_transf(M_PI/2.0, vec3(0,1,0));
	halfSize = halfSize * rotate;
	for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
		if (halfSize[i] < 0) halfSize[i] = -halfSize[i];
	mat3 RR;
	R = RR * R;

	mBbox.halfSize = halfSize;
	mBbox.setTran( transf(R, center ) );
Пример #9
Controller::getDesiredState(quater trunk, const BodyState& prevState)
	// 요기

	BodyState bs;
	float dT = sysState->TIME_STEP;

	bool	isLeft;
#ifdef OLD
	float offsetX = -20;
	float offsetY = -5;
	float offsetZ = 3;//10;
	float offsetX = -25;
	float offsetY = 0;
	float offsetZ = 0;//10;
	quater offset;

	for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
		if(i==0)	isLeft = true;
		else		isLeft = false;


			offset = rotate_transf(DegToRad(offsetX), vector3(1,0,0)).getRotation();
			offset = offset * rotate_transf(DegToRad(offsetY), vector3(0,1,0)).getRotation();
			offset = offset * rotate_transf(DegToRad(offsetZ), vector3(0,0,1)).getRotation();
			offset = rotate_transf(DegToRad(offsetX), vector3(1,0,0)).getRotation();
			offset = offset * rotate_transf(DegToRad(-offsetY), vector3(0,1,0)).getRotation();
			offset = offset * rotate_transf(DegToRad(-offsetZ), vector3(0,0,1)).getRotation();

		bs.shoulder[i]		= trunk * offset * realWingbeat.getShoulder(currentFrame, currentWeight, isLeft);
		bs.elbowBend[i]		= realWingbeat.getElbowBend(currentFrame, currentWeight, isLeft);
		bs.elbowTwist[i]	= realWingbeat.getElbowTwist(currentFrame, currentWeight, isLeft);
		bs.wristBend[i]		= realWingbeat.getWrist(currentFrame, currentWeight, isLeft);

		bs.dShoulder[i]		= GET_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_QUATER( bs.shoulder[i], prevState.shoulder[i], dT );
		bs.dElbowBend[i]	= (bs.elbowBend[i]	- prevState.elbowBend[i])	/ dT;
		bs.dElbowTwist[i]	= (bs.elbowTwist[i] - prevState.elbowTwist[i])	/ dT;
		bs.dWristBend[i]	= (bs.wristBend[i]	- prevState.wristBend[i])	/ dT;

		bs.ddShoulder[i]	= (bs.dShoulder[i] - prevState.dShoulder[i])		/ dT;
		bs.ddElbowBend[i]	= (bs.dElbowBend[i] - prevState.dElbowBend[i])		/ dT;
		bs.ddElbowTwist[i]	= (bs.dElbowTwist[i] - prevState.dElbowTwist[i])	/ dT;
		bs.ddWristBend[i]	= (bs.dWristBend[i] - prevState.dWristBend[i])		/ dT;

		// print
		//WRITE_ARRAY4(cout, bs.shoulder[i]);
		//cout << "angle " << RadToAng(bs.elbowBend[i]) << "," << RadToAng(bs.elbowTwist[i]) << "," << RadToAng(bs.wristBend[i]) << endl;

		//WRITE_ARRAY3(cout, bs.dShoulder[i]);
		//cout << "angle vel " << RadToAng(bs.dElbowBend[i]) << "," << RadToAng(bs.dElbowTwist[i]) << "," << RadToAng(bs.dWristBend[i]) << endl;

	return bs;