Пример #1
void dmEuclid2(double *learn, double *valid, int *learnF, int *validF, int *n, int *m, int *p, int *p2, double *dm, int *cl, int *k, double *mink, double *weights, double *weights2){
    int i, j, l, l2, t, nn, ii, kk; 
    double tmp, *dvec, maxD, tmp2;
    int *cvec;

    kk = MAX(10L, *k);
    kk = MIN(kk, *n);
    nn = MIN(2L*kk, *n);

    cvec = (int *) R_alloc(nn, sizeof(int));
    dvec = (double *) R_alloc(nn, sizeof(double));
    for(t=0;t<nn;t++)dvec[t]= BIG;
        maxD = BIG;
	        while(l<*p && tmp < (maxD+EPS)){
                tmp2 = learn[i+l*n[0]]-valid[j+l*m[0]];
	            tmp += (tmp2*tmp2)* weights[l];
            while(l2<*p2 && tmp < (maxD+EPS)){
                if(learnF[i+l2*n[0]] != validF[j+l2*m[0]]) tmp += weights2[l2];
            if(tmp < maxD){
            if( ii==(nn-1L) ){  
                rsort_with_index(dvec, cvec, nn);
                ii= *k-1L; // raus??
                maxD = dvec[*k-1L]; 
        rsort_with_index(dvec, cvec, nn);
            cl[j+t * *m]=cvec[t];
            dm[j+t * *m]=sqrt(dvec[t]);
Пример #2
/* return all maxima in the array, modulo numeric tolerance. */
int all_max(double *array, int length, int *maxima, int *indexes,
    double *buf) {

int i = 0, nmax = 0;
double tol = MACHINE_TOL;

  /* make a safety copy of the array. */
  memcpy(buf, array, length * sizeof(double));

  /* sort the elements of the array. */
  rsort_with_index(buf, indexes, length);

  /* count the number of maxima (considering numeric tolerance). */
  for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if (buf[i] < buf[length - 1] - tol)

  /* set the counter for the number of maxima. */
  nmax = length - i - 1;

  /* save the indexes of the maxima. */
  memcpy(maxima, indexes + length - nmax, nmax * sizeof(int));

  return nmax;

Пример #3
int MinSpanTree(int *tree, int nNodes, int nEdges, int *edges, double *costs, int node_index_from)
    int *index = (int *) C_allocVector<int>(nEdges);
    for (int i = 0; i < nEdges; i++)
        tree[i] = 0;
        index[i] = i;
    rsort_with_index(costs, index, nEdges);

    int *label = (int *) C_allocVector<int>(nNodes);
    for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; i++)
        label[i] = i;

    int n = 0, n1, n2;
    for (int i = 0; i < nEdges; i++)
        n1 = label[edges[index[i]] - node_index_from];
        n2 = label[edges[index[i] + nEdges] - node_index_from];
        if (n1 != n2)
            for (int j = 0; j < nNodes; j++)
                if (label[j] == n2)
                    label[j] = n1;
            tree[index[i]] = 1;
            if (++n >= nNodes - 1)


    return n;
Пример #4
void dm(double *learn, double *valid, int *n, int *m, int *p, double *dm, int *cl, int *k, double *mink, double *weights){
    int i, j, l, t, nn, ii, kk; 
    double tmp, *dvec, maxD;
    int *cvec;

    kk = MAX(10L, *k);
    kk = MIN(kk, *n);
    nn = MIN(2L*kk, *n);

    cvec = (int *) R_alloc(nn, sizeof(int));
    dvec = (double *) R_alloc(nn, sizeof(double));
    for(t=0;t<nn;t++)dvec[t]= BIG;

        maxD = BIG;
	      while(l<*p && tmp < (maxD+EPS)){
	        tmp+=pow(fabs(learn[i+l*n[0]]-valid[j+l*m[0]]),*mink)* weights[l];

        if(tmp < maxD){
        if( ii==(nn-1L) ){  
            rsort_with_index(dvec, cvec, nn);
            ii= *k-1L;
            maxD = dvec[*k-1L]; 
     rsort_with_index(dvec, cvec, nn);
         cl[j+t * *m]=cvec[t];
         dm[j+t * *m]=pow(dvec[t],(1.0/(*mink)));
Пример #5
/* rectangular 
 * variant 2: fixed bandwidth, k nearest neighbors only 
void rectangular2 (double *weights, double *dist, int N, double *bw, int k) {
	int i;
	int index[N];
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		index[i] = i;
		//Rprintf("index %u\n", index[i]);
	rsort_with_index (dist, index, N);
	/*for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
	 Rprintf("dist0 %f\n", dist[i]);
	 Rprintf("index0 %u\n", index[i]);				
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
		weights[index[i]] = fabs(dist[i]) < *bw ? 0.5/ *bw : 0;		
Пример #6
/* optcosine 
 * variant 2: fixed bandwidth, k nearest neighbors only 
void optcosine2 (double *weights, double *dist, int N, double *bw, int k) {
	int i;
	int index[N];
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		index[i] = i;
		//Rprintf("index %u\n", index[i]);
	rsort_with_index (dist, index, N);
	/*for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
	 Rprintf("dist0 %f\n", dist[i]);
	 Rprintf("index0 %u\n", index[i]);				
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
		weights[index[i]] = fabs(dist[i]) < *bw ? M_PI_4 * cos(M_PI * dist[i]/(2 * *bw))/ *bw : 0;		
Пример #7
/* gaussian 
 * variant 2: fixed bandwidth, k nearest neighbors only 
void gaussian2 (double *weights, double *dist, int N, double *bw, int k) {
	int i;
	int index[N];
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		index[i] = i;
		//Rprintf("index %u\n", index[i]);
	rsort_with_index (dist, index, N);
	/*for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
	 Rprintf("dist0 %f\n", dist[i]);
	 Rprintf("index0 %u\n", index[i]);				
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
		weights[index[i]] = dnorm(dist[i], 0, *bw, 0);
Пример #8
/* exponential 
 * variant 2: fixed bandwidth, k nearest neighbors only 
void exponential2 (double *weights, double *dist, int N, double *bw, int k) {
	int i;
	int index[N];
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		index[i] = i;
		//Rprintf("index %u\n", index[i]);
	rsort_with_index (dist, index, N);
	/*for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
	 Rprintf("dist0 %f\n", dist[i]);
	 Rprintf("index0 %u\n", index[i]);				
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
		weights[index[i]] = 0.5 * exp(-fabs(dist[i])/ *bw)/ *bw;
Пример #9
/* cauchy 
 * variant 2: fixed bandwidth, k nearest neighbors only
void cauchy2 (double *weights, double *dist, int N, double *bw, int k) {
	int i;
	int index[N];
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		index[i] = i;
		//Rprintf("index %u\n", index[i]);
	rsort_with_index (dist, index, N);
	/*for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
	 Rprintf("dist0 %f\n", dist[i]);
	 Rprintf("index0 %u\n", index[i]);				
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
		weights[index[i]] = 1/(M_PI * (1 + pow(dist[i]/ *bw, 2)) * *bw);
Пример #10
/* triangular 
 * variant 2: fixed bandwidth, k nearest neighbors only 
void triangular2 (double *weights, double *dist, int N, double *bw, int k) {
	double adist;
	int i;
	int index[N];
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		index[i] = i;
		//Rprintf("index %u\n", index[i]);
	rsort_with_index (dist, index, N);
	/*for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
	 Rprintf("dist0 %f\n", dist[i]);
	 Rprintf("index0 %u\n", index[i]);				
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
		adist = fabs(dist[i]);
		weights[index[i]] = adist < *bw ? (1 - adist/ *bw)/ *bw : 0;
Пример #11
/* epanechnikov 
 * variant 2: fixed bandwidth, k nearest neighbors only 
void epanechnikov2 (double *weights, double *dist, int N, double *bw, int k) {
	double adist;
	int i;
	int index[N];
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		index[i] = i;
		//Rprintf("index %u\n", index[i]);
	rsort_with_index (dist, index, N);
	/*for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
	 Rprintf("dist0 %f\n", dist[i]);
	 Rprintf("index0 %u\n", index[i]);				
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
		adist = fabs(dist[i]);
		weights[index[i]] = adist < *bw ? 0.75 * (1 - pow(adist/ *bw, 2))/ *bw : 0;		
Пример #12
Susceptible-Infectious-Removed MCMC analysis:
	. Exponentially distributed infectiousness periods
static void expLikelihood_SIR(double *parameters, double *infectionTimes,
	double *removalTimes, int *N, int *nInfected, int *nRemoved,
	double *sumSI, double *sumDurationInfectious, double *likelihood,
	double *allTimes, int *indicator, int *SS, int *II)
	int i,k=0,initialInfective=0, nEvents;
	double sumLogBeta=0, sumLogInfections=0, sumDurationDensity=0, sumBetaSI=0;
	nEvents = *nInfected+*nRemoved; 
	for(i = 0; i < *nInfected; ++i){
		allTimes[(i*2)] = infectionTimes[i];
		allTimes[(i*2)+1] = removalTimes[i];
		indicator[(i*2)] = 2;
		indicator[(i*2)+1] = 1;
	SS[0] = *N+initialInfective;
	II[0] = 0;
	for(i = 1; i < (nEvents+1); ++i){
		if(indicator[(i-1)] == 2){
			SS[i] = SS[(i-1)]-1;
			II[i] = II[(i-1)]+1;}
			SS[i] = SS[(i-1)];
			II[i] = II[(i-1)]-1;}
	*sumSI = 0;
	*sumDurationInfectious = 0;
	for(i = 1; i < nEvents; ++i){/* "0" is the start of observation */
		if(allTimes[i] != allTimes[i-1]){k = i;}
		if(indicator[i] == 1 && II[k] != 0){sumLogInfections+=log(II[k]);}
		if(indicator[i] == 2 && II[k] != 0){sumLogInfections+=log(parameters[0]*SS[k]*II[k]);}
	for(i = 0; i < *nRemoved; ++i){
Пример #13
void C_reorder(int *from, int *to, int *n, int *sumNode,  int *neworder, int *root){ 
    int i, j, sum=0, k, Nnode, ind, *ord, *csum, *tips, *stack, z=0;  // l, 
    double *parent;
    int m=sumNode[0];
    parent = (double *) R_alloc((*n), sizeof(double));
    tips = (int *) R_alloc(m, sizeof(int));
    ord = (int *) R_alloc((*n), sizeof(int));
    csum = (int *) R_alloc( (m+1), sizeof(int));
    stack = (int *) R_alloc(m, sizeof(int));
    for(j=0;j<(*n);j++) parent[j] = (double)from[j];
    for(j=0;j<(*n);j++) ord[j] = j;
    for(j=0;j<m;j++) tips[j] = 0;
    rsort_with_index(parent, ord, *n);
    tabulate(from, n, sumNode, tips);
        csum[i+1] = sum;                        
    k = (*n)-1;
    Nnode = 0;
    stack[0] = *root;
    while(z > -1){
                ind = ord[i];                     
                neworder[k] = ind + 1;        
                stack[z] = to[ind]-1;
                k -=1;
            Nnode += 1; 
Пример #14
static double
cmeans_weighted_median(double *x, double *w, int len)
    int i;
    double sum, val, marg, mval, cumsum_w, cumsum_w_x;

