Пример #1
void BcMat4d::scale( const BcVec4d& Scale )
	row0( BcVec4d( Scale.x(), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
	row1( BcVec4d( 0.0f, Scale.y(), 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
	row2( BcVec4d( 0.0f, 0.0f, Scale.z(), 0.0f ) );
	row3( BcVec4d( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, Scale.w() ) );
Пример #2
void CoronaRenderer::setAnimatedTransformationMatrix(Corona::AnimatedAffineTm& atm, mtco_MayaObject *obj)
	MMatrix to, from;

	// a segment contains start and end, 2 mb steps are one segment, 3 mb steps are 2 segments
	int numSegments = (obj->transformMatrices.size() - 1) * ((int)this->mtco_renderGlobals->doMb) ;

	for( size_t mId = 0; mId < (numSegments + 1); mId++)
		MMatrix c = this->mtco_renderGlobals->globalConversionMatrix;
		//logger.debug(MString("") + c[0][0] + " "  + c[0][1] + " "  + c[0][2] + " "  + c[0][3]);
		//logger.debug(MString("") + c[1][0] + " "  + c[1][1] + " "  + c[1][2] + " "  + c[1][3]);
		//logger.debug(MString("") + c[2][0] + " "  + c[2][1] + " "  + c[2][2] + " "  + c[2][3]);
		//logger.debug(MString("") + c[3][0] + " "  + c[3][1] + " "  + c[3][2] + " "  + c[3][3]);
		MMatrix t = (obj->transformMatrices[mId] * c).transpose();
		Corona::AffineTm tm;
		Corona::Float4 row1(t[0][0],t[0][1],t[0][2],t[0][3]);
		Corona::Float4 row2(t[1][0],t[1][1],t[1][2],t[1][3]);
		Corona::Float4 row3(t[2][0],t[2][1],t[2][2],t[2][3]);
		tm = Corona::AffineTm(row1, row2, row3);
		atm[mId] = Corona::AffineTm::IDENTITY;
		atm[mId] = tm;
Пример #3
Matrix4 Matrix4::multiply(Matrix4 a)
    Matrix4 b;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
			b.m[i][j] = m[0][j] * a.m[i][0] + m[1][j] * a.m[i][1] + m[2][j] * a.m[i][2] + m[3][j] * a.m[i][3];
	Vector4 row1(m[0][0], m[1][0], m[2][0], m[3][0]);
	Vector4 row2(m[0][1], m[1][1], m[2][1], m[3][1]);
	Vector4 row3(m[0][2], m[1][2], m[2][2], m[3][2]);
	Vector4 row4(m[0][3], m[1][3], m[2][3], m[3][3]);

	Vector4 col1(a.m[0][0], a.m[0][1], a.m[0][2], a.m[0][3]);
	Vector4 col2(a.m[1][0], a.m[1][1], a.m[1][2], a.m[1][3]);
	Vector4 col3(a.m[2][0], a.m[2][1], a.m[2][2], a.m[2][3]);
	Vector4 col4(a.m[3][0], a.m[3][1], a.m[3][2], a.m[3][3]);

	b.set(row1.dot(col1), row2.dot(col1), row3.dot(col1), row4.dot(col1),
		row1.dot(col2), row2.dot(col2), row3.dot(col2), row4.dot(col2),
		row1.dot(col3), row2.dot(col3), row3.dot(col3), row4.dot(col3),
		row1.dot(col4), row2.dot(col4), row3.dot(col4), row4.dot(col4));

    return b;
Пример #4
AglQuaternion AglMatrix::GetRotation() const
	AglVector3 row0(data[0], data[1], data[2]);
	AglVector3 row1(data[4], data[5], data[6]);
	AglVector3 row2(data[8], data[9], data[10]);

	float lrow0 = AglVector3::length(row0);
	float lrow1 = AglVector3::length(row1);
	float lrow2 = AglVector3::length(row2);

	row0 *= (1/lrow0);
	row1 *= (1/lrow1);
	row2 *= (1/lrow2);

	//Find the largest factor.
	float qx, qy, qz, qw;
	if (row0[0] + row1[1] + row2[2] > 0.0f) //Use w
		float t = row0[0] + row1[1] + row2[2] + data[15];
		float s = 0.5f / sqrt(t);

		qw = s * t;
		qz = (row0[1] - row1[0]) * s;
		qy = (row2[0] - row0[2]) * s;
		qx = (row1[2] - row2[1]) * s;
	else if (row0[0] > row1[1] && row0[0] > row2[2]) //Use x
		float t = row0[0] - row1[1] - row2[2] + data[15];
		float s = 0.5f / sqrt(t);

		qx = s * t;
		qy = (row0[1] + row1[0]) * s;
		qz = (row2[0] + row0[2]) * s;
		qw = (row1[2] - row2[1]) * s;
	else if (row1[1] > row2[2]) //Use y
		float t = -row0[0] + row1[1] - row2[2] + data[15];
		float s = 0.5f / sqrt(t);

		qy = s * t;
		qx = (row0[1] + row1[0]) * s;
		qw = (row2[0] - row0[2]) * s;
		qz = (row1[2] + row2[1]) * s;
	else //Use z
		float t = -row0[0] - row1[1] + row2[2] + data[15];
		float s = 0.5f / sqrt(t);

		qz = s * t;
		qw = (row0[1] - row1[0]) * s;
		qx = (row2[0] + row0[2]) * s;
		qy = (row1[2] + row2[1]) * s;
	return AglQuaternion(qx, qy, qz, qw);
Пример #5
// Print a matrix33 to a file
void matrix33::fprint(FILE* file, char * str) const 
  fprintf(file, "%smatrix33:\n", str);
  vector3 row0(col[0][0], col[1][0], col[2][0]);
  row0.fprint(file, "\t");
  vector3 row1(col[0][1], col[1][1], col[2][1]);
  row1.fprint(file, "\t");
  vector3 row2(col[0][2], col[1][2], col[2][2]);
  row2.fprint(file, "\t");
Пример #6
void model1_state::view_t::transform_vector(glm::vec3& p) const
	glm::vec3 q(p);
	glm::vec3 row1(translation[0], translation[3], translation[6]);
	glm::vec3 row2(translation[1], translation[4], translation[7]);
	glm::vec3 row3(translation[2], translation[5], translation[8]);
	p = glm::vec3(glm::dot(q, row1), glm::dot(q, row2), glm::dot(q, row3));
	//p->set_x(translation[0] * q.x() + translation[3] * q.y() + translation[6] * q.z());
	//p->set_y(translation[1] * q.x() + translation[4] * q.y() + translation[7] * q.z());
	//p->set_z(translation[2] * q.x() + translation[5] * q.y() + translation[8] * q.z());
Пример #7
// Return a matrix to represent a nonuniform scale with the given factors.
Matrix4x4 scaling(const Vector3D& scale)
	Vector4D row1(scale[0], 0, 0, 0);
  Vector4D row2(0, scale[1], 0, 0);
  Vector4D row3(0, 0, scale[2], 0);
  Vector4D row4(0, 0, 0, 1);

