Пример #1
write_runs_dump(const serve_state_t state, FILE *f, const unsigned char *url,
                unsigned char const *charset)
  int total_runs, i, j;
  struct run_entry re;
  struct tm *pts;
  time_t start_time, dur;
  unsigned char *s;
  unsigned char statstr[128];
  time_t tmp_time;

  if (url && *url) {
    fprintf(f, "Content-type: text/plain; charset=%s\n\n", charset);


  total_runs = run_get_total(state->runlog_state);
  start_time = run_get_start_time(state->runlog_state);
  for (i = 0; i < total_runs; i++) {
    if (run_get_entry(state->runlog_state, i, &re) < 0) {
      fprintf(f, "%d;Cannot read entry!\n", i);
    if (!run_is_valid_status(re.status)) {
      fprintf(f, "%d;Invalid status %d!\n", i, re.status);
    if (re.status == RUN_EMPTY) continue;

    fprintf(f, "%d;", i);
    fprintf(f, "%lld;%09d;", re.time, re.nsec);
    tmp_time = re.time;
    pts = localtime(&tmp_time);
    fprintf(f, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d;",
            pts->tm_year + 1900,
            pts->tm_mon + 1,
    fprintf(f, "%04d%02d%02d;",
            pts->tm_year + 1900,
            pts->tm_mon + 1,
    fprintf(f, "%04d;%02d;%02d;%02d;%02d;%02d;",
            pts->tm_year + 1900,
            pts->tm_mon + 1,
    if (state->global->is_virtual) {
      start_time = run_get_virtual_start_time(state->runlog_state, re.user_id);

    dur = re.time - start_time;
    if (dur < 0) dur = 0;
    fprintf(f, "%ld;", dur);
    pts->tm_sec = dur % 60;
    dur /= 60;
    pts->tm_min = dur % 60;
    dur /= 60;
    pts->tm_hour = dur % 24;
    dur /= 24;
    fprintf(f, "%ld;%02d;%02d;%02d;",
            dur, pts->tm_hour, pts->tm_min, pts->tm_sec);

    fprintf(f, "%u;", re.size);
    fprintf(f, "%d;%s;%d;", re.ipv6_flag, xml_unparse_ip(re.a.ip), re.ssl_flag);

    s = (unsigned char*) re.sha1;
    for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) fprintf(f, "%02x", *s++);
    fprintf(f, ";");

    fprintf(f, "%d;", re.user_id);
    if (!(s = teamdb_get_login(state->teamdb_state, re.user_id))) {
      fprintf(f, "!INVALID TEAM!;");
    } else {
      fprintf(f, "%s;", s);
    if (!(s = teamdb_get_name(state->teamdb_state, re.user_id))) {
      fprintf(f, "!INVALID TEAM!;");
    } else {
      fprintf(f, "%s;", s);
    j = teamdb_get_flags(state->teamdb_state, re.user_id);
    s = "";
    if ((j & TEAM_INVISIBLE)) s = "I";
    fprintf(f, "%s;", s);
    s = "";
    if ((j & TEAM_BANNED)) s = "B";
    fprintf(f, "%s;", s);
    s = "";
    if ((j & TEAM_LOCKED)) s = "L";
    fprintf(f, "%s;", s);

    if (re.status == RUN_VIRTUAL_START || re.status == RUN_VIRTUAL_STOP) {
      //fprintf(f, "<problem>;<variant>;<lang_short>;<mime_type>;<short_status>;<status>;<score>;<score_adj>;<test>;<is_imported>;<is_hidden>;<is_readonly>;<locale_id>;<pages>;<judge_id>\n");
      fprintf(f, ";;;;");
      run_status_to_str_short(statstr, sizeof(statstr), re.status);
      fprintf(f, "%s;", statstr);
      run_status_str(re.status, statstr, sizeof(statstr), 0, 0);
      fprintf(f, "%s;", statstr);
      fprintf(f, ";;;;;;;;\n");

    if (re.prob_id > 0 && re.prob_id <= state->max_prob
        && state->probs[re.prob_id] && state->probs[re.prob_id]->short_name) {
      fprintf(f, "%s;", state->probs[re.prob_id]->short_name);
    } else {
      fprintf(f, "!INVALID PROBLEM %d!;", re.prob_id);
    fprintf(f, "%d;", re.variant);

    if (!re.lang_id) {
      fprintf(f, ";%s;", mime_type_get_type(re.mime_type));
    } else if (re.lang_id > 0 && re.lang_id <= state->max_lang
        && state->langs[re.lang_id] && state->langs[re.lang_id]->short_name) {
      fprintf(f, "%s;;", state->langs[re.lang_id]->short_name);
    } else {
      fprintf(f, "!INVALID LANGUAGE %d!;", re.lang_id);