    /* Sort x. */
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
	iwrk[i] = i;
    rsort_with_index(x, iwrk, len);
    /* Permute w using iwrk, and normalize. */
    sum = 0;    
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
	dwrk[i] = w[iwrk[i]];
	sum += dwrk[i];
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
	w[i] = dwrk[i] / sum;

    cumsum_w = cumsum_w_x = 0;
    mval = R_PosInf;
    marg = *x;			/* -Wall */
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
	cumsum_w += w[i];
	cumsum_w_x += w[i] * x[i];
	val = x[i] * (cumsum_w - .5) - cumsum_w_x;
	if(val < mval) {
	    marg = x[i];
	    mval = val;

Пример #15
void C_surrogates(SEXP node, SEXP learnsample, SEXP weights, SEXP controls, 
                  SEXP fitmem) {

    SEXP x, y, expcovinf; 
    SEXP splitctrl, inputs; 
    SEXP split, thiswhichNA;
    int nobs, ninputs, i, j, k, jselect, maxsurr, *order, nvar = 0;
    double ms, cp, *thisweights, *cutpoint, *maxstat, 
           *splitstat, *dweights, *tweights, *dx, *dy;
    double cut, *twotab, *ytmp, sumw = 0.0;
    nobs = get_nobs(learnsample);
    ninputs = get_ninputs(learnsample);
    splitctrl = get_splitctrl(controls);
    maxsurr = get_maxsurrogate(splitctrl);
    inputs = GET_SLOT(learnsample, PL2_inputsSym);
    jselect = S3get_variableID(S3get_primarysplit(node));
    /* (weights > 0) in left node are the new `response' to be approximated */
    y = S3get_nodeweights(VECTOR_ELT(node, S3_LEFT));
    ytmp = Calloc(nobs, double);
    for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) {
        ytmp[i] = REAL(y)[i];
        if (ytmp[i] > 1.0) ytmp[i] = 1.0;

    for (j = 0; j < ninputs; j++) {
        if (is_nominal(inputs, j + 1)) continue;

    if (maxsurr != LENGTH(S3get_surrogatesplits(node)))
        error("nodes does not have %d surrogate splits", maxsurr);
    if (maxsurr > nvar)
        error("cannot set up %d surrogate splits with only %d ordered input variable(s)", 
              maxsurr, nvar);

    tweights = Calloc(nobs, double);
    dweights = REAL(weights);
    for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) tweights[i] = dweights[i];
    if (has_missings(inputs, jselect)) {
        thiswhichNA = get_missings(inputs, jselect);
        for (k = 0; k < LENGTH(thiswhichNA); k++)
            tweights[INTEGER(thiswhichNA)[k] - 1] = 0.0;

    /* check if sum(weights) > 1 */
    sumw = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) sumw += tweights[i];
    if (sumw < 2.0)
        error("can't implement surrogate splits, not enough observations available");

    expcovinf = GET_SLOT(fitmem, PL2_expcovinfssSym);
    C_ExpectCovarInfluence(ytmp, 1, tweights, nobs, expcovinf);
    splitstat = REAL(get_splitstatistics(fitmem));
    /* <FIXME> extend `TreeFitMemory' to those as well ... */
    maxstat = Calloc(ninputs, double);
    cutpoint = Calloc(ninputs, double);
    order = Calloc(ninputs, int);
    /* <FIXME> */
    /* this is essentially an exhaustive search */
    /* <FIXME>: we don't want to do this for random forest like trees 
    for (j = 0; j < ninputs; j++) {
         order[j] = j + 1;
         maxstat[j] = 0.0;
         cutpoint[j] = 0.0;

         /* ordered input variables only (for the moment) */
         if ((j + 1) == jselect || is_nominal(inputs, j + 1))

         x = get_variable(inputs, j + 1);

         if (has_missings(inputs, j + 1)) {

             /* update _tweights_ wrt missings in variable j + 1 */
             thisweights = C_tempweights(j + 1, tweights, fitmem, inputs);

             /* check if sum(weights) > 1 */
             sumw = 0.0;
             for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) sumw += thisweights[i];
             if (sumw < 2.0) continue;
             C_ExpectCovarInfluence(ytmp, 1, thisweights, nobs, expcovinf);
             C_split(REAL(x), 1, ytmp, 1, thisweights, nobs,
                     INTEGER(get_ordering(inputs, j + 1)), splitctrl,
                     GET_SLOT(fitmem, PL2_linexpcov2sampleSym),
                     expcovinf, 1, &cp, &ms, splitstat);
         } else {
             C_split(REAL(x), 1, ytmp, 1, tweights, nobs,
             INTEGER(get_ordering(inputs, j + 1)), splitctrl,
             GET_SLOT(fitmem, PL2_linexpcov2sampleSym),
             expcovinf, 1, &cp, &ms, splitstat);

         maxstat[j] = -ms;
         cutpoint[j] = cp;

    /* order with respect to maximal statistic */
    rsort_with_index(maxstat, order, ninputs);
    twotab = Calloc(4, double);
    /* the best `maxsurr' ones are implemented */
    for (j = 0; j < maxsurr; j++) {

        if (is_nominal(inputs, order[j])) continue;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) twotab[i] = 0.0;
        cut = cutpoint[order[j] - 1];
        /* this might give warnings about split being
           UNPROTECTed but is is since node is PROTECTed */
        PROTECT(split = allocVector(VECSXP, SPLIT_LENGTH));
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(S3get_surrogatesplits(node), j, split);
        C_init_orderedsplit(split, 0);
        S3set_variableID(split, order[j]);
        REAL(S3get_splitpoint(split))[0] = cut;
        dx = REAL(get_variable(inputs, order[j]));
        dy = REAL(y);

        /* OK, this is a dirty hack: determine if the split 
           goes left or right by the Pearson residual of a 2x2 table.
           I don't want to use the big caliber here 
        for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) {
            twotab[0] += ((dy[i] == 1) && (dx[i] <= cut)) * tweights[i];
            twotab[1] += (dy[i] == 1) * tweights[i];
            twotab[2] += (dx[i] <= cut) * tweights[i];
            twotab[3] += tweights[i];
        S3set_toleft(split, (int) (twotab[0] - twotab[1] * twotab[2] / 
                     twotab[3]) > 0);
Пример #16
void CNodeSearch::EvaluateCategoricalSplit()
  long i=0;
  unsigned long cFiniteMeans = 0;
  if(fIsSplit) return;
  if(cCurrentVarClasses == 0)
      throw GBM::invalid_argument();

  cFiniteMeans = 0;
  for(i=0; i<cCurrentVarClasses; i++)
      aiCurrentCategory[i] = i;
      if(adGroupW[i] != 0.0)
	  adGroupMean[i] = adGroupSumZ[i]/adGroupW[i];
	  adGroupMean[i] = HUGE_VAL;
  // if only one group has a finite mean it will not consider
  // might be all are missing so no categories enter here
  for(i=0; (cFiniteMeans>1) && ((ULONG)i<cFiniteMeans-1); i++)
      dCurrentSplitValue = (double)i;
      dCurrentLeftSumZ    += adGroupSumZ[aiCurrentCategory[i]];
      dCurrentLeftTotalW  += adGroupW[aiCurrentCategory[i]];
      cCurrentLeftN       += acGroupN[aiCurrentCategory[i]];
      dCurrentRightSumZ   -= adGroupSumZ[aiCurrentCategory[i]];
      dCurrentRightTotalW -= adGroupW[aiCurrentCategory[i]];
      cCurrentRightN      -= acGroupN[aiCurrentCategory[i]];
      dCurrentImprovement =
      if((cCurrentLeftN >= cMinObsInNode) &&
	 (cCurrentRightN >= cMinObsInNode) &&
	 (dCurrentImprovement > dBestImprovement))
	  dBestSplitValue = dCurrentSplitValue;
	  if(iBestSplitVar != iCurrentSplitVar)
	      iBestSplitVar = iCurrentSplitVar;
	      cBestVarClasses = cCurrentVarClasses;
	  dBestLeftSumZ      = dCurrentLeftSumZ;
	  dBestLeftTotalW    = dCurrentLeftTotalW;
	  cBestLeftN         = cCurrentLeftN;
	  dBestRightSumZ     = dCurrentRightSumZ;
	  dBestRightTotalW   = dCurrentRightTotalW;
	  cBestRightN        = cCurrentRightN;
	  dBestImprovement   = dCurrentImprovement;
Пример #17
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
watershed (SEXP x, SEXP _tolerance, SEXP _ext) {
    SEXP res;
    int im, i, j, nx, ny, nz, ext, nprotect = 0;
    double tolerance;

    nx = INTEGER ( GET_DIM(x) )[0];
    ny = INTEGER ( GET_DIM(x) )[1];
    nz = getNumberOfFrames(x,0);
    tolerance = REAL( _tolerance )[0];
    ext = INTEGER( _ext )[0];

