Пример #1
void Vehicle::InitPhysics()
	hkpRigidBody* rigidBody = HK_NULL;

	// Get HK Rigid Body from the entity
		vHavokRigidBody *vRigidBody = (vHavokRigidBody *)m_chassis->Components().GetComponentOfType("vHavokRigidBody");

		// Check vHavokRigidBody creation
		VASSERT(vRigidBody != NULL);

		// Get rigid body
		rigidBody = vRigidBody->GetHkRigidBody();
		VASSERT(rigidBody != HK_NULL);

	// Get World
	m_world = rigidBody->getWorld();

	// Create vehicle instance
		// Setup rigid body

		// Specify control axis for our vehicle
		hkVector4      up( 0,  0,  1);
		hkVector4 forward( 1,  0,  0);
		hkVector4   right( 0, -1,  0);
		VehicleSetup setup(up, forward, right);

		m_instance = new hkpVehicleInstance(rigidBody);

		setup.buildVehicle(m_world, *m_instance);

		// Set collision filters
		m_instance->getChassis()->setCollisionFilterInfo(hkpGroupFilter::calcFilterInfo(CHASSIS_LAYER, 0));
		m_instance->m_wheelCollide->setCollisionFilterInfo(hkpGroupFilter::calcFilterInfo(WHEEL_LAYER, 0));


	// Add reorient action
		hkVector4 rotationAxis(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 	 
		hkVector4 upAxis(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		m_reorientAction = new hkpReorientAction(rigidBody, rotationAxis, upAxis);

ColladaNode::handleSkew(domSkew *skew)
    if(skew == NULL)
    domNodeRef        node   = getDOMElementAs<domNode>();
    Vec3f rotationAxis(skew->getValue()[1],skew->getValue()[2],skew->getValue()[3]), 
    Real32 angle(skew->getValue()[0]);

        SkewTransformationElementUnrecPtr SkewElement = SkewTransformationElement::create();
        setName(SkewElement, skew->getSid());

        appendStackedXForm(SkewElement, node);

        TransformUnrecPtr xform = Transform::create();
	    NodeUnrecPtr      xformN = makeNodeFor(xform);

        Matrix skewMatrix;
        MatrixSkew(skewMatrix,rotationAxis, translationAxis, angle);


	     if(getGlobal()->getOptions()->getCreateNameAttachments() == true && 
           node->getName()                                       != NULL   )
            std::string nodeName = node->getName();

            if(skew->getSid() != NULL && 
			    getGlobal()->getOptions()->getFlattenNodeXForms() == false)
                nodeName.append("."                );

            setName(xformN, nodeName);


Пример #3
// static 
AngularConstraint* AngularConstraint::newAngularConstraint(const glm::vec3& minAngles, const glm::vec3& maxAngles) {
    float minDistance2 = glm::distance2(minAngles, glm::vec3(-PI, -PI, -PI));
    float maxDistance2 = glm::distance2(maxAngles, glm::vec3(PI, PI, PI));
    if (minDistance2 < EPSILON && maxDistance2 < EPSILON) {
        // no constraint
        return NULL;
    // count the zero length elements
    glm::vec3 rangeAngles = maxAngles - minAngles;
    int pivotIndex = -1;
    int numZeroes = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        if (rangeAngles[i] < EPSILON) {
        } else {
            pivotIndex = i;
    if (numZeroes == 2) {
        // this is a hinge
        int forwardIndex = (pivotIndex + 1) % 3;
        glm::vec3 forwardAxis(0.0f);
        forwardAxis[forwardIndex] = 1.0f;
        glm::vec3 rotationAxis(0.0f);
        rotationAxis[pivotIndex] = 1.0f;
        return new HingeConstraint(forwardAxis, rotationAxis, minAngles[pivotIndex], maxAngles[pivotIndex]);
    } else if (numZeroes == 0) {
        // approximate the angular limits with a cone roller
        // we assume the roll is about z
        glm::vec3 middleAngles = 0.5f * (maxAngles + minAngles);
        glm::quat yaw = glm::angleAxis(middleAngles[1], glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
        glm::quat pitch = glm::angleAxis(middleAngles[0], glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
        glm::vec3 coneAxis = pitch * yaw * glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        // the coneAngle is half the average range of the two non-roll rotations
        glm::vec3 range = maxAngles - minAngles;
        float coneAngle = 0.25f * (range[0] + range[1]);
        return new ConeRollerConstraint(coneAngle, coneAxis, minAngles.z, maxAngles.z);
    return NULL;
Пример #4
QList<GLC_Point2d> glc::polygonIn2d(QList<GLC_Point3d> polygon3d)
    const int count= polygon3d.count();
    Q_ASSERT(count > 2);