    run_status_to_str_short(statstr, sizeof(statstr), re.status);
    fprintf(f, "%s;", statstr);
    run_status_str(re.status, statstr, sizeof(statstr), 0, 0);
    fprintf(f, "%s;", statstr);
    fprintf(f, "%d;%d;", re.score, re.score_adj);
    fprintf(f, "%d;", re.test);
    fprintf(f, "%d;", (re.passed_mode > 0));
    fprintf(f, "%d;", re.is_imported);
    fprintf(f, "%d;", re.is_hidden);
    fprintf(f, "%d;", re.is_readonly);
    fprintf(f, "%d;%d;%d", re.locale_id, re.pages, re.judge_id);

    fprintf(f, "\n");
Пример #2
static int
print_banner_page(const serve_state_t state,
                  const unsigned char *banner_path, int run_id,
                  int user_id, int is_privileged)
  struct run_entry info;
  FILE *f = 0;
  time_t start_time;
  unsigned char *s;
  int i, variant, virt_variant;
  struct teamdb_export teaminfo;

  if (run_id < 0 || run_id >= run_get_total(state->runlog_state)) goto cleanup;
  run_get_entry(state->runlog_state, run_id, &info);
  if (info.status == RUN_VIRTUAL_START
      || info.status == RUN_VIRTUAL_STOP
      || info.status == RUN_EMPTY) {
    return -1;
  if (teamdb_export_team(state->teamdb_state, info.user_id, &teaminfo) < 0)
    return -1;
  start_time = run_get_start_time(state->runlog_state);

  if (!(f = fopen(banner_path, "w"))) goto cleanup;
  fprintf(f, "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
  fprintf(f, "Run ID:           %d\n", info.run_id);
  fprintf(f, "Submission time:  %s\n",
          duration_str(1, info.time, start_time, 0, 0));
  fprintf(f, "Contest time:     %s\n",
          duration_str(0, info.time, start_time, 0, 0));
  if (is_privileged) {
    fprintf(f, "Originator IP:    %s\n", xml_unparse_ip(info.a.ip));
  fprintf(f, "Size:             %u\n", info.size);
  if (is_privileged) {
    fprintf(f, "Hash code (SHA1): ");
    s = (unsigned char *) &info.sha1;
    for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) fprintf(f, "%02x", *s++);
    fprintf(f, "\n");
  fprintf(f, "User ID:          %d\n", info.user_id);
  fprintf(f, "User login:       %s\n", teamdb_get_login(state->teamdb_state,
  fprintf(f, "User name:        %s\n", teamdb_get_name(state->teamdb_state,
  fprintf(f, "Problem:          %s\n", state->probs[info.prob_id]->short_name);
  if (state->probs[info.prob_id]->variant_num > 0) {
    variant = info.variant;
    if (!variant) {
      variant = find_variant(state, info.user_id, info.prob_id,
    if (is_privileged && virt_variant != variant) {
      fprintf(f, "Variant:          %d (%d)\n", virt_variant, variant);
    } else {
      fprintf(f, "Variant:          %d\n", virt_variant);
  fprintf(f, "Language:         %s\n",
  if (teaminfo.user && teaminfo.user->cnts0 && teaminfo.user->cnts0->location) {
    fprintf(f, "Location:         %s\n", teaminfo.user->cnts0->location);
  fprintf(f, "Status:           %s\n", run_status_str(info.status, 0, 0, 0, 0));

  return 0;

  if (f) fclose(f);
  return -1;
Пример #3
        FILE *f,
        int user_mode,
        unsigned char const *txt,
        ej_cookie_t sid,
        unsigned char const *self_url,
        unsigned char const *extra_args,
        const unsigned char *class1,
        const unsigned char *class2)
  unsigned char *cl1 = " border=\"1\"";
  unsigned char *cl2 = "";
  testing_report_xml_t r = 0;
  struct html_armor_buffer ab = HTML_ARMOR_INITIALIZER;
  const unsigned char *font_color = "";
  const unsigned char *bgcolor = "";
  const unsigned char *fail_str = "";
  int i, j;
  struct testing_report_row *trr = 0;
  struct testing_report_cell *trc = 0;
  unsigned char buf[64];

  if (class1 && *class1) {
    cl1 = (unsigned char *) alloca(strlen(class1) + 16);
    sprintf(cl1, " class=\"%s\"", class1);
  if (class2 && *class2) {
    cl2 = (unsigned char*) alloca(strlen(class2) + 16);
    sprintf(cl2, " class=\"%s\"", class2);

  if (!(r = testing_report_parse_xml(txt))) {
    fprintf(f, "<p><big>Cannot parse XML file!</big></p>\n");
    fprintf(f, "<pre>%s</pre>\n", ARMOR(txt));
    goto done;

  if (r->compile_error) {
    fprintf(f, "<h2><font color=\"red\">%s</font></h2>\n", run_status_str(r->status, 0, 0, 0, 0));
    if (r->compiler_output) {
      fprintf(f, "<pre>%s</pre>\n", ARMOR(r->compiler_output));
    goto done;

  if (!r->tests_mode) {
    fprintf(f, "<p><big>Invalid XML file!</big></p>\n");
    fprintf(f, "<pre>%s</pre>\n", ARMOR(txt));
    goto done;