    PROTECT ( res = Rf_duplicate(x) );
    int * index = new int[ nx * ny ];

    for ( im = 0; im < nz; im++ ) {

        double * src = &( REAL(x)[ im * nx * ny ] );
        double * tgt = &( REAL(res)[ im * nx * ny ] );

        /* generate pixel index and negate the image -- filling wells */
        for ( i = 0; i < nx * ny; i++ ) {
	  tgt[ i ] = -src[ i ];
	  index[ i ] = i;
        /* from R includes R_ext/Utils.h */
        /* will resort tgt as well */
        rsort_with_index( tgt, index, nx * ny );
        /* reassign tgt as it was reset above but keep new index */
        for ( i = 0; i < nx * ny; i++ )
            tgt[ i ] = -src[ i ];

        SeedList seeds;  /* indexes of all seed starting points, i.e. lowest values */

        IntList  equals; /* queue of all pixels on the same gray level */
        IntList  nb;     /* seed values of assigned neighbours */
        int ind, indxy, nbseed, x, y, topseed = 0;
        IntList::iterator it;
        TheSeed newseed;
        PointXY pt;
        bool isin;
        /* loop through the sorted index */
        for ( i = 0; i < nx * ny && src[ index[i] ] > BG; ) {
            /* pool a queue of equally lowest values */
            ind = index[ i ];
            equals.push_back( ind );
            for ( i = i + 1; i < nx * ny; ) {
                if ( src[ index[i] ] != src[ ind ] ) break;
                equals.push_back( index[i] );
            while ( !equals.empty() ) {
                /* first check through all the pixels if we can assign them to
                 * existing objects, count checked and reset counter on each assigned
                 * -- exit when counter equals queue length */
                for ( j = 0; j < (int) equals.size(); ) {
		  if ((j%1000)==0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
                    ind = equals.front();
                    /* check neighbours:
                     * - if exists one, assign
                     * - if two or more check what should be combined and assign to the steepest
                     * - if none, push back */
                    /* reset j to 0 every time we assign another pixel to restart the loop */
                    pt = pointFromIndex( ind, nx );
                    /* determine which neighbour we have, push them to nb */
                    for ( x = pt.x - ext; x <= pt.x + ext; x++ )
                        for ( y = pt.y - ext; y <= pt.y + ext; y++ ) {
                            if ( x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= nx || y >= ny || (x == pt.x && y == pt.y) ) continue;
                            indxy = x + y * nx;
                            nbseed = (int) tgt[ indxy ];
                            if ( nbseed < 1 ) continue;
                            isin = false;
                            for ( it = nb.begin(); it != nb.end() && !isin; it++ )
                                if ( nbseed == *it ) isin = true;
                            if ( !isin ) nb.push_back( nbseed );
                    if ( nb.size() == 0 ) {
                        /* push the pixel back and continue with the next one */
                        equals.push_back( ind );
                    tgt[ ind ] = check_multiple(tgt, src, ind, nb, seeds, tolerance, nx, ny );
                    /* we assigned the pixel, reset j to restart neighbours detection */
                    j = 0;
                /* now we have assigned all that we could */
                if ( !equals.empty() ) {
                    /* create a new seed for one pixel only and go back to assigning neighbours */
                    newseed.index = equals.front();
                    newseed.seed = topseed;
                    tgt[ newseed.index ] = topseed;
                    seeds.push_back( newseed );
            } // assigning equals
        } // sorted index

        /* now we need to reassign indexes while some seeds could be removed */
        double * finseed = new double[ topseed ];
        for ( i = 0; i < topseed; i++ )
            finseed[ i ] = 0;
        i = 0;
        while ( !seeds.empty() ) {
            newseed = seeds.front();
            finseed[ newseed.seed - 1 ] = i + 1;
        for ( i = 0; i < nx * ny; i++ ) {
            j = (int) tgt[ i ];
            if ( 0 < j && j <= topseed )
                tgt[ i ] = finseed[ j - 1 ];
        delete[] finseed;

    } // loop through images

    delete[] index;

    UNPROTECT (nprotect);
    return res;
Пример #18
void fitqtl_imp_binary(int n_ind, int n_qtl, int *n_gen, int n_draws,
                       int ***Draws, double **Cov, int n_cov,
                       int *model, int n_int, double *pheno, int get_ests,
                       double *lod, int *df, double *ests, double *ests_covar,
                       double *design_mat, double tol, int maxit, int *matrix_rank)

    /* create local variables */
    int i, j, ii, jj, n_qc, itmp; /* loop variants and temp variables */
    double llik, llik0, *LOD_array;
    double *the_ests, *the_covar, **TheEsts, ***TheCovar;
    double *dwork, **Ests_covar, tot_wt=0.0, *wts;
    double **Covar_mean, **Mean_covar, *mean_ests; /* for ests and cov matrix */
    int *iwork, sizefull, n_trim, *index;

    /* number to trim from each end of the imputations */
    n_trim = (int) floor( 0.5*log(n_draws)/log(2.0) );

    /* initialization */
    sizefull = 1;

    /* calculate the dimension of the design matrix for full model */
    n_qc = n_qtl+n_cov; /* total number of QTLs and covariates */
    /* for additive QTLs and covariates*/
    for(i=0; i<n_qc; i++)
        sizefull += n_gen[i];
    /* for interactions, loop thru all interactions */
    for(i=0; i<n_int; i++) {
        for(j=0, itmp=1; j<n_qc; j++) {
                itmp *= n_gen[j];
        sizefull += itmp;

    /* reorganize Ests_covar for easy use later */
    /* and make space for estimates and covariance matrix */
    if(get_ests) {
        reorg_errlod(sizefull, sizefull, ests_covar, &Ests_covar);

        allocate_double(sizefull*n_draws, &the_ests);
        allocate_double(sizefull*sizefull*n_draws, &the_covar);

        /* I need to save all of the estimates and covariance matrices */
        reorg_errlod(sizefull, n_draws, the_ests, &TheEsts);
        reorg_genoprob(sizefull, sizefull, n_draws, the_covar, &TheCovar);

        allocate_dmatrix(sizefull, sizefull, &Mean_covar);
        allocate_dmatrix(sizefull, sizefull, &Covar_mean);
        allocate_double(sizefull, &mean_ests);
        allocate_double(n_draws, &wts);

    /* allocate memory for working arrays, total memory is
       sizefull*n_ind+6*n_ind+4*sizefull for double array,
       and sizefull for integer array.
       All memory will be allocated one time and split later */
    dwork = (double *)R_alloc(sizefull*n_ind+6*n_ind+4*sizefull,
    iwork = (int *)R_alloc(sizefull, sizeof(int));
    index = (int *)R_alloc(n_draws, sizeof(int));
    LOD_array = (double *)R_alloc(n_draws, sizeof(double));

    /* calculate null model log10 likelihood */
    llik0 = nullLODbin(pheno, n_ind);

    *matrix_rank = n_ind;

    /* loop over imputations */
    for(i=0; i<n_draws; i++) {

        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

        /* calculate alternative model RSS */
        llik = galtLODimpbin(pheno, n_ind, n_gen, n_qtl, Draws[i],
                             Cov, n_cov, model, n_int, dwork, iwork, sizefull,
                             get_ests, ests, Ests_covar, design_mat,
                             tol, maxit, matrix_rank);

        /* calculate the LOD score in this imputation */
        LOD_array[i] = (llik - llik0);

        /* if getting estimates, calculate the weights */
        if(get_ests) {
            wts[i] = LOD_array[i]*log(10.0);
            if(i==0) tot_wt = wts[i];
            else tot_wt = addlog(tot_wt, wts[i]);

            for(ii=0; ii<sizefull; ii++) {
                TheEsts[i][ii] = ests[ii];
                for(jj=ii; jj<sizefull; jj++)
                    TheCovar[i][ii][jj] = Ests_covar[ii][jj];

    } /* end loop over imputations */

    /* sort the lod scores, and trim the weights */
    if(get_ests) {
        for(i=0; i<n_draws; i++) {
            index[i] = i;
            wts[i] = exp(wts[i]-tot_wt);

        rsort_with_index(LOD_array, index, n_draws);

        for(i=0; i<n_trim; i++)
            wts[index[i]] = wts[index[n_draws-i-1]] = 0.0;

        /* re-scale wts */
        tot_wt = 0.0;
        for(i=0; i<n_draws; i++) tot_wt += wts[i];
        for(i=0; i<n_draws; i++) wts[i] /= tot_wt;

    /* calculate the result LOD score */
    *lod = wtaverage(LOD_array, n_draws);

    /* degree of freedom equals to the number of columns of x minus 1 (mean) */
    *df = sizefull - 1;

    /* get means and variances and covariances of estimates */
    if(get_ests) {
        for(i=0; i<n_draws; i++) {
            if(i==0) {
                for(ii=0; ii<sizefull; ii++) {
                    mean_ests[ii] = TheEsts[i][ii] * wts[i];
                    for(jj=ii; jj<sizefull; jj++) {
                        Mean_covar[ii][jj] = TheCovar[i][ii][jj] * wts[i];
                        Covar_mean[ii][jj] = 0.0;
            else {
                for(ii=0; ii<sizefull; ii++) {
                    mean_ests[ii] += TheEsts[i][ii]*wts[i];
                    for(jj=ii; jj<sizefull; jj++) {
                        Mean_covar[ii][jj] += TheCovar[i][ii][jj]*wts[i];
                        Covar_mean[ii][jj] += (TheEsts[i][ii]-TheEsts[0][ii])*

        for(i=0; i<sizefull; i++) {
            ests[i] = mean_ests[i];
            for(j=i; j<sizefull; j++) {
                Covar_mean[i][j] = (Covar_mean[i][j] - (mean_ests[i]-TheEsts[0][i])*
                Ests_covar[i][j] = Ests_covar[j][i] = Mean_covar[i][j] + Covar_mean[i][j];
    } /* done getting estimates */