  Matrix4x4 s(row1, row2, row3, row4);

  return s;
Пример #8
bool ROSToKlampt(const tf::Transform& T,RigidTransform& kT)
  Vector3 row1(T.getBasis()[0].x(),T.getBasis()[0].y(),T.getBasis()[0].z());
  Vector3 row2(T.getBasis()[1].x(),T.getBasis()[1].y(),T.getBasis()[1].z());
  Vector3 row3(T.getBasis()[2].x(),T.getBasis()[2].y(),T.getBasis()[2].z());
  return true;
Пример #9
AglVector3 AglMatrix::GetScale() const
	AglVector3 row0(data[0], data[1], data[2]);
	AglVector3 row1(data[4], data[5], data[6]);
	AglVector3 row2(data[8], data[9], data[10]);

	float lrow0 = AglVector3::length(row0);
	float lrow1 = AglVector3::length(row1);
	float lrow2 = AglVector3::length(row2);

	return AglVector3(lrow0, lrow1, lrow2);
Пример #10
std::vector<QVector> ViewingParams::updateVewingTranformationMatrix(){
	QVector row1(eyeCoord[0].getX(),eyeCoord[1].getX(),eyeCoord[2].getX(),eye.getX());
	QVector row2(eyeCoord[0].getY(),eyeCoord[1].getY(),eyeCoord[2].getY(),eye.getY());
	QVector row3(eyeCoord[0].getZ(),eyeCoord[1].getZ(),eyeCoord[2].getZ(),eye.getZ());		
	QVector row4(0,0,0,1);
	return transMatrix;
Пример #11
// Return a matrix to represent a displacement of the given vector.
Matrix4x4 translation(const Vector3D& displacement)

  Vector4D row1(1, 0, 0, displacement[0]);
  Vector4D row2(0, 1, 0, displacement[1]);
  Vector4D row3(0, 0, 1, displacement[2]);
  Vector4D row4(0, 0, 0, 1);

  Matrix4x4 t(row1, row2, row3, row4);

  return t;
Пример #12
int main() {
  tableau t1;
  std::vector<unsigned int> row1(10);
  std::vector<unsigned int> row2(8);


  tableau::iterator it = t1.begin();
  for ( ; it != t1.end(); ++it) {
    //display rows of tableau
  return 0;
Пример #13
// --[  Method  ]---------------------------------------------------------------
//  - Class     : CMatrix
//  - prototype : CMatrix Inverse()
//  - Purpose   : Returns the inverse transformation matrix.
//  - Note      : IMPORTANT: Algorithm only valid for orthogonal matrices!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMatrix CMatrix::Inverse() const
	CMatrix result;

	// Transpose rotation submatrix

	CVector3 row0(m_fM[0][0], m_fM[1][0], m_fM[2][0]);
	CVector3 row1(m_fM[0][1], m_fM[1][1], m_fM[2][1]);
	CVector3 row2(m_fM[0][2], m_fM[1][2], m_fM[2][2]);

	CVector3 position(m_fM[0][3], m_fM[1][3], m_fM[2][3]);
	CVector3 invPosition;

	// Solve ecuation system

	invPosition.SetX((-row0) * position);
	invPosition.SetY((-row1) * position);
	invPosition.SetZ((-row2) * position);

	// Get scale values

	CVector3 scale = Scale();

	float sqrSclX = scale.X(); sqrSclX *= sqrSclX;
	float sqrSclY = scale.Y(); sqrSclY *= sqrSclY;
	float sqrSclZ = scale.Z(); sqrSclZ *= sqrSclZ;

	// Shouldn't happen:


	// Normalize axis and multiply by the inverse scale.

	row0 = row0 / sqrSclX;
	row1 = row1 / sqrSclY;
	row2 = row2 / sqrSclZ;

	// Insert values

	result.SetRow0(row0.X(), row0.Y(), row0.Z(), invPosition.X());
	result.SetRow1(row1.X(), row1.Y(), row1.Z(), invPosition.Y());
	result.SetRow2(row2.X(), row2.Y(), row2.Z(), invPosition.Z());
	result.SetRow3(  0.0f,      0.0f,      0.0f,         1.0f);

	return result;
Пример #14
FMatrix OSVRHMDDescription::GetProjectionMatrix(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearClip, float farClip) const
    // original code
    //float sumRightLeft = static_cast<float>(right + left);
    //float sumTopBottom = static_cast<float>(top + bottom);
    //float inverseRightLeft = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(right - left);
    //float inverseTopBottom = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(top - bottom);
    //FPlane row1(2.0f * inverseRightLeft, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    //FPlane row2(0.0f, 2.0f * inverseTopBottom, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    //FPlane row3((sumRightLeft * inverseRightLeft), (sumTopBottom * inverseTopBottom), 0.0f, 1.0f);
    //FPlane row4(0.0f, 0.0f, zNear, 0.0f);
    // OSVR Render Manager OSVR_Projection_to_D3D with adjustment for unreal (from steamVR plugin)
    OSVR_ProjectionMatrix projection;
    projection.left = static_cast<double>(left);
    projection.right = static_cast<double>(right);
    projection.top = static_cast<double>(top);
    projection.bottom = static_cast<double>(bottom);
    projection.nearClip = static_cast<double>(nearClip);
    // @todo Since farClip may be FLT_MAX, round-trip casting to double
    // and back (via the OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal call) it should
    // be checked for conversion issues.
    projection.farClip = static_cast<double>(farClip);
    float p[16];
    OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(p, projection);

    FPlane row1(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
    FPlane row2(p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]);
    FPlane row3(p[8], p[9], p[10], p[11]);
    FPlane row4(p[12], p[13], p[14], p[15]);
    FMatrix ret = FMatrix(row1, row2, row3, row4);

    //ret.M[3][3] = 0.0f;
    //ret.M[2][3] = 1.0f;
    //ret.M[2][2] = 0.0f;
    //ret.M[3][2] = nearClip;

    // This was suggested by Nick at Epic, but doesn't seem to work? Black screen.
    //ret.M[2][2] = nearClip / (nearClip - farClip);
    //ret.M[3][2] = -nearClip * nearClip / (nearClip - farClip);

    // Adjustment suggested on a forum post for an off-axis projection. Doesn't work.
    //ret *= 1.0f / ret.M[0][0];
    //ret.M[3][2] = GNearClippingPlane;
    return ret;
Пример #15
TEST(ArgParserTests, getArgv_stringArray_return2DArray)
	std::vector<String> argArray;
	argArray.push_back("stub3 space");
	const char** argv = ArgParser::getArgv(argArray);

	String row1(argv[0]);
	String row2(argv[1]);
	String row3(argv[2]);

	EXPECT_EQ("stub1", row1);
	EXPECT_EQ("stub2", row2);
	EXPECT_EQ("stub3 space", row3);

	delete[] argv;
Пример #16
Json::Value SkJSONCanvas::MakeMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) {
    Json::Value result(Json::arrayValue);
    Json::Value row1(Json::arrayValue);
    Json::Value row2(Json::arrayValue);
    Json::Value row3(Json::arrayValue);
    return result;
Пример #17
int CalcSphereCenter (const Point<3> ** pts, Point<3> & c)
  Vec3d row1 (*pts[0], *pts[1]);
  Vec3d row2 (*pts[0], *pts[2]);
  Vec3d row3 (*pts[0], *pts[3]);

