Пример #1
MainUI::MainUI(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainUI) {
    PORT = new PortStruct(); //backend data structure

    //Setup the line edit on the toolbar
    portOpened = new QLineEdit(this);
    //Setup the MakeFile editor formatting
    QFontMetrics metrics(ui->text_makefile->font());
    ui->text_makefile->setTabStopWidth( 4 * metrics.width(' ') ); //4 spaces per tab (\t)
    //Connect the signals/slots
    connect(ui->actionNewPort, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotNewPort()) );
    connect(ui->actionLoad_Port, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotLoadPort()) );
    // - makefile tab
    connect(ui->tool_make_save, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveMakefile()) );
    connect(ui->list_make_config, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(makeOptChanged()) );
    connect(ui->tool_make_replaceconf, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(replaceMakeOpt()) );
    connect(ui->tool_make_addconf, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addMakeOpt()) );
    connect(ui->text_makefile, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(makefileChanged()) );
    // - distinfo tab
    connect(ui->tool_dist_autogen, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(generateDistInfo()) );
    // - pkg-plist tab
    connect(ui->tool_plist_save, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(savePkgPlist()) );
    connect(ui->text_pkgplist, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(pkgplistChanged()) );
    // - pkg-descr tab
    connect(ui->tool_desc_save, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(savePkgDescr()) );
    connect(ui->text_pkgdesc, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(pkgdescrChanged()) );
//======================>>> makefileMaker::saveProject <<<============================
  void makefileMaker::saveProject (char *nameIn)

    char n[300];

    if (!changed)

    if (strlen(nameIn) > 296)

    int len = strlen(n);
    int ix;

    for (ix = len - 1 ; ix >= 0 ; --ix)
	if (n[ix] == '.' || n[ix] == '/' || n[ix] == '\\')
    if (n[ix] != '.')	// user didn't supply extension

    ofstream prjf(n);

    char buff[40];
    char date[20];

    prjf << "//=======================================================================\n";
    prjf << "//@V@:Note: Project File generated by VIDE: ";
    prjf << "(" << buff << " " << date << ").\n";
    prjf << "//CAUTION! Hand edit only if you know what you are doing!\n";
    prjf << "//=======================================================================\n\n";

    // Project Options
    prjf << SecProjOpts << endl;

    projOpts.erase();		// erase all options
    if (*ctags != 0)
	char buff[fieldLen];

    for (int nxtOpts = 0 ; projOpts.list[nxtOpts] != 0 ; ++nxtOpts)
	prjf << projOpts.list[nxtOpts] << endl;

    prjf << SecProjOptsEnd << endl << endl;

    // Makefile name
    prjf << SecMakefile << endl;
    prjf << makeName << endl << endl;

    // Options
    prjf << SecOptions << endl;

    for (int nxtOptsa = 0 ; curOpts.list[nxtOptsa] != 0 ; ++nxtOptsa)
	prjf << curOpts.list[nxtOptsa] << endl;

    prjf << SecOptionsEnd << endl << endl;

    // HOMEV
    prjf << SecHomeV << endl;
    prjf << homeV << endl << endl;

    // 1) name of exe target file
    prjf << SecTarget << endl;
    prjf << exeName << endl << endl;
    // 2) object files
    prjf << SecObjFiles << endl;
    for (int ixa = 0 ; objFiles.list[ixa] != 0 ; ++ixa)
	prjf <<  objFiles.list[ixa] << endl;
    prjf << SecObjFilesEnd << endl << endl;

    // 3) compiler name
    prjf << SecCompiler << endl;
    prjf << cc << endl << endl;

    // 4) include dirs
    prjf << SecIncDirs << endl;

    for (int nxtid = 0 ; incDirs.list[nxtid] != 0 ; ++nxtid)
	prjf << incDirs.list[nxtid] << endl;

    prjf << SecIncDirsEnd << endl << endl;

    // 5) lib dirs
    prjf << SecLibDirs << endl;
    for (int ld = 0 ; libDirs.list[ld] != 0 ; ++ld)
	prjf << libDirs.list[ld] << endl;
    prjf << SecLibDirsEnd << endl << endl;

    // 6) defs
    prjf << SecDefs << endl;
    for (int ixb = 0 ; defsPool.list[ixb] != 0 ; ++ixb)
	prjf << defsPool.list[ixb] << endl;
    prjf << SecDefsPoolEnd << endl;

    for (int ixc = 0 ; curDefs.list[ixc] != 0 ; ++ixc)
	prjf << curDefs.list[ixc] << endl;
    prjf << SecDefsEnd << endl << endl;

    // 7) cflag
    prjf << SecCFlags << endl;
    prjf << cFlags << endl << endl;

    // 8) libflag 
    prjf << SecLibFlags << endl;
    prjf << Libs << endl << endl;

    // src directory
    prjf << SecSrcDir << endl;
    prjf << SrcDir << endl << endl;

    // 9) object directory
    prjf << SecObjDir << endl;
    prjf << ObjDir << endl << endl;

    //10) bin directory
    prjf << SecBinDir << endl;
    prjf << BinDir << endl << endl;
    // User Targets
    prjf << endl << "//% User targets section. Following lines will be" << endl;
    prjf << "//% inserted into Makefile right after the generated cleanall target." << endl;
    prjf << "//% The Project File editor does not edit these lines - edit the .vpj" << endl;
    prjf << "//% directly. You should know what you are doing." << endl;

    prjf << SecUserTargets << endl;
    for (int lda = 0 ; userTargets.list[lda] != 0 ; ++lda)
	prjf << userTargets.list[lda] << endl;
    prjf << SecUserTargetsEnd << endl << endl;


    saveMakefile();		// and always save the makefile, too.
    changed = false;