Пример #19
void devol(double VTR, double d_weight, double d_cross, int i_bs_flag,
           double *d_lower, double *d_upper, SEXP fcall, SEXP rho, int trace,
           int i_strategy, int i_D, int i_NP, int i_itermax,
           double *initialpopv, int i_storepopfrom, int i_storepopfreq,
           int i_specinitialpop, 
           double *gt_bestP, double *gt_bestC,
           double *gd_pop, double *gd_storepop, double *gd_bestmemit, double *gd_bestvalit,
           int *gi_iter, double d_pPct, double d_c, long *l_nfeval,
           double d_reltol, int i_steptol, SEXP fnMap)

#define URN_DEPTH  5   /* 4 + one index to avoid */

  int P=0;
  /* initialize parameter vector to pass to evaluate function */
  SEXP par;
  PROTECT(par = NEW_NUMERIC(i_D)); P++;
  double *d_par = REAL(par);

  /* Data structures for parameter vectors */
  SEXP sexp_gta_popP, sexp_gta_oldP, sexp_gta_newP, sexp_map_pop;
  PROTECT(sexp_gta_popP = allocMatrix(REALSXP, i_NP, i_D)); P++; /* FIXME THIS HAD 2x the rows!!! */
  PROTECT(sexp_gta_oldP = allocMatrix(REALSXP, i_NP, i_D)); P++;
  PROTECT(sexp_gta_newP = allocMatrix(REALSXP, i_NP, i_D)); P++;
  double *ngta_popP = REAL(sexp_gta_popP); /* FIXME THIS HAD 2x the rows!!! */
  double *ngta_oldP = REAL(sexp_gta_oldP);
  double *ngta_newP = REAL(sexp_gta_newP);

  /* Data structures for objective function values associated with
   * parameter vectors */
  SEXP sexp_gta_popC, sexp_gta_oldC, sexp_gta_newC;
  PROTECT(sexp_gta_popC = allocVector(REALSXP, i_NP)); P++;
  PROTECT(sexp_gta_oldC = allocVector(REALSXP, i_NP)); P++;
  PROTECT(sexp_gta_newC = allocVector(REALSXP, i_NP)); P++;
  double *ngta_popC = REAL(sexp_gta_popC);
  double *ngta_oldC = REAL(sexp_gta_oldC);
  double *ngta_newC = REAL(sexp_gta_newC);

  double *gta_popC = (double *)R_alloc(i_NP*2,sizeof(double));
  double *gta_oldC = (double *)R_alloc(i_NP,sizeof(double));
  double *gta_newC = (double *)R_alloc(i_NP,sizeof(double));

  double *t_bestitP = (double *)R_alloc(1,sizeof(double) * i_D);
  double *t_tmpP = (double *)R_alloc(1,sizeof(double) * i_D);
  double *tempP = (double *)R_alloc(1,sizeof(double) * i_D);

  SEXP sexp_t_tmpP, sexp_t_tmpC;
  PROTECT(sexp_t_tmpP = allocMatrix(REALSXP, i_NP, i_D)); P++;
  PROTECT(sexp_t_tmpC = allocVector(REALSXP, i_NP)); P++;
  double *nt_tmpP = REAL(sexp_t_tmpP);
  double *nt_tmpC = REAL(sexp_t_tmpC);

  int i, j, k;  /* counting variables */
  int i_r1, i_r2, i_r3;  /* placeholders for random indexes */

  int ia_urn2[URN_DEPTH];
  int ia_urnTemp[i_NP];
  int i_nstorepop, i_xav;
  i_nstorepop = ceil((i_itermax - i_storepopfrom) / i_storepopfreq);

  int popcnt, bestacnt, same; /* lazy cnters */

  double d_jitter, d_dither;

  double t_tmpC, tmp_best, t_bestC;

  double **initialpop = (double **)R_alloc(i_NP,sizeof(double *));
  for (int i = 0; i < i_NP; i++)
    initialpop[i] = (double *)R_alloc(i_D,sizeof(double));

  /* vars for DE/current-to-p-best/1 */
  int i_pbest;
  int p_NP = round(d_pPct * i_NP);  /* choose at least two best solutions */
      p_NP = p_NP < 2 ? 2 : p_NP;
  int sortIndex[i_NP];              /* sorted values of gta_oldC */
  for(i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) sortIndex[i] = i;
  //double goodCR = 0, goodF = 0, goodF2 = 0, meanCR = 0.5, meanF = 0.5;
  double goodCR = 0, goodF = 0, goodF2 = 0, meanCR = d_cross, meanF = d_weight;
  int i_goodNP = 0;

  /* vars for when i_bs_flag == 1 */
//  int i_len, done, step, bound;
//  double tempC;


  /* if initial population provided, initialize with values */
  if (i_specinitialpop > 0) {
    k = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++) {
      for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {
        initialpop[i][j] = initialpopv[k];
        k += 1;

  for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++) {
    for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {
      if (i_specinitialpop <= 0) { /* random initial member */
        ngta_popP[i+i_NP*j] = d_lower[j] +
        unif_rand() * (d_upper[j] - d_lower[j]);

      else /* or user-specified initial member */
        ngta_popP[i+i_NP*j] = initialpop[i][j];
  PROTECT(sexp_map_pop  = popEvaluate(l_nfeval, sexp_gta_popP, fnMap, rho, 0));
  memmove(REAL(sexp_gta_popP), REAL(sexp_map_pop), i_NP * i_D * sizeof(double)); // valgrind reports memory overlap here
  UNPROTECT(1);  // sexp_map_pop
  PROTECT(sexp_gta_popC = popEvaluate(l_nfeval, sexp_gta_popP,  fcall, rho, 1));
  ngta_popC = REAL(sexp_gta_popC);
  for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {
    if (i == 0 || ngta_popC[i] <= t_bestC) {
      t_bestC = ngta_popC[i];
      for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)

  /*---assign pointers to current ("old") population---*/
  memcpy(REAL(sexp_gta_oldP), REAL(sexp_gta_popP), i_NP * i_D * sizeof(double));
  memcpy(REAL(sexp_gta_oldC), REAL(sexp_gta_popC), i_NP * sizeof(double));
  UNPROTECT(1);  // sexp_gta_popC

  /*------Iteration loop--------------------------------------------*/
  int i_iter = 0;
  popcnt = 0;
  bestacnt = 0;
  i_xav = 1;
  int i_iter_tol = 0;

  while ((i_iter < i_itermax) && (t_bestC > VTR) && (i_iter_tol <= i_steptol))
    /* store intermediate populations */
    if (i_iter % i_storepopfreq == 0 && i_iter >= i_storepopfrom) {
      for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++) {
          gd_storepop[popcnt] = ngta_oldP[i+i_NP*j];
    } /* end store pop */

    /* store the best member */
    for(j = 0; j < i_D; j++) {
      gd_bestmemit[bestacnt] = gt_bestP[j];
    /* store the best value */
    gd_bestvalit[i_iter] = t_bestC;

    for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
      t_bestitP[j] = gt_bestP[j];


    /*----compute dithering factor -----------------*/
    if (i_strategy == 5)
      d_dither = d_weight + unif_rand() * (1.0 - d_weight);

    /*---DE/current-to-p-best/1 ----------------------------------------------*/
    if (i_strategy == 6) {
      /* create a copy of gta_oldC to avoid changing it */
      double temp_oldC[i_NP];
      for(j = 0; j < i_NP; j++) temp_oldC[j] = ngta_oldC[j];

      /* sort temp_oldC to use sortIndex later */
      rsort_with_index( (double*)temp_oldC, (int*)sortIndex, i_NP );

    /*----start of loop through ensemble------------------------*/
    for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {

      /*t_tmpP is the vector to mutate and eventually select*/
      for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
        nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = ngta_oldP[i+i_NP*j];
      nt_tmpC[i] = ngta_oldC[i];

      permute(ia_urn2, URN_DEPTH, i_NP, i, ia_urnTemp); /* Pick 4 random and distinct */

      i_r1 = ia_urn2[1];  /* population members */
      i_r2 = ia_urn2[2];
      i_r3 = ia_urn2[3];

      if (d_c > 0) {
        d_cross = rnorm(meanCR, 0.1);
        d_cross = d_cross > 1.0 ? 1 : d_cross;
        d_cross = d_cross < 0.0 ? 0 : d_cross;
        do {
          d_weight = rcauchy(meanF, 0.1);
          d_weight = d_weight > 1 ? 1.0 : d_weight;
        }while(d_weight <= 0.0);

