Пример #1
   INT32 catSplitCheckConflict( BSONObj & match, clsSplitTask & splitTask,
                                BOOLEAN & conflict, pmdEDUCB * cb )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      pmdKRCB *krcb = pmdGetKRCB() ;
      SDB_DMSCB *dmsCB = krcb->getDMSCB() ;
      SDB_RTNCB *rtnCB = krcb->getRTNCB() ;
      BSONObj dummyObj ;
      INT64 contextID = -1 ;

      rtnContextBuf buffObj ;
      INT64 startPos = 0 ;

      rc = rtnQuery( CAT_TASK_INFO_COLLECTION, dummyObj, match, dummyObj,
                     dummyObj, 0, cb, 0, -1, dmsCB, rtnCB, contextID ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to perform query, rc = %d", rc ) ;

      while ( SDB_OK == rc )
         rc = rtnGetMore( contextID, -1, buffObj, startPos, cb, rtnCB ) ;
         if ( rc )
            if ( SDB_DMS_EOC == rc )
               contextID = -1 ;
               rc = SDB_OK ;
               break ;
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to retreive record, rc = %d", rc ) ;
            goto error ;

         rc = _checkSplitTaskConflict( &buffObj, conflict, &splitTask ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Check split task conflict error, rc: %d",
                      rc ) ;

         if ( conflict )
            break ;

      if ( -1 != contextID )
         rtnCB->contextDelete ( contextID, cb ) ;
      return rc ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Пример #2
   INT32 _rtnDataSet::initByQuery( const rtnQueryOptions &options,
                                   _pmdEDUCB *cb )
      clear() ;

      _cb = cb ;
      INT32 rc = rtnQuery( options._fullName, options._query,
                           options._selector, options._orderBy,
                           options._hint, options._flag,
                           _cb, options._skip, options._limit,
                           sdbGetDMSCB(), _rtnCB,
                           _contextID, NULL, FALSE ) ;
      _lastErr = rc ;

      return rc ;
Пример #3
 _rtnDataSet::_rtnDataSet( const rtnQueryOptions &options,
                           _pmdEDUCB *cb )
 :_contextID( -1 ),
  _cb( cb ),
  _lastErr( SDB_OK ),
  _fetchFromContext( TRUE ),
  _rtnCB( NULL )
    _rtnCB = sdbGetRTNCB() ;
    _lastErr = rtnQuery( options._fullName, options._query,
                         options._selector, options._orderBy,
                         options._hint, options._flag,
                         _cb, options._skip, options._limit,
                         sdbGetDMSCB(), _rtnCB,
                         _contextID, NULL, FALSE ) ;
Пример #4
   INT32 _qgmPlScan::_executeOnData( _pmdEDUCB *eduCB )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;

      BSONObj selector = _selector.selector() ;
      rc = rtnQuery ( _collection.toString().c_str(), selector, _condition,
                      _orderby, _hint, 0, eduCB, _skip, _return,
                      _dmsCB, _rtnCB, _contextID, NULL, FALSE ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         goto error ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Пример #5
   INT32 _pmdDataProcessor::_onQueryReqMsg( MsgHeader * msg,
                                            SDB_DPSCB *dpsCB,
                                            _rtnContextBuf &buffObj,
                                            INT64 &contextID )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      INT32 flags = 0 ;
      CHAR *pCollectionName = NULL ;
      CHAR *pQueryBuff = NULL ;
      CHAR *pFieldSelector = NULL ;
      CHAR *pOrderByBuffer = NULL ;
      CHAR *pHintBuffer = NULL ;
      INT64 numToSkip = -1 ;
      INT64 numToReturn = -1 ;
      _rtnCommand *pCommand = NULL ;

      rc = msgExtractQuery ( (CHAR *)msg, &flags, &pCollectionName,
                             &numToSkip, &numToReturn, &pQueryBuff,
                             &pFieldSelector, &pOrderByBuffer, &pHintBuffer ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Session[%s] extract query msg failed, rc: %d",
                   getSession()->sessionName(), rc ) ;

      if ( !rtnIsCommand ( pCollectionName ) )
         rtnContextBase *pContext = NULL ;
            BSONObj matcher ( pQueryBuff ) ;
            BSONObj selector ( pFieldSelector ) ;
            BSONObj orderBy ( pOrderByBuffer ) ;
            BSONObj hint ( pHintBuffer ) ;
            MON_SAVE_OP_DETAIL( eduCB()->getMonAppCB(), msg->opCode,
                               "CL:%s, Match:%s, Selector:%s, OrderBy:%s, "
                               "Hint:%s", pCollectionName,
                               hint.toString().c_str() ) ;

