static inline void apply(Range1 const& source, Range2& destination) { geometry::clear(destination); rview_type rview(source); // We consider input always as closed, and skip last // point for open output. view_type view(rview); int n = pdalboost::size(view); if (geometry::closure<Range2>::value == geometry::open) { n--; } int i = 0; for (typename pdalboost::range_iterator<view_type const>::type it = pdalboost::begin(view); it != pdalboost::end(view) && i < n; ++it, ++i) { geometry::append(destination, *it); } }
void do_not_call_me_i_am_only_here_to_get_these_symbols(AboutWindow **win, AboutView **view) { AboutWindow rwin; AboutView rview(BRect(0, 0, 2, 3), ""); *win = &rwin; *view = &rview; }
static inline typename Strategy::return_type apply(Ring const& ring, Strategy const& strategy) { BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT( (geometry::concept::AreaStrategy<Strategy>) ); assert_dimension<Ring, 2>(); // Ignore warning (because using static method sometimes) on strategy boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(strategy); // An open ring has at least three points, // A closed ring has at least four points, // if not, there is no (zero) area if (int(boost::size(ring)) < core_detail::closure::minimum_ring_size<Closure>::value) { return typename Strategy::return_type(); } typedef typename reversible_view<Ring const, Direction>::type rview_type; typedef typename closeable_view < rview_type const, Closure >::type view_type; typedef typename boost::range_iterator<view_type const>::type iterator_type; rview_type rview(ring); view_type view(rview); typename Strategy::state_type state; iterator_type it = boost::begin(view); iterator_type end = boost::end(view); for (iterator_type previous = it++; it != end; ++previous, ++it) { strategy.apply(*previous, *it, state); } return strategy.result(state); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Instantiate a class with global functions. Hermes2D hermes_2D; // Load the mesh. Mesh mesh; H2DReader mloader; mloader.load("domain.mesh", &mesh); // Initial mesh refinements. for(int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements(); // Initialize boundary conditions. DefaultEssentialBCConst left_t("Left", 1.0); EssentialBCs bcs_t(&left_t); DefaultEssentialBCConst left_c("Left", 0.0); EssentialBCs bcs_c(&left_c); // Create H1 spaces with default shapesets. H1Space* t_space = new H1Space(&mesh, &bcs_t, P_INIT); H1Space* c_space = new H1Space(&mesh, &bcs_c, P_INIT); int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space*>(t_space, c_space)); info("ndof = %d.", ndof); // Define initial conditions. InitialSolutionTemperature t_prev_time_1(&mesh, x1); InitialSolutionConcentration c_prev_time_1(&mesh, x1, Le); InitialSolutionTemperature t_prev_time_2(&mesh, x1); InitialSolutionConcentration c_prev_time_2(&mesh, x1, Le); Solution t_prev_newton; Solution c_prev_newton; // Filters for the reaction rate omega and its derivatives. CustomFilter omega(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1), Le, alpha, beta, kappa, x1, TAU); CustomFilterDt omega_dt(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1), Le, alpha, beta, kappa, x1, TAU); CustomFilterDc omega_dc(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1), Le, alpha, beta, kappa, x1, TAU); // Initialize visualization. ScalarView rview("Reaction rate", new WinGeom(0, 0, 800, 230)); scalar* coeff_vec = new scalar[Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space*>(t_space, c_space))]; memset(coeff_vec, 0, ndof * sizeof(double)); Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec, Hermes::vector<Space*>(t_space, c_space), Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1)); // Initialize the weak formulation. double current_time = 0; CustomWeakForm