static boolean minFreqFail(struct vcfRecord *record, double minFreq) /* Return TRUE if record's INFO include AF (alternate allele frequencies) or AC+AN * (alternate allele counts and total count of observed alleles) and the minor allele * frequency < minFreq -- or rather, major allele frequency > (1 - minFreq) because * variants with > 2 alleles might have some significant minor frequencies along with * tiny minor frequencies). */ { struct vcfFile *vcff = record->file; boolean gotInfo = FALSE; double refFreq = 1.0; double maxAltFreq = 0.0; int i; const struct vcfInfoElement *afEl = vcfRecordFindInfo(record, "AF"); const struct vcfInfoDef *afDef = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, "AF"); if (afEl != NULL && afDef != NULL && afDef->type == vcfInfoFloat) { // If INFO includes alt allele freqs, use them directly. gotInfo = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < afEl->count; i++) { if (afEl->missingData[i]) continue; double altFreq = afEl->values[i].datFloat; refFreq -= altFreq; if (altFreq > maxAltFreq) maxAltFreq = altFreq; } } else { // Calculate alternate allele freqs from AC and AN: const struct vcfInfoElement *acEl = vcfRecordFindInfo(record, "AC"); const struct vcfInfoDef *acDef = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, "AC"); const struct vcfInfoElement *anEl = vcfRecordFindInfo(record, "AN"); const struct vcfInfoDef *anDef = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, "AN"); if (acEl != NULL && acDef != NULL && acDef->type == vcfInfoInteger && anEl != NULL && anDef != NULL && anDef->type == vcfInfoInteger && anEl->count == 1 && anEl->missingData[0] == FALSE) { gotInfo = TRUE; int totalCount = anEl->values[0].datInt; for (i = 0; i < acEl->count; i++) { if (acEl->missingData[i]) continue; int altCount = acEl->values[i].datInt; double altFreq = (double)altCount / totalCount; refFreq -= altFreq; if (altFreq < maxAltFreq) maxAltFreq = altFreq; } } else // Use MAF for alternate allele freqs from MAF: { const struct vcfInfoElement *mafEl = vcfRecordFindInfo(record, "MAF"); const struct vcfInfoDef *mafDef = vcfInfoDefForKey(vcff, "MAF"); if (mafEl != NULL && mafDef != NULL && mafDef->type == vcfInfoString && startsWith("Minor Allele Frequency",mafDef->description)) { // If INFO includes alt allele freqs, use them directly. gotInfo = TRUE; if (mafEl->count >= 1 && !mafEl->missingData[mafEl->count-1]) { char data[64]; safecpy(data,sizeof(data),mafEl->values[mafEl->count-1].datString); maxAltFreq = atof(lastWordInLine(data)); refFreq -= maxAltFreq; } } } } if (gotInfo) { double majorAlFreq = max(refFreq, maxAltFreq); if (majorAlFreq > (1.0 - minFreq)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void doPastedIdentifiers(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Process submit in paste identifiers page. */ { char *idText = trimSpaces(cartString(cart, hgtaPastedIdentifiers)); htmlOpen("Table Browser (Input Identifiers)"); if (isNotEmpty(idText)) { /* Write terms to temp file, checking whether they have matches, and * save temp file name. */ boolean saveIdText = (strlen(idText) < MAX_IDTEXT); char *idTextForLf = saveIdText ? cloneString(idText) : idText; struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOnString("idText", TRUE, idTextForLf); char *line, *word; struct tempName tn; FILE *f; int totalTerms = 0, foundTerms = 0; struct slName* missingTerms = NULL; struct dyString *exampleMissingIds = dyStringNew(256); char *actualDb = database; if (sameWord(curTable, WIKI_TRACK_TABLE)) actualDb = wikiDbName(); struct hTableInfo *hti = maybeGetHti(actualDb, curTable, conn); char *idField = getIdField(actualDb, curTrack, curTable, hti); if (idField == NULL) { warn("Sorry, I can't tell which field of table %s to treat as the " "identifier field.", curTable); webNewSection("Table Browser"); cartRemove(cart, hgtaIdentifierDb); cartRemove(cart, hgtaIdentifierTable); cartRemove(cart, hgtaIdentifierFile); mainPageAfterOpen(conn); htmlClose(); return; } struct slName *allTerms = NULL, *term; while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL)) { while ((word = nextWord(&line)) != NULL) { term = slNameNew(word); slAddHead(&allTerms, term); totalTerms++; } } slReverse(&allTerms); lineFileClose(&lf); char *extraWhere = NULL; int maxIdsInWhere = cartUsualInt(cart, "hgt_maxIdsInWhere", DEFAULT_MAX_IDS_IN_WHERE); if (totalTerms > 0 && totalTerms <= maxIdsInWhere) extraWhere = slNameToInExpression(idField, allTerms); struct lm *lm = lmInit(0); struct hash *matchHash = getAllPossibleIds(conn, lm, idField, extraWhere); trashDirFile(&tn, "hgtData", "identifiers", ".key"); f = mustOpen(tn.forCgi, "w"); for (term = allTerms; term != NULL; term = term->next) { struct slName *matchList = NULL, *match; if (matchHash == NULL) { matchList = slNameNew(term->name); } else { /* Support multiple alias->id mappings: */ char upcased[1024]; safecpy(upcased, sizeof(upcased), term->name); touppers(upcased); struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(matchHash, upcased); if (hel != NULL) { matchList = slNameNew((char *)hel->val); while ((hel = hashLookupNext(hel)) != NULL) { match = slNameNew((char *)hel->val); slAddHead(&matchList, match); } } } if (matchList != NULL) { foundTerms++; for (match = matchList; match != NULL; match = match->next) { mustWrite(f, match->name, strlen(match->name)); mustWrite(f, "\n", 1); } } else { slAddHead(&missingTerms, slNameNew(term->name)); } } slReverse(&missingTerms); carefulClose(&f); cartSetString(cart, hgtaIdentifierDb, database); cartSetString(cart, hgtaIdentifierTable, curTable); cartSetString(cart, hgtaIdentifierFile, tn.forCgi); if (saveIdText) freez(&idTextForLf); else cartRemove(cart, hgtaPastedIdentifiers); int missingCount = totalTerms - foundTerms; if (missingCount > 0) { char *xrefTable, *aliasField; getXrefInfo(conn, &xrefTable, NULL, &aliasField); boolean xrefIsSame = xrefTable && sameString(curTable, xrefTable); struct tempName tn; trashDirFile(&tn, "hgt/missingIds", cartSessionId(cart), ".tmp"); FILE *f = mustOpen(tn.forCgi, "w"); int exampleCount = 0; for (term = missingTerms; term != NULL; term = term->next) { if (exampleCount < 10) { ++exampleCount; dyStringPrintf(exampleMissingIds, "%s\n", term->name); } fprintf(f, "%s\n", term->name); } carefulClose(&f); dyStringPrintf(exampleMissingIds, "\n<a href=%s>Complete list of missing identifiers<a>\n", tn.forHtml); warn("Note: %d of the %d given identifiers have no match in " "table %s, field %s%s%s%s%s. " "Try the \"describe table schema\" button for more " "information about the table and field.\n" "%d %smissing identifier(s):\n" "%s\n", (totalTerms - foundTerms), totalTerms, curTable, idField, (xrefTable ? (xrefIsSame ? "" : " or in alias table ") : ""), (xrefTable ? (xrefIsSame ? "" : xrefTable) : ""), (xrefTable ? (xrefIsSame ? " or in field " : ", field ") : ""), (xrefTable ? aliasField : ""), exampleCount, exampleCount < missingCount ? "example " : "", exampleMissingIds->string ); webNewSection("Table Browser"); } lmCleanup(&lm); hashFree(&matchHash); } else { cartRemove(cart, hgtaIdentifierFile); } mainPageAfterOpen(conn); htmlClose(); }
