Пример #1
shared_ptr<Epetra_CrsMatrix> sparseCholesky(const Epetra_CrsMatrix &mat) {
  // Note: we assume the matrix mat is symmetric and positive-definite
  size_t size = mat.NumGlobalCols();
  if (mat.NumGlobalRows() != size)
    throw std::invalid_argument("sparseCholesky(): matrix must be square");

  int *rowOffsets = 0;
  int *colIndices = 0;
  double *values = 0;
  mat.ExtractCrsDataPointers(rowOffsets, colIndices, values);

  Epetra_SerialComm comm;
  Epetra_LocalMap rowMap(static_cast<int>(size), 0 /* index_base */, comm);
  Epetra_LocalMap columnMap(static_cast<int>(size), 0 /* index_base */, comm);
  shared_ptr<Epetra_CrsMatrix> result = boost::make_shared<Epetra_CrsMatrix>(
      Copy, rowMap, columnMap, mat.GlobalMaxNumEntries());

  arma::Mat<double> localMat;
  arma::Mat<double> localCholesky;
  std::vector<bool> processed(size, false);
  for (size_t r = 0; r < size; ++r) {
    if (processed[r])
    int localSize = rowOffsets[r + 1] - rowOffsets[r];
    localMat.set_size(localSize, localSize);
    localCholesky.set_size(localSize, localSize);
    for (int s = 0; s < localSize; ++s) {
      int row = colIndices[rowOffsets[r] + s];
      for (int c = 0; c < localSize; ++c) {
        int col = colIndices[rowOffsets[row] + c];
        if (col != colIndices[rowOffsets[r] + c])
          throw std::invalid_argument("sparseCholesky(): matrix is not "
        localMat(s, c) = values[rowOffsets[row] + c];
    assert(arma::norm(localMat - localMat.t(), "fro") <
           1e-12 * arma::norm(localMat, "fro"));
    localCholesky = arma::chol(localMat); // localCholesky: U
    for (int s = 0; s < localSize; ++s) {
      int row = colIndices[rowOffsets[r] + s];
      processed[row] = true;
#ifndef NDEBUG
      int errorCode =
          result->InsertGlobalValues(row, s + 1 /* number of values */,
                                     colIndices + rowOffsets[r]);
      assert(errorCode == 0);
  result->FillComplete(columnMap, rowMap);

  return result;
Пример #2
shared_ptr<const Epetra_CrsMatrix> IndexPermutation::permutationMatrix() const
    const int size = m_permutedIndices.size();
    Epetra_SerialComm comm; // To be replaced once we begin to use MPI
    Epetra_LocalMap rowMap(size, 0 /* index_base */, comm);
    Epetra_LocalMap colMap(size, 0 /* index_base */, comm);
    shared_ptr<Epetra_CrsMatrix> result = boost::make_shared<Epetra_CrsMatrix>(
                Copy, rowMap, colMap, 1 /* one entry per row */);

    const double ONE = 1.;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        result->InsertGlobalValues(m_permutedIndices[i], 1 /* one entry */,
                                   &ONE, &i);
    return result;
Пример #3
void CrsMatrixWrapper<ST>::nullifyRowsAndCols(
                               const Teuchos::ArrayView<const real_t>& rowMask,
                               const Teuchos::ArrayView<const real_t>& colView,
                               ST mdv)
    const_TrilinosMap_ptr rowMap(mat.getRowMap());
    RCP<VectorType<real_t> > lclCol = rcp(new VectorType<real_t>(rowMap,
                                                  colView, colView.size(), 1));
    RCP<VectorType<real_t> > gblCol = rcp(new VectorType<real_t>(
                                                          mat.getColMap(), 1));

    const ImportType importer(rowMap, mat.getColMap());
    gblCol->doImport(*lclCol, importer, Tpetra::INSERT);
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const real_t> colMask(gblCol->getData(0));
    const ST zero = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ST>::zero();

