Пример #1
// FIXME: we should also check the LB tag associated with each alignment
const char *bam_get_library(bam_header_t *h, const bam1_t *b)
	const uint8_t *rg;
	if (h->dict == 0) h->dict = sam_header_parse2(h->text);
	if (h->rg2lib == 0) h->rg2lib = sam_header2tbl(h->dict, "RG", "ID", "LB");
	rg = bam_aux_get(b, "RG");
	return (rg == 0)? 0 : sam_tbl_get(h->rg2lib, (const char*)(rg + 1));
Пример #2
bam_header_t *bam_header_dup(const bam_header_t *h0)
	bam_header_t *h;
	int i;
	h = bam_header_init();
	*h = *h0;
        h->hash = h->rg2lib = 0;
	h->header = 0;
	h->text = (char*)calloc(h->l_text + 1, 1);
	memcpy(h->text, h0->text, h->l_text);
	h->target_len = (uint32_t*)calloc(h->n_targets, 4);
	h->target_name = (char**)calloc(h->n_targets, sizeof(void*));
	for (i = 0; i < h->n_targets; ++i) {
		h->target_len[i] = h0->target_len[i];
		h->target_name[i] = strdup(h0->target_name[i]);
	if (h->header == 0) h->header = sam_header_parse2(h->text);
	return h;
Пример #3
samfile_t* b2g_samfile_open(char* path, char* mode, void* aux, ...) {
  char filename[1024] = {};
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, aux);  
  vsprintf(filename, path, args);

  if ('r' == mode[0] && access(filename, R_OK)) return NULL;

  samfile_t *in = samopen(filename, mode, aux);
  if (in) {
    if (!in->header) return NULL;
    // Make sure to parse the header for later use.
    bam_header_t *header = in->header;    
    if (header->dict == 0) header->dict = sam_header_parse2(header->text);
    if (header->rg2lib == 0) header->rg2lib = sam_header2tbl(header->dict, "RG", "ID", "LB");
  return in;
Пример #4
bam_header_t *
tmap_seqs_io_to_bam_header(tmap_refseq_t *refseq,
                           tmap_seqs_io_t *io_in,
                           char **rg_sam, int32_t rg_sam_num,
                           int32_t argc, char *argv[])
  bam_header_t *bam_header = NULL;
  sam_header_t *header = NULL; // the output header
  sam_header_record_t *record = NULL;
  sam_header_record_t **record_list = NULL;
  char tag[2];
  char *command_line= NULL;
  char *id = NULL;
  char *id_pp = NULL;
  int32_t i, j;

  // @HD
  if(io_in->type == TMAP_SEQ_TYPE_SAM || io_in->type == TMAP_SEQ_TYPE_BAM) {
      // should be only one input file
      if(1 != io_in->n) {
      // get the current header
      if(NULL == io_in->seqios[0]) tmap_bug();
      if(NULL == io_in->seqios[0]->io.samio) tmap_bug();
      if(NULL == io_in->seqios[0]->io.samio->fp->header) tmap_bug();
      if(NULL == io_in->seqios[0]->io.samio->fp->header->header) {
          header = sam_header_parse2(io_in->seqios[0]->io.samio->fp->header->text);
      else {
          header = io_in->seqios[0]->io.samio->fp->header->header; // wow, that's a lot of pointers
          if(NULL == header) tmap_bug();
          header = sam_header_clone(header); // clone the header
      if(NULL == header) tmap_bug();
  else {
      // empty header
      header = sam_header_init();
      // @HD - header line
      record = sam_header_record_init("HD"); // new header line
      if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "VN", "1.4")) tmap_bug(); // version number
      if(0 == sam_header_add_record(header, record)) tmap_bug(); // add the header line
      // nullify
      record = NULL;

  // Get the TMAP program ID
  id = tmap_malloc(sizeof(char) * (1 + strlen(PACKAGE_NAME)), "id"); 
  strcpy(id, PACKAGE_NAME); // default
  for(i=j=0;NULL != (record_list = sam_header_get_record(header, "PG", "ID", id, &i)) && 0 < i;i=0) { // while the id is found
      char *ptr = NULL;
      // swap id and id_pp
      ptr = id_pp;
      id_pp = id;
      id = ptr;
      // create the new ID
      id = tmap_realloc(id, sizeof(char) * (1 + (int)log10(j) + 1 + strlen(PACKAGE_NAME) + 1), "id"); 
      if(sprintf(id, "%s.%d", PACKAGE_NAME, j) < 0) tmap_bug();
      record_list = NULL;

  // @SQ
  if(NULL != refseq) {
      sam_header_records_t *records = NULL;
      // NB: check to see if any SQ/SN records exist, if not, then ignore checking...
	// ZZ: We will not checking, but instead just remove all the old header. The old way of checking is not working
      records = sam_header_get_records(header, "SQ");
      if (NULL != records) {
	// ZZ: remove the headers if exists.
	sam_header_remove_records(header, "SQ");
	records = NULL;
      // ZZ: Now we will just add all new tags
      for(i=0;i<refseq->num_annos;i++) { // for each reference sequence
          char num[32];
          record = sam_header_record_init("SQ"); // new reference sequence record
          if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "SN", refseq->annos[i].name->s)) tmap_bug(); // reference sequence name
          if(sprintf(num, "%u", (uint32_t)refseq->annos[i].len) < 0) tmap_bug(); // integer to string
          if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "LN", num)) tmap_bug(); // reference sequence length
          if(0 == sam_header_add_record(header, record)) tmap_bug(); // add the reference sequence record

