Пример #1
static trace_data *
init_trace(trace_data *T, GEN S, nflift_t *L, GEN q)
  long e = gexpo(S), i,j, l,h;
  GEN qgood, S1, invd;

  if (e < 0) return NULL; /* S = 0 */

  qgood = int2n(e - 32); /* single precision check */
  if (cmpii(qgood, q) > 0) q = qgood;

  S1 = gdivround(S, q);
  if (gcmp0(S1)) return NULL;

  invd = ginv(itor(L->den, DEFAULTPREC));

  T->dPinvS = gmul(L->iprk, S);
  l = lg(S);
  h = lg(T->dPinvS[1]);
  T->PinvSdbl = (double**)cgetg(l, t_MAT);
  for (j = 1; j < l; j++)
    double *t = dalloc(h * sizeof(double));
    GEN c = gel(T->dPinvS,j);
    pari_sp av = avma;
    T->PinvSdbl[j] = t;
    for (i=1; i < h; i++) t[i] = rtodbl(mpmul(invd, gel(c,i)));
    avma = av;

  T->d  = L->den;
  T->P1 = gdivround(L->prk, q);
  T->S1 = S1; return T;
Пример #2
/* We want to be able to reconstruct x, |x|^2 < C, from x mod pr^k */
static double
bestlift_bound(GEN C, long d, double alpha, GEN Npr)
  const double y = 1 / (alpha - 0.25); /* = 2 if alpha = 3/4 */
  double t;
  if (typ(C) != t_REAL) C = gmul(C, real_1(DEFAULTPREC));
  setlg(C, DEFAULTPREC);
  t = rtodbl(mplog(gmul2n(divrs(C,d), 4))) * 0.5 + (d-1) * log(1.5 * sqrt(y));
  return ceil((t * d) / log(gtodouble(Npr)));
Пример #3
/* Naive recombination of modular factors: combine up to maxK modular
 * factors, degree <= klim and divisible by hint
 * target = polynomial we want to factor
 * famod = array of modular factors.  Product should be congruent to
 * target/lc(target) modulo p^a
 * For true factors: S1,S2 <= p^b, with b <= a and p^(b-a) < 2^31 */
static GEN
nfcmbf(nfcmbf_t *T, GEN p, long a, long maxK, long klim)
  GEN pol = T->pol, nf = T->nf, famod = T->fact, dn = T->dn;
  GEN bound = T->bound;
  GEN nfpol = gel(nf,1);
  long K = 1, cnt = 1, i,j,k, curdeg, lfamod = lg(famod)-1, dnf = degpol(nfpol);
  GEN res = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
  pari_sp av0 = avma;
  GEN pk = gpowgs(p,a), pks2 = shifti(pk,-1);

  GEN ind      = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_VECSMALL);
  GEN degpol   = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_VECSMALL);
  GEN degsofar = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_VECSMALL);
  GEN listmod  = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_COL);
  GEN fa       = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_COL);
  GEN lc = absi(leading_term(pol)), lt = is_pm1(lc)? NULL: lc;
  GEN C2ltpol, C = T->L->topowden, Tpk = T->L->Tpk;
  GEN Clt  = mul_content(C, lt);
  GEN C2lt = mul_content(C,Clt);
  const double Bhigh = get_Bhigh(lfamod, dnf);
  trace_data _T1, _T2, *T1, *T2;
  pari_timer ti;


  if (maxK < 0) maxK = lfamod-1;

  C2ltpol = C2lt? gmul(C2lt,pol): pol;
    GEN q = ceil_safe(sqrtr(T->BS_2));
    GEN t1,t2, ltdn, lt2dn;
    GEN trace1   = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_MAT);
    GEN trace2   = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_MAT);

    ltdn = mul_content(lt, dn);
    lt2dn= mul_content(ltdn, lt);

    for (i=1; i <= lfamod; i++)
      pari_sp av = avma;
      GEN P = gel(famod,i);
      long d = degpol(P);

      degpol[i] = d; P += 2;
      t1 = gel(P,d-1);/* = - S_1 */
      t2 = gsqr(t1);
      if (d > 1) t2 = gsub(t2, gmul2n(gel(P,d-2), 1));
      /* t2 = S_2 Newton sum */
      t2 = typ(t2)!=t_INT? FpX_rem(t2, Tpk, pk): modii(t2, pk);
      if (lt)
        if (typ(t2)!=t_INT) {
          t1 = FpX_red(gmul(ltdn, t1), pk);
          t2 = FpX_red(gmul(lt2dn,t2), pk);
        } else {
          t1 = remii(mulii(ltdn, t1), pk);
          t2 = remii(mulii(lt2dn,t2), pk);
      gel(trace1,i) = gclone( nf_bestlift(t1, NULL, T->L) );
      gel(trace2,i) = gclone( nf_bestlift(t2, NULL, T->L) ); avma = av;
    T1 = init_trace(&_T1, trace1, T->L, q);
    T2 = init_trace(&_T2, trace2, T->L, q);
    for (i=1; i <= lfamod; i++) { 
  degsofar[0] = 0; /* sentinel */