  Vec3d rhs(0.5 * (row1*row1),
	    0.5 * (row2*row2),
	    0.5 * (row3*row3));
  Transpose (row1, row2, row3);
  Vec3d sol;
  if (SolveLinearSystem (row1, row2, row3, rhs, sol))
      (*testout) << "CalcSphereCenter: degenerated" << endl;
      return 1;

  c = *pts[0] + sol;
  return 0;
	vector<vector<int>> generate(int numRows) {
		vector<vector<int>> res;
		if(numRows == 0)
			return res;
		vector<int> row1(1,1);
		if(numRows == 1){
			return res;
		vector<int> row2(2,1);
		if(numRows == 2){
			return res;
		for(int i = 3; i <= numRows; i++){
			vector<int> row(i, 1);
			for(int j = 1; j < i - 1; j++){
				row[j] = res[i-2][j-1] + res[i-2][j];
		return res;
Пример #19
StressDivergenceTruss::computeStiffness(ColumnMajorMatrix & stiff_global)
  RealGradient orientation( (*_orientation)[0] );
  orientation /= orientation.size();

  // Now get a rotation matrix
  // The orientation is the first row of the matrix.
  // Need two other directions.
  VectorValue<Real> & row1( orientation );
  VectorValue<Real> row3( row1 );
  unsigned zero_index(0);
  if (row3(1) != 0)
    zero_index = 1;
  if (row3(2) != 0)
    zero_index = 2;
  row3(zero_index) += 1;
  VectorValue<Real> row2 = orientation.cross( row3 );
  row3 = orientation.cross( row2 );

  Real k = _E_over_L[0] * _area[0];

  stiff_global(0,0) = row1(0)*row1(0)*k;
  stiff_global(0,1) = row1(0)*row2(0)*k;
  stiff_global(0,2) = row1(0)*row3(0)*k;
  stiff_global(1,0) = row2(0)*row1(0)*k;
  stiff_global(1,1) = row2(0)*row2(0)*k;
  stiff_global(1,2) = row2(0)*row3(0)*k;
  stiff_global(2,0) = row3(0)*row1(0)*k;
  stiff_global(2,1) = row3(0)*row2(0)*k;
  stiff_global(2,2) = row3(0)*row3(0)*k;
void plot_pad_size_in_layer(TString digiPar="trd.v13/trd_v13g.digi.par", Int_t nlines=1, Int_t nrows_in_sec=0, Int_t alllayers=1) 


  Bool_t read = false;
  TH2I *fLayerDummy = new TH2I("LayerDummy","",1200,-600,600,1000,-500,500);
  fLayerDummy->SetXTitle("x-coordinate [cm]");
  fLayerDummy->SetYTitle("y-coordinate [cm]");

  TString title;
  TString title1, title2, title3;
  TString buffer;
  TString firstModule = "";
  Int_t blockCounter(0), startCounter(0); // , stopCounter(0);
  Double_t msX(0), msY(0), mpX(0), mpY(0), mpZ(0), psX(0), psY(0);
  Double_t ps1X(0), ps1Y(0), ps2X(0), ps2Y(0), ps3X(0), ps3Y(0);
  Int_t modId(0), layerId(0);
  Double_t sec1(0), sec2(0), sec3(0);
  Double_t row1(0), row2(0), row3(0);
  std::map<float, TCanvas*> layerView;// map key is z-position of modules
  std::map<float, TCanvas*>::iterator it;
  ifstream digipar;

  digipar.open(digiPar.Data(), ifstream::in);
  while (digipar.good()) {
    digipar >> buffer;
    //cout << "(" << blockCounter << ")    " << buffer << endl;
    if (blockCounter == 19)
      firstModule = buffer;
    if (buffer == (firstModule + ":")){
      //cout << buffer << " <===========================================" << endl;
      read = true;
    if (read) {
      if (startCounter == 1)   // position of module position in x
	modId = buffer.Atoi();
        layerId = (modId & (15 << 4)) >> 4;  // from CbmTrdAddress.h

      if (startCounter == 5)   // position of module position in x
	mpX = buffer.Atof();
      if (startCounter == 6)   // position of module position in y
	mpY = buffer.Atof();
      if (startCounter == 7)   // position of module position in z
	mpZ = buffer.Atof();
      if (startCounter == 8)   // position of module size in x
	msX = buffer.Atof();
      if (startCounter == 9)   // position of module size in y
	msY = buffer.Atof();

      if (startCounter == 12)   // sector 1 size in y
	sec1 = buffer.Atof();
      if (startCounter == 13)   // position of pad size in x - do not take the backslash (@14)
	ps1X = buffer.Atof();
      if (startCounter == 15)   // position of pad size in y
	ps1Y = buffer.Atof();

      if (startCounter == 17)   // sector 2 size in y
	sec2 = buffer.Atof();
      if (startCounter == 18)   // position of pad size in x
	ps2X = buffer.Atof();
        psX = ps2X;   // for backwards compatibility - sector 2 is default sector
      if (startCounter == 19)   // position of pad size in y
	ps2Y = buffer.Atof();
        psY = ps2Y;   // for backwards compatibility - sector 2 is default sector

      if (startCounter == 21)   // sector 3 size in y
	sec3 = buffer.Atof();
      if (startCounter == 22)   // position of pad size in x
	ps3X = buffer.Atof();
      if (startCounter == 23)   // position of pad size in y
	ps3Y = buffer.Atof();

//      if (startCounter == 23)   // last element
//      {
//        printf("moduleId         : %d, %d\n", modId, layerId);
//        printf("pad size sector 1: (%.2f cm, %.2f cm) pad area: %.2f cm2\n", ps1X, ps1Y, ps1X*ps1Y);
//        printf("pad size sector 2: (%.2f cm, %.2f cm) pad area: %.2f cm2\n", ps2X, ps2Y, ps2X*ps2Y);
//        printf("pad size sector 3: (%.2f cm, %.2f cm) pad area: %.2f cm2\n", ps3X, ps3Y, ps3X*ps3Y);
//        printf("rows per sector  : %.1f %.1f %.1f\n", sec1/ps1Y, sec2/ps2Y, sec3/ps3Y);
//        printf("\n");
//      }

      //printf("module position: (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f) module size: (%.1f, %.1f) pad size: (%.2f, %.2f) pad area: %.2f\n",mpX,mpY,mpZ,2*msX,2*msY,psX,psY,psX*psY);

      if (startCounter == 23) { // if last element is reached
	startCounter = 0; // reset

        if ( alllayers == 0 )   
          if ( !((layerId == 0) || (layerId == 4) || (layerId == 8)) )   // plot only 1 layer per station

        row1 = sec1 / ps1Y;
        row2 = sec2 / ps2Y;
        row3 = sec3 / ps3Y;

	it = layerView.find(mpZ);
	if (it == layerView.end()){	
	  //	  title.Form("pad_size_layer_at_z_%.2fm",mpZ);  
	  title.Form("%02d_pad_size_layer%02d", layerId, layerId);  
	  layerView[mpZ] = new TCanvas(title,title,1200,1000);