      /*===Choice of strategy===============================================*/
      j = (int)(unif_rand() * i_D); /* random parameter */
      k = 0;
      do {
        switch (i_strategy) {
          case 1: { /*---classical strategy DE/rand/1/bin-------------------*/
            nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = ngta_oldP[i_r1+i_NP*j] +
              d_weight * (ngta_oldP[i_r2+i_NP*j] - ngta_oldP[i_r3+i_NP*j]);
          case 2: { /*---DE/local-to-best/1/bin-----------------------------*/
            nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] +
              d_weight * (t_bestitP[j] - nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j]) +
              d_weight * (ngta_oldP[i_r2+i_NP*j] - ngta_oldP[i_r3+i_NP*j]);
          case 3: { /*---DE/best/1/bin with jitter--------------------------*/
            d_jitter = 0.0001 * unif_rand() + d_weight;
            nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = t_bestitP[j] +
              d_jitter * (ngta_oldP[i_r1+i_NP*j] - ngta_oldP[i_r2+i_NP*j]);
          case 4: { /*---DE/rand/1/bin with per-vector-dither---------------*/
            nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = ngta_oldP[i_r1+i_NP*j] +
              (d_weight + unif_rand()*(1.0 - d_weight))*
          case 5: { /*---DE/rand/1/bin with per-generation-dither-----------*/
            nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = ngta_oldP[i_r1+i_NP*j] +
              d_dither * (ngta_oldP[i_r2+i_NP*j] - ngta_oldP[i_r3+i_NP*j]);
          case 6: { /*---DE/current-to-p-best/1 (JADE)----------------------*/
            /* select from [0, 1, 2, ..., (pNP-1)] */
            i_pbest = sortIndex[(int)(unif_rand() * p_NP)];
            nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = ngta_oldP[i+i_NP*j] +
              d_weight * (ngta_oldP[i_pbest+i_NP*j] - ngta_oldP[i+i_NP*j]) +
              d_weight * (ngta_oldP[i_r1+i_NP*j]    - ngta_oldP[i_r2+i_NP*j]);
          default: { /*---variation to DE/rand/1/bin: either-or-algorithm---*/
            if (unif_rand() < 0.5) { /* differential mutation, Pmu = 0.5 */
              nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = ngta_oldP[i_r1+i_NP*j] + d_weight *
                (ngta_oldP[i_r2+i_NP*j] - ngta_oldP[i_r3+i_NP*j]);
            } else {
            /* recombination with K = 0.5*(F+1) -. F-K-Rule */
            nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = ngta_oldP[i_r1+i_NP*j] +
              0.5 * (d_weight + 1.0) * (ngta_oldP[i_r2+i_NP*j]
              + ngta_oldP[i_r3+i_NP*j] - 2 * ngta_oldP[i_r1+i_NP*j]);
        } /* end switch */
        j = (j + 1) % i_D;
      }while((unif_rand() < d_cross) && (k < i_D));
      /*===End choice of strategy===========================================*/

      /*----boundary constraints, bounce-back method was not enforcing bounds correctly*/
      for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++) {
        if (nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] < d_lower[j]) {
          nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = d_lower[j] + unif_rand() * (d_upper[j] - d_lower[j]);
        if (nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] > d_upper[j]) {
          nt_tmpP[i+i_NP*j] = d_upper[j] - unif_rand() * (d_upper[j] - d_lower[j]);

    } /* NEW End mutation loop through ensemble */

    /*------Trial mutation now in t_tmpP-----------------*/
    /* evaluate mutated population */
    PROTECT(sexp_map_pop = popEvaluate(l_nfeval, sexp_t_tmpP,  fnMap, rho, 0));
    memmove(REAL(sexp_t_tmpP), REAL(sexp_map_pop), i_NP * i_D * sizeof(double)); // valgrind reports memory overlap here
    UNPROTECT(1);  // sexp_map_pop
    PROTECT(sexp_t_tmpC  = popEvaluate(l_nfeval, sexp_t_tmpP, fcall, rho, 1));
    nt_tmpC = REAL(sexp_t_tmpC);

    /* compare old pop with mutated pop */
    for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {

      /* note that i_bs_flag means that we will choose the
       *best NP vectors from the old and new population later*/
      if (nt_tmpC[i] <= ngta_oldC[i] || i_bs_flag) {
        /* replace target with mutant */
        for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
        if (nt_tmpC[i] <= t_bestC) {
          for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
        if (d_c > 0) { /* calculate new goodCR and goodF */
          goodCR += d_cross / ++i_goodNP;
          goodF += d_weight;
          goodF2 += pow(d_weight,2.0);
      else {
        for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)

    } /* End mutation loop through ensemble */
    UNPROTECT(1);  // sexp_t_tmpC

    if (d_c > 0) { /* calculate new meanCR and meanF */
      meanCR = (1-d_c)*meanCR + d_c*goodCR;
      meanF = (1-d_c)*meanF + d_c*goodF2/goodF;

    if(i_bs_flag) {  /* FIXME */
      error("bs = TRUE not currently supported");
//      /* examine old and new pop. and take the best NP members
//       * into next generation */
//      for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {
//        for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
//          gta_popP[i][j] = gta_oldP[i][j];
//        gta_popC[i] = gta_oldC[i];
//      }
//      for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {
//        for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
//          gta_popP[i_NP+i][j] = gta_newP[i][j];
//        gta_popC[i_NP+i] = gta_newC[i];
//      }
//      i_len = 2 * i_NP;
//      step = i_len;  /* array length */
//      while (step > 1) {
//        step /= 2;   /* halve the step size */
//        do {
//          done = 1;
//          bound  = i_len - step;
//          for (j = 0; j < bound; j++) {
//              i = j + step + 1;
//              if (gta_popC[j] > gta_popC[i-1]) {
//                  for (k = 0; k < i_D; k++)
//                    tempP[k] = gta_popP[i-1][k];
//                  tempC = gta_popC[i-1];
//                  for (k = 0; k < i_D; k++)
//                    gta_popP[i-1][k] = gta_popP[j][k];
//                  gta_popC[i-1] = gta_popC[j];
//                  for (k = 0; k < i_D; k++)
//                    gta_popP[j][k] = tempP[k];
//                  gta_popC[j] = tempC;
//                    done = 0;
//                    /* if a swap has been made we are not finished yet */
//              }  /* if */
//          }  /* for */
//        } while (!done);   /* while */
//      } /*while (step > 1) */
//      /* now the best NP are in first NP places in gta_pop, use them */
//      for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {
//        for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
//          gta_newP[i][j] = gta_popP[i][j];
//        gta_newC[i] = gta_popC[i];
//      }
    } /*i_bs_flag*/

    /* have selected NP mutants move on to next generation */
    for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
        ngta_oldP[i+i_NP*j] = ngta_newP[i+i_NP*j];
      ngta_oldC[i] = ngta_newC[i];
    for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
	t_bestitP[j] = gt_bestP[j];
    if( trace > 0 ) {
      if( (i_iter % trace) == 0 ) {
        Rprintf("Iteration: %d bestvalit: %f bestmemit:", i_iter, t_bestC);
        for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
          Rprintf("%12.6f", gt_bestP[j]);

    /* check for user interrupt */
    /*if( i_iter % 10000 == 999 ) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/

    /* check relative tolerance (as in src/main/optim.c) */
    /* kmm: not sure where the above is, but was not working as
       advertised in help file; changed 
    if( fabs(t_bestC - gd_bestvalit[i_iter-1]) <
        (d_reltol * (fabs(gd_bestvalit[i_iter-1]) + d_reltol))) {
    } else {
      i_iter_tol = 0;

  } /* end iteration loop */

  /* last population */
  k = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < i_D; j++) {
      gd_pop[k] = ngta_oldP[i+i_NP*j];

  *gi_iter = i_iter;
  *gt_bestC = t_bestC;


Пример #20
void simdetect (
    int    *detect,     /* detector -1 single, 0 multi, 1 proximity, 2 count,... */
    double *gsb0val,    /* Parameter values (matrix nr= comb of g0,sigma,b nc=3) [naive animal] */
    double *gsb1val,    /* Parameter values (matrix nr= comb of g0,sigma,b nc=3) [caught before] */
    int    *cc0,        /* number of g0/sigma/b combinations for naive animals */
    int    *cc1,        /* number of g0/sigma/b combinations for caught before */
    int    *gsb0,       /* lookup which g0/sigma/b combination to use for given g, S, K
                           [naive animal] */
    int    *gsb1,       /* lookup which g0/sigma/b combination to use for given n, S, K 
                           [caught before] */
    int    *N,          /* number of animals */
    int    *ss,         /* number of occasions */
    int    *kk,         /* number of traps */
    int    *nmix,       /* number of classes */
    int    *knownclass, /* known membership of 'latent' classes */
    double *animals,    /* x,y points of animal range centres (first x, then y) */
    double *traps,      /* x,y locations of traps (first x, then y) */
    double *dist2,      /* distances squared (optional: -1 if unused) */
    double *Tsk,        /* ss x kk array of 0/1 usage codes or effort */
    int    *btype,      /* code for behavioural response 
                           0 none
                           1 individual
                           2 individual, trap-specific
                           3 trap-specific
    int    *Markov,     /* learned vs transient behavioural response 
                           0 learned
                           1 Markov 
    int    *binomN,     /* number of trials for 'count' detector modelled with binomial */
    double *miscparm,   /* detection threshold on transformed scale, etc. */
    int    *fn,         /* code 0 = halfnormal, 1 = hazard, 2 = exponential, 3 = uniform */
    int    *maxperpoly, /*  */
    int    *n,          /* number of individuals caught */
    int    *caught,     /* sequence number in session (0 if not caught) */
    double *detectedXY, /* x,y locations of detections  */
    double *signal,     /* vector of signal strengths, one per detection */
    int    *value,      /* return value array of trap locations n x s */
    int    *resultcode
    double d2val;
    double p;
    int    i,j,k,l,s;
    int    ik;
    int    nc = 0;
    int    nk = 0;             /* number of detectors (polygons or transects when *detect==6,7) */
    int    count = 0;
    int    *caughtbefore;
    int    *x;                 /* mixture class of animal i */
    double *pmix;
    double runif;
    int    wxi = 0;
    int    c = 0;
    int    gpar = 2;
    double g0 = 0;
    double sigma = 0;
    double z = 0;
    double Tski = 1.0;  
    double *work = NULL;
    double *noise = NULL;   /* detectfn 12,13 only */
    int    *sortorder = NULL;
    double *sortkey = NULL;

        *detect may take values -
       -1  single-catch traps
        0  multi-catch traps
        1  binary proximity detectors
        2  count  proximity detectors
        5  signal detectors
        6  polygon detectors
        7  transect detectors
    /* 'single-catch only' declarations */
    int    tr_an_indx = 0;
    int    nanimals;
    int    ntraps;
    int    *occupied = NULL;
    int    *intrap = NULL;
    struct trap_animal *tran = NULL;
    double event_time;
    int    anum = 0;
    int    tnum = 0;
    int    nextcombo;
    int    finished;
    int    OK;

