static gboolean
get_sub_location (RsvgHandle *handle,
                  const char *sub,
                  cairo_t    *cr,
                  double     *x,
                  double     *y)
	RsvgPositionData  position;
	double tx, ty;

	if (!rsvg_handle_get_position_sub (handle, &position, sub)) {
		g_warning ("Failed to retrieve '%s' position", sub);
		return FALSE;

	tx = (double) position.x;
	ty = (double) position.y;
	cairo_user_to_device (cr, &tx, &ty);

	if (x)
		*x = tx;
	if (y)
		*y = ty;

	return TRUE;
Пример #2
main (int	  argc,
      char	**argv)
    GOptionContext      *context;
    char const          *fragment;
    char const         **filenames;
    char const          *file;
    RsvgHandle          *handle;
    RsvgDimensionData    dimensions;
    RsvgPositionData     position;
    GError              *error;
    int                  exit_code;
    int                  i;

    GOptionEntry options[] = {
        { "fragment", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &fragment, "The SVG fragment to address.", "<string>" },
        { NULL }

    rsvg_init ();

    context = NULL;
    fragment = NULL;
    filenames = NULL;
    handle = NULL;
    error = NULL;

    context = g_option_context_new ("- SVG measuring tool.");
    g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, options, NULL);

    /* No args? */
    if (argc < 2) {
        show_help (context);
        exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        goto bail;

    error = NULL;
    g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error);
    if (error) {
        show_help (context);
        g_warning ("%s", error->message);
        exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto bail;

    /* Invalid / missing args? */
    if (filenames == NULL) {
        show_help (context);
        exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto bail;

    g_option_context_free (context), context = NULL;

    for (i = 0; NULL != (file = filenames[i]); i++) {

        error = NULL;
        handle = rsvg_handle_new_from_file (file, &error);
        if (error) {
            g_warning ("%s", error->message);
            exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto bail;

        if (fragment && handle) {
            gboolean have_fragment = FALSE;
            have_fragment |= rsvg_handle_get_dimensions_sub (handle,
                    &dimensions, fragment);
            have_fragment |= rsvg_handle_get_position_sub (handle,
                    &position, fragment);
            if (!have_fragment) {
                g_warning ("%s: fragment `'%s' not found.",
                        file, fragment);
                exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
                goto bail;

            printf ("%s, fragment `%s': x=%d, y=%d, %dx%d, em=%f, ex=%f\n",
                    file, fragment,
                    position.x, position.y,
                    dimensions.width, dimensions.height,
                    dimensions.em, dimensions.ex);

        } else if (handle) {
            rsvg_handle_get_dimensions (handle, &dimensions);
            printf ("%s: %dx%d, em=%f, ex=%f\n", file,
                    dimensions.width, dimensions.height,
                    dimensions.em, dimensions.ex);
        } else {
            g_warning ("Could not open file `%s'", file);
            exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto bail;

        g_object_unref (handle), handle = NULL;

    exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;

    if (handle)
        g_object_unref (handle), handle = NULL;
    if (context)
        g_option_context_free (context), context = NULL;
    if (error)
        g_error_free (error), error = NULL;
    rsvg_term ();
    return exit_code;