Пример #1
/** Create or adjust "rot" parameter for a component
 * Assumed that name either equals "rotx", "roty" or "rotz" otherwise this
 * method will not add/modify "rot" parameter
 * @param comp :: Component
 * @param name :: Parameter name
 * @param deg :: Parameter value in degrees
 * @param pDescription :: a pointer (may be NULL) to a string, containing
 * parameter's
 * description. If provided, the contents of the string is copied to the
 * parameter's
 * memory
void ParameterMap::addRotationParam(const IComponent *comp,
                                    const std::string &name, const double deg,
                                    const std::string *const pDescription) {
  Parameter_sptr paramRotX = get(comp, rotx());
  Parameter_sptr paramRotY = get(comp, roty());
  Parameter_sptr paramRotZ = get(comp, rotz());
  double rotX, rotY, rotZ;

  if (paramRotX)
    rotX = paramRotX->value<double>();
    rotX = 0.0;

  if (paramRotY)
    rotY = paramRotY->value<double>();
    rotY = 0.0;

  if (paramRotZ)
    rotZ = paramRotZ->value<double>();
    rotZ = 0.0;

  // adjust rotation
  Quat quat;
  if (name.compare(rotx()) == 0) {
    addDouble(comp, rotx(), deg);
    quat = Quat(deg, V3D(1, 0, 0)) * Quat(rotY, V3D(0, 1, 0)) *
           Quat(rotZ, V3D(0, 0, 1));
  } else if (name.compare(roty()) == 0) {
    addDouble(comp, roty(), deg);
    quat = Quat(rotX, V3D(1, 0, 0)) * Quat(deg, V3D(0, 1, 0)) *
           Quat(rotZ, V3D(0, 0, 1));
  } else if (name.compare(rotz()) == 0) {
    addDouble(comp, rotz(), deg);
    quat = Quat(rotX, V3D(1, 0, 0)) * Quat(rotY, V3D(0, 1, 0)) *
           Quat(deg, V3D(0, 0, 1));
  } else {
        << "addRotationParam() called with unrecognized coordinate symbol: "
        << name;

  // clear the position cache

  // finally add or update "pos" parameter
  addQuat(comp, rot(), quat, pDescription);
Пример #2
void ArcBall::setView( int view )
    m_zoom = 1.0;
    m_moveX = 0;
    m_moveY = 0;
    m_oldMoveX = 0;
    m_oldMoveY = 0;

    QQuaternion rotx( sqrt(0.5), 0, 0, sqrt(0.5) );
    QQuaternion rot_x( -sqrt(0.5), 0, 0, sqrt(0.5) );
    QQuaternion roty( 0, sqrt(0.5), 0, sqrt(0.5) );
    QQuaternion rot_y( 0, -sqrt(0.5), 0, sqrt(0.5) );
    QQuaternion rotz( 0, 0, sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5) );

    if ( view == 2 )
        m_currentRot.rotate( rotz );
        m_currentRot.rotate( rotx );
        m_currentRot.rotate( rotx );
    if ( view == 3 )
        m_currentRot.rotate( rot_x );
        m_currentRot.rotate( rot_y );
Пример #3
void rotate(float rx, float ry, float rz){
    Matrix4f rotx, roty, rotz;
    rotx = Matrix4f::Identity();
    roty = Matrix4f::Identity();
    rotz = Matrix4f::Identity();
    float cosrx, sinrx, cosry, sinry, cosrz, sinrz;
    cosrx = cosf(rx); sinrx = sinf(rx);
    cosry = cosf(ry); sinry = sinf(ry);
    cosrz = cosf(rz); sinrz = sinf(rz);
    rotx(1,1) = cosrx; rotx(1,2) = -sinrx;
    rotx(2,1) = sinrx; rotx(2,2) = cosrx;
    roty(0,0) = cosry; roty(2,0) = -sinry;
    roty(0,2) = sinry; roty(2,2) = cosry;
    rotz(0,0) = cosrz; rotz(0,1) = -sinrz;
    rotz(1,0) = sinrz; rotz(1,1) = cosrz;
    model_view.top() *= (rotx * roty * rotz);
Пример #4
void wxOgre::OnMouseMotion(wxMouseEvent& event)
	static float speed = 0.0f;
	static bool dragStart = true;
	static const wxString posInfo(wxT("Pos:X:%03d, Y:%03d Change X:%03d Y:%03d"));
	static Ogre::Quaternion startRot(Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY);

	Ogre::LogManager* logMgr = Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr();
	Ogre::Log* log(logMgr->getDefaultLog());
	int left, top, width, height;	
	mCamera->getViewport()->getActualDimensions(left, top, width, height);

	wxPoint pos = event.GetPosition();
	wxPoint change = pos - mPrevPos;

	Ogre::Vector2 changeNorm((Ogre::Real) change.x / (Ogre::Real) width,
							 (Ogre::Real) -change.y / (Ogre::Real) height);
	if ((!dragStart) && ((!event.Dragging()) || (!event.LeftIsDown()))) {
 			wxString msg(wxT("Drag End"));
			dragStart = true;

		if (event.LeftIsDown())
			if (mTarget) {
				Ogre::Vector3 objectCentre(mTarget == NULL ? Ogre::Vector3::ZERO : mTarget->getPosition());
				if (dragStart) {
					Ogre::Vector3 cam2Object(mCameraNode->getPosition() - objectCentre);
					mDirection =  cam2Object.normalisedCopy();
					mRadius = cam2Object.length();
					mChangePos = Ogre::Vector2::ZERO;
					dragStart = false;					
					wxString msg(wxT("Drag Start"));
				}  else {
					Ogre::Vector3 across;
					Ogre::Vector3 up;
					Ogre::Vector3 forward;
					mCamera->getRealOrientation().ToAxes(across, up, forward);
					mChangePos += changeNorm;
					Ogre::Quaternion roty(Ogre::Radian(mChangePos.y * Ogre::Math::PI / 12.0f), across);
					Ogre::Quaternion rotx(Ogre::Radian(mChangePos.x * Ogre::Math::PI / 12.0f), up);					
					Ogre::Quaternion rot(roty * rotx);
					mCameraNode->setPosition(objectCentre + ((rot * mDirection) * mRadius));
		else if(event.MiddleIsDown())
			int left, top, width, height;
			mCamera->getViewport()->getActualDimensions(left, top, width, height);

			float speed = 1.0f;
			if (event.ShiftDown())
				speed = 0.1f;
			if (event.ControlDown())
				speed = 10.0f;
			float moveX = ((float)-change.x / (float)width) * mZoomScale * speed;
			float moveY = ((float)change.y / (float)height) * mZoomScale * speed;

			Ogre::Vector3 delta(mCamera->getRealOrientation().xAxis() * moveX);
			delta += mCamera->getRealOrientation().yAxis() * moveY;
			mCamera->setPosition(mCamera->getRealPosition() + delta);
	mPrevPos = pos;
Пример #5
Matrix4D RotateY(float theta)
	Matrix4D roty(cos(theta), 0, sin(theta), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -sin(theta),0, cos(theta), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
	return roty;
Пример #6
void GsMat::roty ( float radians, char fmt )
   roty ( sinf(radians), cosf(radians), fmt );