Пример #1
static int rotter_process_audio()
  int total_samples = 0;
  int result;
  int b;

  for(b=0; b<2; b++) {
    rotter_ringbuffer_t *ringbuffer = ringbuffers[b];
    int samples = 0;

    // Has there been a ringbuffer overflow?
    if (ringbuffer->overflow) {
      rotter_error( "Ringbuffer %c overflowed while writing audio.", ringbuffer->label);
      ringbuffer->overflow = 0;

    // Has there been a jackd xrun?
    if (ringbuffer->xrun_usecs) {
      rotter_error( "jackd experienced a %d microsecond buffer xrun.", ringbuffer->xrun_usecs);
      ringbuffer->xrun_usecs = 0;

    // Read some audio from the buffer
    samples = rotter_read_from_ringbuffer( ringbuffer, output_format->samples_per_frame );
    if (samples > 0) {
      total_samples += samples;

      // Open a new file?
      if (ringbuffer->file_handle == NULL) {
        result = rotter_open_file(ringbuffer);
        if (result) {
          rotter_error("Failed to open file.");

      // Write some audio to disk
      result = encoder->write(ringbuffer->file_handle, samples, tmp_buffer);
      if (result) {
        rotter_error("An error occured while trying to write audio to disk.");

    // Close the old file
    if (samples <= 0 && ringbuffer->close_file) {

      // Delete files older delete_hours
      if (delete_hours>0)
        deletefiles( root_directory, delete_hours );

  } // for(b=0..2)

  return total_samples;
Пример #2
// Shut down jack related stuff
int deinit_jack()
  if (client) {
    rotter_debug("Stopping Jack client.");

    if (jack_deactivate(client)) {
      rotter_error("Failed to de-activate Jack");

    if (jack_client_close(client)) {
      rotter_error("Failed to close Jack client");

  return 0;
Пример #3
static int deinit_ringbuffers()
  int b,c;

  for(b=0; b<2; b++) {
    if (ringbuffers[b]) {
      for(c=0;c<2;c++) {
        if (ringbuffers[b]->buffer[c]) {

      if (munlock(ringbuffers[b], sizeof(rotter_ringbuffer_t))) {
        rotter_error("Failed to unlock ringbuffer %c from physical memory.", ringbuffers[b]->label);

      if (ringbuffers[b]->file_handle) {
        ringbuffers[b]->file_handle = NULL;


  return 0;
Пример #4
  Encode and write some audio from the ring buffer to disk
static int write_lame(void *fh, size_t sample_count, jack_default_audio_sample_t *buffer[])
  FILE* file = (FILE*)fh;
  size_t i16_desired = sample_count * sizeof( short int );
  int bytes_encoded=0, bytes_written=0;
  int c=0;

  // Convert to 16-bit integer samples
  for (c=0; c<channels; c++) {
    i16_buffer[c] = (short int*)realloc(i16_buffer[c], i16_desired );
    if (!i16_buffer[c]) rotter_fatal( "realloc on i16_buffer failed" );
    float32_to_short( buffer[c], i16_buffer[c], sample_count );

  // Encode it
  bytes_encoded = lame_encode_buffer( lame_opts,
            i16_buffer[0], i16_buffer[1],
            sample_count, mpeg_buffer, WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE );

  if (bytes_encoded<0) {
    rotter_fatal( "Error: while encoding audio.");
    return -1;
  } else if (bytes_encoded>0) {
    // Write it to disk
    bytes_written = fwrite(mpeg_buffer, 1, bytes_encoded, file);
    if (bytes_written != bytes_encoded) {
      rotter_error( "Warning: failed to write encoded audio to disk: %s", strerror(errno) );
      return -1;

  // Success
  return 0;
Пример #5
// Callback called by JACK when jackd is shutting down
void shutdown_callback_jack(void *arg)
  rotter_error("Rotter quitting because jackd is shutting down." );