    /* 'multi-catch only' declarations */
    double *h = NULL;          /* multi-catch only */
    double *hsum = NULL;       /* multi-catch only */
    double *cump = NULL;       /* multi-catch only */

    /* 'polygon & transect only' declarations */
    int    nd = 0;
    int    cumk[maxnpoly+1];
    int    sumk;               /* total number of vertices */
    int    g=0;
    int    *gotcha;
    double xy[2];
    int    n1,n2,t;
    double par[3];
    int    np = 1;             /* n points each call of gxy */
    double w, ws;
    int    maxdet=1;
    double *cumd = NULL;
    struct rpoint *line = NULL;
    struct rpoint xyp;
    struct rpoint animal;
    double lx;
    double maxg = 0;
    double lambdak;  /* temp value for Poisson rate */
    double grx;      /* temp value for integral gr */
    double H;
    int    J;
    int    maybecaught;
    double dx,dy,d;
    double pks;
    double sumhaz;
    /* 'signal-strength only' declarations */
    double beta0;
    double beta1;
    double muS;
    double sdS;
    double muN = 0;
    double sdN = 1;
    double signalvalue;
    double noisevalue;
    double cut;
    double *ex;
    /* MAIN LINE */

    gotcha = &g;
    *resultcode = 1;
    caughtbefore = (int *) R_alloc(*N * *kk, sizeof(int));
    x = (int *) R_alloc(*N, sizeof(int));
    for (i=0; i<*N; i++) x[i] = 0;
    pmix = (double *) R_alloc(*nmix, sizeof(double));

    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
    /* pre-compute distances */
    if (dist2[0] < 0) {
	dist2 = (double *) S_alloc(*kk * *N, sizeof(double));
	makedist2 (*kk, *N, traps, animals, dist2);
    else {
	squaredist (*kk, *N, dist2);
    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */

    if ((*detect < -1) || (*detect > 7)) return;

    if (*detect == -1) {                                   /* single-catch only */
        occupied = (int*) R_alloc(*kk, sizeof(int));
        intrap = (int*) R_alloc(*N, sizeof(int));
        tran = (struct trap_animal *) R_alloc(*N * *kk,
            sizeof(struct trap_animal));
	    /*  2*sizeof(int) + sizeof(double)); */
    if (*detect == 0) {                                    /* multi-catch only */
        h = (double *) R_alloc(*N * *kk, sizeof(double));
        hsum = (double *) R_alloc(*N, sizeof(double));
        cump = (double *) R_alloc(*kk+1, sizeof(double));
        cump[0] = 0;

    if (*detect == 5) {                                    /* signal only */
        maxdet = *N * *ss * *kk;
        if (!((*fn == 10) || (*fn == 11)))
            error ("simsecr not implemented for this combination of detector & detectfn");

    if ((*detect == 3) || (*detect == 4) || (*detect == 6) || (*detect == 7)) {
        /* polygon or transect */
        cumk[0] = 0;
        for (i=0; i<maxnpoly; i++) {                       /* maxnpoly much larger than npoly */
            if (kk[i]<=0) break;
            cumk[i+1] = cumk[i] + kk[i];
        sumk = cumk[nk];
        if ((*detect == 6) || (*detect == 7))
            maxdet = *N * *ss * nk * *maxperpoly;
            maxdet = *N * *ss;
    else nk = *kk;

    if ((*detect == 4) || (*detect == 7)) {                            /* transect only */
        line = (struct rpoint *) R_alloc(sumk, sizeof(struct rpoint));
        cumd = (double *) R_alloc(sumk, sizeof(double));
        /* coordinates of vertices */
        for (i=0; i<sumk; i++) {
            line[i].x = traps[i];
            line[i].y = traps[i+sumk];
        /* cumulative distance along line; all transects end on end */
        for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {
            cumd[cumk[k]] = 0;
            for (i=cumk[k]; i<(cumk[k+1]-1); i++) {
                cumd[i+1] = cumd[i] + distance(line[i], line[i+1]);

    if ((*detect==3) || (*detect==4) || (*detect==5) || (*detect==6) || (*detect==7)) {
        work = (double*) R_alloc(maxdet*2, sizeof(double));   /* twice size needed for signal */
        sortorder = (int*) R_alloc(maxdet, sizeof(int));
        sortkey = (double*) R_alloc(maxdet, sizeof(double));
    if ((*fn==12) || (*fn==13)) {
        noise = (double*) R_alloc(maxdet*2, sizeof(double));   /* twice size needed for signal */


    gpar = 2;
    if ((*fn == 1) || (*fn == 3) || (*fn == 5)|| (*fn == 6) || (*fn == 7) || (*fn == 8) ||
        (*fn == 10) || (*fn == 11)) gpar ++;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* mixture models */
    /* may be better to pass pmix */
    if (*nmix>1) {
        if (*nmix>2)
            error("simsecr nmix>2 not implemented");
        gpar++;   /* these models have one more detection parameter */
        for (i=0; i<*nmix; i++) {
            wxi = i4(0,0,0,i,*N,*ss,nk);
            c = gsb0[wxi] - 1;
            pmix[i] = gsb0val[*cc0 * (gpar-1) + c];    /* assuming 4-column gsb */
        for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {
	    if (knownclass[i] > 1) 
		x[i] = knownclass[i] - 2;      /* knownclass=2 maps to x=0 etc. */
		x[i] = rdiscrete(*nmix, pmix) - 1;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* zero caught status */
    for (i=0; i<*N; i++) 
        caught[i] = 0;    
    for (i=0; i<*N; i++) 
        for (k=0; k < nk; k++)
            caughtbefore[k * (*N-1) + i] = 0;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* MAIN LOOP */
    for (s=0; s<*ss; s++) {

        /* ------------------ */
        /* single-catch traps */
        if (*detect == -1) {
            /* initialise day */
            tr_an_indx = 0;
            nanimals = *N;
            ntraps   = nk;
            for (i=0; i<*N; i++) intrap[i] = 0;
            for (k=0; k<nk; k++) occupied[k] = 0;
            nextcombo = 0;

            /* make tran */
            for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {  /* animals */
                for (k=0; k<nk; k++) { /* traps */
		    Tski = Tsk[s * nk + k];
		    if (fabs(Tski) > 1e-10) {
                        getpar (i, s, k, x[i], *N, *ss, nk, *cc0, *cc1, *fn, 
			    bswitch (*btype, *N, i, k, caughtbefore), 
                            gsb0, gsb0val, gsb1, gsb1val, &g0, &sigma, &z);
			/* d2val = d2(i,k, animals, traps, *N, nk); */
			d2val = d2L(k, i, dist2, nk);
                        p = pfn(*fn, d2val, g0, sigma, z, miscparm, 1e20);  /* effectively inf w2 */

			if (fabs(Tski-1) > 1e-10) 
			    p = 1 - pow(1-p, Tski);
                        event_time = randomtime(p);
                        if (event_time <= 1) {
                            tran[tr_an_indx].time   = event_time;
                            tran[tr_an_indx].animal = i;    /* 0..*N-1 */
                            tran[tr_an_indx].trap   = k;    /* 0..nk-1 */
            /* end of make tran */

            if (tr_an_indx > 1) probsort (tr_an_indx, tran);

            while ((nextcombo < tr_an_indx) && (nanimals>0) && (ntraps>0)) {
                    finished = 0;
                OK       = 0;
                    while ((1-finished)*(1-OK) > 0) {      /* until finished or OK */
                    if (nextcombo >= (tr_an_indx))
                            finished = 1;                  /* no more to process */
                    else {
                            anum = tran[nextcombo].animal;
                        tnum = tran[nextcombo].trap;
                            OK = (1-occupied[tnum]) * (1-intrap[anum]); /* not occupied and not intrap */
                    if (finished==0) {
                       /* Record this capture */
                          occupied[tnum] = 1;
                      intrap[anum]   = tnum+1;         /* trap = k+1 */
                for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {
                if (intrap[i]>0) {
                    if (caught[i]==0) {                    /* first capture of this animal */
                       caught[i] = nc;                     /* nc-th animal to be captured */
                       for (j=0; j<*ss; j++)
                           value[*ss * (nc-1) + j] = 0;
                    value[*ss * (caught[i]-1) + s] = intrap[i];  /* trap = k+1 */

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /* multi-catch trap; only one site per occasion (drop last dimension of capt) */
        else if (*detect == 0) {
            for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {
                hsum[i] = 0;
                for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {
		    Tski = Tsk[s * nk + k];
		    if (fabs(Tski) > 1e-10) {
			getpar (i, s, k, x[i], *N, *ss, nk, *cc0, *cc1, *fn, 
				bswitch (*btype, *N, i, k, caughtbefore), 
				gsb0, gsb0val, gsb1, gsb1val, &g0, &sigma, &z);
			/* d2val = d2(i,k, animals, traps, *N, nk); */
			d2val = d2L(k, i, dist2, nk);
			p = pfn(*fn, d2val, g0, sigma, z, miscparm, 1e20);
			h[k * *N + i] = - Tski * log(1 - p);
			hsum[i] += h[k * *N + i];

                for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {
                    cump[k+1] = cump[k] + h[k * *N + i]/hsum[i];
                if (Random() < (1-exp(-hsum[i]))) {
                    if (caught[i]==0)  {        /* first capture of this animal */
                        caught[i] = nc;
                        for (j=0; j<*ss; j++)
                            value[*ss * (nc-1) + j] = 0;
                    /* find trap with probability proportional to p
                       searches cumulative distribution of p  */
                    runif = Random();
                    k = 0;
                    while ((runif > cump[k]) && (k<nk)) k++;
                    value[*ss * (caught[i]-1) + s] = k;  /* trap = k+1 */