void regChromiaMergeWindows(char *input, char *output) /* regChromiaMergeWindows - Merge adjacent identically labeled windows in BED file generated * by Chromia.. */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(input, TRUE); char *row[32]; int rowSize = 0; FILE *f = mustOpen(output, "w"); char lastLabel[128]; lastLabel[0] = 0; char lastChrom[128]; lastChrom[0] = 0; int lastChromStart = 0, lastChromEnd = 0; int regionStart = 0, regionEnd = 0; double sumOfScores = 0.0; for (;;) { /* Get next line chopped into words. Break at end of file. Check to make sure * all lines have same number of words. */ int thisRowSize = lineFileChop(lf, row); if (thisRowSize == 0) break; if (rowSize == 0) rowSize = thisRowSize; else if (rowSize != thisRowSize) { errAbort("First line of %s has %d words, but there are %d words in line %d", lf->fileName, rowSize, thisRowSize, lf->lineIx); } /* Convert row into local variables. */ char *chrom = row[0]; int chromStart = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1); int chromEnd = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 2); char *label = row[labelColumn]; double score = lineFileNeedDouble(lf, row, scoreColumn); /* Make sure file is sorted with no overlap.*/ if (sameString(chrom, lastChrom)) { int gapSize = chromStart - lastChromEnd; if (gapSize < 0) { if (chromStart < lastChromStart) errAbort("%s is not sorted. %s %d %d followed by %s %d %d line %d", lf->fileName, lastChrom, lastChromStart, lastChromEnd, chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, lf->lineIx); else errAbort("%s has overlaps. %s %d %d followed by %s %d %d line %d", lf->fileName, lastChrom, lastChromStart, lastChromEnd, chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, lf->lineIx); } } /* Subtract noise threshold from score, and if not still positive just ignore line. */ score -= inNoiseThreshold; if (score > 0) { /* See if we have entered a new region. */ boolean newRegion = FALSE; if (sameString(chrom, lastChrom)) { int gapSize = chromStart - lastChromEnd; if (gapSize > maxGap) newRegion = TRUE; } else newRegion = TRUE; if (!sameString(label, lastLabel)) newRegion = TRUE; /* Got new region. Output old region if any, and initialize new region. */ if (newRegion) { if (regionStart != regionEnd) outputRegion(f, lastChrom, regionStart, regionEnd, lastLabel, sumOfScores); regionStart = chromStart; sumOfScores = 0; } /* Update region. */ regionEnd = chromEnd; sumOfScores += score; /* Keep track of this row so can compare it to next row. */ safecpy(lastChrom, sizeof(lastChrom), chrom); safecpy(lastLabel, sizeof(lastLabel), label); lastChromStart = chromStart; lastChromEnd = chromEnd; } } outputRegion(f, lastChrom, regionStart, regionEnd, lastLabel, sumOfScores); carefulClose(&f); lineFileClose(&lf); }
void vcfParseGenotypes(struct vcfRecord *record) /* Translate record->genotypesUnparsedStrings[] into proper struct vcfGenotype[]. * This destroys genotypesUnparsedStrings. */ { if (record->genotypeUnparsedStrings == NULL) return; struct vcfFile *vcff = record->file; record->genotypes = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, vcff->genotypeCount * sizeof(struct vcfGenotype)); char format[VCF_MAX_FORMAT_LEN]; safecpy(format, sizeof(format), record->format); char *formatWords[VCF_MAX_FORMAT]; int formatWordCount = chopByChar(format, ':', formatWords, ArraySize(formatWords)); if (formatWordCount >= VCF_MAX_FORMAT) { vcfFileErr(vcff, "The FORMAT column has at least %d words; " "VCF_MAX_FORMAT may need to be increased in vcf.c!", VCF_MAX_FORMAT); formatWordCount = VCF_MAX_FORMAT; } if (differentString(formatWords[0], vcfGtGenotype)) vcfFileErr(vcff, "FORMAT column should begin with \"%s\" but begins with \"%s\"", vcfGtGenotype, formatWords[0]); int i; // Store the pooled format word pointers and associated types for use in inner loop below. enum vcfInfoType formatTypes[VCF_MAX_FORMAT]; for (i = 0; i < formatWordCount; i++) { formatTypes[i] = typeForGtFormat(vcff, formatWords[i]); formatWords[i] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, formatWords[i]); } for (i = 0; i < vcff->genotypeCount; i++) { char *string = record->genotypeUnparsedStrings[i]; struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(record->genotypes[i]); // Each genotype can have multiple :-separated info elements: char *gtWords[VCF_MAX_FORMAT]; int gtWordCount = chopByChar(string, ':', gtWords, ArraySize(gtWords)); if (gtWordCount != formatWordCount) vcfFileErr(vcff, "The FORMAT column has %d words but the genotype column for %s " "has %d words", formatWordCount, vcff->genotypeIds[i], gtWordCount); if (gtWordCount > formatWordCount) gtWordCount = formatWordCount; gt->id = vcff->genotypeIds[i]; gt->infoCount = gtWordCount; gt->infoElements = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, gtWordCount * sizeof(struct vcfInfoElement)); int j; for (j = 0; j < gtWordCount; j++) { // Special parsing of genotype: if (sameString(formatWords[j], vcfGtGenotype)) { char *genotype = gtWords[j]; char *sep = strchr(genotype, '|'); if (sep != NULL) gt->isPhased = TRUE; else sep = strchr(genotype, '/'); gt->hapIxA = atoi(genotype); if (sep == NULL) gt->isHaploid = TRUE; else gt->hapIxB = atoi(sep+1); } struct vcfInfoElement *el = &(gt->infoElements[j]); el->key = formatWords[j]; el->count = parseInfoValue(record, formatWords[j], formatTypes[j], gtWords[j], &(el->values)); if (el->count >= VCF_MAX_INFO) vcfFileErr(vcff, "A single element of the genotype column for \"%s\" " "has at least %d values; " "VCF_MAX_INFO may need to be increased in vcf.c!", gt->id, VCF_MAX_INFO); } } record->genotypeUnparsedStrings = NULL; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int daf_service_install(char *daf_binary_path, char *argv0) { char cmd[1024]; char msg[1024]; char daf_path[64]; char daf_binary_to_install[64]; char timestamp[16]; char backup_inittab_filename[64]; struct stat fileStat; char *pathname = "/etc/inittab"; if (daf_binary_path == NULL) { if (get_current_executable_path(argv0, daf_binary_to_install, sizeof(daf_binary_to_install)) !