  // Signal the main thead to stop
  rotter_run_state = ROTTER_STATE_QUITING;
Пример #6
static int init_ringbuffers()
  size_t ringbuffer_size = 0;
  int b,c;

  ringbuffer_size = jack_get_sample_rate( client ) * rb_duration * sizeof(jack_default_audio_sample_t);
  rotter_debug("Size of the ring buffers is %2.2f seconds (%d bytes).", rb_duration, (int)ringbuffer_size );

  for(b=0; b<2; b++) {
    char label = ('A' + b);
    ringbuffers[b] = malloc(sizeof(rotter_ringbuffer_t));
    if (!ringbuffers[b]) {
      rotter_fatal("Cannot allocate memory for ringbuffer %c structure.", label);
      return -1;

    if (mlock(ringbuffers[b], sizeof(rotter_ringbuffer_t))) {
      rotter_error("Failed to lock data structure for ringbuffer %c into physical memory.", label);

    ringbuffers[b]->label = label;
    ringbuffers[b]->period_start = 0;
    ringbuffers[b]->file_handle = NULL;
    ringbuffers[b]->overflow = 0;
    ringbuffers[b]->xrun_usecs = 0;
    ringbuffers[b]->close_file = 0;
    ringbuffers[b]->buffer[0] = NULL;
    ringbuffers[b]->buffer[1] = NULL;

    for(c=0; c<channels; c++) {
      ringbuffers[b]->buffer[c] = jack_ringbuffer_create( ringbuffer_size );
      if (!ringbuffers[b]->buffer[c]) {
        rotter_fatal("Cannot create ringbuffer buffer %c%d.", label, c);
        return -1;

      // Lock into physical memory to avoid delays during the realtime callback
      if (jack_ringbuffer_mlock(ringbuffers[b]->buffer[c])) {
        rotter_error("Failed to lock JACK ringbuffer %c%d into physical memory.", label, c);

  return 0;
Пример #7
static dev_t get_file_device( const char* filepath )
  struct stat sb;

  if (stat( filepath, &sb )) {
    rotter_error( "Warning: failed to stat file: %s", filepath );
    return -1;

  return sb.st_dev;
Пример #8
// Delete files older than 'hours'
int deletefiles( const char* dirpath, int hours )
  int old_niceness, new_niceness = 15;
  time_t now = time(NULL);
  dev_t device = get_file_device( dirpath );

  if (hours<=0)
    return 0;

  if (delete_child_pid) {
    rotter_error( "Not deleting files: the last deletion process has not finished." );
    return delete_child_pid;

  rotter_info( "Deleting files older than %d hours in %s.", hours, dirpath );

  // Fork a new process
  delete_child_pid = fork();
  if (delete_child_pid>0) {
    // Parent is here
    rotter_debug( "Forked new proccess to delete files (pid=%d).", delete_child_pid );
    return delete_child_pid;
  } else if (delete_child_pid<0) {
    rotter_error( "Warning: fork failed: %s", strerror(errno) );
    return 0;

  // Make this process nicer
  // (deleting files is pretty unimportant)
  old_niceness = nice( new_niceness );
  rotter_debug( "Changed child proccess niceless from %d to %d.", old_niceness, new_niceness );

  // Recursively process directories
  deletefiles_in_dir( dirpath, device, now-(hours*3600) );

  // End of child process
Пример #9
static void deletefiles_in_dir( const char* dirpath, dev_t device, time_t timestamp )
  DIR *dirp = opendir(dirpath);
  struct dirent *dp;

  if (dirp==NULL) {
    rotter_fatal( "Failed to open directory: %s.", dirpath );

  // Check we are on the same device
  if (get_file_device(dirpath) != device) {
    rotter_debug( "Warning: %s isn't on same device as root dir.", dirpath );
    closedir( dirp );

  // Check each item in the directory
  while( (dp = readdir( dirp )) != NULL ) {
    int newpath_len;
    char* newpath;

    if (strcmp( ".", dp->d_name )==0) continue;
    if (strcmp( "..", dp->d_name )==0) continue;

    newpath_len = strlen(dirpath) + strlen(dp->d_name) + 2;
    newpath = malloc( newpath_len );
    snprintf( newpath, newpath_len, "%s/%s", dirpath, dp->d_name );

    if (dp->d_type == DT_DIR) {

      // Process sub directory
      deletefiles_in_dir( newpath, device, timestamp );
      delete_file( newpath, device, timestamp );

    } else if (dp->d_type == DT_REG) {

      delete_file( newpath, device, timestamp );

