Пример #1
QStringList Backend::findActiveDevices(){
  QStringList activeDevs;
  //Now find any active partitions and ignore it and any children of it
  //NOTE: gpart does not work for root on ZFS, especially with boot blocks on every device for BE-support
  /*QStringList info = runShellCommand("gpart show -p");
  info = info.filter("freebsd").filter("[active]");
  for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
    info[i] = info[i].replace("\t"," ").simplified();
    QString dev = info[i].section(" ",2,2,QString::SectionSkipEmpty);
    activeDevs << dev;
    //Now get any child devices
    activeDevs << devChildren(dev);
  //Use "zpool status" to get the active ZFS devices/partitions
  QStringList info = runShellCommand("zpool status");
  int start = info.indexOf("config:");
  //qDebug() << "Zpool info start:" << start;
  for(int i = start+1; i<info.length(); i++){
    //qDebug() << "Check Line:" << info[i] << i;
    if(info[i].isEmpty() || (info[i].contains("NAME") && info[i].contains("STATE")) ){ continue; }
    else if(info[i].startsWith("errors:")){ break; } //start of the next section
    info[i].replace("\t"," ");
    QString dev = info[i].section(" ",0,0,QString::SectionSkipEmpty).simplified();
    //qDebug() << "Device:" << dev << info[i];
    if(QFile::exists("/dev/"+dev)){ activeDevs << dev; }
  //qDebug() << "Active Devices:" << activeDevs;
  return activeDevs;
Пример #2
QString Backend::getDeviceSizeInfo(QString nodedir){
  //can use node *or* mntdir
  QStringList found = IntMountPoints.filter(nodedir+DELIM);
  QString out = "%1/%2 (%3)"; //<used>/<total> (<percent>)
    QString dir = found[0].section(DELIM,2,2);
    //This might not work properly for ZFS file systems (FIX LATER)
    QStringList info = runShellCommand("df -h \""+dir+"\"");
      //first line is the labels (Filesystem, Size, Used, Avail, Capacity, Mounted On)
      info[1] = info[1].replace("\t"," ");
      QStringList stats = info[1].split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
      if(stats.length() >= 5){
        out = out.arg(stats[2], stats[1], stats[4]);
        out = out.arg("??","??","??");
      out = out.arg("??","??","??");
    out = out.arg("??","??","??");
  return out;
Пример #3
QStringList Backend::getPersonaCryptDevices(){
  QStringList info = runShellCommand("personacrypt list");
  QStringList devs;
  for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
    if(info[i].contains(":") && QFile::exists("/dev/"+info[i].section(":",0,0)) ){
      devs << info[i].section(":",0,0);
  return devs;
Пример #4
QStringList Backend::getSwapDevices(){
  //Use "mdconfig" to filter out any SWAP devices
  QStringList info = runShellCommand("mdconfig -l -v").filter("/swap");
  QStringList devs;
  for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
    info[i].replace("\t", " ");
    devs << info[i].section(" ",0,0).simplified();
  //Also check for EFI/SWAP partitions with glabel
  info = runShellCommand("glabel status");
  for(int i=1; i<info.length(); i++){
    info[i].replace("\t"," ");
    QString lab = info[i].section(" ",0,0);
    if(lab.contains("label/efi") || lab.contains("/swap") ){
      devs << info[i].section(" ",2,2,QString::SectionSkipEmpty);
  return devs;
Пример #5
QStringList Backend::disktypeInfo(QString node){