        // now print cm2 in the center
	title.Form("cm^{2}");  // print cm2
	TPaveText *text = new TPaveText(0 - 28.5,
					0 - 28.5,
					0 + 28.5,
					0 + 28.5

        // print pad size in each module
	//	title.Form("%2.0fcm^{2}",psX*psY);  // print pad size
	//	title.Form("%.0f",psX*psY);  // print pad size - 1 digit
	TPaveText *text = new TPaveText(mpX - msX,
					mpY - msY,
					mpX + msX,
					mpY + msY
	//        text->SetFillColor(kViolet);

	// vary background color
//        if ((int)(psX*psY+.5) == 2)
//        {
//          text->SetFillColor(kOrange + 9);
//        } 
//        else 
        if (psX*psY <= 1.1)
          text->SetFillColor(kOrange + 10);
        else if (psX*psY <= 2.1)
          text->SetFillColor(kOrange -  3);
        else if (psX*psY <= 3.1)
          text->SetFillColor(kOrange -  4);
        else if (psX*psY <= 5)
          text->SetFillColor(kOrange + 10 - ((int)(psX*psY+.5)-1) * 2);
//        printf("%2.1f: %d\n", psX*psY, 10 - ((int)(psX*psY+.5)-1) * 2);
        else if (psX*psY <= 10)
          text->SetFillColor(kSpring + 10 - ((int)(psX*psY+.5)-4) * 2);
//        printf("%2.1f: %d\n", psX*psY, 10 - ((int)(psX*psY+.5)-4) * 2);
        else if (psX*psY > 10)
//        printf("%2.1f: %s\n", psX*psY, "green");

        if (nrows_in_sec == 1)   // print number of rows in sector
   	  title1.Form("%3.1f - %2.0f", ps1X*ps1Y, row1);  // print pad size and nrows - 2 digits - sector 1
	  title2.Form("%3.1f - %2.0f", ps2X*ps2Y, row2);  // print pad size and nrows - 2 digits - sector 2
	  title3.Form("%3.1f - %2.0f", ps3X*ps3Y, row3);  // print pad size and nrows - 2 digits - sector 3
   	  title1.Form("%3.1f",ps1X*ps1Y);  // print pad size - 2 digits - sector 1
	  title2.Form("%3.1f",ps2X*ps2Y);  // print pad size - 2 digits - sector 2
	  title3.Form("%3.1f",ps3X*ps3Y);  // print pad size - 2 digits - sector 3

        if (nlines==1)   // plot pad size for central sector only
        else   // plot pad size for all 3 sectors
Пример #21
  LPSolver::Status_Sol LSmear::getdual(IntervalMatrix& J, const IntervalVector& box, Vector& dual) const {
    int  _goal_var = goal_var();
    bool minimize=true;
    if (_goal_var == -1){
      _goal_var = RNG::rand()%box.size();
	// The linear system is created
	mylinearsolver->set_bounds_var(_goal_var, Interval(-1e10,1e10));

	int nb_lctrs[sys.f_ctrs.image_dim()]; /* number of linear constraints generated by nonlinear constraint*/

	for (int i=0; i<sys.f_ctrs.image_dim(); i++) {
		Vector row1(sys.nb_var);
		Interval ev(0.0);
		for (int j=0; j<sys.nb_var; j++) {
			row1[j] = J[i][j].mid();
			ev -= Interval(row1[j])*box[j].mid();
		ev+= sys.f_ctrs.eval(i,box.mid()).mid();

		if (i!=goal_ctr()) {
		  if (sys.ops[i] == LEQ || sys.ops[i] == LT){
		    mylinearsolver->add_constraint( row1, sys.ops[i], (-ev).ub());
		  else if (sys.ops[i] == GEQ || sys.ops[i] == GT)
				mylinearsolver->add_constraint( row1, sys.ops[i], (-ev).lb());
		  else { //op=EQ
				mylinearsolver->add_constraint( row1, LT, (-ev).ub());
				mylinearsolver->add_constraint( row1, GT, (-ev).lb());
		else if (goal_to_consider(J,i)) 
		  mylinearsolver->add_constraint( row1, LEQ, (-ev).ub());
		else // the goal is equal to a variable : the goal constraint is useless.

	//the linear system is solved
	LPSolver::Status_Sol stat=LPSolver::UNKNOWN;
	try {
		mylinearsolver->set_obj_var(_goal_var, (minimize)? 1.0:-1.0);

		stat = mylinearsolver->solve();

		if (stat == LPSolver::OPTIMAL) {
			// the dual solution : used to compute the bound
			dual = mylinearsolver->get_dual_sol();
			int k=0; //number of multipliers != 0
			int ii=0;

			for (int i=0; i<sys.f_ctrs.image_dim(); i++) {
				if (nb_lctrs[i]==2) {
					dual[sys.nb_var+i]=dual[sys.nb_var+ii]+dual[sys.nb_var+ii+1]; ii+=2;
				} else {
					dual[sys.nb_var+i]=dual[sys.nb_var+ii]; ii++;

				if (std::abs(dual[sys.nb_var+i])>1e-10) k++;

			if(k<2) { stat = LPSolver::UNKNOWN; }
	} catch (LPException&) {
		stat = LPSolver::UNKNOWN;

	return stat;
Пример #22
int LinearRelaxXTaylor::X_Linearization(const IntervalVector& savebox,
		int ctr, corner_point cpoint, CmpOp op, 
		IntervalVector& G2, int id_point, int& nb_nonlinear_vars, LinearSolver& lp_solver) {

	IntervalVector G = G2;
	int n = sys.nb_var;
	int nonlinear_var = 0;

	if (id_point != 0 && linear_ctr[ctr])
		return 0; // only one corner for a linear constraint

	 bool* corner=NULL;
	 // best not implemented in version 2.0 BNE

	 corner= new bool[n];
	 best_corner(ctr, op, G, corner);

	IntervalVector box(savebox);
	Interval ev(0.0);
	Interval tot_ev(0.0);
	Vector row1(n);

	for (int j=0; j< n; j++) {
		//cout << "[LinearRelaxXTaylor] variable n°" << j << endl;
	  if (sys.ctrs[ctr].f.used(j)) {
		  if (lmode == HANSEN && !linear[ctr][j])
			  // get the partial derivative of ctr w.r.t. var n°j
	  //cout << "[LinearRelaxXTaylor] coeffs=" << G[j] << endl;

	  if (G[j].diam() > max_diam_deriv) {
	   // box = savebox; // [gch] where box has been modified?  at the end of the loop (for Hansen computation) [bne]
	    return 0;      // To avoid problems with SoPleX

	  if (linear[ctr][j])
	    cpoint = INF_X;
	  else if (G[j].diam() > 1e-10)

	  bool inf_x;