    } else {
      rotter_error( "Warning: not a file or a directory: %s" );
    free( newpath );


  closedir( dirp );
Пример #10
static void delete_file( const char* filepath, dev_t device, time_t timestamp )
  struct stat sb;

  if (stat( filepath, &sb )) {
    rotter_error( "Warning: failed to stat file: %s", filepath );

  if (sb.st_dev != device) {
    rotter_debug( "Warning: %s isn't on same device as root dir.", filepath );

  if (sb.st_mtime < timestamp) {
    rotter_debug( "Deleting file: %s", filepath );

    if (unlink(filepath) && rmdir(filepath)) {
      rotter_error( "Warning: failed to delete file: %s", filepath );

Пример #11
void deletefiles_cleanup_child()
  // Has a child process finished?
  if (delete_child_pid) {
    int status = 0;
    pid_t pid = waitpid( delete_child_pid, &status, WNOHANG );
    if (pid) {
      delete_child_pid = 0;
      if (status) {
        rotter_error( "File deletion child-process exited with status %d", status );
      } else {
        rotter_debug( "File deletion child-process has finished." );
Пример #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int autoconnect = 0;
  jack_options_t jack_opt = JackNullOption;
  char *client_name = DEFAULT_CLIENT_NAME;
  char *connect_left = NULL;
  char *connect_right = NULL;
  const char *format_name = NULL;
  int bitrate = DEFAULT_BITRATE;
  int sync_period = DEFAULT_SYNC_PERIOD;
  float sleep_time = 0;
  time_t next_sync = 0;
  int i,opt;

  // Make STDOUT unbuffered
  setbuf(stdout, NULL);

  // Parse Switches
  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "al:r:n:N:O:p:jf:b:Q:d:c:R:L:s:uvqh")) != -1) {
    switch (opt) {
      case 'a':  autoconnect = 1; break;
      case 'l':  connect_left = optarg; break;
      case 'r':  connect_right = optarg; break;
      case 'n':  client_name = optarg; break;
      case 'N':  archive_name = optarg; break;
      case 'O':  originator = strdup(optarg); break;
      case 'p':  archive_period_seconds = atol(optarg); break;
      case 'j':  jack_opt |= JackNoStartServer; break;
      case 'f':  format_name = rotter_str_tolower(optarg); break;
      case 'b':  bitrate = atoi(optarg); break;
      case 'Q':  vbr_quality = atof(optarg); break;
      case 'd':  delete_hours = atoi(optarg); break;
      case 'c':  channels = atoi(optarg); break;
      case 'R':  rb_duration = atof(optarg); break;
      case 'L':  file_layout = optarg; break;
      case 's':  sync_period = atoi(optarg); break;
      case 'u':  utc = 1; break;
      case 'v':  verbose = 1; break;
      case 'q':  quiet = 1; break;
      default:  usage(); break;

  // Validate parameters
  if (quiet && verbose) {
    rotter_error("Can't be quiet and verbose at the same time.");

  // Check the number of channels
  if (channels!=1 && channels!=2) {
    rotter_error("Number of channels should be either 1 or 2.");

  // Check remaining arguments
    argc -= optind;
    argv += optind;
    if (argc!=1) {
      rotter_error("%s requires a root directory argument.", PACKAGE_NAME);
  } else {
    root_directory = argv[0];
    if (root_directory[strlen(root_directory)-1] == '/')
      root_directory[strlen(root_directory)-1] = 0;

    if (rotter_directory_exists(root_directory)) {
      rotter_debug("Root directory: %s", root_directory);
    } else {
      rotter_fatal("Root directory does not exist: %s", root_directory);
      goto cleanup;

  // Search for the selected output format
  if (format_name) {
    for(i=0; format_list[i].name; i++) {
      if (strcmp( format_list[i].name, format_name ) == 0) {
        // Found desired format
        output_format = &format_list[i];
        rotter_debug("User selected [%s] '%s'.",  output_format->name,  output_format->desc);
    if (output_format==NULL) {
      rotter_fatal("Failed to find format [%s], please check the supported format list.", format_name);
      goto cleanup;
  } else {
    output_format = &format_list[0];