  //Run disktype on the device and return any info
  QStringList info = runShellCommand("disktype /dev/"+node);
  //In case there are multiple partitions on the device, remove all the invalid ones (EFI boot partitions for instance)
  QStringList parts = info.join("\n").split("\nPartition ");
  //qDebug() << "DiskType Partitions:" << node << parts;
  if(parts.filter("Volume name ").length()>0){
    parts = parts.filter("Volume name ");
    if(parts.length()>1 && parts.filter("file system").isEmpty()){ parts = parts.filter("file system"); }
  for(int i=0; i<parts.length(); i++){
    if(parts[i].contains("Partition GUID ") ){ parts.removeAt(i); i--; } //EFI boot partition
    info = parts[0].split("\n"); //only use the first partition with both a label and a file system
  //qDebug() << " - Filtered:" << info;
  //qDebug() << "Disktype Detection:" << node;
  QStringList dsDetection = DEVDB::disktypeDetectionStrings();
  QString bytes, fs, type, label; 
  bool blankDisk=false;
  for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
    //qDebug() << "Line:" << info[i];
    if(info[i].isEmpty() || info[i].startsWith("---")){ continue; } //skip this line
    else if( info[i].startsWith("Character device,") && !info[i].contains("unknown size") ){
      //Get the size if possible
      QString tmp = info[i].section("(",1,1).section(")",0,0);
      if(tmp.contains("bytes")){ bytes = tmp.section(" ",0,0,QString::SectionSkipEmpty); }
      //qDebug() << " - bytes:" << bytes;
    }else if( info[i].contains("Blank disk/medium") ){ 
      blankDisk = true;
      //qDebug() << " - Blank disk";
    }else if( info[i].contains("file system") ){
      if(fs.isEmpty() || !fs.contains("(hints")){
        QString tmp = info[i].section("file system",0,0);
        for(int j=0; j<dsDetection.length(); j++){
          if(tmp.contains(dsDetection[j].section("::::",0,0))){ fs = dsDetection[j].section("::::",1,1); break; }
      //qDebug() << " - File System:" << fs;
    }else if( info[i].contains("Volume name") ){
      label = info[i].section("\"",1,1).section("\"",0,0).simplified(); //name is within quotes
      //qDebug() << " - Label:" << label;
    //stop if all info found (size is always the first to be found in info)
    if(!fs.isEmpty() && !label.isEmpty()){ break; }
  if( (blankDisk || (bytes.toInt()<2049) ) && (node.startsWith("cd") || node.startsWith("acd")) && label.isEmpty() && fs.isEmpty() ){ type = "CD-BLANK"; }
  if( (node.startsWith("cd")||node.startsWith("acd")) && (bytes.isEmpty()) ){ type = "CD-NONE"; }
  //Format the outputs
  //qDebug() << "Results:" << fs << label << type;
  return (QStringList() << fs << label << type);
Пример #6
void MainWindow::getUsers()
    QStringList users = runShellCommand("getent passwd");
    for(int i=0; i<users.length(); i++){
      QString line = users[i];
      if ((line.trimmed().indexOf("#") != 0) && (! line.isEmpty())) { //Make sure it isn't a comment or blank
	QString username = line.section(":",0,0);
	QString homedir = line.section(":",5,5);
	QString shell = line.section(":",6,6);
	//Ignore invalid users
	if(shell.contains("nologin") || homedir.contains("nonexistent") || homedir.endsWith("/empty") ){ continue; }
	// Ignore PEFS encrypted users
	if ( QFile::exists(homedir + "/.pefs.db") )