		/*  for GREEDY heuristics :not implemented in v2
		 IntervalVector save;
		 double fh_inf, fh_sup;
		 double D;

	  switch (cpoint) {
		 case BEST:
		 inf_x=corner[j]; last_rnd[j]=inf_x? 0:1;  break;
		case INF_X:
			inf_x = true;
		case SUP_X:
			inf_x = false;
		case RANDOM:
			last_rnd[j] = rand();
			inf_x = (last_rnd[j] % 2 == 0);
		case K4:

			if (id_point == 0) {
				inf_x = (rand() % 2 == 0);
				base_coin[j] = inf_x;
			} else if (nb_nonlinear_vars < 3) {
				if (id_point == 1)
					inf_x = !base_coin[j];
					return 0;
			} else if (G[j].diam() <= 1e-10) {
				inf_x = (rand() % 2 == 0);
			} else if (id_point == 1) {
				if (((double) nonlinear_var) <= (((double) nb_nonlinear_vars)/ 3.0))
					inf_x = base_coin[j];
					inf_x = !base_coin[j];
			} else if (id_point == 2) {
				if (((double) nonlinear_var )> ((double) nb_nonlinear_vars)/ 3.0
						&& (double) nonlinear_var
						<= 2 * (double) nb_nonlinear_vars / 3.0)
					inf_x = base_coin[j];
					inf_x = !base_coin[j];
			} else if (id_point == 3) {
				if (((double) nonlinear_var)
						> 2 * ((double) nb_nonlinear_vars) / 3.0)
					inf_x = base_coin[j];
					inf_x = !base_coin[j];
		case RANDOM_INV:
			inf_x = (last_rnd[j] % 2 != 0);
		case NEG:
			inf_x = (last_rnd[j] % 2 != 0);
			/*  not implemented in v2.0
             case GREEDY1:
	       inf_x=((abs(Inf(G(j+1))) < abs(Sup(G(j+1))) && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) ||
                        (abs(Inf(G(j+1))) >= abs(Sup(G(j+1))) && (op == GEQ || op== GT))  )? true:false;
	  case MONO:
	    if (ctr==goal_ctr && ((Inf(G(j+1)) >0 && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) || 
				  (Sup (G(j+1)) < 0 && (op == GEQ || op== GT))))
	      inf_x = true;
	    else if 
	      (ctr == goal_ctr  &&
	      ((Sup(G(j+1)) <0 && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) || 
	       (Inf(G(j+1)) > 0 && (op == GEQ || op== GT))))
	    else inf_x = (rand()%2==0);
	    last_rnd[j]=inf_x? 0:1;
	  case NEGMONO:
	    if ((Inf(G(j+1)) >0 && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) || 
		(Sup (G(j+1)) < 0 && (op == GEQ || op== GT)))
	      inf_x = false;
	    else if 
	      ((Sup(G(j+1)) <0 && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) || 
	       (Inf(G(j+1)) > 0 && (op == GEQ || op== GT)))
	    else inf_x = (rand()%2==0);
	    last_rnd[j]=inf_x? 0:1;


              case GREEDY7:
                 //select the coin nearest to the loup 
                 if(goal_ctr!=-1 && Dimension(Optimizer::global_optimizer())>0){
//                     if(j==0)cout<< Optimizer::global_optimizer()<<end;
                    inf_x=(abs(Optimizer::global_optimizer()(j+1)-Inf(savebox(j+1))) <
                      abs(Optimizer::global_optimizer()(j+1)-Sup(savebox(j+1))))? true:false;
             case GREEDY6:
                 fh_inf, fh_sup;
                 if (op == LEQ || op== LT)
                    inf_x=((fh_sup-fh_inf)/(REAL)(n-1) - 0.5*D*(Inf(G(j+1))+Sup(G(j+1)))  > 0)? false:true;
                    inf_x=((fh_sup-fh_inf)/(REAL)(n-1) - 0.5*D*(Inf(G(j+1))+Sup(G(j+1))) < 0)? false:true;
		 last_rnd[j]=inf_x? 0:1;  
             case GREEDY5:
                 fh_inf, fh_sup;
                 if (op == LEQ || op== LT)
                    inf_x=(fh_sup-fh_inf - 0.5*D*(Inf(G(j+1))+Sup(G(j+1)))  > 0)? false:true;
                    inf_x=(fh_sup-fh_inf - 0.5*D*(Inf(G(j+1))+Sup(G(j+1))) < 0)? false:true;
		 last_rnd[j]=inf_x? 0:1;  
			last_rnd[j] = rand();
			inf_x = (last_rnd[j] % 2 == 0);


		//      cout << " j " << j <<  " " << savebox[j] << G[j] << endl;
	  box[j]=inf_x? savebox[j].lb():savebox[j].ub();
	  Interval a = ((inf_x && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) ||
			(!inf_x && (op == GEQ || op== GT)))	? G[j].lb() : G[j].ub();
	  row1[j] =  a.mid();
	  ev -= a*box[j];


	//	cout << " ev  " << ev << endl;
	/*  used in BEST not implemented in v2.0
	if(corner) delete[] corner;

	ev+= sys.ctrs[ctr].f.eval(box);

	if(id_point==0) nb_nonlinear_vars=nonlinear_var;

	for(int j=0;j<n;j++)
		tot_ev+=row1[j]*savebox[j]; //natural evaluation of the left side of the linear constraint

	bool added=false;
	if (op == LEQ || op == LT) {
		//g(xb) + a1' x1 + ... + an xn <= 0
			throw EmptyBoxException();  // the constraint is not satisfied
		if((-ev).ub()<tot_ev.ub()) {    // otherwise the constraint is satisfied for any point in the box
			lp_solver.addConstraint( row1, LEQ, (-ev).ub());
	} else {
			throw EmptyBoxException();
		if ((-ev).lb()>tot_ev.lb()) {
			lp_solver.addConstraint( row1, GEQ, (-ev).lb() );


	return (added)? 1:0;

Пример #23
  void CondProbTableTest::RunTests()
    // Our 4 rows
    vector<vector<Real> > rows;
    rows[0] = makeRow((Real)0.0, (Real)0.4, (Real)0.0);
    rows[1] = makeRow((Real)1.0, (Real)0.0, (Real)0.0);
    rows[2] = makeRow((Real)0.0, (Real)0.0, (Real)0.6);
    rows[3] = makeRow((Real)0.0, (Real)0.6, (Real)0.4);

    // Test constructing without # of columns
      CondProbTable table;
      // Add the 4 rows
      for (Size i=0; i<numRows(); i++)
        table.updateRow((UInt)i, rows[i]);
      // Test it
      testTable ("Dynamic columns:", table, rows);

    // Test constructing and growing the columns dynamically
      CondProbTable table;
      // Add the 2nd row first which has just 1 column
      vector<Real> row1(1);
      row1[0] = rows[1][0];
      table.updateRow(1, row1);
      // Add the first row first with just 2 columns
      vector<Real> row0(2);
      row0[0] = rows[0][0];
      row0[1] = rows[0][1];
      table.updateRow(0, row0);
      for (Size i=2; i<numRows(); i++)
        table.updateRow((UInt)i, rows[i]);
      // Test it
      testTable ("Growing columns:", table, rows);