  /* ind runs through strictly increasing sequences of length K,
   * 1 <= ind[i] <= lfamod */
  if (K > maxK || 2*K > lfamod) goto END;
  if (DEBUGLEVEL > 3)
    fprintferr("\n### K = %d, %Z combinations\n", K,binomial(utoipos(lfamod), K));
  setlg(ind, K+1); ind[1] = 1;
  i = 1; curdeg = degpol[ind[1]];
  { /* try all combinations of K factors */
    for (j = i; j < K; j++)
      degsofar[j] = curdeg;
      ind[j+1] = ind[j]+1; curdeg += degpol[ind[j+1]];
    if (curdeg <= klim && curdeg % T->hint == 0) /* trial divide */
      GEN t, y, q, list;
      pari_sp av;

      av = avma;
      /* d - 1 test */
      if (T1)
        t = get_trace(ind, T1);
        if (rtodbl(QuickNormL2(t,DEFAULTPREC)) > Bhigh)
          if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr(".");
          avma = av; goto NEXT;
      /* d - 2 test */
      if (T2)
        t = get_trace(ind, T2);
        if (rtodbl(QuickNormL2(t,DEFAULTPREC)) > Bhigh)
          if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("|");
          avma = av; goto NEXT;
      avma = av;
      y = lt; /* full computation */
      for (i=1; i<=K; i++)
        GEN q = gel(famod, ind[i]);
        if (y) q = gmul(y, q);
        y = FqX_centermod(q, Tpk, pk, pks2);
      y = nf_pol_lift(y, bound, T);
      if (!y)
        if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("@");
        avma = av; goto NEXT;
      /* try out the new combination: y is the candidate factor */
      q = RgXQX_divrem(C2ltpol, y, nfpol, ONLY_DIVIDES);
      if (!q)
        if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("*");
        avma = av; goto NEXT;

      /* found a factor */
      list = cgetg(K+1, t_VEC);
      gel(listmod,cnt) = list;
      for (i=1; i<=K; i++) list[i] = famod[ind[i]];

      y = Q_primpart(y);
      gel(fa,cnt++) = QXQX_normalize(y, nfpol);
      /* fix up pol */
      pol = q;
      for (i=j=k=1; i <= lfamod; i++)
      { /* remove used factors */
        if (j <= K && i == ind[j]) j++;
          famod[k] = famod[i];
          update_trace(T1, k, i);
          update_trace(T2, k, i);
          degpol[k] = degpol[i]; k++;
      lfamod -= K;
      if (lfamod < 2*K) goto END;
      i = 1; curdeg = degpol[ind[1]];

      if (C2lt) pol = Q_primpart(pol);
      if (lt) lt = absi(leading_term(pol));
      Clt  = mul_content(C, lt);
      C2lt = mul_content(C,Clt);
      C2ltpol = C2lt? gmul(C2lt,pol): pol;
      if (DEBUGLEVEL > 2)
        fprintferr("\n"); msgTIMER(&ti, "to find factor %Z",y);
        fprintferr("remaining modular factor(s): %ld\n", lfamod);

    for (i = K+1;;)
      if (--i == 0) { K++; goto nextK; }
      if (++ind[i] <= lfamod - K + i)
        curdeg = degsofar[i-1] + degpol[ind[i]];
        if (curdeg <= klim) break;
  if (degpol(pol) > 0)
  { /* leftover factor */
    if (signe(leading_term(pol)) < 0) pol = gneg_i(pol);

    if (C2lt && lfamod < 2*K) pol = QXQX_normalize(Q_primpart(pol), nfpol);
    setlg(famod, lfamod+1);
    gel(listmod,cnt) = shallowcopy(famod);
    gel(fa,cnt++) = pol;
  if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr("\n");
  if (cnt == 2) { 
    avma = av0; 
    gel(res,1) = mkvec(T->pol);
    gel(res,2) = mkvec(T->fact);
    setlg(listmod, cnt); setlg(fa, cnt);
    gel(res,1) = fa;
    gel(res,2) = listmod;
    res = gerepilecopy(av0, res);
  return res;
Пример #4
static double
todbl(GEN x) { return rtodbl(gtofp(x, LOWDEFAULTPREC)); }
Пример #5
engine_RawRingElementArrayOrNull rawRoots(const RingElement *p, long prec,
                                          int unique) {
  const Ring *R = p->get_ring();
  const PolynomialRing *P = R->cast_to_PolynomialRing();
  if (P == 0) {
    ERROR("expected a polynomial ring");
    return NULL;
  const int n = P->n_vars();
  if (n != 1) {
    ERROR("expected a univariate polynomial ring");
    return NULL;
  const Ring *K = P->getCoefficients();
  int degree = 0;
  for (Nterm *t = p->get_value(); t != NULL; t = t->next) {
    degree = max(degree, abs(*(t->monom)));
  if (prec == -1) {
    prec = (K->get_precision() == 0 ? 53 : K->get_precision());

  engine_RawRingElementArrayOrNull result = nullptr;