	int uid = line.section(":",2,2).toInt();
	if(uid==0){ continue; }
	if ((uid>1000)&&(uid<65534)){
        }else if(QFile::exists(homedir) && QFile::exists(shell)){
    /*QFile userFile("/etc/passwd");
    if ( userFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ) {
        QTextStream stream(&userFile);
        QString line;

        while ( !stream.atEnd() ) {
            line = stream.readLine();

            if ((line.trimmed().indexOf("#") != 0) && (! line.isEmpty())) { //Make sure it isn't a comment or blank
                QString username = line.section(":",0,0);
                QString homedir = line.section(":",5,5);

		// Ignore PEFS encrypted users
		if ( QFile::exists(homedir + "/.pefs.db") )

                int uid = line.section(":",2,2).toInt();
                if ((uid>1000)&&(uid<65534))
            }//if gout user
        }//for all lines
    }//if can open file*/
Пример #7
 * Evaluates each command stored in the parser struct and exeutes either the runShellCommand
 * function or the runCommand function.
 * @param  parser A constructed LashParser struct with fully populated commands
 * @return        0 if a command was "exit", 1 otherwise
int executeCommand(struct LashParser *parser){
	int i;
	int nextinput = -1;
	for(i = 0; i < parser->commandNum; i++){
		struct Command *command = parser->commands[i];
		int shellCommand = inArray(command->args[0], inbuiltCommands, NUMINBUILTCOMMANDS);
			return runShellCommand(parser, command);
		else if(strcmp(command->args[0], "") != 0){
			nextinput = runCommand(command, nextinput);
	return 1;
Пример #8
bool Backend::VerifyDevice(QString fulldev, QString type){
  QString info = runShellCommand("file -s "+fulldev).join("");
  if(info.contains( fulldev+": symbolic link to ")){ return false; } //do not allow symbolic links through
  if(type.startsWith("CD") || type=="USB" || type=="SATA" || type=="SD"){
    bool good = info.simplified()!=(fulldev + ": data");
    if(good){ good = !info.contains("(Device not configured)"); } //special output when nothing actually in the tray
    if(good && !type.startsWith("CD")){ good = !info.contains("(Invalid argument)"); } //other output when nothing actually in the tray
    return good; 
  }else if(type=="ISO"){
    return info.simplified()!=(fulldev+": data");
    return true; //assume valid for other types of devices 
    //(need to add parsing for new types here at a later date)
Пример #9
void MixerTray::slotFillOutputDevices()
    QStringList outdevs = runShellCommand("cat /dev/sndstat");
    for(int i=0; i<outdevs.length(); i++){
          QAction* action = new QAction(soundOutput);
          action->setChecked(outdevs[i].contains(" default"));
          QString name = outdevs[i].trimmed();
          name = name.mid(name.indexOf("<")+1, name.indexOf(">") - name.indexOf("<")-1);
          //name = name.left(name.lastIndexOf("("));

          //Select icon
          QString icon_path="output-unknown.png";
          if (outdevs[i].toLower().indexOf("internal")>0)
          }else if ((outdevs[i].toLower().indexOf("rear")>0))
          }else if ((outdevs[i].toLower().indexOf("headphones")>0))
          }else if ((outdevs[i].toLower().indexOf("hdmi")>0))
          }else if ((outdevs[i].toLower().indexOf("usb")>0))
          icon_path = QString(":/icons/")+icon_path;
          if (outdevs[i].contains(" default"))

          connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotOutputSelected()));
        }//if pcm device
    }// for all sound outputs);
Пример #10
int main()
	int SOCKET_FLAG = 0;
	char s[100];

	printf("$ ");

	while(fgets ( s, sizeof(s), stdin ) != NULL)
		// Call function and pass input command s with SOCKET_FLAG as argument
		runShellCommand(s, SOCKET_FLAG, 0);

		printf("$ ");
	return 0;
Пример #11
QStringList Backend::getCurrentZFSDevices(QString pool){
  //This lists all the raw devices associated with mounted zpools
  //Seperate them by different pools
  QStringList info = runShellCommand("zpool status "+pool).join("<br>").replace("\t"," ").split(" pool: ");
  QStringList output;
  for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
     //Now look at the info for this particular pool
     QStringList pinfo = info[i].split("<br>");
     if(pinfo.length() < 5){ continue; } //not a full pool info (at least 5 lines - [pool:, id:, state:, action:, config:], usually more)
     QString pool = pinfo[0].simplified(); //this is how we divided it up earlier, with "pool:" as the first line
     pinfo = pinfo.filter("ONLINE"); //only look for available (ONLINE) pools to import
     for(int j=0; j<pinfo.length(); j++){
       if(pinfo[j].contains("state: ONLINE")){ continue; } //skip this line
       QString dev = pinfo[j].section("ONLINE",0,0).simplified();
	if(dev!=pool && QFile::exists("/dev/"+dev) ){
	  output << dev;
  return output;
Пример #12
void * shell(void *arg)
	int connfd, n, n1, fdin;
	char command[MAXLINE], out_buf[MAXLINE];
	pthread_t tid;
	char *output_file = malloc( sizeof(char) * 64 );
	char *remove_file_cmd = malloc( sizeof(char) * 64 );