  // @RG - read group
  if(0 < rg_sam_num) { // @RG specified on the command line
      // Check for SAM/BAM
      // TODO: this should be possible...
      if(io_in->type == TMAP_SEQ_TYPE_SAM || io_in->type == TMAP_SEQ_TYPE_BAM) {
          tmap_error("Cannot specify the read groups on the command line when using SAM/BAM as input."
                     "  Please embed in the SAM/BAM header instead.", Exit, OutOfRange);
      record = NULL;
      // go through the command line arguments
      for(i=0;i<rg_sam_num;i++) {
          if(strlen(rg_sam[i]) < 4) tmap_error("Read group too small", Exit, OutOfRange);
          if(':' != rg_sam[i][2]) tmap_error("Read group improperly formatted (no colon)", Exit, OutOfRange);

          // check for id
          if('I' == rg_sam[i][0] && 'D' == rg_sam[i][1]) { // new read group
              if(NULL != record) { // add the record
                  tmap_seqs_io_init2_fs_and_add(io_in, header, record); // add @RG.KS and @RG.FO
              record = sam_header_record_init("RG"); // new read group
          // add the tag/value to the record
          if(NULL == record) {
              tmap_error("The read group ID must be specified first", Exit, OutOfRange);
          tag[0]=rg_sam[i][0]; tag[1]=rg_sam[i][1]; // setup the tag
          if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, tag, rg_sam[i]+3)) tmap_bug(); // add the tag/value
      if(NULL != record) { // add the record
          tmap_seqs_io_init2_fs_and_add(io_in, header, record); // add @RG.KS and @RG.FO
      // check that the # of read groups added was the same as the # of input files...
      sam_header_records_t *records = sam_header_get_records(header, "RG"); // get the header line
      if(records->n != io_in->n) tmap_error("The number of read groups did not match the number of input files", Exit, OutOfRange);
  else if(io_in->type != TMAP_SEQ_TYPE_SAM && io_in->type != TMAP_SEQ_TYPE_BAM) { // dummy...
      for(i=0;i<io_in->n;i++) { // for each input file
          char buf[32];
          record = sam_header_record_init("RG"); // new read group
          if(1 == io_in->n) strcpy(buf, "NOID");
          else if(sprintf(buf, "NOID.%d", i+1) < 0) tmap_bug();
          if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "ID", buf)) tmap_bug(); // dummy ID
          if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "SM", "NOSM")) tmap_bug(); // dummy SM, for Picard validation
          if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "PG", id)) tmap_bug(); // dummy PG
          tmap_seqs_io_init2_fs_and_add(io_in, header, record); // add @RG.KS and @RG.FO
  else {
      // check that SM/PG are present
      sam_header_records_t *records = sam_header_get_records(header, "RG"); // get the header line
      for(i=0;i<records->n;i++) {
          record = records->records[i];
          if(NULL == sam_header_record_get(record, "ID")) tmap_error("Missing @RG.ID in the SAM/BAM Header", Exit, OutOfRange);
          if(NULL == sam_header_record_get(record, "SM")) {
              if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "SM", "NOSM")) tmap_bug(); // dummy SM, for Picard validation
          if(NULL == sam_header_record_get(record, "PG")) {
              if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "PG", id)) tmap_bug(); // dummy PG

  // @PG - program group
  // TODO: check for previous program group ID and set @PG.PP
  record = sam_header_record_init("PG"); // new program group
  if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "ID", id)) tmap_bug(); // @PG.ID
  if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "VN", PACKAGE_VERSION)) tmap_bug(); // @PG.VN
  // @PG.CL
  command_line = NULL;
  j = 1; // for the EOL
  command_line = tmap_realloc(command_line, sizeof(char) * j, "command_line");
  command_line[j-1] = '\0';
  for(i=0;i<argc;i++) {
      if(0 < i) j++;
      j += strlen(argv[i]);
      command_line = tmap_realloc(command_line, sizeof(char) * j, "command_line");
      if(0 < i) strcat(command_line, " ");
      strcat(command_line, argv[i]);
      command_line[j-1] = '\0';
  if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "CL", command_line)) tmap_bug(); // @PG.CL
  if(NULL != id_pp) { // @PG.PP
      if(0 == sam_header_record_add(record, "PP", id_pp)) tmap_bug(); // @PG.CL
  if(0 == sam_header_add_record(header, record)) tmap_bug(); // add the record

  // Check the new SAM Header
  if(0 == sam_header_check(header)) {
      tmap_error("SAM Header was not consistent", Exit, OutOfRange);

  // Create a BAM Header from the SAM Header
  bam_header = bam_header_init(); // empty
  bam_header->header = header; // soft-copy the header
  bam_header = sam_header_to_bam_header(bam_header); // convert

  // free memory

  return bam_header;