=0) { print_msg_to_console("Problem trying to determine path of current executable\n"); return(1); } } else { safecpy(daf_binary_to_install, daf_binary_path, sizeof(daf_binary_to_install)); } // ensure that directories that are needed do actually exist and delelete existing profile // and start up script ensure_directory_path_exists(DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_DIR); ensure_directory_path_exists(DAF_SERVICE_LOG_DIR); delete_file(DAF_SERVICE_START_SCRIPT_PATH); delete_file(DAF_SERVICE_PROFILE_PATH); // are we trying to copy the same file onto itself, -if so then // do not do the copy as it it will fail if (strcmp(daf_binary_to_install, DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH) == 0) { sprintf(msg, "Requested install image %s is identical to install destination: %s\n", daf_binary_to_install, DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH); print_msg_to_console(msg); } else { if (copy_file(daf_binary_to_install, DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH) != 0) { /* make sure the SETuid bit is on so that daf can assume root priviledges if it is run by a non root user */ /* is this a security hole ?? <<<<<<<<<< */ sprintf(msg, "Could not copy %s into installation directory at %s\n", daf_binary_to_install, DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } else { if (chmod_file(DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH, "u+s") != 0) { sprintf(msg, "Could not set setuid permission bit on %s\n", DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } } } if (create_default_daf_service_profile() != 0) { print_msg_to_console("Could not install command profile into standard daf service directory\n"); return(1); } else { print_msg_to_console("daf service command profile installed successfully\n"); } if (create_daf_service_start_script() != 0) { print_msg_to_console("Could not install start script into standard daf service directory\n"); return(1); } else { print_msg_to_console("daf service start script installed successfully\n"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- safecpy(daf_path, DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH, sizeof(daf_path)); if (is_daf_service_running()) { print_msg_to_console("daf daemon is running - and will now be stopped\n"); if (stop_daf_service_running() != 0) { print_msg_to_console("Problem trying to stop daf daemon\n"); } } print_msg_to_console("Updating /etc/inittab entry\n"); #if defined AIX //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove any previous entry //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_msg_to_console("Removing any previous daf service entry in /etc/inittab\n"); safecpy(cmd, "cat /etc/inittab | grep \"daf:\"", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 1) == 0) { safecpy(cmd, "rmitab \"daf\"", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd_and_print_all_output(cmd) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of daf service entry in /etc/inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add daf daemon to /etc/inittab //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- safecpy(backup_inittab_filename, "/etc/inittab.", sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); get_current_time_as_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), '.'); safecat(backup_inittab_filename, timestamp, sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); sprintf(msg, "Backing up /etc/inittab in %s\n", backup_inittab_filename); print_msg_to_console(msg); if (copy_file("/etc/inittab", backup_inittab_filename) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Backup of inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "Could not copy /etc/inittab to %s", backup_inittabl_filename, sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } print_msg_to_console("Adding daf service entry to /etc/inittab\n"); safecpy(cmd, "mkitab \"daf:2:once:", sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, DAF_SERVICE_INVOCATION, sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, " >/dev/null 2>&1", sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, "\"", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd_and_print_all_output(cmd) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Update of inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } #elif defined LINUX || defined SOLARIS || defined HPUX //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add daf daemon to /etc/inittab // First check to see if /etc/inittab exists - if it does not this may be // Debian or Ubuntu in which case we must create an empty file // (Debian/Ubuntu use the Startup mechanism instead of /etc/inittab but // still support the old /etc/inittab file it is present // see for instance: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!does_file_exist("/etc/inittab")) { sprintf(msg, "/etc/inittab did not exist - assuming Debian/Ubuntu - so creating /etc/init entry\n"); print_msg_to_console(msg); create_etc_init_conf(); return(0); } if (stat(pathname, &fileStat) < 0) { sprintf(msg, "stat(%s) failed - it seems %s is missing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \n", pathname, pathname ); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } // Later versions of Redhat etc do not use /etc/inittab (but will still honour it if exists - so if the file is empty, // we just put a single comment line into so that later code that updates the /etc/inittab file will work if (fileStat.st_size == 0) { if (run_system_cmd("cat '* just a comment' >>/etc/inittab", 0) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "cat \"* just a comment\" >>/etc/inittab failed\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove any previous entry, making sure we backup /etc/inittab //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- safecpy(backup_inittab_filename, "/etc/inittab.", sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); get_current_time_as_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), '.'); safecat(backup_inittab_filename, timestamp, sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); sprintf(msg, "Backing up /etc/inittab in %s\n", backup_inittab_filename); print_msg_to_console(msg); print_msg_to_console("Removing any previous daf service entry in /etc/inittab\n"); if (copy_file("/etc/inittab", backup_inittab_filename) != 0) { snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Copy of /etc/inittab to %s failed\n", backup_inittab_filename); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } safecpy(cmd, "cat ", sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, backup_inittab_filename, sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, " | grep -v \""DAF_SERVICE_INVOCATION"\" > /etc/inittab", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 0) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of previous daf service in inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } safecpy(cmd, "cat ", sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, backup_inittab_filename, sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, " | grep -v \""DAF_SERVICE_INVOCATION"\" > /etc/inittab", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 0) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of previous daf service in inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add daf daemon to /etc/inittab //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_msg_to_console("Adding daf service entry to /etc/inittab\n"); safecpy(cmd, "echo \"daf:345:once:", sizeof(msg)); safecat(cmd, DAF_SERVICE_INVOCATION, sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, " \" 2>/dev/null >>/etc/inittab", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 0) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Adding daf service entry to /etc/inittab: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } #endif print_msg_to_console("/etc/inittab entry updated successfully\n"); return(0); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int daf_service_delete(void) { char cmd[1024]; char msg[1024]; char timestamp[16]; char backup_inittab_filename[64]; #if defined AIX print_msg_to_console("Updating /etc/inittab entry\n"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove any previous entry //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- safecpy(backup_inittab_filename, "/etc/inittab.", sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); get_current_time_as_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), '.'); safecat(backup_inittab_filename, timestamp, sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); sprintf(msg, "Backing up /etc/inittab in %s\n", backup_inittab_filename); print_msg_to_console(msg); if (copy_file("/etc/inittab", backup_inittab_filename) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Backup of inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } print_msg_to_console(" Removing any previous daf service entry in /etc/inittab\n"); safecpy(cmd, "cat /etc/inittab | grep \"daf:\"", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 1) == 0) { safecpy(cmd, "rmitab \"daf\"", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd_and_print_all_output(cmd) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of daf service entry in /etc/inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } } else { safecpy(msg, "No daf entry found in /etc/inittab so none was removed\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); } print_msg_to_console("/etc/inittab entry updated successfully\n"); #elif defined LINUX || defined SOLARIS || defined HPUX //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove any previous entry //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This could be Debian/Ubuntu and could be before we have installed DAF so there might not // be a /etc/inittab file existing yet - check for this if (! does_file_exist("/etc/inittab")) { if (does_file_exist(DAF_DEBIAN_ETC_INIT_CONF_PATH)) { safecpy(cmd, "rm " DAF_DEBIAN_ETC_INIT_CONF_PATH, sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 1) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of " DAF_DEBIAN_ETC_INIT_CONF_PATH " failed\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } } print_msg_to_console(DAF_DEBIAN_ETC_INIT_CONF_PATH " removed\n"); } else { print_msg_to_console("Updating /etc/inittab entry\n"); safecpy(backup_inittab_filename, "/etc/inittab.", sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); get_current_time_as_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), '.'); safecat(backup_inittab_filename, timestamp, sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); sprintf(msg, "Backing up /etc/inittab in %s\n", backup_inittab_filename); print_msg_to_console(msg); if (copy_file ("/etc/inittab", backup_inittab_filename) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Backup of inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } print_msg_to_console(" Removing any previous daf service entry in /etc/inittab\n"); safecpy(cmd, "cat ", sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, backup_inittab_filename, sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, " | grep -v \""DAF_SERVICE_INVOCATION"\" > /etc/inittab", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 0) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of previous daf service in inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } print_msg_to_console("/etc/inittab entry updated successfully\n"); } #endif if (is_daf_service_running()) { print_msg_to_console("daf daemon is running - and will now be stopped\n"); if (stop_daf_service_running() != 0) { print_msg_to_console("Problem trying to stop daf daemon\n"); } } return(0); }