	printf("SERVER: thread %u created for dealing with client requests\n",  (unsigned int)tid,command);
	sprintf(output_file, "output_%u",(unsigned int)tid);
	tid = pthread_self();
  	connfd = *((int *) arg);

  	while ( (n = recv(connfd, command, MAXLINE,0)) > 0)  
      	printf("client<%u>$ %s",(unsigned int)tid,command);	
      	if (strcmp(command, "\n"))
	     	if (!strcmp(removeNewlineString(command), "exit"))
	       	runShellCommand(command, 1, connfd);
	    	memset(&command[0], 0, sizeof(command));
     		write(connfd, "", 1);

	if (n < 0)
		printf("Command read error thread_id: %u\n", (unsigned int)tid);
	return((void *)0);
Пример #13
bool MainWindow::setConfFileValue( QString oFile, QString oldKey, QString newKey, int occur )
    	// Lets the dev save a value into a specified config file. 
	// The occur value tells which occurance of "oldKey" to replace
    	// If occur is set to -1, it will remove any duplicates of "oldKey"
	//copy the original file to create a temporary file for editing
	QString oFileTmp = oFile + ".tmp";
	QString cmd = "cp "+oFile+" "+oFileTmp;
	//Continue evaluating the temporary file
    	QStringList SavedFile;
    	int found = 1;

    	// Load the old file, find the oldKey, remove it and replace with newKey
    	QFile file( oFileTmp );
	if ( ! file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
		return false;

        QTextStream stream( &file );
        QString line;
        while ( !stream.atEnd() ) {
        	line = stream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
		// Key is not found at all
		if ( line.indexOf(oldKey, 0) == -1 ) {
	        	SavedFile << line ;

		// Found the key, but it is commented out, so don't worry about this line
		if ( line.trimmed().indexOf("#", 0) == 0 ) {
	         	SavedFile << line ;

		// If the KEY is found, and we are just on wrong occurance, save it and continue to search  
		if ( occur != -1 && found != occur ) {
	         	SavedFile << line ;

            	// If the KEY is found in the line and this matches the occurance that must be processed
            	if ( ! newKey.isEmpty() && found == occur )
	         	SavedFile << newKey ;

             	// If the KEY is found and we just want one occurance of the key
            	if ( occur == -1 && ! newKey.isEmpty() ) {
	         	SavedFile << newKey ;



	// Didn't find the key? Write it!
	if ( ! newKey.isEmpty() )
	    SavedFile << newKey;
    	// Save the new file
    	QFile fileout( oFileTmp );
    	if ( ! fileout.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
		return false;

  	QTextStream streamout( &fileout );
	for (int i = 0; i < SavedFile.size(); ++i)
          	streamout << SavedFile.at(i) << "\n";