    // Make a table with 3 columns
      CondProbTable table((UInt)numCols());
      // Add the 4 rows
      for (Size i=0; i<numRows(); i++)
        table.updateRow((UInt)i, rows[i]);
      // Test it
      testTable ("Fixed columns:", table, rows);
    // Make a table, save to stream, then reload and test
      CondProbTable table((UInt)numCols());
      // Add the 4 rows
      for (Size i=0; i<numRows(); i++)
        table.updateRow((UInt)i, rows[i]);
      // Save it
      stringstream state;
      table.saveState (state);
      CondProbTable newTable;
      newTable.readState (state);
      testTable ("Restored from state:", newTable, rows);
    // Test saving an empty table
      CondProbTable table;
      // Save it
      stringstream state;
      table.saveState (state);
      // Read it in
      CondProbTable newTable;
      newTable.readState (state);

      // Add the 4 rows
      for (Size i=0; i<numRows(); i++)
        newTable.updateRow((UInt)i, rows[i]);
      // Test it
      testTable ("Restored from empty state:", newTable, rows);

Пример #24
void AglMatrix::matrixToComponents(AglMatrix pMatrix, AglVector3& pScale, AglQuaternion& pQuaternion, AglVector3& pTranslation)
	// http://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/m/d/4/1/d/8/293748.pdf
	// Real-Time Rendering

	AglVector3 row0(pMatrix[0], pMatrix[1], pMatrix[2]);
	AglVector3 row1(pMatrix[4], pMatrix[5], pMatrix[6]);
	AglVector3 row2(pMatrix[8], pMatrix[9], pMatrix[10]);

	float lrow0 = AglVector3::length(row0);
	float lrow1 = AglVector3::length(row1);
	float lrow2 = AglVector3::length(row2);

	pScale[0] = lrow0;
	pScale[1] = lrow1;
	pScale[2] = lrow2;

	row0 *= (1/lrow0);
	row1 *= (1/lrow1);
	row2 *= (1/lrow2);

	pTranslation[0] = pMatrix[12];
	pTranslation[1] = pMatrix[13];
	pTranslation[2] = pMatrix[14];


	//Find the largest factor.

	float qx, qy, qz, qw;
	if (row0[0] + row1[1] + row2[2] > 0.0f) //Use w
		float t = row0[0] + row1[1] + row2[2] + pMatrix[15];
		float s = 0.5f / sqrt(t);
		qw = s * t;
		qz = (row0[1] - row1[0]) * s;
		qy = (row2[0] - row0[2]) * s;
		qx = (row1[2] - row2[1]) * s;
	else if (row0[0] > row1[1] && row0[0] > row2[2]) //Use x
		float t = row0[0] - row1[1] - row2[2] + pMatrix[15];
		float s = 0.5f / sqrt(t);
		qx = s * t;
		qy = (row0[1] + row1[0]) * s;
		qz = (row2[0] + row0[2]) * s;
		qw = (row1[2] - row2[1]) * s;
	else if (row1[1] > row2[2]) //Use y
		float t = -row0[0] + row1[1] - row2[2] + pMatrix[15];
		float s = 0.5f / sqrt(t);
		qy = s * t;
		qx = (row0[1] + row1[0]) * s;
		qw = (row2[0] - row0[2]) * s;
		qz = (row1[2] + row2[1]) * s;
	else //Use z
		float t = -row0[0] - row1[1] + row2[2] + pMatrix[15];
		float s = 0.5f / sqrt(t);
		qz = s * t;
		qw = (row0[1] - row1[0]) * s;
		qx = (row2[0] + row0[2]) * s;
		qy = (row1[2] + row2[1]) * s;
	pQuaternion = AglQuaternion(qx, qy, qz, qw);
Пример #25
    cv::Mat Deformation::DeformByMovingLeastSquares(const cv::Mat& inputImg, 
            const std::vector<int>& originIndex, const std::vector<int>& targetIndex)
        int imgW = inputImg.cols;
        int imgH = inputImg.rows;
        cv::Size imgSize(imgW, imgH);
        cv::Mat resImg(imgSize, CV_8UC3);
        int markNum = originIndex.size() / 2;
        std::vector<double> wList(markNum);
        std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> pHatList(markNum);
        std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> qHatList(markNum);
        MagicMath::Vector2 pStar, qStar;
        std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> pList(markNum);
        for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
            pList.at(mid) = MagicMath::Vector2(originIndex.at(mid * 2), originIndex.at(mid * 2 + 1));
        std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> qList(markNum);
        for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
            qList.at(mid) = MagicMath::Vector2(targetIndex.at(mid * 2), targetIndex.at(mid * 2 + 1));
        std::vector<std::vector<double> > aMatList(markNum);
        std::vector<bool> visitFlag(imgW * imgH, 0);

        for (int hid = 0; hid < imgH; hid++)
            for (int wid = 0; wid < imgW; wid++)
                MagicMath::Vector2 pos(wid, hid);
                //calculate w
                bool isMarkVertex = false;
                int markedIndex = -1;
                double wSum = 0;
                for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
                    //double dTemp = (pos - pList.at(mid)).LengthSquared(); //variable
                    double dTemp = (pos - pList.at(mid)).Length();
                    //dTemp = pow(dTemp, 1.25);
                    if (dTemp < 1.0e-15)
                        isMarkVertex = true;
                        markedIndex = mid;
                    dTemp = pow(dTemp, 1.25);
                    wList.at(mid) = 1.0 / dTemp;
                    wSum += wList.at(mid);
                if (isMarkVertex)
                    const unsigned char* pPixel = inputImg.ptr(hid, wid);
                    int targetH = targetIndex.at(2 * markedIndex + 1);
                    int targetW = targetIndex.at(2 * markedIndex);
                    unsigned char* pResPixel = resImg.ptr(targetH, targetW);
                    pResPixel[0] = pPixel[0];
                    pResPixel[1] = pPixel[1];
                    pResPixel[2] = pPixel[2];
                    visitFlag.at(targetH * imgW + targetW) = 1;
                    //Calculate pStar qStar
                    pStar = MagicMath::Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
                    qStar = MagicMath::Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
                    for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
                        pStar += (pList.at(mid) * wList.at(mid));
                        qStar += (qList.at(mid) * wList.at(mid));
                    pStar /= wSum;
                    qStar /= wSum;

                    //Calculate pHat qHat
                    for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
                        pHatList.at(mid) = pList.at(mid) - pStar;
                        qHatList.at(mid) = qList.at(mid) - qStar;
                    //Calculate A
                    MagicMath::Vector2 col0 = pos - pStar;
                    MagicMath::Vector2 col1(col0[1], -col0[0]);
                    for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
                        std::vector<double> aMat(4);
                        MagicMath::Vector2 row1(pHatList.at(mid)[1], -pHatList.at(mid)[0]);
                        aMat.at(0) = pHatList.at(mid) * col0 * wList.at(mid);
                        aMat.at(1) = pHatList.at(mid) * col1 * wList.at(mid);
                        aMat.at(2) = row1 * col0 * wList.at(mid);
                        aMat.at(3) = row1 * col1 * wList.at(mid);
                        aMatList.at(mid) = aMat;