int clear_cmd_array(char *errmsg, int max_msg_length) { #undef SUBNAME #define SUBNAME "clear_cmd_array" char msg[MAX_MSG_LEN]; char agent_log_pathname[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; shm_daf_t *p; int i; char thishostname[MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN]; if (errmsg != NULL) { errmsg[0] = 0; } if ((p = query_shared_segment_process_pointer()) == NULL) { sprintf(msg, "%s: query_shared_segement_process_pointer() returned p = NULL - continuing", SUBNAME); if (errmsg != NULL) { safecpy(errmsg, msg, max_msg_length); } return(1); } /* what about stale processes see above <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< */ get_short_hostname(thishostname, sizeof(thishostname)); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------- for (i=0; i<DAF_MAX_COMMANDS; i++) { if (p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].state == CMD_COMPLETED ) { safecpy(p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].cmdstring, "", sizeof(p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].cmdstring)); safecpy(p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].identstring, "", sizeof(p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].identstring)); safecpy(p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].agent_log_pathname, agent_log_pathname, sizeof(p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].agent_log_pathname)); p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].state = CMD_FREE; p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].status = 0; p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].start_time = 0; p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].end_time = 0; p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].tag = 0; p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].pid = 0; p->service_cmd_log_object.cmd_array[i].workqueueID = 0; } } return(0); }
void mschap(Ticketreq *tr) { char *secret, *hkey; char sbuf[SECRETLEN], hbuf[DESKEYLEN]; uchar chal[CHALLEN]; uchar hash[MShashlen]; uchar hash2[MShashlen]; uchar resp[MSresplen]; OMSchapreply reply; int dupe, lmok, ntok; DigestState *s; uchar digest[SHA1dlen]; /* * Create a challenge and send it. */ randombytes((uchar*)chal, sizeof(chal)); write(1, chal, sizeof(chal)); /* * get chap reply */ if(readn(0, &reply, sizeof(reply)) < 0) exits(0); safecpy(tr->uid, reply.uid, sizeof(tr->uid)); /* * lookup */ secret = findsecret(KEYDB, tr->uid, sbuf); hkey = findkey(KEYDB, tr->hostid, hbuf); if(hkey == 0 || secret == 0){ replyerror("mschap-fail bad response %s/%s(%s)", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr); logfail(tr->uid); exits(0); } lmhash(hash, secret); mschalresp(resp, hash, chal); lmok = memcmp(resp, reply.LMresp, MSresplen) == 0; nthash(hash, secret); mschalresp(resp, hash, chal); ntok = memcmp(resp, reply.NTresp, MSresplen) == 0; dupe = memcmp(reply.LMresp, reply.NTresp, MSresplen) == 0; /* * It is valid to send the same response in both the LM and NTLM * fields provided one of them is correct, if neither matches, * or the two fields are different and either fails to match, * the whole sha-bang fails. * * This is an improvement in security as it allows clients who * wish to do NTLM auth (which is insecure) not to send * LM tokens (which is very insecure). * * Windows servers supports clients doing this also though * windows clients don't seem to use the feature. */ if((!ntok && !lmok) || ((!ntok || !lmok) && !dupe)){ replyerror("mschap-fail bad response %s/%s(%s) %d,%d,%d", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr, dupe, lmok, ntok); logfail(tr->uid); exits(0); } succeed(tr->uid); /* * reply with ticket & authenticator */ if(tickauthreply(tr, hkey) < 0) exits(0); if(debug) replyerror("mschap-ok %s/%s(%s) %ux", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr); nthash(hash, secret); md4(hash, 16, hash2, 0); s = sha1(hash2, 16, 0, 0); sha1(hash2, 16, 0, s); sha1(chal, 8, digest, s); if(write(1, digest, 16) < 0) exits(0); }
static void wikiTrackLoadItems(struct track *tg) /* Load the items from the wikiTrack table */ { struct bed *bed; struct sqlConnection *wikiConn = wikiConnect(); struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; int rowOffset; char where[256]; struct linkedFeatures *lfList = NULL, *lf; int scoreMin = 0; int scoreMax = 99999; safef(where, ArraySize(where), "db='%s'", database); sr = hRangeQuery(wikiConn, tg->table, chromName, winStart, winEnd, where, &rowOffset); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { struct wikiTrack *item = wikiTrackLoad(row); AllocVar(bed); bed->chrom = cloneString(item->chrom); bed->chromStart = item->chromStart; bed->chromEnd = item->chromEnd; bed->name = cloneString(item->name); bed->score = item->score; safecpy(bed->strand, sizeof(bed->strand), item->strand); bed->thickStart = item->chromStart; bed->thickEnd = item->chromEnd; bed->itemRgb = hexToDecimal(item->color); bed8To12(bed); lf = lfFromBedExtra(bed, scoreMin, scoreMax); lf->extra = (void *)USE_ITEM_RGB; /* signal for coloring */ lf->filterColor=bed->itemRgb; /* overload itemAttr fields to be able to pass id to hgc click box */ struct itemAttr *id; AllocVar(id); id->chromStart = item->id; lf->itemAttr = id; slAddHead(&lfList, lf); wikiTrackFree(&item); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); wikiDisconnect(&wikiConn); slSort(&lfList, linkedFeaturesCmp); /* read-only option 2012-06-25 */ if ((! wikiTrackReadOnly()) && wikiTrackEnabled(database, NULL)) { // add special item to allow creation of new entries AllocVar(bed); bed->chrom = chromName; bed->chromStart = winStart; bed->chromEnd = winEnd; bed->name = cloneString("Make new entry"); bed->score = 100; bed->strand[0] = ' '; /* no barbs when strand is unknown */ bed->thickStart = winStart; bed->thickEnd = winEnd; bed->itemRgb = 0xcc0000; bed8To12(bed); lf = lfFromBedExtra(bed, scoreMin, scoreMax); lf->extra = (void *)USE_ITEM_RGB; /* signal for coloring */ lf->filterColor=bed->itemRgb; slAddHead(&lfList, lf); } tg->items = lfList; } /* static void wikiTrackLoadItems(struct track *tg) */
int initialise_shared_segment(char *statusmsg, char *errmsg, int max_msg_length) { #undef SUBNAME #define SUBNAME "initialise_shared_segment" key_t key; int shmid; struct shmid_ds shm_buf; size_t current_size_shm; size_t size_shm; size_t full_size_shm; int just_created = 0; char msg[MAX_MSG_LEN] = ""; shm_daf_t *p; memset(&shm_buf, 0, sizeof(shm_buf)); errmsg[0] = 0; statusmsg[0] = 0; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* make the key: */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ((key = ftok("/tmp", 'S' )) == -1) { sprintf(msg, "%s: Could not create key for shared memory acess error=%d %s", SUBNAME, errno, strerror(errno)); safecpy(errmsg, msg, max_msg_length); return(1); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* we are actually going to create the memory size somewhat larger than needed */ // to allow for future expansion. /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ full_size_shm = SIZE_shm_daf_BYTES; size_shm = sizeof(shm_daf_t); if (size_shm > full_size_shm) { sprintf(msg, "%s: internal error size_shm > full_size_shm (%d > %d)\n", SUBNAME, (int)size_shm, (int)full_size_shm); safecpy(errmsg, msg, max_msg_length); return(1); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* See if we can connect to an existing shared