Пример #1
int readStdLine(Project* project, char *line, DateTime day1, DateTime day2)
//  Input:   line = line of data from a standard rainfall data file
//           day1 = starting day of record of interest
//           day2 = ending day of record of interest
//  Output:  returns -1 if past end of desired record, 0 if data line could
//           not be read successfully or 1 if line read successfully
//  Purpose: reads a line of data from a standard rainfall data file and
//           writes its data to the rain interface file.
    DateTime date1;
    DateTime date2;
    int      year, month, day, hour, minute;
    float    x;

    // --- parse data from input line
    if (!parseStdLine(project,line, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &x)) return 0;

    // --- see if date is within period of record requested
    date1 = datetime_encodeDate(year, month, day);
    if ( day1 != NO_DATE && date1 < day1 ) return 0;
    if ( day2 != NO_DATE && date1 > day2 ) return -1;

    // --- see if record is out of sequence
    date2 = date1 + datetime_encodeTime(hour, minute, 0);
    if ( date2 <= project->PreviousDate )
        report_writeErrorMsg(project,ERR_RAIN_FILE_SEQUENCE, project->Gage[project->GageIndex].fname);   //(5.1.010)
        return -1;
    project->PreviousDate = date2;

    switch (project->RainType)
        x = x * project->Interval / 3600.0f;

        if ( x >= project->RainAccum )
            x = x - project->RainAccum;
            project->RainAccum += x;
        else project->RainAccum = x;
    x *= (float)project->UnitsFactor;

    // --- save rainfall to binary interface file
    saveRainfall(project, date1, hour, minute, x, FALSE);
    return 1;
Пример #2
int readStdLine(char *line, DateTime day1, DateTime day2)
//  Input:   line = line of data from a standard rainfall data file
//           day1 = starting day of record of interest
//           day2 = ending day of record of interest
//  Output:  returns -1 if past end of desired record, 0 if data line could
//           not be read successfully or 1 if line read successfully
//  Purpose: reads a line of data from a standard rainfall data file and
//           writes its data to the rain interface file.
    DateTime date1;
    int      year, month, day, hour, minute;
    float    x;

    // --- parse data from input line
    if (!parseStdLine(line, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &x)) return 0;

    // --- see if date is within period of record requested
    date1 = datetime_encodeDate(year, month, day);
    if ( day1 != NO_DATE && date1 < day1 ) return 0;
    if ( day2 != NO_DATE && date1 > day2 ) return -1;
    switch (RainType)
        x = x * Interval / 3600.0;

        if ( x >= RainAccum )
            x = x - RainAccum;
            RainAccum += x;
        else RainAccum = x;
    x *= UnitsFactor;

    // --- save rainfall to binary interface file
    saveRainfall(date1, hour, minute, x, FALSE);
    return 1;
Пример #3
int readCMCLine(Project* project, char *line, int fileFormat, DateTime day1, DateTime day2)
//  Input:   line = line of data from rainfall data file
//           fileFormat = code of data file's format
//           day1 = starting day of record of interest
//           day2 = ending day of record of interest
//  Output:  returns -1 if past end of desired record, 0 if data line could
//           not be read successfully or 1 if line read successfully
//  Purpose: reads a line of data from an AES or CMC rainfall data file and
//           writes its data to the rain interface file.
    char     flag, isMissing;
    DateTime date1;
    long     sn, v;
    int      col, j, jMax, elem, y, m, d, hour, minute;
    float    x;

    // --- get year, month, day & element code from line
    if ( fileFormat == AES_HLY )
        if ( sscanf(line, "%7ld%3d%2d%2d%3d", &sn, &y, &m, &d, &elem) < 5 )
            return 0;
        if ( y < 100 ) y = y + 2000;
        else           y = y + 1000;
        col = 17;
        if ( sscanf(line, "%7ld%4d%2d%2d%3d", &sn, &y, &m, &d, &elem) < 5 )
            return 0;
        col = 18;

    // --- see if date is within period of record requested
    date1 = datetime_encodeDate(y, m, d);
    if ( day1 != NO_DATE && date1 < day1 ) return 0;
    if ( day2 != NO_DATE && date1 > day2 ) return -1;