	//Have the temporary file with new changes overwrite the original file
	cmd = "mv "+oFileTmp+" "+oFile;
	return true;
Пример #14
void runShellCommand(const __FlashStringHelper* command, char * retbuffer, uint8_t size)
strlcpy_P(commonlyUsedBuffer,(prog_char *)command,commonlyUsedBuffersize);
runShellCommand((char*) commonlyUsedBuffer, retbuffer,  size);
Пример #15
QString Backend::unmountRemDev(QString nodedir, bool force, bool internal){
  //can use node *or* mntdir
  if(nodedir.startsWith("/dev/")){ nodedir = nodedir.section("/dev/",-1); }
  if(!internal){ updateIntMountPoints(); }
  QStringList found = IntMountPoints.filter(nodedir+DELIM);
    //node given
      //memory disk, might have a different node in the mounting log (get all entries)
      found.clear(); //going to rebuild this list with a different criteria
      QString shortnode = nodedir.section("p",0,0).section("s",0,0).simplified();
      for(int i=0; i<IntMountPoints.length(); i++){
	  found.prepend(IntMountPoints[i]); //exact match, put it at the top
        }else if(IntMountPoints[i].startsWith(shortnode)){
	  found << IntMountPoints[i]; //partial match (other partition/slice is mounted)
  QString mntdir, fs, user, dev;
  bool rmdir = false;
    rmdir = (found[0].section(DELIM,4,4)=="canremove");
    fs = found[0].section(DELIM,1,1);
    user = found[0].section(DELIM, 3,3);
  }else if(QFile::exists(nodedir)){
    mntdir = nodedir;
    rmdir = false; //not internally managed
  if(mntdir.isEmpty()){ return ("[ERROR] Inputs Invalid: "+nodedir); }
  //Unmount the device
  QStringList cmds = DEVDB::UnmountCmdsForFS(fs, force);
  bool ok = true;
  QString errline;
  QString basedir = mntdir.section("/",0,-2);
  for(int i=0; i<cmds.length() && ok; i++){
    cmds[i].replace("%1", "/dev/"+dev).replace("%2a", "\""+basedir+"\"").replace("%2b","\""+mntdir.section("/",-1)+"\"").replace("%2", "\""+mntdir+"\"").replace("%3", CLOCALE);
      cmds[i].replace("%4", runShellCommand("id -u "+CUSER).join("").simplified() );	    
      cmds[i].replace("%5", runShellCommand("id -g operator").join("").simplified() );
    ok = ( 0==QProcess::execute(cmds[i]) ); //return code of 0 means success
    if(!ok){ errline = "[ERROR] Command Run: "+cmds[i]; }
  if(!ok && internal){
    //force it anyway
    return unmountRemDev(nodedir, true, internal);
  if( !ok ){
    //Error unmounting the device
    if(!errline.isEmpty()){ return errline; }
    else{ return "[ERROR]"; }
  //Remove the mount point (if necessary)
    QDir dir;
    if(DEVDB::deviceTypeByNode(dev)=="ISO" && found.length()==1){
      //Also unload the memory disk if the last partition/slice was just unmounted
      // NOTE: this only works with the main md device number (not partitions/slices)
      QProcess::execute("mdconfig -d -u "+dev.section("md",-1).section("p",0,0).section("s",0,0).simplified() );
  //Now remove that entry from the internal list
  return "[SUCCESS]";
Пример #16
QString Backend::mountRemDev(QString node, QString mntdir, QString fs){
  //See if we need to probe the device here and adjust inputs
  if(fs.toLower()=="none" || fs.toLower()=="auto"){ fs.clear(); } //special input flags
  if(mntdir.isEmpty() || fs.isEmpty()){
    QStringList info = getRemDevInfo(node,!mntdir.isEmpty()); //<fs>,<label>,<type>
    //qDebug() << "Detected Info:" << info;
    if(info.length() > 2){ 
      if(fs.isEmpty()){ fs = info[0]; }
      if(fs.isEmpty() && info[2].startsWith("CD-")){ fs = "CD9660"; }
	  //no label either, give it a generic label based on it's type
	  info[1] = generateGenericLabel(info[2]);
        //Assign a mountpoint for the device based on it's label
	QString tmp = "/media/"+info[1]; //put it in this base directory
	//Make sure to verify that the mountpoint does not already exist
	  int i=2; //this would technically be the second device with this label
	  while( QFile::exists(tmp+"-"+QString::number(i)) ){ i++; }
	  tmp = tmp+"-"+QString::number(i);
	mntdir = tmp;
    } //info length check
  //Final check for valid inputs/detections
  if(!node.startsWith("/dev/") && fs.toLower()!="zfs"){ node.prepend("/dev/"); }
  if(fs.isEmpty() || fs.toLower()=="none"){ return ("[ERROR-0] No filesystem detected -- "+node); }
  if(!mntdir.startsWith("/")){ mntdir.prepend("/media/"); }
  // - mntdir will always be auto-created as necessary
  QDir dir(mntdir);
  //Verify Inputs
  if(!QFile::exists(node) && fs.toLower()!="zfs"){ return ("[ERROR-1] Invalid device node -- "+node); }
  else if(!DEVDB::isFSSupported(fs)){ return ("[ERROR-2] Filesystem not supported -- "+fs); }
  else if(dir.entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot).length() > 0){ return ("[ERROR-3] Mount point already in use -- "+mntdir); }
  //Create the directory if necessary
  bool dircreated = false;
  if(fs.toLower()=="zfs"){ dircreated = false; } //ZFS automatically handles the dir creation
  else if(!dir.exists()){
    dircreated = dir.mkpath(mntdir);
    if(!dircreated){ return ("[ERROR-4] Mount point could not be created -- "+mntdir); }

