Пример #1
   or  poly-bot file_poly.g file_bot.g\n\
 Convert polysolids to BOT solids in v4 database format only\n";

main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILE *ifp;
    FILE *ofp;
    union record record;
    union record *poly;
    long poly_limit=0;
    long curr_poly=0;
    struct bn_tol		tol;
    int polys=0;
    int frees=0;
    int others=0;
    int bots=0;
    int i;
    int num_rec;
    int first=1;


    ifp = stdin;
    ofp = stdout;

    /* FIXME: These need to be improved */
    tol.magic = BN_TOL_MAGIC;
    tol.dist = 0.0005;
    tol.dist_sq = tol.dist * tol.dist;
    tol.perp = 1e-6;
    tol.para = 1 - tol.perp;

    if (argc >= 3) {
	ifp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
	if (!ifp)

	ofp = fopen(argv[2], "wb");
	if (!ofp)

	if (ifp == NULL || ofp == NULL) {
	    bu_exit(1, "poly-bot: can't open files.");
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
    } else {
	setmode(fileno(ifp), O_BINARY);
	setmode(fileno(ofp), O_BINARY);
    if (isatty(fileno(ifp))) {
	bu_exit(1, "%s", usage);

    poly = (union record *)bu_malloc( POLY_BLOCK * sizeof( union record ), "poly" );
    poly_limit = POLY_BLOCK;

    /* Read database file */
    while ( fread( (char *)&record, sizeof record, 1, ifp ) == 1  && !feof(ifp) )
	switch ( record.u_id )
	    case ID_FREE:

	    case DBID_SKETCH:
		num_rec = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)&record.skt.skt_count);
		others += num_rec + 1;
		if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
		    bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
		for ( i=0; i<num_rec; i++ )
		    if ( fread( (char *)&record, sizeof record, 1, ifp ) != 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Unexpected EOF encountered while copying a SKETCH\n" );
		    if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
	    case DBID_EXTR:
		num_rec = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)&record.extr.ex_count);
		others += num_rec + 1;
		if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
		    bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
		for ( i=0; i<num_rec; i++ )
		    if ( fread( (char *)&record, sizeof record, 1, ifp ) != 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Unexpected EOF encountered while copying an EXTRUSION\n" );
		    if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
	    case DBID_NMG:
		num_rec = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)&record.nmg.N_count);
		others += num_rec + 1;
		if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
		    bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
		for ( i=0; i<num_rec; i++ )
		    if ( fread( (char *)&record, sizeof record, 1, ifp ) != 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Unexpected EOF encountered while copying an ARBN\n" );
		    if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
	    case DBID_PIPE:
		num_rec = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)&record.pwr.pwr_count);
		others += num_rec + 1;
		if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
		    bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
		for ( i=0; i<num_rec; i++ )
		    if ( fread( (char *)&record, sizeof record, 1, ifp ) != 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Unexpected EOF encountered while copying a PIPE\n" );
		    if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
	    case DBID_ARBN:
		num_rec = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)&record.n.n_grans);
		others += num_rec + 1;
		if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
		    bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
		for ( i=0; i<num_rec; i++ )
		    if ( fread( (char *)&record, sizeof record, 1, ifp ) != 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Unexpected EOF encountered while copying an ARBN\n" );
		    if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
	    case DBID_STRSOL:
		num_rec = DB_SS_NGRAN - 1;
		others += num_rec + 1;
		if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
		    bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
		for ( i=0; i<num_rec; i++ )
		    if ( fread( (char *)&record, sizeof record, 1, ifp ) != 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Unexpected EOF encountered while copying a STRSOL\n" );
		    if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
	    case ID_BSURF:
		num_rec = record.d.d_nknots + record.d.d_nctls;
		others += num_rec + 1;
		if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
		    bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
		for ( i=0; i<num_rec; i++ )
		    if ( fread( (char *)&record, sizeof record, 1, ifp ) != 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Unexpected EOF encountered while copying a NURB\n" );
		    if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
	    case DBID_BOT:
		if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
		    bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
		num_rec = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)&record.bot.bot_nrec);
		for ( i=0; i<num_rec; i++ )
		    if ( fread( (char *)&record, sizeof record, 1, ifp ) != 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Unexpected EOF encountered while copying a BOT\n" );
		    if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
			bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );
	    case ID_P_HEAD:
		struct rt_db_internal intern;
		struct bu_external ext;
		struct bu_external ext2;

		curr_poly = 0;
		poly[curr_poly++] = record;	/* struct copy */
		bu_log( "Converting %s\n", poly[0].p.p_name );
		while ( fread( (char *)&record, sizeof record, 1, ifp ) == 1  &&
			!feof(ifp) &&
			record.u_id == ID_P_DATA )
		    if ( curr_poly >= poly_limit )
			poly_limit += POLY_BLOCK;
			poly = (union record *)bu_realloc( poly, poly_limit*sizeof( union record ), "poly realloc" );
		    poly[curr_poly++] = record;	/* struct copy */
		ext.ext_nbytes = curr_poly * sizeof( union record );
		ext.ext_buf = (uint8_t *)poly;
		if ( rt_functab[ID_POLY].ft_import4( &intern, &ext, bn_mat_identity, (struct db_i *)NULL, &rt_uniresource ) )
		    bu_exit(1, "Import failed for polysolid %s\n", poly[0].p.p_name );
		/* Don't free this ext buffer! */

		if ( rt_pg_to_bot( &intern, &tol, &rt_uniresource ) < 0 )  {
		    bu_exit(1, "Unable to convert polysolid %s\n", poly[0].p.p_name );

