void vc4_init_cl(void *mem_ctx, struct vc4_cl *cl) { cl->base = rzalloc_size(mem_ctx, 1); /* TODO: don't use rzalloc */ cl->next = cl->base; cl->size = 0; }
static struct deref_node * deref_node_create(struct deref_node *parent, const struct glsl_type *type, nir_shader *shader) { size_t size = sizeof(struct deref_node) + glsl_get_length(type) * sizeof(struct deref_node *); struct deref_node *node = rzalloc_size(shader, size); node->type = type; node->parent = parent; node->deref = NULL; exec_node_init(&node->direct_derefs_link); return node; }
void *ppir_node_create(ppir_block *block, ppir_op op, int index, unsigned mask) { ppir_compiler *comp = block->comp; static const int node_size[] = { [ppir_node_type_alu] = sizeof(ppir_alu_node), [ppir_node_type_const] = sizeof(ppir_const_node), [ppir_node_type_load] = sizeof(ppir_load_node), [ppir_node_type_store] = sizeof(ppir_store_node), [ppir_node_type_load_texture] = sizeof(ppir_load_texture_node), }; ppir_node_type type = ppir_op_infos[op].type; int size = node_size[type]; ppir_node *node = rzalloc_size(block, size); if (!node) return NULL; list_inithead(&node->succ_list); list_inithead(&node->pred_list); if (index >= 0) { if (mask) { /* reg has 4 slots for each componemt write node */ while (mask) comp->var_nodes[(index << 2) + comp->reg_base + u_bit_scan(&mask)] = node; snprintf(node->name, sizeof(node->name), "reg%d", index); } else { comp->var_nodes[index] = node; snprintf(node->name, sizeof(node->name), "ssa%d", index); } } else snprintf(node->name, sizeof(node->name), "new"); node->op = op; node->type = type; node->index = comp->cur_index++; node->block = block; return node; }
static void setup_glsl_msaa_blit_scaled_shader(struct gl_context *ctx, struct blit_state *blit, struct gl_renderbuffer *src_rb, GLenum target, GLenum filter) { GLint loc_src_width, loc_src_height; int i, samples; int shader_offset = 0; void *mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL); char *fs_source; char *name, *sample_number; const uint8_t *sample_map; char *sample_map_str = rzalloc_size(mem_ctx, 1); char *sample_map_expr = rzalloc_size(mem_ctx, 1); char *texel_fetch_macro = rzalloc_size(mem_ctx, 1); const char *sampler_array_suffix = ""; float y_scale; enum blit_msaa_shader shader_index; assert(src_rb); samples = MAX2(src_rb->NumSamples, 1); y_scale = samples * 0.5; /* We expect only power of 2 samples in source multisample buffer. */ assert(samples > 0 && _mesa_is_pow_two(samples)); while (samples >> (shader_offset + 1)) { shader_offset++; } /* Update the assert if we plan to support more than 8X MSAA. */ assert(shader_offset > 0 && shader_offset < 4); assert(target == GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE || target == GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY); shader_index = BLIT_2X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_SCALED_RESOLVE + shader_offset - 1; if (target == GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY) { shader_index += BLIT_2X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY_SCALED_RESOLVE - BLIT_2X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_SCALED_RESOLVE; sampler_array_suffix = "Array"; } if (blit->msaa_shaders[shader_index]) { _mesa_UseProgram(blit->msaa_shaders[shader_index]); /* Update the uniform values. */ loc_src_width = _mesa_GetUniformLocation(blit->msaa_shaders[shader_index], "src_width"); loc_src_height = _mesa_GetUniformLocation(blit->msaa_shaders[shader_index], "src_height"); _mesa_Uniform1f(loc_src_width, src_rb->Width); _mesa_Uniform1f(loc_src_height, src_rb->Height); return; } name = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "vec4 MSAA scaled resolve"); /* Below switch is used to setup the shader expression, which computes * sample index and map it to to a sample number on hardware. */ switch(samples) { case 2: sample_number = "sample_map[int(2 * fract(coord.x))]"; sample_map = ctx->Const.SampleMap2x; break; case 4: sample_number = "sample_map[int(2 * fract(coord.x) + 4 * fract(coord.y))]"; sample_map = ctx->Const.SampleMap4x; break; case 8: sample_number = "sample_map[int(2 * fract(coord.x) + 