    // Compute face normal
    const GLC_Point3d point1(polygon3d[0]);
    const GLC_Point3d point2(polygon3d[1]);
    const GLC_Point3d point3(polygon3d[2]);

    const GLC_Vector3d edge1(point2 - point1);
    const GLC_Vector3d edge2(point3 - point2);

    GLC_Vector3d polygonPlaneNormal(edge1 ^ edge2);

    // Create the transformation matrix
    GLC_Matrix4x4 transformation;

    GLC_Vector3d rotationAxis(polygonPlaneNormal ^ Z_AXIS);
    if (!rotationAxis.isNull())
        const double angle= acos(polygonPlaneNormal * Z_AXIS);
        transformation.setMatRot(rotationAxis, angle);

    QList<GLC_Point2d> subject;
    // Transform polygon vertexs
    for (int i=0; i < count; ++i)
        polygon3d[i]= transformation * polygon3d[i];
        // Create 2d vector
        subject << polygon3d[i].toVector2d(Z_AXIS);

    return subject;
Пример #5
// Triangulate a no convex polygon
void glc::triangulatePolygon(QList<GLuint>* pIndexList, const QList<float>& bulkList)
	int size= pIndexList->size();
	if (polygonIsConvex(pIndexList, bulkList))
		QList<GLuint> indexList(*pIndexList);
		for (int i= 0; i < size - 2; ++i)
			pIndexList->append(indexList.at(i + 1));
			pIndexList->append(indexList.at(i + 2));
		// Get the polygon vertice
		QList<GLC_Point3d> originPoints;
		QHash<int, int> indexMap;

		QList<int> face;
		GLC_Point3d currentPoint;
		int delta= 0;
		for (int i= 0; i < size; ++i)
			const int currentIndex= pIndexList->at(i);
			currentPoint= GLC_Point3d(bulkList.at(currentIndex * 3), bulkList.at(currentIndex * 3 + 1), bulkList.at(currentIndex * 3 + 2));
			if (!originPoints.contains(currentPoint))
				originPoints.append(GLC_Point3d(bulkList.at(currentIndex * 3), bulkList.at(currentIndex * 3 + 1), bulkList.at(currentIndex * 3 + 2)));
				indexMap.insert(i - delta, currentIndex);
				face.append(i - delta);
				qDebug() << "Multi points";
		// Values of PindexList must be reset

		// Update size
		size= size - delta;

		// Check new size
		if (size < 3) return;

		//-------------- Change frame to mach polygon plane
			// Compute face normal
			const GLC_Point3d point1(originPoints[0]);
			const GLC_Point3d point2(originPoints[1]);
			const GLC_Point3d point3(originPoints[2]);

			const GLC_Vector3d edge1(point2 - point1);
			const GLC_Vector3d edge2(point3 - point2);

			GLC_Vector3d polygonPlaneNormal(edge1 ^ edge2);

			// Create the transformation matrix
			GLC_Matrix4x4 transformation;

			GLC_Vector3d rotationAxis(polygonPlaneNormal ^ Z_AXIS);
			if (!rotationAxis.isNull())
				const double angle= acos(polygonPlaneNormal * Z_AXIS);
				transformation.setMatRot(rotationAxis, angle);

			QList<GLC_Point2d> polygon;
			// Transform polygon vertexs
			for (int i=0; i < size; ++i)
				originPoints[i]= transformation * originPoints[i];
				// Create 2d vector
				polygon << originPoints[i].toVector2d(Z_AXIS);
			// Create the index
			QList<int> index= face;

			const bool faceIsCounterclockwise= isCounterclockwiseOrdered(polygon);

				//qDebug() << "face Is Not Counterclockwise";
				const int max= size / 2;
				for (int i= 0; i < max; ++i)
					polygon.swap(i, size - 1 -i);
					int temp= face[i];
					face[i]= face[size - 1 - i];
					face[size - 1 - i]= temp;

            QList<int> tList;
			triangulate(polygon, index, tList);
			size= tList.size();
			for (int i= 0; i < size; i+= 3)
				// Avoid normal problem
				if (faceIsCounterclockwise)
					pIndexList->append(indexMap.value(face[tList[i + 1]]));
					pIndexList->append(indexMap.value(face[tList[i + 2]]));
					pIndexList->append(indexMap.value(face[tList[i + 2]]));
					pIndexList->append(indexMap.value(face[tList[i + 1]]));
			Q_ASSERT(size == pIndexList->size());

Пример #6
TruckDemo::TruckDemo(hkDemoEnvironment* env)
:	CarDemo(env, false, 4, 1)
		// Create vehicle's chassis shape.
		hkpConvexVerticesShape* chassisShape = HK_NULL;
			hkReal xSize = 1.9f;
			hkReal xSizeFrontTop = 0.7f;
			hkReal xSizeFrontMid = 1.6f;
			hkReal ySize = 0.9f;
			hkReal ySizeMid = ySize - 0.7f;
			hkReal zSize = 1.0f;