  //Now get the mounting commands for the device
  QStringList cmds = DEVDB::MountCmdsForFS(fs, CLOCALE!="en_US");
  bool usedlocale = cmds.join(" ").contains("%3");
  //Mount the device
  bool ok = true;
  bool done = false;
  QString errline;
  QString basedir = mntdir.section("/",0,-2);
    for(int i=0; i<cmds.length() && ok; i++){
      //qDebug() << "Mountpoint:" << mntdir << basedir << mntdir.section("/",-1);
      cmds[i].replace("%1", node).replace("%2a", "\""+basedir+"\"").replace("%2b","\""+mntdir.section("/",-1)+"\"").replace("%2", "\""+mntdir+"\"").replace("%3", CLOCALE+".UTF-8");
        cmds[i].replace("%4", runShellCommand("id -u "+CUSER).join("").simplified() );	    
        cmds[i].replace("%5", runShellCommand("id -g operator").join("").simplified() );
      ok = ( 0==QProcess::execute(cmds[i]) ); //look for a return code of 0 for success for the command
      if(!ok){ errline = " -- on command: "+cmds[i]; }
    //Check for success and use any fallback methods
    if(!ok && usedlocale){
      //Failure with custom locale - try it without the localization flags
      ok = true; usedlocale = false; //reset flags for next run
      cmds = DEVDB::MountCmdsForFS(fs, false);
      done = true;
  } //end with "done" loop
  if( !ok ){
    //Error mounting the device
    dir.rmpath(mntdir); //clean up the unused mountpoint that was just created
    return ("[ERROR-5] Device could not be mounted -- "+node+" -- "+fs+" -- "+mntdir+errline);
  //Now set permissions on the mount point (if just created)
  // NOTE: this chown usage is *NOT* recursive
    //Set 777 permissions
    QFile::setPermissions(mntdir, QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::WriteOwner | QFile::ExeOwner | QFile::ReadUser | QFile::WriteUser | QFile::ExeUser | QFile::ReadGroup | QFile::WriteGroup | QFile::ExeGroup | QFile::ReadOther | QFile::WriteOther | QFile::ExeOther );
    //Set the given user as the owner
    if(!CUSER.isEmpty()){ runShellCommand("chown "+CUSER+":operator \""+mntdir+"\""); }
  //Now save this entry internally [node, filesystem, mntdir, user, (canremove/noremove), internal]
  node.remove("/dev/"); //only save the node
  IntMountPoints << node+DELIM+fs+DELIM+mntdir+DELIM+CUSER+DELIM+(dircreated ? "canremove": "noremove")+DELIM+"internal";
  return ("[SUCCESS] "+mntdir);
Пример #17
QStringList Backend::getCurrentZFSPools(){
  //This just returns the names of all the currently used ZFS pools
  QStringList pools = runShellCommand("zpool list -H -o name");
  return pools;
Пример #18
unsigned int ApiClient::request()
	return runShellCommand(request_buffer);
Пример #19
QStringList Backend::getRemDevInfo(QString node, bool skiplabel){
  //Overarching device info retrieval
  QStringList out;
  QString fs, label, type;
  if(node.startsWith("/dev/")){ node.remove("/dev/"); }
    // - Check if this is an available ZFS pool first (instead of a device node)
    QStringList zinfo = getAvailableZFSPools();
    //qDebug() << " - Available ZFS Pools:" << zinfo;
    for(int i=0; i<zinfo.length(); i++){
      if(zinfo[i].startsWith(node+"::::") ){