  if (r->status == RUN_CHECK_FAILED) {
    font_color = " color=\"magenta\"";
  } else if (r->status == RUN_OK || r->status == RUN_ACCEPTED || r->status == RUN_PENDING_REVIEW) {
    font_color = " color=\"green\"";
  } else {
    font_color = " color=\"red\"";
  fprintf(f, "<h2><font%s>%s</font></h2>\n",
          font_color, run_status_str(r->status, 0, 0, 0, 0));

  if (user_mode && r->status == RUN_CHECK_FAILED) {
    goto done;

  if (r->comment) {
    fprintf(f, "<h3>%s</h3>\n", _("Testing comments"));
    fprintf(f, "<pre>%s</pre>\n", ARMOR(r->comment));

  if (r->errors) {
    fprintf(f, "<h3>%s</h3>\n", _("Testing messages"));
    fprintf(f, "<pre>%s</pre>\n", ARMOR(r->errors));

  if (r->valuer_comment || r->valuer_judge_comment || r->valuer_errors) {
    fprintf(f, "<h3>%s</h3>\n", _("Valuer information"));
    if (r->valuer_comment) {
      fprintf(f, "<b><u>%s</u></b><br/><pre>%s</pre>\n",
              _("Valuer comments"), ARMOR(r->valuer_comment));
    if (r->valuer_judge_comment) {
      fprintf(f, "<b><u>%s</u></b><br/><pre>%s</pre>\n",
              _("Valuer judge comments"), ARMOR(r->valuer_judge_comment));
    if (r->valuer_errors) {
      fprintf(f, "<b><u>%s</u></b><br/><pre><font color=\"red\">%s</font></pre>\n",
              _("Valuer errors"), ARMOR(r->valuer_errors));

  if (r->host && !user_mode) {
    fprintf(f, "<p><big>Tested on host: %s</big></p>\n", r->host);
  if (r->cpu_model && !user_mode) {
    fprintf(f, "<p>CPU model: %s</p>\n", r->cpu_model);
  if (r->cpu_mhz && !user_mode) {
    fprintf(f, "<p>CPU MHz: %s</p>\n", r->cpu_mhz);

  if (r->tt_row_count <= 0 || r->tt_column_count <= 0) {
    fprintf(f, "<p>%s</p>\n",
            _("Further testing information is not available"));
    goto done;

  fprintf(f, "<p>%s: %d.</p>\n",
          _("Total number of sample programs in the test suite"),
  fprintf(f, "<p>%s: %d.</p>\n",
          _("Total number of submitted tests"),

  fprintf(f, "<table%s>\n", cl1);
  fprintf(f, "<tr>");
  fprintf(f, "<th%s width=\"30px\">NN</td>", cl1);
  fprintf(f, "<th%s width=\"120px\">Prog. name</td>", cl1);
  fprintf(f, "<th%s width=\"50px\" align=\"center\">Goodness</td>", cl1);
  for (j = 0; j < r->tt_column_count; ++j) {
    fprintf(f, "<th%s width=\"40px\" align=\"center\">%d</td>", cl1, j + 1);
  fprintf(f, "</tr>\n");
  for (i = 0; i < r->tt_row_count; ++i) {
    fprintf(f, "<tr>");
    trr = r->tt_rows[i];
    if (trr->status == RUN_CHECK_FAILED) {
      bgcolor = BGCOLOR_CHECK_FAILED;
    } else if (trr->status == RUN_OK) {
      if (trr->must_fail) {
        bgcolor = BGCOLOR_FAIL;
      } else {
        bgcolor = BGCOLOR_PASS;
    } else {
      if (trr->must_fail) {
        bgcolor = BGCOLOR_PASS;
      } else {
        bgcolor = BGCOLOR_FAIL;
    fail_str = "PASS";
    font_color = " color=\"green\"";
    if (trr->must_fail) {
      fail_str = "FAIL";
      font_color = " color=\"red\"";
    fprintf(f, "<td%s%s>%d</td>", cl1, bgcolor, i + 1);
    fprintf(f, "<td%s%s><tt>%s</tt></td>", cl1, bgcolor, ARMOR(trr->name));
    fprintf(f, "<td%s%s align=\"center\"><font%s><b>%s</b></font></td>", cl1, bgcolor, font_color, fail_str);
    for (j = 0; j < r->tt_column_count; ++j) {
      trc = r->tt_cells[i][j];
      if (trc->status == RUN_CHECK_FAILED) {
        font_color = "";
      } else if (trc->status == RUN_OK) {
        font_color = " color=\"green\"";
      } else {
        font_color = " color=\"red\"";
      run_status_to_str_short(buf, sizeof(buf), trc->status);
      fprintf(f, "<td%s%s align=\"center\"><tt><font%s>%s</font></tt></td>", cl1, bgcolor, font_color, buf);
    fprintf(f, "</tr>\n");
  fprintf(f, "</table>\n");

  return 0;