  /* Start PARI computations. */
  pari_CATCH(e_STACK) {
#ifdef NDEBUG
     * Every time the stack is changed PARI writes a message to the file pari_errfile
     * which by default is /dev/stderr. To avoid showing this message to the user we
     * redirect to /dev/null before the PARI's stack is modified.
    FILE *tmp, *dev_null = fopen("/dev/null", "w");
    if (dev_null != NULL) {
      tmp = pari_errfile;
      pari_errfile = dev_null;
  allocatemem(0); // passing 0 will double the current stack size.
#ifdef NDEBUG
     * We set pari_errfile back to the default value just in case PARI crashes.
    if (dev_null != NULL) {
      pari_errfile = tmp;
  } pari_RETRY {
    const pari_sp av = avma;

    GEN q = cgetg(2 + degree + 1, t_POL);
    setsigne(q, 1);
    setvarn(q, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < degree + 1; ++i) {
      gel(q, 2 + i) = gen_0;

    switch (K->ringID()) {
    case M2::ring_ZZ:
      for (Nterm *t = p->get_value(); t != NULL; t = t->next) {
        gel(q, 2 + abs(*(t->monom))) =
            mpz_get_GEN(reinterpret_cast<const mpz_ptr>(t->coeff.poly_val));
    case M2::ring_QQ:
      for (Nterm *t = p->get_value(); t != NULL; t = t->next) {
        gel(q, 2 + abs(*(t->monom))) =
            mpq_get_GEN(reinterpret_cast<const mpq_ptr>(t->coeff.poly_val));
    case M2::ring_RR:
      pari_CATCH(e_OVERFLOW) {
        ERROR("coefficient is NaN or Infinity");
        avma = av;
        return NULL;
      pari_TRY {
        for (Nterm *t = p->get_value(); t != NULL; t = t->next) {
          gel(q, 2 + abs(*(t->monom))) =
              dbltor(*reinterpret_cast<double *>(t->coeff.poly_val));
    case M2::ring_CC:
      pari_CATCH(e_OVERFLOW) {
        ERROR("coefficient is NaN or Infinity");
        avma = av;
        return NULL;
      pari_TRY {
        for (Nterm *t = p->get_value(); t != NULL; t = t->next) {
          GEN z = cgetg(3, t_COMPLEX);
          gel(z, 1) = dbltor(reinterpret_cast<complex *>(t->coeff.poly_val)->re);
          gel(z, 2) = dbltor(reinterpret_cast<complex *>(t->coeff.poly_val)->im);
          gel(q, 2 + abs(*(t->monom))) = z;
    case M2::ring_RRR:
      for (Nterm *t = p->get_value(); t != NULL; t = t->next) {
        gel(q, 2 + abs(*(t->monom))) =
            mpfr_get_GEN(reinterpret_cast<const mpfr_ptr>(t->coeff.poly_val));
    case M2::ring_CCC:
      for (Nterm *t = p->get_value(); t != NULL; t = t->next) {
        gel(q, 2 + abs(*(t->monom))) =
            mpc_get_GEN(reinterpret_cast<const mpc_ptr>(t->coeff.poly_val));
    case M2::ring_old:
      if (K->is_ZZ()) {
        goto ZZ_GMP;
      ERROR("expected coefficient ring of the form ZZ, QQ, RR or CC");
      return NULL;

    if (unique) {
      q = RgX_div(q, RgX_gcd_simple(q, RgX_deriv(q)));

    GEN roots = cleanroots(q, nbits2prec(prec));

    const size_t num_roots = lg(roots) - 1;
    result = getmemarraytype(engine_RawRingElementArray, num_roots);
    result->len = static_cast<int>(num_roots);

    ring_elem m2_root;
    if (prec <= 53) {
      const RingCC *CC = dynamic_cast<const RingCC *>(IM2_Ring_CCC(prec));

      for (int i = 0; i < num_roots; ++i) {
        const pari_sp av2 = avma;

        GEN pari_root = gel(roots, 1 + i);
        const complex root = {rtodbl(greal(pari_root)),
        CC->ring().to_ring_elem(m2_root, root);
        result->array[i] = RingElement::make_raw(CC, m2_root);

        avma = av2;
    } else {
      const RingCCC *CCC = dynamic_cast<const RingCCC *>(IM2_Ring_CCC(prec));

      for (int i = 0; i < num_roots; ++i) {
        const pari_sp av2 = avma;

        mpc_t root;
        auto root1 = reinterpret_cast<mpfc_t*>(&root);
        pari_mpc_init_set_GEN(root, gel(roots, 1 + i), GMP_RNDN);
        //        CCC->ring().to_ring_elem(m2_root, **reinterpret_cast<mpfc_t*>(&root));
        CCC->ring().to_ring_elem(m2_root, **root1);
        result->array[i] = RingElement::make_raw(CCC, m2_root);

        avma = av2;

    /* End PARI computations. */
    avma = av;

  return result;