                    //Calculate fr(v)
                    MagicMath::Vector2 fVec(0, 0);
                    for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
                        fVec[0] += (qHatList.at(mid)[0] * aMatList.at(mid).at(0) + qHatList.at(mid)[1] * aMatList.at(mid).at(2));
                        fVec[1] += (qHatList.at(mid)[0] * aMatList.at(mid).at(1) + qHatList.at(mid)[1] * aMatList.at(mid).at(3));

                    //Calculate target position
                    MagicMath::Vector2 targetPos = fVec * ((pos - pStar).Length()) + qStar;
                    int targetW = targetPos[0];
                    int targetH = targetPos[1];
                    if (targetH >= 0 && targetH < imgH && targetW >= 0 && targetW < imgW)
                        const unsigned char* pPixel = inputImg.ptr(hid, wid);
                        unsigned char* pResPixel = resImg.ptr(targetH, targetW);
                        pResPixel[0] = pPixel[0];
                        pResPixel[1] = pPixel[1];
                        pResPixel[2] = pPixel[2];
                        visitFlag.at(targetH * imgW + targetW) = 1;

        std::vector<int> unVisitVecH;
        std::vector<int> unVisitVecW;
        for (int hid = 0; hid < imgH; hid++)
            int baseIndex = hid * imgW;
            for (int wid = 0; wid < imgW; wid++)
                if (!visitFlag.at(baseIndex + wid))
        int minAcceptSize = 4;
        int fillTime = 1;
        while (unVisitVecH.size() > 0)
            DebugLog << "unVisit number: " << unVisitVecH.size() << std::endl;
            std::vector<int> unVisitVecHCopy = unVisitVecH;
            std::vector<int> unVisitVecWCopy = unVisitVecW;
            int unVisitSize = unVisitVecHCopy.size();
            for (int uid = 0; uid < unVisitSize; uid++)
                MagicMath::Vector3 avgColor(0, 0, 0);
                int hid = unVisitVecHCopy.at(uid);
                int wid = unVisitVecWCopy.at(uid);
                int avgSize = 0;
                if ((hid - 1) >= 0 && visitFlag.at((hid - 1) * imgW + wid))
                    unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid - 1, wid);
                    avgColor[0] += pPixel[0];
                    avgColor[1] += pPixel[1];
                    avgColor[2] += pPixel[2];
                if ((hid + 1) < imgH && visitFlag.at((hid + 1) * imgW + wid))
                    unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid + 1, wid);
                    avgColor[0] += pPixel[0];
                    avgColor[1] += pPixel[1];
                    avgColor[2] += pPixel[2];
                if ((wid - 1) >= 0 && visitFlag.at(hid * imgW + wid - 1))
                    unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid - 1);
                    avgColor[0] += pPixel[0];
                    avgColor[1] += pPixel[1];
                    avgColor[2] += pPixel[2];
                if ((wid + 1) < imgW && visitFlag.at(hid * imgW + wid + 1))
                    unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid + 1);
                    avgColor[0] += pPixel[0];
                    avgColor[1] += pPixel[1];
                    avgColor[2] += pPixel[2];
                if (avgSize >= minAcceptSize)
                    visitFlag.at(hid * imgW + wid) = 1;
                    avgColor /= avgSize;
                    unsigned char* pFillPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid);
                    pFillPixel[0] = avgColor[0];
                    pFillPixel[1] = avgColor[1];
                    pFillPixel[2] = avgColor[2];
            if (fillTime == 4)
            else if (fillTime == 6)
            else if (fillTime == 8)
        //fill hole
        /*for (int hid = 0; hid < imgH; hid++)
            int baseIndex = hid * imgW;
            for (int wid = 0; wid < imgW; wid++)
                if (!visitFlag.at(baseIndex + wid))
                    double wSum = 0;
                    MagicMath::Vector3 avgColor(0, 0, 0);
                    for (int wRight = wid + 1; wRight < imgW; wRight++)
                        if (visitFlag.at(baseIndex + wRight))
                            double wTemp = 1.0 / (wRight - wid);
                            wSum += wTemp;
                            unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wRight);
                            avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0];
                            avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1];
                            avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2];
                    for (int wLeft = wid - 1; wLeft >= 0; wLeft--)
                        if (visitFlag.at(baseIndex + wLeft))
                            double wTemp = 1.0 / (wid - wLeft);
                            wSum += wTemp;
                            unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wLeft);
                            avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0];
                            avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1];
                            avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2];
                    for (int hUp = hid - 1; hUp >= 0; hUp--)
                        if (visitFlag.at(hUp * imgW + wid))
                            double wTemp = 1.0 / (hid - hUp);
                            unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hUp, wid);
                            wSum += wTemp;
                            avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0];
                            avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1];
                            avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2];
                    for (int hDown = hid + 1; hDown < imgH; hDown++)
                        if (visitFlag.at(hDown * imgW + wid))
                            double wTemp = 1.0 / (hDown - hid);
                            unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hDown, wid);
                            wSum += wTemp;
                            avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0];
                            avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1];
                            avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2];
                    if (wSum > 1.0e-15)
                        avgColor /= wSum;
                    unsigned char* pFillPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid);
                    pFillPixel[0] = avgColor[0];
                    pFillPixel[1] = avgColor[1];
                    pFillPixel[2] = avgColor[2];
        return resImg;
Пример #26
   Derivation from the fortran version of CONREC by Paul Bourke
   view            ! view of the data
   ilb,iub         ! bounds for first coordinate (column), inclusive
   jlb,jub         ! bounds for second coordinate (row), inclusive
   xCoords         ! column coordinates (first index)
   yCoords         ! row coordinates (second index)
   nc              ! number of contour levels
   z               ! contour levels in increasing order
static Carta::Lib::Algorithms::ContourConrec::Result
    Carta::Lib::NdArray::RawViewInterface * view,
    int ilb,
    int iub,
    int jlb,
    int jub,
    const VD & xCoords,
    const VD & yCoords,
    int nc,
    double * z
    // we will only need two rows in memory at any given time
//    int nRows = jub - jlb + 1;
    int nCols = iub - ilb + 1;
    double * rows[2] {
        nullptr, nullptr
    std::vector < double > row1( nCols ), row2( nCols );
    rows[0] = & row1[0];
    rows[1] = & row2[0];
    int nextRowToReadIn = 0;

    auto updateRows = [&] () -> void {
        CARTA_ASSERT( nextRowToReadIn < view-> dims()[1] );

        // make a row view into the view
        SliceND rowSlice;
        rowSlice.next().start( nextRowToReadIn ).end( nextRowToReadIn + 1 );
        auto rawRowView = view-> getView( rowSlice );

        // make a double view of this raw row view
        Carta::Lib::NdArray::Double dview( rawRowView, true );

        // shift the row up
        // note: we could avoid this memory copy if we swapped row[] pointers instead,
        // and alternately read in the data into row1,row2..., for a miniscule performance
        // gain and lot more complicated algorithm
        row1 = row2;

        // read in the data into row2
        int i = 0;
        dview.forEach([&] ( const double & val ) {
                          row2[i++] = val;
        CARTA_ASSERT( i == nCols );

//    NdArray::Double doubleView( view, false );
//    auto acc = [& doubleView] ( int col, int row ) {
//        return doubleView.get( { col, row }
//                               );
//    };