wf(Le, alpha, beta, kappa, x1, TAU, false, PRECOND, &omega, &omega_dt, &omega_dc, &t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1, &t_prev_time_2, &c_prev_time_2); // Initialize the FE problem. DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, Hermes::vector<Space*>(t_space, c_space)); // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs according to the solver selection. SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver); Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver); Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs); // Time stepping: int ts = 1; bool jacobian_changed = true; do { info("---- Time step %d, time %3.5f s", ts, current_time); if (NEWTON) { // Perform Newton's iteration. info("Solving nonlinear problem:"); bool verbose = true; bool jacobian_changed = true; if (!hermes_2D.solve_newton(coeff_vec, &dp, solver, matrix, rhs, jacobian_changed, NEWTON_TOL, NEWTON_MAX_ITER, verbose)) error("Newton's iteration failed."); Solution::vector_to_solutions(coeff_vec, Hermes::vector<Space*>(t_space, c_space), Hermes::vector<Solution*>(&t_prev_newton, &c_prev_newton)); // Saving solutions for the next time step. if(ts > 1) { t_prev_time_2.copy(&t_prev_time_1); c_prev_time_2.copy(&c_prev_time_1); } t_prev_time_1.copy(&t_prev_newton); c_prev_time_1.copy(&c_prev_newton); } // Visualization. rview.set_min_max_range(0.0,2.0);; // Increase current time and time step counter. current_time += TAU; ts++; } while (current_time < T_FINAL); // Clean up. delete [] coeff_vec; delete matrix; delete rhs; delete solver; // Wait for all views to be closed. View::wait(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #define check(ol,al) if (argv[i][ol] || \ badarg(argc-i-1,argv+i+1,al)) \ goto badopt #define check_bool(olen,var) switch (argv[i][olen]) { \ case '\0': var = !var; break; \ case 'y': case 'Y': case 't': case 'T': \ case '+': case '1': var = 1; break; \ case 'n': case 'N': case 'f': case 'F': \ case '-': case '0': var = 0; break; \ default: goto badopt; } char *octnm = NULL; char *err; int rval; int i; /* global program name */ progname = argv[0] = fixargv0(argv[0]); /* set our defaults */ shadthresh = .1; shadcert = .25; directrelay = 0; vspretest = 128; srcsizerat = 0.; specthresh = .3; specjitter = 1.; maxdepth = 6; minweight = 1e-2; ambacc = 0.3; ambres = 32; ambdiv = 256; ambssamp = 64; /* option city */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { /* expand arguments */ while ((rval = expandarg(&argc, &argv, i)) > 0) ; if (rval < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot expand '%s'", argv[i]); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } if (argv[i] == NULL || argv[i][0] != '-') break; /* break from options */ if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-version")) { puts(VersionID); quit(0); } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-defaults") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-help")) { printdefaults(); quit(0); } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-devices")) { printdevices(); quit(0); } rval = getrenderopt(argc-i, argv+i); if (rval >= 0) { i += rval; continue; } rval = getviewopt(&ourview, argc-i, argv+i); if (rval >= 0) { i += rval; continue; } switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'n': /* # processes */ check(2,"i"); nproc = atoi(argv[++i]); if (nproc <= 0) error(USER, "bad number of processes"); break; case 'v': /* view file */ if (argv[i][2] != 'f') goto badopt; check(3,"s"); rval = viewfile(argv[++i], &ourview, NULL); if (rval < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open view file \"%s\"", argv[i]); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } else if (rval == 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "bad view file \"%s\"", argv[i]); error(USER, errmsg); } break; case 'b': /* grayscale */ check_bool(2,greyscale); break; case 'p': /* pixel */ switch (argv[i][2]) { case 's': /* sample */ check(3,"i"); psample = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 't': /* threshold */ check(3,"f"); maxdiff = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'e': /* exposure */ check(3,"f"); exposure = atof(argv[++i]); if (argv[i][0] == '+' || argv[i][0] == '-') exposure = pow(2.0, exposure); break; default: goto badopt; } break; case 'w': /* warnings */ rval = erract[WARNING].pf != NULL; check_bool(2,rval); if (rval) erract[WARNING].pf = wputs; else erract[WARNING].pf = NULL; break; case 'e': /* error file */ check(2,"s"); errfile = argv[++i]; break; case 'o': /* output device */ check(2,"s"); dvcname = argv[++i]; break; case 'R': /* render input file */ check(2,"s"); strcpy(rifname, argv[++i]); break; default: goto badopt; } } err = setview(&ourview); /* set viewing parameters */ if (err != NULL) error(USER, err); /* set up signal handling */ sigdie(SIGINT, "Interrupt"); sigdie(SIGTERM, "Terminate"); #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) sigdie(SIGHUP, "Hangup"); sigdie(SIGPIPE, "Broken pipe"); sigdie(SIGALRM, "Alarm clock"); #endif /* open error file */ if (errfile != NULL) { if (freopen(errfile, "a", stderr) == NULL) quit(2); fprintf(stderr, "**************\n*** PID %5d: ", getpid()); printargs(argc, argv, stderr); putc('\n', stderr); fflush(stderr); } #ifdef NICE nice(NICE); /* lower priority */ #endif /* get octree */ if (i == argc) octnm = NULL; else if (i == argc-1) octnm = argv[i]; else goto badopt; if (octnm == NULL) error(USER, "missing octree argument"); /* set up output & start process(es) */ SET_FILE_BINARY(stdout); ray_init(octnm); /* also calls ray_init_pmap() */ /* temporary shortcut, until winrview is refactored into a "device" */ #ifndef WIN_RVIEW rview(); /* run interactive viewer */ devclose(); /* close output device */ #endif /* PMAP: free photon maps */ ray_done_pmap(); #ifdef WIN_RVIEW return 1; #endif quit(0); badopt: sprintf(errmsg, "command line error at '%s'", argv[i]); error(USER, errmsg); return 1; /* pro forma return */ #undef check #undef check_bool }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Time measurement. TimePeriod cpu_time; cpu_time.tick(); // Load the mesh. Mesh mesh; H2DReader mloader; mloader.load("domain.mesh", &mesh); // Perform initial mesh refinemets. for (int i=0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements(); // Create H1 spaces with default shapesets. H1Space* t_space = new H1Space(&mesh, bc_types, essential_bc_values_t, P_INIT); H1Space* c_space = new H1Space(&mesh, bc_types, essential_bc_values_c, P_INIT); int ndof = get_num_dofs(Tuple<Space *>(t_space, c_space)); info("ndof = %d.", ndof); // Define initial conditions. Solution t_prev_time_1, c_prev_time_1, t_prev_time_2, c_prev_time_2, t_iter, c_iter, t_prev_newton, c_prev_newton; t_prev_time_1.set_exact(&mesh, temp_ic); c_prev_time_1.set_exact(&mesh, conc_ic); t_prev_time_2.set_exact(&mesh, temp_ic); c_prev_time_2.set_exact(&mesh, conc_ic); t_iter.set_exact(&mesh, temp_ic); c_iter.set_exact(&mesh, conc_ic); // Filters for the reaction rate omega and its derivatives. DXDYFilter omega(omega_fn, Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1)); DXDYFilter omega_dt(omega_dt_fn, Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1)); DXDYFilter omega_dc(omega_dc_fn, Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1)); // Initialize visualization. ScalarView rview("Reaction rate", new WinGeom(0, 0, 800, 230)); // Initialize weak formulation. WeakForm wf(2, JFNK ? true : false); if (!JFNK || (JFNK && PRECOND == 1)) { wf.add_matrix_form(callback(newton_bilinear_form_0_0), H2D_UNSYM, H2D_ANY, &omega_dt); wf.add_matrix_form_surf(0, 0, callback(newton_bilinear_form_0_0_surf), 3); wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, callback(newton_bilinear_form_1_1), H2D_UNSYM, H2D_ANY, &omega_dc); wf.add_matrix_form(0, 