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /* the 'proximity' group of detectors 1:2 - proximity, count */
        else if ((*detect >= 1) && (*detect <= 2)) {
            for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {
                for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {
		    Tski = Tsk[s * nk + k];
		    if (fabs(Tski) > 1e-10) {
                        getpar (i, s, k, x[i], *N, *ss, nk, *cc0, *cc1, *fn, 
			    bswitch (*btype, *N, i, k, caughtbefore), 
                            gsb0, gsb0val, gsb1, gsb1val, &g0, &sigma, &z);
			/* d2val = d2(i,k, animals, traps, *N, nk); */
			d2val = d2L(k, i, dist2, nk);
                        p = pfn(*fn, d2val, g0, sigma, z, miscparm, 1e20);

                        if (p < -0.1) { PutRNGstate(); return; }   /* error */

                        if (p>0) {
                            if (*detect == 1) {
				if (fabs(Tski-1) > 1e-10)
				    p = 1 - pow(1-p, Tski);
                                count = Random() < p;            /* binary proximity */
                            else if (*detect == 2) {             /* count proximity */
				if (*binomN == 1)
				    count = rcount(round(Tski), p, 1);
				    count = rcount(*binomN, p, Tski);
                            if (count>0) {
                                if (caught[i]==0) {              /* first capture of this animal */
                                    caught[i] = nc;
                                    for (j=0; j<*ss; j++)
                                      for (l=0; l<nk; l++)
                                        value[*ss * ((nc-1) * nk + l) + j] = 0;
                                value[*ss * ((caught[i]-1) * nk + k) + s] = count;

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /* exclusive polygon detectors  */
        else if (*detect == 3) {
            /* find maximum distance between animal and detector vertex */
            w = 0;
            J = cumk[nk];
            for (i = 0; i< *N; i++) {
                for (j = 0; j < J; j++) {
                    dx = animals[i] - traps[j];
                    dy = animals[*N + i] - traps[J + j];
        	    d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
                    if (d > w) w = d;

            for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {
                /* this implementation assumes NO VARIATION AMONG DETECTORS */
                getpar (i, s, 0, x[i], *N, *ss, nk, *cc0, *cc1, *fn, 
		    bswitch (*btype, *N, i, 0, caughtbefore), 
                    gsb0, gsb0val, gsb1, gsb1val, &g0, &sigma, &z);

                maybecaught = Random() < g0;

                if (w > (10 * sigma)) 
                    ws = 10 * sigma;
                    ws = w;

                par[0] = 1;
                par[1] = sigma;
                par[2] = z;
                if (maybecaught) {
                    gxy (&np, fn, par, &ws, xy);                 /* simulate location */
                    xy[0] = xy[0] + animals[i];
                    xy[1] = xy[1] + animals[*N + i];
                    for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {                      /* each polygon */
			Tski = Tsk[s * nk + k];
			if (fabs(Tski) > 1e-10) {
                            n1 = cumk[k];
                            n2 = cumk[k+1]-1;
                            inside(xy, &n1, &n2, &sumk, traps, gotcha);  /* assume closed */
                            if (*gotcha > 0) {
                                if (caught[i]==0) {             /* first capture of this animal */
                                    caught[i] = nc;
                                    for (t=0; t<*ss; t++)
                                            value[*ss * (nc-1) + t] = 0;
                                value[*ss * (caught[i]-1) + s] = k+1;
                                work[(nd-1)*2] = xy[0];
                                work[(nd-1)*2+1] = xy[1];
                                sortkey[nd-1] = (double) (s * *N + caught[i]);
                                break;   /* no need to look at more poly */

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /* exclusive transect detectors  */
        else if (*detect == 4) {
	    ex = (double *) R_alloc(10 + 2 * maxvertices, sizeof(double));
            for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {                            /* each animal */
                animal.x = animals[i];
                animal.y = animals[i + *N];
                sumhaz = 0;
                /* ------------------------------------ */
                /* sum hazard */
                for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {            
		    Tski = Tsk[s * nk + k];
		    if (fabs(Tski) > 1e-10) {
                        getpar (i, s, k, x[i], *N, *ss, nk, *cc0, *cc1, *fn, 
				bswitch (*btype, *N, i, k, caughtbefore), 
				gsb0, gsb0val, gsb1, gsb1val, &g0, &sigma, &z);
	                par[0] = g0;
                        par[1] = sigma;
                        par[2] = z;
                        n1 = cumk[k];
                        n2 = cumk[k+1]-1;
                        H = hintegral1(*fn, par);
                        sumhaz += -log(1 - par[0] * integral1D (*fn, i, 0, par, 1, traps, 
			    animals, n1, n2, sumk, *N, ex) / H);
                /* ------------------------------------ */

                for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {                        /* each transect */
		    Tski = Tsk[s * nk + k];
		    if (fabs(Tski) > 1e-10) {
                        getpar (i, s, k, x[i], *N, *ss, nk, *cc0, *cc1, *fn, 
   			    bswitch (*btype, *N, i, k, caughtbefore), 
                            gsb0, gsb0val, gsb1, gsb1val, &g0, &sigma, &z);
	                par[0] = g0;
                        par[1] = sigma;
                        par[2] = z;
                        n1 = cumk[k];
                        n2 = cumk[k+1]-1;
                        H = hintegral1(*fn, par);
                        lambdak = par[0] * integral1D (*fn, i, 0, par, 1, traps, animals,
						       n1, n2, sumk, *N, ex) / H;
    	                pks = (1 - exp(-sumhaz)) * (-log(1-lambdak)) / sumhaz;
                        count = Random() < pks;
                        maxg = 0;
                        if (count>0) {                       /* find maximum - approximate */
                            for (l=0; l<=100; l++) {
                                lx = (cumd[n2] - cumd[n1]) * l/100;
                                xyp = getxy (lx, cumd, line, sumk, n1);
                                grx = gr (fn, par, xyp, animal);
                                if (R_FINITE(grx))
                                    maxg = fmax2(maxg, grx);
                            for (l=n1; l<=n2; l++) {
                                xyp = line[l];
                                grx = gr (fn, par, xyp, animal);
                                if (R_FINITE(grx))
                                    maxg = fmax2(maxg, grx);
                            maxg= 1.2 * maxg;                 /* safety margin */
                            if (maxg<=0)
                                Rprintf("maxg error in simsecr\n"); /* not found */
                            *gotcha = 0;
                            l = 0;
                            while (*gotcha == 0) {
                                lx = Random() * (cumd[n2] - cumd[n1]);     /* simulate location */
                                xyp = getxy (lx, cumd, line, sumk, n1);
                                grx = gr (fn, par, xyp, animal);
                                if (Random() < (grx/maxg))    /* rejection sampling */
                                    *gotcha = 1;
                                if (l % 10000 == 0)
                                if (l>1e8) *gotcha = 1;       /* give up and accept anything!!!! */
                            if (caught[i]==0) {               /* first capture of this animal */
                                caught[i] = nc;
                                for (t=0; t<*ss; t++)
                                        value[*ss * (nc-1) + t] = 0;
                            if (nd >= maxdet) {
                                *resultcode = 2;  /* error */
                            value[*ss * (caught[i]-1) + s] = k+1;
                            work[(nd-1)*2] = xyp.x;
                            work[(nd-1)*2+1] = xyp.y;
                            sortkey[nd-1] = (double) (s * *N + caught[i]);
                        if (count>0) break;   /* no need to look further */
                }                                             /* end loop over transects */
            }                                                 /* end loop over animals */

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /* polygon detectors  */
        else if (*detect == 6) {
            for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {
                /* this implementation assumes NO VARIATION AMONG DETECTORS */

                getpar (i, s, 0, x[i], *N, *ss, nk, *cc0, *cc1, *fn, 
		    bswitch (*btype, *N, i, 0, caughtbefore), 
                    gsb0, gsb0val, gsb1, gsb1val, &g0, &sigma, &z);
                count = rcount(*binomN, g0, Tski);
                w = 10 * sigma;
                par[0] = 1;
                par[1] = sigma;
                par[2] = z;
                for (j=0; j<count; j++) {
                    gxy (&np, fn, par, &w, xy);                 /* simulate location */
                    xy[0] = xy[0] + animals[i];
                    xy[1] = xy[1] + animals[*N + i];
                    for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {                      /* each polygon */
			Tski = Tsk[s * nk + k];
			if (fabs(Tski) > 1e-10) {
                            n1 = cumk[k];
                            n2 = cumk[k+1]-1;
                            inside(xy, &n1, &n2, &sumk, traps, gotcha);  /* assume closed */
                            if (*gotcha > 0) {
                                if (caught[i]==0) {             /* first capture of this animal */
                                    caught[i] = nc;
                                    for (t=0; t<*ss; t++)
                                        for (l=0; l<nk; l++)
                                            value[*ss * ((nc-1) * nk + l) + t] = 0;
                                if (nd > maxdet) {
                                    *resultcode = 2;
                                    return;  /* error */
                                value[*ss * ((caught[i]-1) * nk + k) + s]++;
                                work[(nd-1)*2] = xy[0];
                                work[(nd-1)*2+1] = xy[1];
                                sortkey[nd-1] = (double) (k * *N * *ss + s * *N + caught[i]);