			//hkReal xBumper = 1.9f;
			//hkReal yBumper = 0.35f;
			//hkReal zBumper = 1.0f;

			// 16 = 4 (size of "each float group", 3 for x,y,z, 1 for padding) * 4 (size of float).
			int stride = sizeof(float) * 4;
				int numVertices = 10;

				float vertices[] = { 
					xSizeFrontTop, ySize, zSize, 0.0f,	// v0
					xSizeFrontTop, ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,	// v1
					xSize, -ySize, zSize, 0.0f,			// v2
					xSize, -ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,		// v3
					-xSize, ySize, zSize, 0.0f,			// v4
					-xSize, ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,		// v5
					-xSize, -ySize, zSize, 0.0f,		// v6
					-xSize, -ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,		// v7
					xSizeFrontMid, ySizeMid, zSize, 0.0f,	// v8
					xSizeFrontMid, ySizeMid, -zSize, 0.0f,	// v9
					hkStridedVertices stridedVerts;
						stridedVerts.m_numVertices = numVertices;
						stridedVerts.m_striding = stride;
						stridedVerts.m_vertices = vertices;
					chassisShape = new hkpConvexVerticesShape(stridedVerts);

		createDisplayWheels(0.5f, 0.3f);

		for (int vehicleId = 0; vehicleId < m_numVehicles; vehicleId++)
			// Create the vehicle.
				// Create the chassis body.
				hkpRigidBody* chassisRigidBody;
					hkpRigidBodyCinfo chassisInfo;

					chassisInfo.m_mass = 5000.0f;	
					chassisInfo.m_shape = chassisShape;
					chassisInfo.m_friction = 0.8f;
					chassisInfo.m_motionType = hkpMotion::MOTION_BOX_INERTIA;
					// Position chassis on the ground.
					chassisInfo.m_position.set(-10.0f, -4.5f, vehicleId * 5.0f);

					chassisRigidBody = new hkpRigidBody(chassisInfo);

				TruckSetup tsetup;
				m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_vehicle = createVehicle( tsetup, chassisRigidBody);
				m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_lastRPM = 0.0f;

				HK_SET_OBJECT_COLOR((hkUlong)chassisRigidBody->getCollidable(), 0x80ff8080);

				// This hkpAction flips the car upright if it turns over. 	 
				if (vehicleId == 0) 	 
					hkVector4 rotationAxis(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 	 
					hkVector4 upAxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); 	 
					hkReal strength = 8.0f; 	 
					m_reorientAction = new hkpReorientAction(chassisRigidBody, rotationAxis, upAxis, strength); 	 


	// Create the camera.
		VehicleApiUtils::createCamera( m_camera );
Пример #7
VehicleManagerDemo::VehicleManagerDemo( hkDemoEnvironment* env, hkBool createWorld, int numWheels, int numVehicles )
:	hkDefaultPhysicsDemo( env )
	const MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariant& variant = g_MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariants[m_variantId];

	m_bootstrapIterations = 150;

	numVehicles = 50;
	m_numVehicles = numVehicles;
	m_numWheels = numWheels;

	m_vehicles.setSize( m_numVehicles );


	if (!createWorld)


	// Create a vehicle manager and a vehicle setup object.
	VehicleSetup* vehicleSetup;
	if ( variant.m_demoType == MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariant::SINGLETHREADED_RAY_CAST || variant.m_demoType == MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariant::MULTITHREADED_RAY_CAST )
		m_vehicleManager = new hkpVehicleRayCastBatchingManager();
		vehicleSetup = new VehicleSetup();
		m_vehicleManager = new hkpVehicleLinearCastBatchingManager();
		vehicleSetup = new LinearCastVehicleSetup();

	// Setup vehicle chassis and create vehicles
		// Create vehicle's chassis shape.
		hkpConvexVerticesShape* chassisShape = VehicleApiUtils::createCarChassisShape(); 


		for ( int vehicleId = 0; vehicleId < m_vehicles.getSize(); vehicleId++ )
			// Create the vehicle.
				// Create the chassis body.
				hkpRigidBody* chassisRigidBody;
					hkpRigidBodyCinfo chassisInfo;
					chassisInfo.m_mass = 750.0f;	
					chassisInfo.m_shape = chassisShape;
					chassisInfo.m_friction = 0.8f;
					chassisInfo.m_motionType = hkpMotion::MOTION_BOX_INERTIA;
					// Position chassis on the ground.