1, callback(newton_bilinear_form_0_1), H2D_UNSYM, H2D_ANY, &omega_dc); wf.add_matrix_form(1, 0, callback(newton_bilinear_form_1_0), H2D_UNSYM, H2D_ANY, &omega_dt); } else if (PRECOND == 2) { wf.add_matrix_form(0, 0, callback(precond_0_0)); wf.add_matrix_form(1, 1, callback(precond_1_1)); } wf.add_vector_form(0, callback(newton_linear_form_0), H2D_ANY, Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_time_1, &t_prev_time_2, &omega)); wf.add_vector_form_surf(0, callback(newton_linear_form_0_surf), 3); wf.add_vector_form(1, callback(newton_linear_form_1), H2D_ANY, Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&c_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_2, &omega)); // Project the functions "t_iter" and "c_iter" on the FE space // in order to obtain initial vector for NOX. info("Projecting initial solutions on the FE meshes."); Vector* coeff_vec = new AVector(ndof); project_global(Tuple<Space *>(t_space, c_space), Tuple<int>(H2D_H1_NORM, H2D_H1_NORM), Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1), Tuple<Solution*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1), coeff_vec); // Measure the projection time. double proj_time = cpu_time.tick().last(); // Initialize finite element problem. FeProblem fep(&wf, Tuple<Space*>(t_space, c_space)); // Initialize NOX solver and preconditioner. NoxSolver solver(&fep); MlPrecond pc("sa"); if (PRECOND) { if (JFNK) solver.set_precond(&pc); else solver.set_precond("Ifpack"); } if (TRILINOS_OUTPUT) solver.set_output_flags(NOX::Utils::Error | NOX::Utils::OuterIteration | NOX::Utils::OuterIterationStatusTest | NOX::Utils::LinearSolverDetails); // Time stepping loop: double total_time = 0.0; cpu_time.tick_reset(); for (int ts = 1; total_time <= 60.0; ts++) { info("---- Time step %d, t = %g s", ts, total_time + TAU); cpu_time.tick(HERMES_SKIP); solver.set_init_sln(coeff_vec->get_c_array()); bool solved = solver.solve(); if (solved) { double* s = solver.get_solution_vector(); AVector *tmp_vector = new AVector(ndof); tmp_vector->set_c_array(s, ndof); t_prev_newton.set_fe_solution(t_space, tmp_vector); c_prev_newton.set_fe_solution(c_space, tmp_vector); delete tmp_vector; cpu_time.tick(); info("Number of nonlin iterations: %d (norm of residual: %g)", solver.get_num_iters(), solver.get_residual()); info("Total number of iterations in linsolver: %d (achieved tolerance in the last step: %g)", solver.get_num_lin_iters(), solver.get_achieved_tol()); // Time measurement. cpu_time.tick(HERMES_SKIP); // Visualization. DXDYFilter omega_view(omega_fn, Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_newton, &c_prev_newton)); rview.set_min_max_range(0.0,2.0); cpu_time.tick(HERMES_SKIP); // Skip visualization time. cpu_time.tick(HERMES_SKIP); // Update global time. total_time += TAU; // Saving solutions for the next time step. t_prev_time_2.copy(&t_prev_time_1); c_prev_time_2.copy(&c_prev_time_1); t_prev_time_1 = t_prev_newton; c_prev_time_1 = c_prev_newton; } else error("NOX failed."); info("Total running time for time level %d: %g s.", ts, cpu_time.tick().last()); } // Wait for all views to be closed. View::wait(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Time measurement. Hermes::Mixins::TimeMeasurable cpu_time; cpu_time.tick(); // Load the mesh. Mesh mesh; MeshReaderH2D mloader; mloader.load("domain.mesh", &mesh); // Perform initial mesh refinemets. for (int i=0; i < INIT_REF_NUM; i++) mesh.refine_all_elements(); // Initialize boundary conditions. DefaultEssentialBCConst<double> left_t("Left", 1.0); EssentialBCs<double> bcs_t(&left_t); DefaultEssentialBCConst<double> left_c("Left", 0.0); EssentialBCs<double> bcs_c(&left_c); // Create H1 spaces with default shapesets. H1Space<double>* t_space = new H1Space<double>(&mesh, &bcs_t, P_INIT); H1Space<double>* c_space = new