    // --- make sure element code is for rainfall
    if ( fileFormat == AES_HLY && elem != 123 ) return 0;
    else if ( fileFormat == CMC_FIF && elem != 159 ) return 0;
    else if ( fileFormat == CMC_HLY && elem != 123 ) return 0;

    // --- read rainfall from each recording interval
    hour = 0;                          // starting hour
    minute = 0;                        // starting minute
    jMax = 24;                         // # recording intervals
    if ( fileFormat == CMC_FIF ) jMax = 96;
    for (j=1; j<=jMax; j++)
        if ( sscanf(&line[col], "%6ld%c", &v, &flag) < 2 ) return 0;
        col += 7;
        if ( v == -99999 ) isMissing = TRUE;
        else               isMissing = FALSE;

        // --- convert rain measurement from 0.1 mm to inches and save it
        x = (float)( (double)v / 10.0 / MMperINCH);
        if ( x > 0 || isMissing)
            saveRainfall(project,date1, hour, minute, x, isMissing);

        // --- update hour & minute for next interval
        if ( fileFormat == CMC_FIF )
            minute += 15;
            if ( minute == 60 )
                minute = 0;
        else hour++;
    return 1;
Пример #4
int readNWSLine(Project* project, char *line, int fileFormat, DateTime day1, DateTime day2)
//  Input:   line       = line of data from rainfall data file
//           fileFormat = code of data file's format
//           day1       = starting day of record of interest
//           day2       = ending day of record of interest
//  Output:  returns -1 if past end of desired record, 0 if data line could
//           not be read successfully or 1 if line read successfully
//  Purpose: reads a line of data from a rainfall data file and writes its
//           data to the rain interface file.
    char     flag1, flag2, isMissing;
    DateTime date1;
    long     result = 1;
    int      k, y, m, d, n;
    int      hour, minute;
    long     v;
    float    x;
    int      lineLength = strlen(line)-1;
    int      nameLength = 0;

    // --- get year, month, & day from line
    switch ( fileFormat )
      case NWS_TAPE:
        if ( lineLength <= 30 ) return 0;
        if (sscanf(&line[17], "%4d%2d%4d%3d", &y, &m, &d, &n) < 4) return 0;
        k = 30;

        if ( project->hasStationName ) nameLength = 31;
        if ( lineLength <= 28 + nameLength ) return 0;
        k = 18 + nameLength;
        if (sscanf(&line[k], "%4d %2d %2d", &y, &m, &d) < 3) return 0;
        k = k + 10;

        if ( lineLength <= 28 ) return 0;
        if ( sscanf(&line[18], "%4d,%2d,%2d", &y, &m, &d) < 3 ) return 0;
        k = 28;

      case NWS_ONLINE_60:
      case NWS_ONLINE_15:
        if ( lineLength <= project->DataOffset + 23 ) return 0;
        if ( sscanf(&line[project->DataOffset], "%4d%2d%2d", &y, &m, &d) < 3 ) return 0;
        k = project->DataOffset + 8;

      default: return 0;

    // --- see if date is within period of record requested
    date1 = datetime_encodeDate(y, m, d);
    if ( day1 != NO_DATE && date1 < day1 ) return 0;
    if ( day2 != NO_DATE && date1 > day2 ) return -1;

    // --- read each recorded rainfall time, value, & codes from line
    while ( k < lineLength )
		flag1 = 0;
        flag2 = 0;
		v = 99999;
		hour = 25;
		minute = 0;
        switch ( fileFormat )
          case NWS_TAPE:
            n = sscanf(&line[k], "%2d%2d%6ld%c%c",
                       &hour, &minute, &v, &flag1, &flag2);
            k += 12;

          case NWS_SPACE_DELIMITED:
            n = sscanf(&line[k], " %2d%2d %6ld %c %c",
                       &hour, &minute, &v, &flag1, &flag2);
            k += 16;

          case NWS_COMMA_DELIMITED:
            n = sscanf(&line[k], ",%2d%2d,%6ld,%c,%c",
                       &hour, &minute, &v, &flag1, &flag2);
            k += 16;

          case NWS_ONLINE_60:
          case NWS_ONLINE_15:
              n = sscanf(&line[k], " %2d:%2d", &hour, &minute);
              n += sscanf(&line[project->ValueOffset], "%8ld                %c",
                          &v, &flag1);