memory segment */ /* we try to connect to a segment and use a size of zero */ /* - this should work if any size segment with the right */ /* key exists, and if we can connect we can find out the real */ /* size from shmctl */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ((shmid = shmget(key, 0, 0644 )) == -1) { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* cannot connect - no segment present , so create a new one */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if ((shmid = shmget(key, full_size_shm, 0644 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1) { sprintf(msg, "%s: errno = %d (%s): Could not create a shared memory block of size " SIZE_TSPEC, SUBNAME, errno, strerror(errno), (int)full_size_shm); safecpy(errmsg, msg, max_msg_length); return(1); } else { just_created = TRUE; sprintf(msg, "%s: created shared memory block - id %d, size " SIZE_TSPEC, SUBNAME, shmid, (int)full_size_shm); safecpy(errmsg, msg, max_msg_length); } } else { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* date structure exists already - is it the right size? */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, &shm_buf)) { sprintf(msg, "%s: INTERNAL_ERROR: could not run shmctl with IPC_STAT errno=%d (%s)", SUBNAME, errno, strerror(errno)); safecpy(errmsg, msg, max_msg_length); return(1); } else { current_size_shm = shm_buf.shm_segsz; if (current_size_shm != full_size_shm) { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* data structure exists but is wrong size, I thought it would */ /* be possible to dynamicallyo resize it and */ /* treat it as a newly initialised data structure however that */ /* does not seem to work so treat this is an error for the time */ /* being */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, &shm_buf)) { shm_buf.shm_segsz = full_size_shm; sprintf(msg, "%s: INTERNAL_ERROR: could not run shmctl with SHM_SIZE (currrent_shm_size = " SIZE_TSPEC ", full_size_shm = " SIZE_TSPEC ", errno=%d (%s)", SUBNAME, (int) current_size_shm, (int)full_size_shm, errno, strerror(errno)); safecpy(errmsg, msg, max_msg_length); return(1); } sprintf(msg, "%s: INTERNAL_ERROR: shared memory size not as expected - currrent_shm_size = " SIZE_TSPEC ", desired full_size_shm = " SIZE_TSPEC "\n", SUBNAME, (int) current_size_shm, (int) full_size_shm); safecpy(errmsg, msg, max_msg_length); return(1); } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* attach to the segment to get a pointer to it and if it is */ /* a newly created segment, then initialise it to all 0s. If */ /* it is an existing segment, then check the shm_version */ /* number */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ p_shm = shmat(shmid, (void *)0, 0); if (p_shm == (char *)(-1)) { sprintf(msg, "%s: Could not attach to shared memory block id=%d, error= %d %s", SUBNAME, shmid, errno, strerror(errno)); safecpy(errmsg, msg, max_msg_length); return(1); } else { p = (shm_daf_t *)(p_shm); if (just_created) { initialise_shared_segment_values(NULL, 0); } else { if (p->shm_version != DAF_SHM_VERSION) { sprintf(msg, "%s: Wrong value (%d) for shm_version in shared memory at %p- should be %d - ", SUBNAME, p->shm_version, p, DAF_SHM_VERSION); /* <<<<<<<< what to do here ??? */ safecpy(errmsg, msg, max_msg_length); return(1); } } } if (just_created) { sprintf(statusmsg, "%s: A new shared memory segment was created at %p", SUBNAME, p_shm); } else { sprintf(statusmsg, "%s: An existing shared memory segment was used at %p", SUBNAME, p_shm); } return(0); }
boolean lineFileNext(struct lineFile *lf, char **retStart, int *retSize) /* Fetch next line from file. */ { char *buf = lf->buf; int bytesInBuf = lf->bytesInBuf; int endIx = lf->lineEnd; boolean gotLf = FALSE; int newStart; if (lf->reuse) { lf->reuse = FALSE; if (retSize != NULL) *retSize = lf->lineEnd - lf->lineStart; *retStart = buf + lf->lineStart; if (lf->metaOutput && *retStart[0] == '#') metaDataAdd(lf, *retStart); return TRUE; } #ifdef USE_TABIX if (lf->tabix != NULL && lf->tabixIter != NULL) { // Just use line-oriented ti_read: int lineSize = 0; const char *line = ti_read(lf->tabix, lf->tabixIter, &lineSize); if (line == NULL) return FALSE; lf->bufOffsetInFile = -1; lf->bytesInBuf = lineSize; lf->lineIx = -1; lf->lineStart = 0; lf->lineEnd = lineSize; if (lineSize > lf->bufSize) // shouldn't be! but just in case: lineFileExpandBuf(lf, lineSize * 2); safecpy(lf->buf, lf->bufSize, line); *retStart = lf->buf; if (retSize != NULL) *retSize = lineSize; return TRUE; } #endif // USE_TABIX determineNlType(lf, buf+endIx, bytesInBuf); /* Find next end of line in buffer. */ switch(lf->nlType) { case nlt_unix: case nlt_dos: for (endIx = lf->lineEnd; endIx < bytesInBuf; ++endIx) { if (buf[endIx] == '\n') { gotLf = TRUE; endIx += 1; break; } } break; case nlt_mac: for (endIx = lf->lineEnd; endIx < bytesInBuf; ++endIx) { if (buf[endIx] == '\r') { gotLf = TRUE; endIx += 1; break; } } break; case nlt_undet: break; } /* If not in buffer read in a new buffer's worth. */ while (!gotLf) { int oldEnd = lf->lineEnd; int sizeLeft = bytesInBuf - oldEnd; int bufSize = lf->bufSize; int readSize = bufSize - sizeLeft; if (oldEnd > 0 && sizeLeft > 0) { memmove(buf, buf+oldEnd, sizeLeft); } lf->bufOffsetInFile += oldEnd; if (lf->fd >= 0) readSize = lineFileLongNetRead(lf->fd, buf+sizeLeft, readSize); #ifdef USE_TABIX else if (lf->tabix != NULL && readSize > 0) { readSize = ti_bgzf_read(lf->tabix->fp, buf+sizeLeft, readSize); if (readSize < 1) return FALSE; } #endif // USE_TABIX else readSize = 0; if ((readSize == 0) && (endIx > oldEnd)) { endIx = sizeLeft; buf[endIx] = 0; lf->bytesInBuf = newStart = lf->lineStart = 0; lf->lineEnd = endIx; ++lf->lineIx; if (retSize != NULL) *retSize = endIx - newStart; *retStart = buf + newStart; if (*retStart[0] == '#') metaDataAdd(lf, *retStart); return TRUE; } else if (readSize <= 0) { lf->bytesInBuf = lf->lineStart = lf->lineEnd = 0; return FALSE; } bytesInBuf = lf->bytesInBuf = readSize + sizeLeft; lf->lineEnd = 0; determineNlType(lf, buf+endIx, bytesInBuf); /* Look for next end of line. */ switch(lf->nlType) { case nlt_unix: case nlt_dos: for (endIx = sizeLeft; endIx <bytesInBuf; ++endIx) { if (buf[endIx] == '\n') { endIx += 1; gotLf = TRUE; break; } } break; case nlt_mac: for (endIx = sizeLeft; endIx <bytesInBuf; ++endIx) { if (buf[endIx] == '\r') { endIx += 1; gotLf = TRUE; break; } } break; case nlt_undet: break; } if (!gotLf && bytesInBuf == lf->bufSize) { if (bufSize >= 512*1024*1024) { errAbort("Line too long (more than %d chars) line %d of %s", lf->bufSize, lf->lineIx+1, lf->fileName); } else { lineFileExpandBuf(lf, bufSize*2); buf = lf->buf; } } } if (lf->zTerm) { buf[endIx-1] = 0; if ((lf->nlType == nlt_dos) && (buf[endIx-2]=='\r')) { buf[endIx-2] = 0; } } lf->lineStart = newStart = lf->lineEnd; lf->lineEnd = endIx; ++lf->lineIx; if (retSize != NULL) *retSize = endIx - newStart; *retStart = buf + newStart; if (*retStart[0] == '#') metaDataAdd(lf, *retStart); return TRUE; }