        //First exact match for the pool - use this device for determining type
        fs = "ZFS"; label = node; 
        type = DEVDB::deviceTypeByNode(zinfo[i].section("::::",1,1) );
        return (QStringList() << fs << label << type); //already have everything necessary
      }else if(zinfo[i].endsWith("::::"+node)){
        //First exact match for a device node - use this pool for output
        fs = "ZFS"; label = zinfo[i].section("::::",0,0);
        type = DEVDB::deviceTypeByNode(node);
        return (QStringList() << fs << label << type); //already have everything necessary
  // - Quick finish if the device is already mounted 
  //  (same info - no need to re-probe the device and cause activity on it)
  QStringList info = IntMountPoints.filter(node);
  for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
      //Already mounted - return the info from the internal database
      fs = info[i].section(DELIM,1,1).toUpper();
      label = info[i].section(DELIM,2,2).section("/",-1); //mountpoint directory name
      if(fs.toUpper()=="ZFS"){ type = DEVDB::deviceTypeByNode( getCurrentZFSDevices(node).first() ); }
      else{ type = DEVDB::deviceTypeByNode(node); }
      return (QStringList() << fs << label << type);
  //Non-ZFS device given - try to figure it out
  //  - Now determine the type by the name of the node (simple/fast)
  type = DEVDB::deviceTypeByNode(node);
  //qDebug() << "Device Type By Node:" << node << type;
  //  - Run Disktype
  QStringList dtype = disktypeInfo(node);
  fs = dtype[0];  label = dtype[1];
  if(!dtype[2].isEmpty()){ type = dtype[2]; } //replace type if necessary
  //  - If CD/DVD, try to determine the full type (empty/audio/video/data)
      type = "CD-DATA"; //data CD
    }else if(fs=="UDF"){
      //Could be VIDEO (DVD/BlueRay) or DATA
      QStringList cdinfo = runShellCommand("cd-info --no-cddb --no-device-info  --no-disc-mode --dvd --no-header -q /dev/"+node);
      if(cdinfo.filter("Track List").isEmpty()){ type = "CD-DATA"; }
      else{ type = "CD-VIDEO"; } //either dvd or blueray, no distinction at the moment
      //No filesystem, so it must be either nothing or an audio CD
     /*if( QFile::exists("/usr/local/bin/cdparanoia") ){
        //cdparanoia is much better about not disturbing the cd if it is running than cd-info
        QStringList cdinfo = runShellCommand("cdparanoia -Q -d /dev/"+node);
        if( !cdinfo.filter("(audio tracks only)").isEmpty() ){ type = "CD-AUDIO"; }
        else{ type = "CD-NONE"; }	      
	QStringList cdinfo = runShellCommand("cdcontrol -f "+node+" status audio");
        if( !cdinfo.filter("Audio status =").isEmpty() ){ type = "CD-AUDIO"; }
	else{ type = "CD-NONE"; }
	//The cd-info method is rather invasive, and takes a while to read the disk (causing delays in any app currently using it)
        /*QStringList cdinfo = runShellCommand("cd-info -T --no-cddb --no-device-info  --no-disc-mode --dvd --no-header -q /dev/"+node);
        if( !cdinfo.filter("TRACK").filter("1").isEmpty() ){type = "CD-AUDIO"; }
        else{ type = "CD-NONE"; }*/