8 * fract(coord.y))]"; sample_map = ctx->Const.SampleMap8x; break; default: sample_number = NULL; sample_map = NULL; _mesa_problem(ctx, "Unsupported sample count %d\n", samples); unreachable("Unsupported sample count"); } /* Create sample map string. */ for (i = 0 ; i < samples - 1; i++) { ralloc_asprintf_append(&sample_map_str, "%d, ", sample_map[i]); } ralloc_asprintf_append(&sample_map_str, "%d", sample_map[samples - 1]); /* Create sample map expression using above string. */ ralloc_asprintf_append(&sample_map_expr, " const int sample_map[%d] = int[%d](%s);\n", samples, samples, sample_map_str); if (target == GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE) { ralloc_asprintf_append(&texel_fetch_macro, "#define TEXEL_FETCH(coord) texelFetch(texSampler, ivec2(coord), %s);\n", sample_number); } else { ralloc_asprintf_append(&texel_fetch_macro, "#define TEXEL_FETCH(coord) texelFetch(texSampler, ivec3(coord, layer), %s);\n", sample_number); } static const char vs_source[] = "#version 130\n" "in vec2 position;\n" "in vec3 textureCoords;\n" "out vec2 texCoords;\n" "flat out int layer;\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " texCoords = textureCoords.xy;\n" " layer = int(textureCoords.z);\n" " gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n" "}\n" ; fs_source = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "#version 130\n" "#extension GL_ARB_texture_multisample : enable\n" "uniform sampler2DMS%s texSampler;\n" "uniform float src_width, src_height;\n" "in vec2 texCoords;\n" "flat in int layer;\n" "out vec4 out_color;\n" "\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" "%s" " vec2 interp;\n" " const vec2 scale = vec2(2.0f, %ff);\n" " const vec2 scale_inv = vec2(0.5f, %ff);\n" " const vec2 s_0_offset = vec2(0.25f, %ff);\n" " vec2 s_0_coord, s_1_coord, s_2_coord, s_3_coord;\n" " vec4 s_0_color, s_1_color, s_2_color, s_3_color;\n" " vec4 x_0_color, x_1_color;\n" " vec2 tex_coord = texCoords - s_0_offset;\n" "\n" " tex_coord *= scale;\n" " clamp(tex_coord.x, 0.0f, scale.x * src_width - 1.0f);\n" " clamp(tex_coord.y, 0.0f, scale.y * src_height - 1.0f);\n" " interp = fract(tex_coord);\n" " tex_coord = ivec2(tex_coord) * scale_inv;\n" "\n" " /* Compute the sample coordinates used for filtering. */\n" " s_0_coord = tex_coord;\n" " s_1_coord = tex_coord + vec2(scale_inv.x, 0.0f);\n" " s_2_coord = tex_coord + vec2(0.0f, scale_inv.y);\n" " s_3_coord = tex_coord + vec2(scale_inv.x, scale_inv.y);\n" "\n" " /* Fetch sample color values. */\n" "%s" " s_0_color = TEXEL_FETCH(s_0_coord)\n" " s_1_color = TEXEL_FETCH(s_1_coord)\n" " s_2_color = TEXEL_FETCH(s_2_coord)\n" " s_3_color = TEXEL_FETCH(s_3_coord)\n" "#undef TEXEL_FETCH\n" "\n" " /* Do bilinear filtering on sample colors. */\n" " x_0_color = mix(s_0_color, s_1_color, interp.x);\n" " x_1_color = mix(s_2_color, s_3_color, interp.x);\n" " out_color = mix(x_0_color, x_1_color, interp.y);\n" "}\n", sampler_array_suffix, sample_map_expr, y_scale, 1.0f / y_scale, 1.0f / samples, texel_fetch_macro); _mesa_meta_compile_and_link_program(ctx, vs_source, fs_source, name, &blit->msaa_shaders[shader_index]); loc_src_width = _mesa_GetUniformLocation(blit->msaa_shaders[shader_index], "src_width"); loc_src_height = _mesa_GetUniformLocation(blit->msaa_shaders[shader_index], "src_height"); _mesa_Uniform1f(loc_src_width, src_rb->Width); _mesa_Uniform1f(loc_src_height, src_rb->Height); ralloc_free(mem_ctx); }
static void setup_glsl_msaa_blit_shader(struct gl_context *ctx, struct blit_state *blit, const struct gl_framebuffer *drawFb, struct gl_renderbuffer *src_rb, GLenum target) { const char *vs_source; char *fs_source; void *mem_ctx; enum blit_msaa_shader shader_index; bool dst_is_msaa = false; GLenum src_datatype; const char *vec4_prefix; const char *sampler_array_suffix = ""; char *name; const char *texcoord_type = "vec2"; int samples; int shader_offset = 0; if (src_rb) { samples = MAX2(src_rb->NumSamples, 1); src_datatype = _mesa_get_format_datatype(src_rb->Format); } else { /* depth-or-color glCopyTexImage fallback path that passes a NULL rb and * doesn't handle integer. */ samples = 