void refreshNamedSessionCustomTracks(char *centralDbName) /* refreshNamedSessionCustomTracks -- cron robot for keeping alive custom * tracks that are referenced by saved sessions. */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral(); struct slPair *updateList = NULL, *update; char *actualDbName = sqlGetDatabase(conn); int liveCount=0, expiredCount=0; setUdcCacheDir(); /* programs that use udc must call this to initialize cache dir location */ if (!sameString(centralDbName, actualDbName)) errAbort("Central database specified in hg.conf file is %s but %s " "was specified on the command line.", actualDbName, centralDbName); else verbose(2, "Got connection to %s\n", centralDbName); long long threshold = 0; int atime = optionInt("atime", 0); if (atime > 0) { time_t now = time(NULL); threshold = now - ((long long)atime * 24 * 60 * 60); } if (sqlTableExists(conn, savedSessionTable)) { struct sessionInfo *sessionList = NULL, *si; struct sqlResult *sr = NULL; char **row = NULL; char query[512]; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select userName,sessionName,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastUse),contents from %s " "order by userName,sessionName", savedSessionTable); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); // Slurp results into memory instead of processing row by row, // reducing the chance of lost connection. while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { if (atime > 0) { long long lastUse = atoll(row[2]); if (lastUse < threshold) { verbose(2, "User %s session %s is older than %d days, skipping.\n", row[0], row[1], atime); continue; } } AllocVar(si); safecpy(si->userName, sizeof(si->userName), row[0]); safecpy(si->sessionName, sizeof(si->sessionName), row[1]); si->contents = cloneString(row[3]); slAddHead(&sessionList, si); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); for (si = sessionList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { char *updateIfAny = scanSettingsForCT(si->userName, si->sessionName, si->contents, &liveCount, &expiredCount); if (updateIfAny) { AllocVar(update); update->name = updateIfAny; slAddHead(&updateList, update); } } } /* Now that we're done reading from savedSessionTable, we can modify it: */ if (optionExists("hardcore")) { for (update = updateList; update != NULL; update = update->next) sqlUpdate(conn, update->name); } hDisconnectCentral(&conn); verbose(1, "Found %d live and %d expired custom tracks in %s.\n", liveCount, expiredCount, centralDbName); }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { char ip[256] = { 0, }; char oip[256] = { 0, }; char err[1024]; int opt; bool verbose = false; short input; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG while ( (opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hv", long_options, (int *) 0)) != EOF ) { #else while ( (opt = getopt (argc, argv, "hv")) != EOF ) { #endif switch (opt) { case 'v' : verbose = true; break; default: usage (PNAME); } } if ( argc - optind < 1 || argc == 1 ) { usage (PNAME); return 1; } safecpy (ip, argv[optind], 256); input = (strchr (ip, '.') != NULL) ? IPv4 : LONGIP; #ifdef _WIN32 { WORD wVerReq = MAKEWORD (2, 2); // WinSock 2.2 요청 WSADATA wsaData; int nErrStatus; if ( (nErrStatus = WSAStartup (wVerReq, &wsaData)) != 0 ) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Failed initialize WSAStart\n"); return 1; } } #endif strcpy (oip, ip); if ( valid_ip_address (ip, err) ) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: %s -> %s\n", oip, err); IPCALC_WSACleanup; return 1; } if ( verbose ) printf ("IPv4 : "); if ( verbose || input == LONGIP ) printf ("%s\n", ip); if ( verbose ) printf ("LONGIP : "); if ( verbose || input == IPv4 ) printf ("%lu\n", ip2long (ip)); IPCALC_WSACleanup; return 0; }
static void setoption(char *opt) { if (strncasecmp(opt, "all", 4) == 0) { show_settings(ISC_TRUE, ISC_FALSE); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "class=", 6) == 0) { if (testclass(&opt[6])) safecpy(defclass, &opt[6], sizeof(defclass)); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "cl=", 3) == 0) { if (testclass(&opt[3])) safecpy(defclass, &opt[3], sizeof(defclass)); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "type=", 5) == 0) { if (testtype(&opt[5])) safecpy(deftype, &opt[5], sizeof(deftype)); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "ty=", 3) == 0) { if (testtype(&opt[3])) safecpy(deftype, &opt[3], sizeof(deftype)); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "querytype=", 10) == 0) { if (testtype(&opt[10])) safecpy(deftype, &opt[10], sizeof(deftype)); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "query=", 6) == 0) { if (testtype(&opt[6])) safecpy(deftype, &opt[6], sizeof(deftype)); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "qu=", 3) == 0) { if (testtype(&opt[3])) safecpy(deftype, &opt[3], sizeof(deftype)); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "q=", 2) == 0) { if (testtype(&opt[2])) safecpy(deftype, &opt[2], sizeof(deftype)); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "domain=", 7) == 0) { safecpy(domainopt, &opt[7], sizeof(domainopt)); set_search_domain(domainopt); usesearch = ISC_TRUE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "do=", 3) == 0) { safecpy(domainopt, &opt[3], sizeof(domainopt)); set_search_domain(domainopt); usesearch = ISC_TRUE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "port=", 5) == 0) { set_port(&opt[5]); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "po=", 3) == 0) { set_port(&opt[3]); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "timeout=", 8) == 0) { set_timeout(&opt[8]); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "t=", 2) == 0) { set_timeout(&opt[2]); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "rec", 3) == 0) { recurse = ISC_TRUE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "norec", 5) == 0) { recurse = ISC_FALSE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "retry=", 6) == 