  // No originator defined?
  if (!originator) {
    originator = rotter_get_hostname();

  // Initialise JACK
  if (init_jack( client_name, jack_opt )) {
    rotter_debug("Failed to initialise Jack client.");
    goto cleanup;

  // Create ring buffers
  if (init_ringbuffers()) {
    rotter_debug("Failed to initialise ring buffers.");
    goto cleanup;

  // Create temporary buffer for reading samples into
  if (init_tmpbuffers(output_format->samples_per_frame)) {
    rotter_debug("Failed to initialise temporary buffers.");
    goto cleanup;

  // Initialise encoder
  encoder = output_format->initfunc(output_format, channels, bitrate);
  if (encoder==NULL) {
    rotter_debug("Failed to initialise encoder.");
    goto cleanup;

  // Activate JACK
  if (jack_activate(client)) {
    rotter_fatal("Cannot activate JACK client.");
    goto cleanup;

  // Setup signal handlers
  signal(SIGTERM, rotter_termination_handler);
  signal(SIGINT, rotter_termination_handler);
  signal(SIGHUP, rotter_termination_handler);

  // Auto-connect our input ports ?
  if (autoconnect) autoconnect_jack_ports( client );
  if (connect_left) connect_jack_port( connect_left, inport[0] );
  if (connect_right && channels == 2) connect_jack_port( connect_right, inport[1] );

  // Calculate period to wait when there is no audio to process
  sleep_time = (2.0f * output_format->samples_per_frame / jack_get_sample_rate( client ));
  rotter_debug("Sleep period is %dms.", (int)(sleep_time * 1000));

  while( rotter_run_state == ROTTER_STATE_RUNNING ) {
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    int samples_processed = rotter_process_audio();
    if (samples_processed <= 0) {
      usleep(sleep_time * 1000000);

    // Is it time to sync the encoded audio to disk?
    if (next_sync < now) {
      next_sync = now + sync_period;



  // Clean up JACK

  // Free buffers and close files

  // Shut down encoder
  if (encoder)

  // Free the originator string
  if (originator)

  // Did something go wrong?
  if (rotter_run_state == ROTTER_STATE_QUITING) {
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  } else {
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
Пример #13
encoder_funcs_t* init_lame( output_format_t* format, int channels, int bitrate )
  encoder_funcs_t* funcs = NULL;

  lame_opts = lame_init();
  if (lame_opts==NULL) {
    rotter_error("lame error: failed to initialise.");
    return NULL;

  if ( 0 > lame_set_num_channels( lame_opts, channels ) ) {
    rotter_error("lame error: failed to set number of channels.");
    return NULL;

  if ( 0 > lame_set_in_samplerate( lame_opts, jack_get_sample_rate( client ) )) {
    rotter_error("lame error: failed to set input samplerate.");
    return NULL;

  if ( 0 > lame_set_out_samplerate( lame_opts, jack_get_sample_rate( client ) )) {
    rotter_error("lame error: failed to set output samplerate.");
    return NULL;

  if ( 0 > lame_set_brate( lame_opts, bitrate) ) {
    rotter_error("lame error: failed to set bitrate.");
    return NULL;

  if ( 0 > lame_init_params( lame_opts ) ) {
    rotter_error("lame error: failed to initialize parameters.");
    return NULL;

  rotter_info( "Encoding using liblame version %s.", get_lame_version() );
  rotter_debug( "  Input: %d Hz, %d channels",
  rotter_debug( "  Output: %s Layer 3, %d kbps, %s",

  // Allocate memory for encoded audio
  mpeg_buffer = malloc( 1.25*SAMPLES_PER_FRAME + 7200 );
  if ( mpeg_buffer==NULL ) {
    rotter_error( "Failed to allocate memery for encoded audio." );
    return NULL;

  // Allocate memory for callback functions
  funcs = calloc( 1, sizeof(encoder_funcs_t) );
  if ( funcs==NULL ) {
    rotter_error( "Failed to allocate memery for encoder callback functions structure." );
    return NULL;

  funcs->file_suffix = "mp3";
  funcs->open = open_mpegaudio_file;
  funcs->close = close_mpegaudio_file;
  funcs->write = write_lame;
  funcs->deinit = deinit_lame;

  return funcs;