Пример #1
 * Borrowed this function from NArray. Handles 'each' iteration on a dense
 * matrix.
 * Additionally, handles separately matrices containing VALUEs and matrices
 * containing other types of data.
static VALUE nm_each_dense(VALUE nmatrix) {
  VALUE v;
  size_t i;

  if (NM_DTYPE(nmatrix) == RUBYOBJ) {

    // matrix of Ruby objects -- yield those objects directly
    for (i = 0; i < nm_storage_count_max_elements(s); ++i)
      rb_yield( *((VALUE*)((char*)(s->elements) + i*DTYPE_SIZES[NM_DTYPE(nmatrix)])) );

  } else {
    // We're going to copy the matrix element into a Ruby VALUE and then operate on it. This way user can't accidentally
    // modify it and cause a seg fault.

    for (i = 0; i < nm_storage_count_max_elements(s); ++i) {
      v = rubyobj_from_cval((char*)(s->elements) + i*DTYPE_SIZES[NM_DTYPE(nmatrix)], NM_DTYPE(nmatrix)).rval;
      rb_yield(v); // yield to the copy we made

  return nmatrix;
Пример #2
 * Recursive helper for map_merged_stored_r which handles the case where one list is empty and the other is not.
static void map_empty_stored_r(RecurseData& result, RecurseData& s, LIST* x, const LIST* l, size_t rec, bool rev, const VALUE& t_init) {
  NODE *curr  = l->first,
       *xcurr = NULL;

  // For reference matrices, make sure we start in the correct place.
  size_t offset   = result.offset(rec);
  size_t x_shape  = result.ref_shape(rec);

  while (curr && curr->key < offset) {  curr = curr->next;  }
  if (curr && curr->key - offset >= x_shape) curr = NULL;

  if (rec) {
    while (curr) {
      LIST* val = nm::list::create();
      map_empty_stored_r(result, s, val, reinterpret_cast<const LIST*>(curr->val), rec-1, rev, t_init);

      if (!val->first) nm::list::del(val, 0);
      else nm::list::insert_helper(x, xcurr, curr->key - offset, val);

      curr = curr->next;
      if (curr && curr->key - offset >= x_shape) curr = NULL;
  } else {
    while (curr) {
      VALUE val, s_val = rubyobj_from_cval(curr->val, s.dtype()).rval;
      if (rev) val = rb_yield_values(2, t_init, s_val);
      else     val = rb_yield_values(2, s_val, t_init);

      if (rb_funcall(val, rb_intern("!="), 1, result.init_obj()) == Qtrue)
        xcurr = nm::list::insert_helper(x, xcurr, curr->key - offset, val);

      curr = curr->next;
      if (curr && curr->key - offset >= x_shape) curr = NULL;

Пример #3
 * Recursive helper function for nm_list_map_merged_stored
static void map_merged_stored_r(RecurseData& result, RecurseData& left, RecurseData& right, LIST* x, const LIST* l, const LIST* r, size_t rec) {
  NODE *lcurr = l->first,
       *rcurr = r->first,
       *xcurr = x->first;

  // For reference matrices, make sure we start in the correct place.
  while (lcurr && lcurr->key < left.offset(rec))  {  lcurr = lcurr->next;  }
  while (rcurr && rcurr->key < right.offset(rec)) {  rcurr = rcurr->next;  }

  if (rcurr && rcurr->key - right.offset(rec) >= result.ref_shape(rec)) rcurr = NULL;
  if (lcurr && lcurr->key - left.offset(rec) >= result.ref_shape(rec))  lcurr = NULL;

  if (rec) {
    while (lcurr || rcurr) {
      size_t key;
      LIST*  val = nm::list::create();

      if (!rcurr || (lcurr && (lcurr->key - left.offset(rec) < rcurr->key - right.offset(rec)))) {
        map_empty_stored_r(result, left, val, reinterpret_cast<const LIST*>(lcurr->val), rec-1, false, right.init_obj());
        key   = lcurr->key - left.offset(rec);
        lcurr = lcurr->next;
      } else if (!lcurr || (rcurr && (rcurr->key - right.offset(rec) < lcurr->key - left.offset(rec)))) {
        map_empty_stored_r(result, right, val, reinterpret_cast<const LIST*>(rcurr->val), rec-1, true, left.init_obj());
        key   = rcurr->key - right.offset(rec);
        rcurr = rcurr->next;
      } else { // == and both present
        map_merged_stored_r(result, left, right, val, reinterpret_cast<const LIST*>(lcurr->val), reinterpret_cast<const LIST*>(rcurr->val), rec-1);
        key   = lcurr->key - left.offset(rec);
        lcurr = lcurr->next;
        rcurr = rcurr->next;

      if (!val->first) nm::list::del(val, 0); // empty list -- don't insert
      else xcurr = nm::list::insert_helper(x, xcurr, key, val);

      if (rcurr && rcurr->key - right.offset(rec) >= result.ref_shape(rec)) rcurr = NULL;
      if (lcurr && lcurr->key - left.offset(rec) >= result.ref_shape(rec)) lcurr = NULL;
  } else {
    while (lcurr || rcurr) {
      size_t key;
      VALUE  val;

      if (!rcurr || (lcurr && (lcurr->key - left.offset(rec) < rcurr->key - right.offset(rec)))) {
        val   = rb_yield_values(2, rubyobj_from_cval(lcurr->val, left.dtype()).rval, right.init_obj());
        key   = lcurr->key - left.offset(rec);
        lcurr = lcurr->next;
      } else if (!lcurr || (rcurr && (rcurr->key - right.offset(rec) < lcurr->key - left.offset(rec)))) {
        val   = rb_yield_values(2, left.init_obj(), rubyobj_from_cval(rcurr->val, right.dtype()).rval);
        key   = rcurr->key - right.offset(rec);
        rcurr = rcurr->next;
      } else { // == and both present
        val   = rb_yield_values(2, rubyobj_from_cval(lcurr->val, left.dtype()).rval, rubyobj_from_cval(rcurr->val, right.dtype()).rval);
        key   = lcurr->key - left.offset(rec);
        lcurr = lcurr->next;
        rcurr = rcurr->next;
      if (rb_funcall(val, rb_intern("!="), 1, result.init_obj()) == Qtrue)
        xcurr = nm::list::insert_helper(x, xcurr, key, val);

      if (rcurr && rcurr->key - right.offset(rec) >= result.ref_shape(rec)) rcurr = NULL;
      if (lcurr && lcurr->key - left.offset(rec) >= result.ref_shape(rec)) lcurr = NULL;