              // --- ending hour 0 is really hour 24 of previous day
              if ( hour == 0 )
                  hour = 24;
                  date1 -= 1.0;
              k += lineLength;

          default: n = 0;

        // --- check that we at least have an hour, minute & value
        //     (codes might be left off of the line)
        if ( n < 3 || hour >= 25 ) break;

        // --- set special condition code & update daily & hourly counts

        if ( project->Condition == DELETED_PERIOD ||
             project->Condition == MISSING_PERIOD ||
             flag1 == 'M' ) isMissing = TRUE;
        else if ( v >= 9999 ) isMissing = TRUE;
        else isMissing = FALSE;

        // --- handle accumulation codes
        if ( flag1 == 'a' )
            project->AccumStartDate = date1 + datetime_encodeTime(hour, minute, 0);
        else if ( flag1 == 'A' )
            saveAccumRainfall(project,date1, hour, minute, v);

        // --- handle all other conditions
            // --- convert rain measurement to inches & save it
            x = (float)v / 100.0f;
            if ( x > 0 || isMissing )
                saveRainfall(project,date1, hour, minute, x, isMissing);

        // --- reset condition code if special condition period ended
        if ( flag1 == 'A' || flag1 == '}' || flag1 == ']') project->Condition = 0;
    return result;
Пример #5
int readNWSLine(char *line, int fileFormat, DateTime day1, DateTime day2)
//  Input:   line       = line of data from rainfall data file
//           fileFormat = code of data file's format
//           day1       = starting day of record of interest
//           day2       = ending day of record of interest
//  Output:  returns -1 if past end of desired record, 0 if data line could
//           not be read successfully or 1 if line read successfully
//  Purpose: reads a line of data from a rainfall data file and writes its
//           data to the rain interface file.
    char     flag1, flag2, isMissing;
    DateTime date1;
    long     result = 1;
    int      k, y, m, d, n;
    int      hour, minute;
    long     v;
    float    x;
    int      lineLength = strlen(line)-1;

    // --- get year, month, & day from line
    switch ( fileFormat )
      case NWS_TAPE:
        if ( lineLength <= 30 ) return 0;
        if (sscanf(&line[17], "%4d%2d%4d%3d", &y, &m, &d, &n) < 4) return 0;
        k = 30;

        if ( lineLength <= 28 ) return 0;
        if (sscanf(&line[18], "%4d %2d %2d", &y, &m, &d) < 3) return 0;
        k = 28;

        if ( lineLength <= 28 ) return 0;
        if ( sscanf(&line[18], "%4d,%2d,%2d", &y, &m, &d) < 3 ) return 0;
        k = 28;

      default: return 0;

    // --- see if date is within period of record requested
    date1 = datetime_encodeDate(y, m, d);
    if ( day1 != NO_DATE && date1 < day1 ) return 0;
    if ( day2 != NO_DATE && date1 > day2 ) return -1;

    // --- read each recorded rainfall time, value, & codes from line
    while ( k < lineLength )
        switch ( fileFormat )
          case NWS_TAPE:
            n = sscanf(&line[k], "%2d%2d%6d%c%c",
                       &hour, &minute, &v, &flag1, &flag2);
            k += 12;

          case NWS_SPACE_DELIMITED:
            n = sscanf(&line[k], " %2d%2d %6d %c %c",
                       &hour, &minute, &v, &flag1, &flag2);
            k += 16;

          case NWS_COMMA_DELIMITED:
            n = sscanf(&line[k], ",%2d%2d,%6d,%c,%c",
                       &hour, &minute, &v, &flag1, &flag2);
            k += 16;
        if ( n < 5 || hour >= 25 ) break;

        // --- set special condition code & update daily & hourly counts
        if ( Condition != NO_CONDITION ) isMissing = TRUE;
        else if ( v == 99999 ) isMissing = TRUE;
        else isMissing = FALSE;

        // --- convert rain measurement from hundreth's of an inch & save it
        x = (float)v / 100.0;
        if ( x > 0 ) saveRainfall(date1, hour, minute, x, isMissing);

        // --- reset condition code if special condition period ended
        if ( flag1 == 'A' || flag1 == '}' || flag1 == ']') Condition = 0;
    return result;