// Can't use OpenMP here as replaceLocalValues() is not thread-safe.
//#pragma omp parallel for
    for (LO lclrow = 0; lclrow < mat.getNodeNumRows(); lclrow++) {
        Teuchos::ArrayView<const LO> indices;
        Teuchos::ArrayView<const ST> values;
        std::vector<GO> cols;
        std::vector<ST> vals;
        mat.getLocalRowView(lclrow, indices, values);
        GO row = rowMap->getGlobalElement(lclrow);
        for (size_t c = 0; c < indices.size(); c++) {
            const LO lclcol = indices[c];
            const GO col = mat.getColMap()->getGlobalElement(lclcol);
            if (rowMask[lclrow] > 0. || colMask[lclcol] > 0.) {
                vals.push_back(row==col ? mdv : zero);
        if (cols.size() > 0)
            mat.replaceLocalValues(lclrow, cols, vals);
Пример #4
ElementaryLocalOperator<BasisFunctionType, ResultType>::
    assembleWeakFormInSparseMode(LocalAssembler &assembler,
                                 const AssemblyOptions &options) const {
  if (boost::is_complex<BasisFunctionType>::value)
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "ElementaryLocalOperator::assembleWeakFormInSparseMode(): "
        "sparse-mode assembly of identity operators for "
        "complex-valued basis functions is not supported yet");

  const Space<BasisFunctionType> &testSpace = *this->dualToRange();
  const Space<BasisFunctionType> &trialSpace = *this->domain();

  // Fill local submatrices
  const GridView &view = testSpace.gridView();
  const size_t elementCount = view.entityCount(0);
  std::vector<int> elementIndices(elementCount);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < elementCount; ++i)
    elementIndices[i] = i;
  std::vector<arma::Mat<ResultType>> localResult;
  assembler.evaluateLocalWeakForms(elementIndices, localResult);

  // Global DOF indices corresponding to local DOFs on elements
  std::vector<std::vector<GlobalDofIndex>> testGdofs(elementCount);
  std::vector<std::vector<GlobalDofIndex>> trialGdofs(elementCount);
  std::vector<std::vector<BasisFunctionType>> testLdofWeights(elementCount);
  std::vector<std::vector<BasisFunctionType>> trialLdofWeights(elementCount);
  gatherGlobalDofs(testSpace, trialSpace, testGdofs, trialGdofs,
                   testLdofWeights, trialLdofWeights);

  // Multiply matrix entries by DOF weights
  for (size_t e = 0; e < elementCount; ++e)
    for (size_t trialDof = 0; trialDof < trialGdofs[e].size(); ++trialDof)
      for (size_t testDof = 0; testDof < testGdofs[e].size(); ++testDof)
        localResult[e](testDof, trialDof) *=
            conj(testLdofWeights[e][testDof]) * trialLdofWeights[e][trialDof];

  // Estimate number of entries in each row

  //    This will be useful when we begin to use MPI
  //    // Get global DOF indices for which this process is responsible
  //    const int testGlobalDofCount = testSpace.globalDofCount();
  //    Epetra_Map rowMap(testGlobalDofCount, 0 /* index-base */, comm);
  //    std::vector<int> myTestGlobalDofs(rowMap.MyGlobalElements(),
  //                                      rowMap.MyGlobalElements() +
  //                                      rowMap.NumMyElements());
  //    const int myTestGlobalDofCount = myTestGlobalDofs.size();

  const int testGlobalDofCount = testSpace.globalDofCount();
  const int trialGlobalDofCount = trialSpace.globalDofCount();
  arma::Col<int> nonzeroEntryCountEstimates(testGlobalDofCount);