1; src_datatype = GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED; } /* We expect only power of 2 samples in source multisample buffer. */ assert(samples > 0 && _mesa_is_pow_two(samples)); while (samples >> (shader_offset + 1)) { shader_offset++; } /* Update the assert if we plan to support more than 16X MSAA. */ assert(shader_offset >= 0 && shader_offset <= 4); if (drawFb->Visual.samples > 1) { /* If you're calling meta_BlitFramebuffer with the destination * multisampled, this is the only path that will work -- swrast and * CopyTexImage won't work on it either. */ assert(ctx->Extensions.ARB_sample_shading); dst_is_msaa = true; /* We need shader invocation per sample, not per pixel */ _mesa_set_enable(ctx, GL_MULTISAMPLE, GL_TRUE); _mesa_set_enable(ctx, GL_SAMPLE_SHADING, GL_TRUE); _mesa_MinSampleShading(1.0); } switch (target) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE: case GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY: if (src_rb && (src_rb->_BaseFormat == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT || src_rb->_BaseFormat == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL)) { if (dst_is_msaa) shader_index = BLIT_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_DEPTH_COPY; else shader_index = BLIT_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_DEPTH_RESOLVE; } else { if (dst_is_msaa) shader_index = BLIT_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_COPY; else { shader_index = BLIT_1X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_RESOLVE + shader_offset; } } if (target == GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY) { shader_index += (BLIT_1X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY_RESOLVE - BLIT_1X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_RESOLVE); sampler_array_suffix = "Array"; texcoord_type = "vec3"; } break; default: _mesa_problem(ctx, "Unkown texture target %s\n", _mesa_enum_to_string(target)); shader_index = BLIT_2X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_RESOLVE; } /* We rely on the enum being sorted this way. */ STATIC_ASSERT(BLIT_1X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_RESOLVE_INT == BLIT_1X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_RESOLVE + 5); STATIC_ASSERT(BLIT_1X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_RESOLVE_UINT == BLIT_1X_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_RESOLVE + 10); if (src_datatype == GL_INT) { shader_index += 5; vec4_prefix = "i"; } else if (src_datatype == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) { shader_index += 10; vec4_prefix = "u"; } else { vec4_prefix = ""; } if (blit->msaa_shaders[shader_index]) { _mesa_UseProgram(blit->msaa_shaders[shader_index]); return; } mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL); if (shader_index == BLIT_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_DEPTH_RESOLVE || shader_index == BLIT_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY_DEPTH_RESOLVE || shader_index == BLIT_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY_DEPTH_COPY || shader_index == BLIT_MSAA_SHADER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_DEPTH_COPY) { char *sample_index; const char *arb_sample_shading_extension_string; if (dst_is_msaa) { arb_sample_shading_extension_string = "#extension GL_ARB_sample_shading : enable"; sample_index = "gl_SampleID"; name = "depth MSAA copy"; } else { /* Don't need that extension, since we're drawing to a single-sampled * destination. */ arb_sample_shading_extension_string = ""; /* From the GL 4.3 spec: * * "If there is a multisample buffer (the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS * is one), then values are obtained from the depth samples in * this buffer. It is recommended that the depth value of the * centermost sample be used, though implementations may choose * any function of the depth sample values at each pixel. * * We're slacking and instead of choosing centermost, we've got 0. */ sample_index = "0"; name = "depth MSAA resolve"; } vs_source = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "#version 130\n" "in vec2 position;\n" "in %s textureCoords;\n" "out %s texCoords;\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " texCoords = textureCoords;\n" " gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n" "}\n", texcoord_type, texcoord_type); fs_source = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "#version 130\n" "#extension GL_ARB_texture_multisample : enable\n" "%s\n" "uniform sampler2DMS%s texSampler;\n" "in %s texCoords;\n" "out vec4 out_color;\n" "\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " gl_FragDepth = texelFetch(texSampler, i%s(texCoords), %s).r;\n" "}\n", arb_sample_shading_extension_string, sampler_array_suffix, texcoord_type, texcoord_type, sample_index); } else { /* You can create 2D_MULTISAMPLE textures with 0 sample count (meaning 1 * sample). Yes, this is ridiculous. */ char *sample_resolve; const char *arb_sample_shading_extension_string; const char *merge_function; name = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%svec4 MSAA %s", vec4_prefix, dst_is_msaa ? "copy" : "resolve"); if (dst_is_msaa) { arb_sample_shading_extension_string = "#extension GL_ARB_sample_shading : enable"; sample_resolve = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, " out_color = texelFetch(texSampler, i%s(texCoords), gl_SampleID);", texcoord_type); merge_function = ""; } else { int i; int step; if (src_datatype == GL_INT || src_datatype == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) { merge_function = "gvec4 merge(gvec4 a, gvec4 b) { return (a >> gvec4(1)) + (b >> gvec4(1)) + (a & b & gvec4(1)); }\n"; } else { /* The divide will happen at the end for floats. */ merge_function = "vec4 merge(vec4 a, vec4 b) { return (a + b); }\n"; } arb_sample_shading_extension_string = ""; /* We're assuming power of two samples for this resolution procedure. * * To avoid losing any floating point precision if the samples all * happen to have the same value, we merge pairs of values at a time * (so the floating point exponent just gets increased), rather than * doing a naive sum and dividing. */ assert(_mesa_is_pow_two(samples)); /* Fetch each individual sample. */ sample_resolve = rzalloc_size(mem_ctx, 1); for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { ralloc_asprintf_append(&sample_resolve, " gvec4 sample_1_%d = texelFetch(texSampler, i%s(texCoords), %d);\n", i, texcoord_type, i); } /* Now, merge each pair of samples, then merge each pair of those, * etc. */ for (step = 2; step <= samples; step *= 2) { for (i = 0; i < samples; i += step) { ralloc_asprintf_append(&sample_resolve, " gvec4 sample_%d_%d = merge(sample_%d_%d, sample_%d_%d);\n", step, i, step / 2, i, step / 2, i + step / 2); } } /* Scale the final result. */ if (src_datatype == GL_UNSIGNED_INT || src_datatype == GL_INT) { ralloc_asprintf_append(&sample_resolve, " out_color = sample_%d_0;\n", samples); } else { ralloc_asprintf_append(&sample_resolve, " gl_FragColor = sample_%d_0 / %f;\n", samples, (float)samples); } } vs_source = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "#version 130\n" "in vec2 position;\n" "in %s textureCoords;\n" "out %s texCoords;\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " texCoords = textureCoords;\n" " gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n" "}\n", texcoord_type, texcoord_type); fs_source = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "#version 130\n" "#extension GL_ARB_texture_multisample : enable\n" "%s\n" "#define gvec4 %svec4\n" "uniform %ssampler2DMS%s texSampler;\n" "in %s texCoords;\n" "out gvec4 out_color;\n" "\n" "%s" /* merge_function */ "void main()\n" "{\n" "%s\n" /* sample_resolve */ "}\n", arb_sample_shading_extension_string, vec4_prefix, vec4_prefix, sampler_array_suffix, texcoord_type, merge_function, sample_resolve); } _mesa_meta_compile_and_link_program(ctx, vs_source, fs_source, name, &blit->msaa_shaders[shader_index]); ralloc_free(mem_ctx); }
/* simple allocator to carve allocations out of an up-front allocated heap, * so that we can free everything easily in one shot. */ void * ir3_alloc(struct ir3 *shader, int sz) { return rzalloc_size(shader, sz); /* TODO: don't use rzalloc */ }