  // - Determine the label using other tools if necessary
  //qDebug() << "End of disktype:" << node << dtype << fs << label << type;
  if(!skiplabel && label.isEmpty()){
    //Run glabel/ntfslabel/other as needed
      QStringList lab = runShellCommand("ntfslabel /dev/"+node);
      //qDebug() << "ntfslabel:" << node << lab;
      if(lab.length()==2 && lab[0].startsWith("Failed ") ){ label = lab[2]; } //special catch for Windows 8
      else if(!lab.isEmpty()){ label = lab[0]; }
      //qDebug() << "label:" << label;
      QStringList labs = runShellCommand("glabel list "+node).filter("Name: ");
      if(labs.length() > 0){
        labs[0] = labs[0].section(":",-1).section("/",-1).simplified();
	if(!labs[0].isEmpty()){ label = labs[0]; }
    //Final check for getting a device label: camctl (based on type of device)
      QString camctl;
        camctl = runShellCommand("camcontrol identify "+node.section("s",0,0) ).join(" ");
      }else if(type=="USB"){
	camctl = runShellCommand("camcontrol inquiry "+node.section("s",0,0) ).join(" ");
      if(camctl.contains("camcontrol")){ camctl.clear(); } //error reported
	 label = camctl.section(">",0,0).section("<",-1).section(" ",0,0).simplified();
	 if(!label.isEmpty() && node.contains("s")){ label.append("-"+node.section("s",-1)); }
    label = generateGenericLabel(type); //final option - just create a generic name
  label.replace("%20", " "); //this field code is often not replaced properly in glabel output
  if(fs.isEmpty()){ fs = "NONE"; }
  //Format the output
  out << fs << label << type;
  //qDebug() << " - done:" << out;
  return out;
Пример #20
void Backend::updateIntMountPoints(){
  //First run "mount" to make sure and get the complete list of mounted devices
  QStringList info = runShellCommand("mount");
  QStringList zinfo = runShellCommand("zpool list -H -o name,altroot");
  //qDebug() << "zpool list:" << zinfo;
  //Verify that the current entries are still valid
  for(int i=0; i<IntMountPoints.length(); i++){
    QString node = IntMountPoints[i].section(DELIM,0,0);
    QString fs = IntMountPoints[i].section(DELIM,1,1).toLower();
    if(!node.isEmpty() && !node.startsWith("/dev/") && fs!="zfs"){ node.prepend("/dev/"); }
    QString mntdir = IntMountPoints[i].section(DELIM,2,2);
    bool invalid = false;
    if(!node.isEmpty() && ( (!QFile::exists(node) && fs!="zfs") || (fs=="zfs" && zinfo.filter(node).isEmpty()) )){ 
       invalid = true; 
       if( info.filter(mntdir).length()==1  ){ //This is the only entry for this mounttpoint (don't have multiple things mounted on the same dir)
	  qDebug() << "Unmounting directory:" << mntdir;
         //Device unplugged while it was mounted, unmount it
	  unmountRemDev(mntdir, false, true); //this is an internal change (no user interaction)
	  //Need to be careful about the internal list, since the unmount routine can modify it
	  // better to just restart at the beginning again and stop here
    else if(mntdir.isEmpty()){ invalid = true; } //required for unmounting
    else if( info.filter(mntdir).isEmpty() ){ //not currently listed by "mount"
      qDebug() << "Mount Dir not listed as active - checking for removal:" << mntdir;
      QDir dir(mntdir);
      if(!dir.exists()){ invalid = true; }
      else if( dir.entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot).length() < 1 && info.filter(mntdir).isEmpty() ){
	invalid = true;
        if( IntMountPoints[i].section(DELIM,4,4)=="canremove" ){
	  //Unmounted some other way - still clean up the old mountpoint
      //Remove this entry from the list
      qDebug() << "Removing Internal Mount Info:" << IntMountPoints[i];
  //Parse the mount info and find anything that was mounted externally
  QStringList fsfilter = DEVDB::knownFilesystems();
  for(int i=0; i<info.length(); i++){
    //filter out unknown filesystems
    QString fs = info[i].section("(",1,1).section(",",0,0);
    if(fs=="msdosfs"){ fs="fat"; } //special catch for an alternate display
    if( !fsfilter.contains(fs.toUpper()) || fs=="zfs" ){ continue; }
    else if( info[i].contains(" /boot/") || info[i].contains("personahome.eli") ){ continue; } //skip any boot devices or home dirs
    QString mpoint = info[i].section(" on ",1,50).section(" (",0,0);
    if(!mpoint.isEmpty() && IntMountPoints.filter(DELIM+mpoint+DELIM).isEmpty()){
      //Externally Mounted device: add it to the internal list
      QString node = info[i].section(" on ",0,0);
        if(!node.startsWith("/dev/")){ node.clear(); } //not a valid device node: just skip this
	  //Make sure this is not an active device node (for the currently running OS partition)
	  if(CPART.contains(node)){ continue; }
      IntMountPoints << node+DELIM+fs+DELIM+mpoint+DELIM+""+DELIM+"noremove"+DELIM+"external";
      qDebug() << "New Internal Mount Info:" << IntMountPoints.last();