    // to keep the data accessor easy, we use this lambda, and hope the compiler
    // optimizes it into an inline expression... :)
    auto acc = [&] ( int col, int row ) {
        row -= nextRowToReadIn - 2;
        return rows[row][col];

    Carta::Lib::Algorithms::ContourConrec::Result result;
    if ( nc < 1 ) {
        return result;
    result.resize( nc );

#define xsect( p1, p2 ) ( h[p2] * xh[p1] - h[p1] * xh[p2] ) / ( h[p2] - h[p1] )
#define ysect( p1, p2 ) ( h[p2] * yh[p1] - h[p1] * yh[p2] ) / ( h[p2] - h[p1] )

    int m1, m2, m3, case_value;
    double dmin, dmax, x1 = 0, x2 = 0, y1 = 0, y2 = 0;
    int i, j, k, m;
    double h[5];
    int sh[5];
    double xh[5], yh[5];
    int im[4] = {
        0, 1, 1, 0
    }, jm[4] = {
        0, 0, 1, 1
    int castab[3][3][3] = {
        { { 0, 0, 8 }, { 0, 2, 5 }, { 7, 6, 9 } },
        { { 0, 3, 4 }, { 1, 3, 1 }, { 4, 3, 0 } },
        { { 9, 6, 7 }, { 5, 2, 0 }, { 8, 0, 0 } }
    double temp1, temp2;

    // original code went from bottom to top, not sure why
    //    for ( j = ( jub - 1 ) ; j >= jlb ; j-- ) {
    for ( j = jlb ; j < jub ; j++ ) {
        for ( i = ilb ; i < iub ; i++ ) {
            temp1 = std::min( acc( i, j ), acc( i, j + 1 ) );
            temp2 = std::min( acc( i + 1, j ), acc( i + 1, j + 1 ) );
            dmin = std::min( temp1, temp2 );

            // early abort if one of the values is not finite
            if ( ! std::isfinite( dmin ) ) {
            temp1 = std::max( acc( i, j ), acc( i, j + 1 ) );
            temp2 = std::max( acc( i + 1, j ), acc( i + 1, j + 1 ) );
            dmax = std::max( temp1, temp2 );
            if ( dmax < z[0] || dmin > z[nc - 1] ) {
            for ( k = 0 ; k < nc ; k++ ) {
                if ( z[k] < dmin || z[k] > dmax ) {
                for ( m = 4 ; m >= 0 ; m-- ) {
                    if ( m > 0 ) {
                        h[m] = acc( i + im[m - 1], j + jm[m - 1] ) - z[k];
                        xh[m] = xCoords[i + im[m - 1]];
                        yh[m] = yCoords[j + jm[m - 1]];
                    else {
                        h[0] = 0.25 * ( h[1] + h[2] + h[3] + h[4] );
                        xh[0] = 0.50 * ( xCoords[i] + xCoords[i + 1] );
                        yh[0] = 0.50 * ( yCoords[j] + yCoords[j + 1] );
                    if ( h[m] > 0.0 ) {
                        sh[m] = 1;
                    else if ( h[m] < 0.0 ) {
                        sh[m] = - 1;
                    else {
                        sh[m] = 0;

                   Note: at this stage the relative heights of the corners and the
                   centre are in the h array, and the corresponding coordinates are
                   in the xh and yh arrays. The centre of the box is indexed by 0
                   and the 4 corners by 1 to 4 as shown below.
                   Each triangle is then indexed by the parameter m, and the 3
                   vertices of each triangle are indexed by parameters m1,m2,and m3.
                   It is assumed that the centre of the box is always vertex 2
                   though this isimportant only when all 3 vertices lie exactly on
                   the same contour level, in which case only the side of the box
                   is drawn.
                      vertex 4 +-------------------+ vertex 3
                               | \               / |
                               |   \    m-3    /   |
                               |     \       /     |
                               |       \   /       |
                               |  m=2    X   m=2   |       the centre is vertex 0
                               |       /   \       |
                               |     /       \     |
                               |   /    m=1    \   |
                               | /               \ |
                      vertex 1 +-------------------+ vertex 2
                /* Scan each triangle in the box */
                for ( m = 1 ; m <= 4 ; m++ ) {
                    m1 = m;
                    m2 = 0;
                    if ( m != 4 ) {
                        m3 = m + 1;
                    else {
                        m3 = 1;
                    if ( ( case_value = castab[sh[m1] + 1][sh[m2] + 1][sh[m3] + 1] ) == 0 ) {
                    switch ( case_value )
                    case 1 : /* Line between vertices 1 and 2 */
                        x1 = xh[m1];
                        y1 = yh[m1];
                        x2 = xh[m2];
                        y2 = yh[m2];
                    case 2 : /* Line between vertices 2 and 3 */
                        x1 = xh[m2];
                        y1 = yh[m2];
                        x2 = xh[m3];
                        y2 = yh[m3];
                    case 3 : /* Line between vertices 3 and 1 */
                        x1 = xh[m3];
                        y1 = yh[m3];
                        x2 = xh[m1];
                        y2 = yh[m1];
                    case 4 : /* Line between vertex 1 and side 2-3 */
                        x1 = xh[m1];
                        y1 = yh[m1];
                        x2 = xsect( m2, m3 );
                        y2 = ysect( m2, m3 );
                    case 5 : /* Line between vertex 2 and side 3-1 */
                        x1 = xh[m2];
                        y1 = yh[m2];
                        x2 = xsect( m3, m1 );
                        y2 = ysect( m3, m1 );
                    case 6 : /* Line between vertex 3 and side 1-2 */
                        x1 = xh[m3];
                        y1 = yh[m3];
                        x2 = xsect( m1, m2 );
                        y2 = ysect( m1, m2 );
                    case 7 : /* Line between sides 1-2 and 2-3 */
                        x1 = xsect( m1, m2 );
                        y1 = ysect( m1, m2 );
                        x2 = xsect( m2, m3 );
                        y2 = ysect( m2, m3 );
                    case 8 : /* Line between sides 2-3 and 3-1 */
                        x1 = xsect( m2, m3 );
                        y1 = ysect( m2, m3 );
                        x2 = xsect( m3, m1 );
                        y2 = ysect( m3, m1 );
                    case 9 : /* Line between sides 3-1 and 1-2 */
                        x1 = xsect( m3, m1 );
                        y1 = ysect( m3, m1 );
                        x2 = xsect( m1, m2 );
                        y2 = ysect( m1, m2 );
                    default :
                    } // switch

                    // add the line segment to the result
                    // ConrecLine( x1, y1, x2, y2, k );
                    if ( std::isfinite( x1 ) && std::isfinite( y1 ) && std::isfinite( x2 ) &&
                         std::isfinite( y2 ) ) {
                        QPolygonF poly;
                        poly.append( QPointF( x1, y1 ) );
                        poly.append( QPointF( x2, y2 ) );
                        result[k].push_back( poly );
                } /* m */
            } /* k - contour */
        } /* i */
    } /* j */
    return result;

#undef xsect
#undef ysect
} // conrecFaster