H1Space<double>(&mesh, &bcs_c, P_INIT); int ndof = Space<double>::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<const Space<double>*>(t_space, c_space)); Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("ndof = %d.", ndof); // Define initial conditions. InitialSolutionTemperature t_prev_time_1(&mesh, x1); InitialSolutionConcentration c_prev_time_1(&mesh, x1, Le); InitialSolutionTemperature t_prev_time_2(&mesh, x1); InitialSolutionConcentration c_prev_time_2(&mesh, x1, Le); Solution<double> t_prev_newton; Solution<double> c_prev_newton; // Filters for the reaction rate omega and its derivatives. CustomFilter omega(Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1), Le, alpha, beta, kappa, x1, TAU); CustomFilterDt omega_dt(Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1), Le, alpha, beta, kappa, x1, TAU); CustomFilterDc omega_dc(Hermes::vector<Solution<double>*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1), Le, alpha, beta, kappa, x1, TAU); // Initialize visualization. ScalarView rview("Reaction rate", new WinGeom(0, 0, 800, 230)); // Initialize weak formulation. CustomWeakForm wf(Le, alpha, beta, kappa, x1, TAU, TRILINOS_JFNK, PRECOND, &omega, &omega_dt, &omega_dc, &t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1, &t_prev_time_2, &c_prev_time_2); // Project the functions "t_prev_time_1" and "c_prev_time_1" on the FE space // in order to obtain initial vector for NOX. Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Projecting initial solutions on the FE meshes."); double* coeff_vec = new double[ndof]; OGProjection<double> ogProjection; ogProjection.project_global(Hermes::vector<const Space<double> *>(t_space, c_space), Hermes::vector<MeshFunction<double>*>(&t_prev_time_1, &c_prev_time_1), coeff_vec); // Measure the projection time. double proj_time = cpu_time.tick().last(); // Initialize finite element problem. DiscreteProblem<double> dp(&wf, Hermes::vector<const Space<double>*>(t_space, c_space)); // Initialize NOX solver and preconditioner. NewtonSolverNOX<double> solver(&dp); MlPrecond<double> pc("sa"); if (PRECOND) { if (TRILINOS_JFNK) solver.set_precond(pc); else solver.set_precond("New Ifpack"); } if (TRILINOS_OUTPUT) solver.set_output_flags(NOX::Utils::Error | NOX::Utils::OuterIteration | NOX::Utils::OuterIterationStatusTest | NOX::Utils::LinearSolverDetails); // Time stepping loop: double total_time = 0.0; cpu_time.tick_reset(); for (int ts = 1; total_time <= T_FINAL; ts++) { Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("---- Time step %d, t = %g s", ts, total_time + TAU); cpu_time.tick(); try { solver.solve(coeff_vec); } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout << e.what(); } Solution<double>::vector_to_solutions(solver.get_sln_vector(), Hermes::vector<const Space<double> *>(t_space, c_space), Hermes::vector<Solution<double> *>(&t_prev_newton, &c_prev_newton)); cpu_time.tick(); Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Number of nonlin iterations: %d (norm of residual: %g)", solver.get_num_iters(), solver.get_residual()); Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Total number of iterations in linsolver: %d (achieved tolerance in the last step: %g)", solver.get_num_lin_iters(), solver.get_achieved_tol()); // Time measurement. cpu_time.tick(); // Skip visualization time. cpu_time.tick(); // Update global time. total_time += TAU; // Saving solutions for the next time step. if(ts > 1) { t_prev_time_2.copy(&t_prev_time_1); c_prev_time_2.copy(&c_prev_time_1); } t_prev_time_1.copy(&t_prev_newton); c_prev_time_1.copy(&c_prev_newton); // Visualization. rview.set_min_max_range(0.0,2.0);; cpu_time.tick(); Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Total running time for time level %d: %g s.", ts, cpu_time.tick().last()); } // Wait for all views to be closed. View::wait(); return 0; }