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /* transect detectors  */
        else if (*detect == 7) {
	    ex = (double *) R_alloc(10 + 2 * maxvertices, sizeof(double));
            for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {                            /* each animal */
                animal.x = animals[i];
                animal.y = animals[i + *N];
                for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {                        /* each transect */
		    Tski = Tsk[s * nk + k];
		    if (fabs(Tski) > 1e-10) {
                        getpar (i, s, k, x[i], *N, *ss, nk, *cc0, *cc1, *fn, 
 			    bswitch (*btype, *N, i, k, caughtbefore), 
                            gsb0, gsb0val, gsb1, gsb1val, &g0, &sigma, &z);
	                par[0] = g0;
                        par[1] = sigma;
                        par[2] = z;
                        n1 = cumk[k];
                        n2 = cumk[k+1]-1;
                        H = hintegral1(*fn, par);
                        lambdak = par[0] * integral1D (*fn, i, 0, par, 1, traps, animals,
						       n1, n2, sumk, *N, ex) / H;
                        count = rcount(*binomN, lambdak, Tski);  /* numb detections on transect */
                        maxg = 0;
                        if (count>0) {                       /* find maximum - approximate */
                            for (l=0; l<=100; l++) {
                                lx = (cumd[n2]-cumd[n1]) * l/100;
                                xyp = getxy (lx, cumd, line, sumk, n1);
                                grx = gr (fn, par, xyp, animal);
                                if (R_FINITE(grx))
                                    maxg = fmax2(maxg, grx);
                            for (l=n1; l<=n2; l++) {
                                xyp = line[l];
                                grx = gr (fn, par, xyp, animal);
                                if (R_FINITE(grx))
                                    maxg = fmax2(maxg, grx);
                            maxg= 1.2 * maxg;                 /* safety margin */
                            if (maxg<=0)
                                Rprintf("maxg error in simsecr\n"); /* not found */

                        for (j=0; j<count; j++) {
                            *gotcha = 0;
                            l = 0;
                            while (*gotcha == 0) {
                                lx = Random() * (cumd[n2]-cumd[n1]);     /* simulate location */
                                xyp = getxy (lx, cumd, line, sumk, n1);
                                grx = gr (fn, par, xyp, animal);
                                if (Random() < (grx/maxg))   /* rejection sampling */
                                    *gotcha = 1;
                                if (l % 10000 == 0)
                                if (l>1e8) *gotcha = 1;        /* give up and accept anything!!!! */
                            if (caught[i]==0) {               /* first capture of this animal */
                                caught[i] = nc;
                                for (t=0; t<*ss; t++)
                                    for (l=0; l<nk; l++)
                                        value[*ss * ((nc-1) * nk + l) + t] = 0;
                            if (nd >= maxdet) {
                                *resultcode = 2;  /* error */
                            value[*ss * ((caught[i]-1) * nk + k) + s]++;
                            work[(nd-1)*2] = xyp.x;
                            work[(nd-1)*2+1] = xyp.y;
                            sortkey[nd-1] = (double) (k * *N * *ss + s * *N + caught[i]);
                }                                             /* end loop over transects */
            }                                                 /* end loop over animals */

        /* ------------------------ */
        /* signal strength detector */
        else if (*detect == 5) {
	    cut = miscparm[0];
	    if ((*fn == 12) || (*fn == 13)) {
		muN = miscparm[1];
		sdN = miscparm[2];
            for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {
                for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {
		    Tski = Tsk[s * nk + k];
		    if (fabs(Tski) > 1e-10) {
                        /* sounds not recaptured */
                        getpar (i, s, k, x[i], *N, *ss, nk, *cc0, *cc1, *fn, 
				0, gsb0, gsb0val, gsb0, gsb0val, &beta0, &beta1, &sdS);
                        if ((*fn == 10) || (*fn == 12))
			    muS  = mufn (i, k, beta0, beta1, animals, traps, *N, nk, 0);
                            muS  = mufn (i, k, beta0, beta1, animals, traps, *N, nk, 1);
			if ((*fn == 10) || (*fn == 12))
			    muS  = mufnL (k, i, beta0, beta1, dist2, nk, 0);
			    muS  = mufnL (k, i, beta0, beta1, dist2, nk, 1);

			signalvalue = norm_rand() * sdS + muS;
                        if ((*fn == 10) || (*fn == 11)) {
			    if (signalvalue > cut) {
				if (caught[i]==0) {        /* first capture of this animal */
				    caught[i] = nc;
				    for (j=0; j<*ss; j++)
					for (l=0; l<nk; l++)
					    value[*ss * ((nc-1) * *kk + l) + j] = 0;
				value[*ss * ((caught[i]-1) * *kk + k) + s] = 1;
				work[nd-1] = signalvalue;
				sortkey[nd-1] = (double) (k * *N * *ss + s * *N + caught[i]);
			else {
			    noisevalue = norm_rand() * sdN + muN;
			    if ((signalvalue - noisevalue) > cut) {
				if (caught[i]==0) {        /* first capture of this animal */
				    caught[i] = nc;
				    for (j=0; j<*ss; j++)
					for (l=0; l<nk; l++)
					    value[*ss * ((nc-1) * *kk + l) + j] = 0;
				value[*ss * ((caught[i]-1) * *kk + k) + s] = 1;
				work[nd-1] = signalvalue;
				noise[nd-1] = noisevalue;
				sortkey[nd-1] = (double) (k * *N * *ss + s * *N + caught[i]);

	if ((*btype > 0) && (s < (*ss-1))) {
            /* update record of 'previous-capture' status */
            if (*btype == 1) {
                for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {
                    if (*Markov) 
                        caughtbefore[i] = 0;
                    for (k=0; k<nk; k++)
                        caughtbefore[i] = imax2 (value[i3(s, k, i, *ss, nk)], caughtbefore[i]);
            else if (*btype == 2) {
                for (i=0; i<*N; i++) {
                    for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {
                        ik = k * (*N-1) + i;
                        if (*Markov) 
                            caughtbefore[ik] = value[i3(s, k, i, *ss, nk)];
                            caughtbefore[ik] = imax2 (value[i3(s, k, i, *ss, nk)], 
	    else {
                for (k=0;k<nk;k++) {
                    if (*Markov) 
                        caughtbefore[k] = 0;
                    for (i=0; i<*N; i++) 
                        caughtbefore[k] = imax2 (value[i3(s, k, i, *ss, nk)], caughtbefore[k]);

    }   /* loop over s */

    if ((*detect==3) || (*detect==4) || (*detect==5) || (*detect==6) || (*detect==7)) {
        for (i=0; i<nd; i++) sortorder[i] = i;
        if (nd>0) rsort_with_index (sortkey, sortorder, nd);
        if (*detect==5) {
            for (i=0; i<nd; i++) signal[i] = work[sortorder[i]];
	    if ((*fn == 12) || (*fn == 13)) {
		for (i=0; i<nd; i++) signal[i+nd] = noise[sortorder[i]];
        else {
            for (i=0; i<nd; i++) {
                detectedXY[i]    = work[sortorder[i]*2];
                detectedXY[i+nd] = work[sortorder[i]*2+1];
    *n = nc;
    *resultcode = 0;
Пример #21
/* estimate coincidence function */
void est_coi(int n_ind, int n_mar, int n_pair,
             double *map, int **Geno, double *d,
             double *coi1, double *coi2,
             int *n_keep, double window)
    double *rf, *mapd, *top, *bottom, *temp, *work;
    int i, j, k, s, nmarm1, *temp_idx;

    nmarm1 = n_mar - 1;

    /* allocate space */
    rf = (double *)R_alloc(nmarm1, sizeof(double));
    mapd = (double *)R_alloc(nmarm1, sizeof(double));
    top = (double *)R_alloc(n_pair, sizeof(double));
    bottom = (double *)R_alloc(n_pair, sizeof(double));
    temp = (double *)R_alloc(n_pair, sizeof(double));
    temp_idx = (int *)R_alloc(n_pair, sizeof(int));
    work = (double *)R_alloc(n_pair, sizeof(double));

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /* midpoints of intervals */
    for(i=0; i<nmarm1; i++)
        mapd[i] = (map[i]+map[i+1])/2.0;

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /* inter-interval distances */
    for(j=0, s=0; j<nmarm1-1; j++)
        for(k=(j+1); k<nmarm1; k++, s++)
            d[s] = mapd[k] - mapd[j];

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /* recombination fractions */
    for(j=0; j<nmarm1; j++) {
        rf[j] = 0.0;
        for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
            if(Geno[j][i] != Geno[j+1][i])
                rf[j] += 1.0;
        rf[j] /= (double)n_ind;

        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /* top and bottom of the coincidence function */
    for(j=0, s=0; j<nmarm1-1; j++) {
        for(k=(j+1); k<nmarm1; k++, s++) {

            top[s] = 0.0;
            bottom[s] = rf[j]*rf[k];

            for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) {
                if(Geno[j][i] != Geno[j+1][i] &&
                   Geno[k][i] != Geno[k+1][i])
                    top[s] += 1.0;
            top[s] /= (double)n_ind;

            R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /* ratio, then smooth */
    for(i=0; i<n_pair; i++) {
        if(fabs(bottom[i]) < 1e-12) coi2[i] = NA_REAL; /* to be ignored */
        else coi2[i] = top[i]/bottom[i];

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /* sort d, and also top and bottom to match */
    /* first, create an index */
    for(i=0; i<n_pair; i++)
        temp_idx[i] = i;
    rsort_with_index(d, temp_idx, n_pair);

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /* sort then running means on coi2 */
    for(i=0; i<n_pair; i++)
        temp[i] = coi2[temp_idx[i]];
    runningmean(n_pair, d, temp, coi2, window, 2, work);

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /* sort top and then do running mean */
    for(i=0; i<n_pair; i++)
        temp[i] = top[temp_idx[i]];
    runningmean(n_pair, d, temp, top, window, 2, work);

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /* sort bottom and then do running mean */
    for(i=0; i<n_pair; i++)
        temp[i] = bottom[temp_idx[i]];
    runningmean(n_pair, d, temp, bottom, window, 2, work);

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    for(i=0; i<n_pair; i++)
        coi1[i] = top[i]/bottom[i];

    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

    /* now just save the unique values */
    for(j=0, i=1, *n_keep=1; i<n_pair; i++) {
        if(d[i] > d[j]) {
            coi1[*n_keep] = coi1[i];
            coi2[*n_keep] = coi2[i];
            d[*n_keep] = d[i];
            j = i;