  // Upper estimate for the number of global trial DOFs coupled to a given
  // global test DOF: sum of the local trial DOF counts for each element that
  // contributes to the global test DOF in question
  for (size_t e = 0; e < elementCount; ++e)
    for (size_t testLdof = 0; testLdof < testGdofs[e].size(); ++testLdof) {
      int testGdof = testGdofs[e][testLdof];
      if (testGdof >= 0)
        nonzeroEntryCountEstimates(testGdof) += trialGdofs[e].size();

  Epetra_SerialComm comm; // To be replaced once we begin to use MPI
  Epetra_LocalMap rowMap(testGlobalDofCount, 0 /* index_base */, comm);
  Epetra_LocalMap colMap(trialGlobalDofCount, 0 /* index_base */, comm);
  shared_ptr<Epetra_FECrsMatrix> result =
          Copy, rowMap, colMap, nonzeroEntryCountEstimates.memptr());

  // TODO: make each process responsible for a subset of elements
  // Find maximum number of local dofs per element
  size_t maxLdofCount = 0;
  for (size_t e = 0; e < elementCount; ++e)
    maxLdofCount =
        std::max(maxLdofCount, testGdofs[e].size() * trialGdofs[e].size());

  // Initialise sparse matrix with zeros at required positions
  arma::Col<double> zeros(maxLdofCount);
  for (size_t e = 0; e < elementCount; ++e)
    result->InsertGlobalValues(testGdofs[e].size(), &testGdofs[e][0],
                               trialGdofs[e].size(), &trialGdofs[e][0],
  // Add contributions from individual elements
  for (size_t e = 0; e < elementCount; ++e)
    epetraSumIntoGlobalValues(*result, testGdofs[e], trialGdofs[e],

  // If assembly mode is equal to ACA and we have AHMED,
  // construct the block cluster tree. Otherwise leave it uninitialized.
  typedef ClusterConstructionHelper<BasisFunctionType> CCH;
  typedef AhmedDofWrapper<CoordinateType> AhmedDofType;
  typedef ExtendedBemCluster<AhmedDofType> AhmedBemCluster;
  typedef bbxbemblcluster<AhmedDofType, AhmedDofType> AhmedBemBlcluster;

  shared_ptr<AhmedBemBlcluster> blockCluster;
  shared_ptr<IndexPermutation> test_o2pPermutation, test_p2oPermutation;
  shared_ptr<IndexPermutation> trial_o2pPermutation, trial_p2oPermutation;
  if (options.assemblyMode() == AssemblyOptions::ACA) {
    const AcaOptions &acaOptions = options.acaOptions();
    bool indexWithGlobalDofs = acaOptions.mode != AcaOptions::HYBRID_ASSEMBLY;

    typedef ClusterConstructionHelper<BasisFunctionType> CCH;
    shared_ptr<AhmedBemCluster> testClusterTree;
    CCH::constructBemCluster(testSpace, indexWithGlobalDofs, acaOptions,
                             testClusterTree, test_o2pPermutation,
    // TODO: construct a hermitian H-matrix if possible
    shared_ptr<AhmedBemCluster> trialClusterTree;
    CCH::constructBemCluster(trialSpace, indexWithGlobalDofs, acaOptions,
                             trialClusterTree, trial_o2pPermutation,
    unsigned int blockCount = 0;
    bool useStrongAdmissibilityCondition = !indexWithGlobalDofs;
        acaOptions, false /* hermitian */, *testClusterTree, *trialClusterTree,
        useStrongAdmissibilityCondition, blockCount).release());

  // Create and return a discrete operator represented by the matrix that
  // has just been calculated
  return std::unique_ptr<DiscreteBoundaryOperator<ResultType>>(
      new DiscreteSparseBoundaryOperator<ResultType>(
          result, this->symmetry(), NO_TRANSPOSE, blockCluster,
          trial_o2pPermutation, test_o2pPermutation));
  throw std::runtime_error(
      "ElementaryLocalOperator::assembleWeakFormInSparseMode(): "
      "To enable assembly in sparse mode, recompile BEM++ "
      "with the symbol WITH_TRILINOS defined.");