0) { set_tries(&opt[6]); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "ret=", 4) == 0) { set_tries(&opt[4]); } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "def", 3) == 0) { usesearch = ISC_TRUE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "nodef", 5) == 0) { usesearch = ISC_FALSE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "vc", 3) == 0) { tcpmode = ISC_TRUE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "novc", 5) == 0) { tcpmode = ISC_FALSE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "deb", 3) == 0) { short_form = ISC_FALSE; showsearch = ISC_TRUE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "nodeb", 5) == 0) { short_form = ISC_TRUE; showsearch = ISC_FALSE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "d2", 2) == 0) { debugging = ISC_TRUE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "nod2", 4) == 0) { debugging = ISC_FALSE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "search", 3) == 0) { usesearch = ISC_TRUE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "nosearch", 5) == 0) { usesearch = ISC_FALSE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "sil", 3) == 0) { /* deprecation_msg = ISC_FALSE; */ } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "fail", 3) == 0) { nofail=ISC_FALSE; } else if (strncasecmp(opt, "nofail", 3) == 0) { nofail=ISC_TRUE; } else { printf("*** Invalid option: %s\n", opt); } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int get_current_executable_path(char *executable, char *path, int max_path_length) { char cwdpath[64]; #if defined AIX char cmd[256]; char msg[1024]; #elif defined LINUX char cmd[256]; char msg[1024]; #elif defined SOLARIS const char *pexecpath; #elif defined HPUX char *pexecpath; #elif defined WIN32 #endif if (strlen(executable) == 0 ) { safecpy(path, "notknown", max_path_length); return(1); } if (executable[0] == '/') { safecpy(path, executable, max_path_length); return(0); } if (strlen(executable) > 1) { if ((executable[0] == '.') && (executable[1] == '/')) { getcwd(cwdpath, sizeof(cwdpath)); safecpy(path, cwdpath, max_path_length); safecat(path, &executable[1], max_path_length); return(0); } } #if defined AIX sprintf(cmd, "which %s", executable); if (run_system_cmd_and_capture_single_line_output(cmd, path , max_path_length)) { sprintf(msg, "command to find path of current executable: %s failed\n", cmd); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } #elif defined LINUX // readlink("/proc/self/exe", path, max_path_length); sprintf(cmd, "which %s", executable); if (run_system_cmd_and_capture_single_line_output(cmd, path , max_path_length)) { sprintf(msg, "command to find path of current executable: %s failed\n", cmd); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } #elif defined SOLARIS getcwd(cwdpath, sizeof(cwdpath)); pexecpath = getexecname(); safecpy(path, pexecpath, max_path_length); if (path[0] != '/') { safecpy(path, cwdpath, max_path_length); safecat(path, pexecpath, max_path_length); } #elif defined HPUX pexecpath = pathfind(getenv("PATH"), executable, "x"); safecpy(path, pexecpath, max_path_length); #elif defined WIN32 || defined NETWARE safecpy(path, "not done yet", max_path_length); #endif chomp(path); return(0); }
static void addlookup(char *opt) { dig_lookup_t *lookup; isc_result_t result; isc_textregion_t tr; dns_rdatatype_t rdtype; dns_rdataclass_t rdclass; char store[MXNAME]; debug("addlookup()"); tr.base = deftype; tr.length = strlen(deftype); result = dns_rdatatype_fromtext(&rdtype, &tr); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { printf("unknown query type: %s\n", deftype); rdclass = dns_rdatatype_a; } tr.base = defclass; tr.length = strlen(defclass); result = dns_rdataclass_fromtext(&rdclass, &tr); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { printf("unknown query class: %s\n", defclass); rdclass = dns_rdataclass_in; } lookup = make_empty_lookup(); if (get_reverse(store, sizeof(store), opt, lookup->ip6_int, ISC_TRUE) == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { safecpy(lookup->textname, store, sizeof(lookup->textname)); lookup->rdtype = dns_rdatatype_ptr; lookup->rdtypeset = ISC_TRUE; } else { safecpy(lookup->textname, opt, sizeof(lookup->textname)); lookup->rdtype = rdtype; lookup->rdtypeset = ISC_TRUE; } lookup->rdclass = rdclass; lookup->rdclassset = ISC_TRUE; lookup->trace = ISC_FALSE; lookup->trace_root = lookup->trace; lookup->ns_search_only = ISC_FALSE; lookup->identify = identify; lookup->recurse = recurse; lookup->aaonly = aaonly; lookup->retries = tries; lookup->udpsize = 0; lookup->comments = comments; lookup->tcp_mode = tcpmode; lookup->stats = stats; lookup->section_question = section_question; lookup->section_answer = section_answer; lookup->section_authority = section_authority; lookup->section_additional = section_additional; lookup->new_search = ISC_TRUE; if (nofail) lookup->servfail_stops = ISC_FALSE; ISC_LIST_INIT(lookup->q); ISC_LINK_INIT(lookup, link); ISC_LIST_APPEND(lookup_list, lookup, link); lookup->origin = NULL; ISC_LIST_INIT(lookup->my_server_list); debug("looking up %s", lookup->textname); }
void changepasswd(Ticketreq *tr) { Ticket t; char tbuf[TICKETLEN+1]; char prbuf[PASSREQLEN]; Passwordreq pr; char okey[DESKEYLEN], nkey[DESKEYLEN]; char *err; if(findkey(KEYDB, tr->uid, okey) == 0){ /* make one up so caller doesn't know it was wrong */ mkkey(okey); syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "cp-fail uid %s", raddr); } /* send back a ticket with a new key */ memmove(t.chal, tr->chal, CHALLEN); mkkey(t.key); tbuf[0] = AuthOK; t.num = AuthTp; safecpy(t.cuid, tr->uid, sizeof(t.cuid)); safecpy(t.suid, tr->uid, sizeof(t.suid)); convT2M(&t, tbuf+1, okey); write(1, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)); /* loop trying passwords out */ for(;;){ if(readn(0, prbuf, PASSREQLEN) < 0) exits(0); convM2PR(prbuf, &pr, t.key); if(pr.num != AuthPass){ replyerror("protocol botch1: %s", raddr); exits(0); } passtokey(nkey, pr.old); if(memcmp(nkey, okey, DESKEYLEN)){ replyerror("protocol botch2: %s", raddr); continue; } if(*{ err = okpasswd(; if(err){ replyerror("%s %s", err, raddr); continue; } passtokey(nkey,; } if(pr.changesecret && setsecret(KEYDB, tr->uid, pr.secret) == 0){ replyerror("can't write secret %s", raddr); continue; } if(* && setkey(KEYDB, tr->uid, nkey) == 0){ replyerror("can't write key %s", raddr); continue; } break; } prbuf[0] = AuthOK; write(1, prbuf, 1); succeed(tr->uid); return; }