		BU_EXTERNAL_INIT( &ext2 );
		if ( rt_functab[ID_POLY].ft_export4( &ext2, &intern, 1.0, (struct db_i *)NULL, &rt_uniresource ) < 0 )  {
		    bu_exit(1, "Unable to export v4 BoT %s\n", poly[0].p.p_name );
		if ( db_fwrite_external( ofp, poly[0].p.p_name, &ext2 ) < 0 )  {
		    bu_exit(1, "Unable to fwrite v4 BoT %s\n", poly[0].p.p_name );
		bu_free_external( &ext2 );

		if ( feof( ifp ) )
		goto top;
	    case ID_P_DATA:
		/* This should not happen! */
		bu_log( "ERROR: Unattached polysolid data record!\n" );
		if ( first )
		    if ( record.u_id != ID_IDENT ) {
			bu_exit(1, "This is not a BRL-CAD 'v4' database, aborting.\n" );
		    first = 0;
		if ( fwrite( &record, sizeof( union record ), 1, ofp ) < 1 )
		    bu_exit(1, "Write failed!\n" );

    bu_log( "%d polysolids converted to BOT solids\n", polys );
    bu_log( "%d BOT solids copied without change\n", bots );
    bu_log( "%d other records copied without change\n", others );
    bu_log( "%d free records skipped\n", frees );

    return 0;
Пример #2
main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct rt_wdb	*fp;
    struct db_i	*dbip;
    struct directory	*dp;
    long	errors = 0;
    struct bn_tol tol;
    char name[17];


    /* FIXME: These need to be improved */
    tol.magic = BN_TOL_MAGIC;
    tol.dist = 0.0005;
    tol.dist_sq = tol.dist * tol.dist;
    tol.perp = 1e-6;
    tol.para = 1 - tol.perp;

    bu_debug = BU_DEBUG_COREDUMP;

    rt_init_resource( &rt_uniresource, 0, NULL );

    if ( argc != 3 )  {
	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s v4.g v5.g\n", argv[0]);
	return 1;

    if ( (dbip = db_open(argv[1], DB_OPEN_READONLY)) == DBI_NULL )  {
	perror( argv[1] );
	return 2;

    if ( (fp = wdb_fopen( argv[2] )) == NULL )  {
	perror( argv[2] );
	return 3;

    if ( db_version(dbip) != 4 ) {
	bu_log( "Input database must be a version 4 database!!!!\n" );
	return 4;

    if ( db_dirbuild( dbip ) )
	bu_exit(1, "db_dirbuild failed\n" );

    db_update_ident( fp->dbip, dbip->dbi_title, dbip->dbi_local2base );

    /* Retrieve every item in the input database */
    FOR_ALL_DIRECTORY_START(dp, dbip)  {
	struct rt_db_internal	intern;
	int id;
	int ret;

	fprintf(stderr, "%.16s\n", dp->d_namep );

	id = rt_db_get_internal( &intern, dp, dbip, NULL, &rt_uniresource );
	if ( id < 0 )  {
		    "%s: rt_db_get_internal(%s) failure, skipping\n",
		    argv[0], dp->d_namep);
	if ( id == ID_COMBINATION ) {
	    struct rt_comb_internal *comb;
	    char *ptr;

	    comb = (struct rt_comb_internal *)intern.idb_ptr;
	    RT_CK_COMB( comb );

	    /* Convert "plastic" to "phong" in the shader string */
	    while ( (ptr=strstr( bu_vls_addr( &comb->shader), "plastic" )) != NULL ) {
		ptr[0] = 'p'; /* p */
		ptr[1] = 'h'; /* l */
		ptr[2] = 'o'; /* a */
		ptr[3] = 'n'; /* s */
		ptr[4] = 'g'; /* t */
		ptr[5] = ' '; /* i */
		ptr[6] = ' '; /* c */
	if ( id == ID_HF ) {
	    if (rt_hf_to_dsp( &intern )) {
			"%s: Conversion from HF to DSP failed for solid %s\n",
			argv[0], dp->d_namep );
	if ( id == ID_POLY)
	    if ( rt_pg_to_bot( &intern, &tol, &rt_uniresource ) )
		fprintf( stderr, "%s: Conversion from polysolid to BOT failed for solid %s\n",
			 argv[0], dp->d_namep );

	/* to insure null termination */
	bu_strlcpy( name, dp->d_namep, sizeof(name) );
	ret = wdb_put_internal( fp, name, &intern, 1.0 );
	if ( ret < 0 )  {
		    "%s: wdb_put_internal(%s) failure, skipping\n",
		    argv[0], dp->d_namep);

	  wdb_close( fp );
    db_close( dbip );

    fprintf(stderr, "%ld objects failed to convert\n", errors);
    return 0;