					// Inertia tensor will be set by VehicleSetupMultithreaded.
					chassisInfo.m_position.set(-40.0f, -4.5f, vehicleId * 5.0f);
					chassisInfo.m_inertiaTensor.setDiagonal(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
					chassisInfo.m_centerOfMass.set( -0.037f, 0.143f, 0.0f);
					chassisInfo.m_collisionFilterInfo = hkpGroupFilter::calcFilterInfo( CHASSIS_LAYER, 0 );

					chassisRigidBody = new hkpRigidBody( chassisInfo );

				// Create vehicle
					hkpVehicleInstance *const vehicle = new hkpVehicleInstance( chassisRigidBody );
					vehicleSetup->buildVehicle( m_world, *vehicle );
					vehicle->addToWorld( m_world );
					m_vehicleManager->addVehicle( vehicle );

					m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_vehicle = vehicle;
					m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_lastRPM = 0.0f;
					m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_vehicle->m_wheelCollide->setCollisionFilterInfo( hkpGroupFilter::calcFilterInfo( WHEEL_LAYER, 0 ) );

				// This hkpAction flips the car upright if it turns over. 	 
				if (vehicleId == 0) 	 
					hkVector4 rotationAxis(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 	 
					hkVector4 upAxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); 	 
					m_reorientAction = new hkpReorientAction(chassisRigidBody, rotationAxis, upAxis); 	 


	// Create the camera.
		VehicleApiUtils::createCamera( m_camera );
		m_followCarView = true;


	// Setup for multithreading.
	hkpCollisionQueryJobQueueUtils::registerWithJobQueue( m_jobQueue );
	// register the default addCdPoint() function; you are free to register your own implementation here though

	// Special case for this demo variant: we do not allow the # of active SPUs to drop to zero as this can cause a deadlock.
	if ( variant.m_demoType == MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariant::MULTITHREADED_RAY_CAST || variant.m_demoType == MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariant::MULTITHREADED_LINEAR_CAST )
		m_allowZeroActiveSpus = false;
void Foam::cyclicGgiPolyPatch::checkDefinition() const
    // A little bit of sanity check The rotation angle/axis is
    // specified in both the master and slave patch of the
    // cyclicGgi.  This is a pain, but the other alternatives
    // would be:
    //   - Specify in only of the two patches boundary
    //   definition : - which one to chose?  - which default
    //   value to chose for the non-initialized value - Use a
    //   specific dictionary for this... Nope, too cumbersome.
    // So, we impose that the boundary definition of both
    // patches must specify the same information If not, well,
    // we stop the simulation and ask for a fix.

    if (!active())
        // No need to check anything, the shadow is not initialized properly.
        // This will happen with blockMesh when defining cyclicGGI patches.
        // Return quietly

        (mag(rotationAngle()) - mag(cyclicShadow().rotationAngle())) > SMALL
     || cmptSum(rotationAxis() - cyclicShadow().rotationAxis()) > SMALL
        FatalErrorIn("void cyclicGgiPolyPatch::check() const")
            << "    Rotation angle for patch name           : "
            << name() << " is: " << rotationAngle()
            << " axis: " << rotationAxis() << nl
            << "    Rotation angle for shadow patch name: "
            << shadowName() << " is: "
            << cyclicShadow().rotationAngle() << " axis: "
            << cyclicShadow().rotationAxis() << nl
            << "    Both values need to be opposite in "
            << "the boundary file. "
            << abort(FatalError);

        (mag(separationOffset() + cyclicShadow().separationOffset())) > SMALL
        FatalErrorIn("void cyclicGgiPolyPatch::check() const")
            << "Separation offset for patch name           : "
            << name() << " is: " << separationOffset()
            << "    Separation offset for shadow patch name: "
            << shadowName() << " is: "
            << cyclicShadow().separationOffset() << " axis: "
            << "    Both values need to be opposite in "
            << "the boundary file. "
            << abort(FatalError);

    if (debug > 1 && master())
        Info<< "Writing transformed slave patch as VTK." << nl
            << "Master: " << name()
            << " Slave: " << shadowName()
            << " Angle (master to slave): " << rotationAngle() << " deg"
            << " Axis: " << rotationAxis()
            << " Separation: " << separationOffset() << endl;

            const polyMesh& mesh = boundaryMesh().mesh();

            fileName fvPath(mesh.time().path()/"VTK");

            pointField transformedPoints = cyclicShadow().localPoints();

            tensor rot = RodriguesRotation(rotationAxis_,  -rotationAngle_);

            transform(transformedPoints, rot, transformedPoints);

            // Add separation offset to transformed points.  HJ, 24/Nov/2009
            transformedPoints += cyclicShadow().separationOffset();

                fvPath/fileName("cyclicGgi" + name() + cyclicShadow().name()),