            PD_LOG ( PDDEBUG, "Session[%s] Query: matcher: %s\nselector: "
                     "%s\norderBy: %s\nhint:%s", getSession()->sessionName(),
                     matcher.toString().c_str(), selector.toString().c_str(),
                     orderBy.toString().c_str(), hint.toString().c_str() ) ;

            rc = rtnQuery( pCollectionName, selector, matcher, orderBy,
                           hint, flags, eduCB(), numToSkip, numToReturn,
                           _pDMSCB, _pRTNCB, contextID, &pContext, TRUE ) ;
            if ( rc )
               goto error ;

            if ( ( flags & FLG_QUERY_WITH_RETURNDATA ) && NULL != pContext )
               rc = pContext->getMore( -1, buffObj, eduCB() ) ;
               if ( rc || pContext->eof() )
                  _pRTNCB->contextDelete( contextID, eduCB() ) ;
                  contextID = -1 ;

               if ( SDB_DMS_EOC == rc )
                  rc = SDB_OK ;
               else if ( rc )
                  PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Session[%s] failed to query with return "
                          "data, rc: %d", getSession()->sessionName(), rc ) ;
                  goto error ;
         catch ( std::exception &e )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Session[%s] Failed to create matcher and "
                     "selector for QUERY: %s", getSession()->sessionName(), 
                     e.what () ) ;
            rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
            goto error ;
         rc = rtnParserCommand( pCollectionName, &pCommand ) ;

         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Parse command[%s] failed[rc:%d]",
                     pCollectionName, rc ) ;
            goto error ;

         rc = rtnInitCommand( pCommand , flags, numToSkip, numToReturn,
                              pQueryBuff, pFieldSelector, pOrderByBuffer,
                              pHintBuffer ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            goto error ;

         PD_LOG ( PDDEBUG, "Command: %s", pCommand->name () ) ;

         rc = rtnRunCommand( pCommand, getSession()->getServiceType(),
                             eduCB(), _pDMSCB, _pRTNCB,
                             dpsCB, 1, &contextID ) ;
         if ( rc )
            goto error ;

      if ( pCommand )
         rtnReleaseCommand( &pCommand ) ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Пример #6
   INT32 omClusterNotifier::_updateNotifier()
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      BSONObj selector ;
      BSONObj matcher ;
      BSONObj order ;
      BSONObj hint ;
      BSONObjBuilder builder ;
      SINT64 contextID = -1 ;

      BSONObjBuilder resultBuilder ;
      BSONObj result ;
      pmdKRCB *pKrcb     = pmdGetKRCB() ;
      _SDB_DMSCB *pDMSCB = pKrcb->getDMSCB() ;
      _SDB_RTNCB *pRTNCB = pKrcb->getRTNCB() ;

      matcher  = BSON( OM_HOST_FIELD_CLUSTERNAME << _clusterName ) ;
      selector = BSON( OM_HOST_FIELD_NAME << ""
                       << OM_HOST_FIELD_IP << "" 
                       << OM_HOST_FIELD_USER << ""
                       << OM_HOST_FIELD_PASSWORD << ""
                       << OM_HOST_FIELD_AGENT_PORT << "" ) ;

      rc = rtnQuery( OM_CS_DEPLOY_CL_HOST, selector, matcher, order, hint, 0, 
                     _cb, 0, -1, pDMSCB, pRTNCB, contextID );
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "fail to query table:%s,rc=%d", OM_CS_DEPLOY_CL_HOST, 
                 rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      _mapTargetAgents.clear() ;
      _vHostTable.clear() ;
      while ( TRUE )
         rtnContextBuf buffObj ;
         SINT64 startingPos = 0 ;
         rc = rtnGetMore ( contextID, 1, buffObj, startingPos, _cb, pRTNCB ) ;
         if ( rc )
            if ( SDB_DMS_EOC == rc )
               rc = SDB_OK ;
               break ;

            contextID = -1 ;
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to get record from table:%s,rc=%d", 
                    OM_CS_DEPLOY_CL_HOST, rc ) ;
            goto error ;

         BSONObj record( buffObj.data() ) ;
         omHostContent tmp ;
         tmp.hostName    = record.getStringField( OM_HOST_FIELD_NAME ) ;
         tmp.ip          = record.getStringField( OM_HOST_FIELD_IP ) ;
         tmp.serviceName = record.getStringField( OM_HOST_FIELD_AGENT_PORT ) ;
         tmp.user        = record.getStringField( OM_HOST_FIELD_USER ) ;
         tmp.passwd      = record.getStringField( OM_HOST_FIELD_PASSWORD ) ;

         _vHostTable.push_back( tmp ) ;
         _mapTargetAgents.insert( _MAPAGENT_VALUE( tmp.hostName, tmp ) ) ;

      if ( _mapTargetAgents.size() > 0 )
         CHAR localHost[ OSS_MAX_HOSTNAME + 1 ] ;
         ossGetHostName( localHost, OSS_MAX_HOSTNAME ) ;
         _MAPAGENT_ITER iter = _mapTargetAgents.find( localHost ) ;
         if ( iter == _mapTargetAgents.end() )
            omHostContent content ;
            content.hostName = localHost ;
            content.ip       = "" ;
            string serviceName ;
            _getAgentService( serviceName ) ;
            content.serviceName = serviceName ;
            content.user        = "" ;
            content.passwd      = "" ;

                                _MAPAGENT_VALUE( content.hostName, content ) ) ;
      return rc ;
      if ( -1 != contextID )
         pRTNCB->contextDelete ( contextID, _cb ) ;
      goto done ;