// Filtre avec une stratégie Online
void TwoObjectivesInstance::onlineFiltering()
    for(int i = 0; i < SOLUTIONS; i++)
        #if SHOW_DEBUGS
        cout << endl << "Solution N°" << i+1 << endl;
        #endif // SHOW_DEBUGS

        for(int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
            if( (m_solutions[i].Getdistance() < m_solutions[j].Getdistance()) && (m_solutions[i].Getcost() < m_solutions[j].Getcost()) )
            else if ((m_solutions[i].Getdistance() > m_solutions[j].Getdistance())&&(m_solutions[i].Getcost() > m_solutions[j].Getcost()))
    saveSolutions("online500_" + this->m_Name + ".txt");
    savePareto("onlinePareto500_" + this->m_Name + ".txt", ONLINE);
// Filtre avec une stratégie Offline
void TwoObjectivesInstance::offlineFiltering()
    for(int i = 0; i < SOLUTIONS; ++i)
        for(int j = i+1; j < SOLUTIONS; ++j)
            if((m_solutions[i].Getdistance() > m_solutions[j].Getdistance())&&(m_solutions[i].Getcost() > m_solutions[j].Getcost()))
            else if ((m_solutions[i].Getdistance() < m_solutions[j].Getdistance())&&(m_solutions[i].Getcost() < m_solutions[j].Getcost()))
    saveSolutions("offline500_" + this->m_Name + ".txt");
    savePareto("offlinePareto500_" + this->m_Name + ".txt", OFFLINE);
Пример #3
/// Perform 1d Prob scan.
/// - Scan range defined through limit "scan".
/// - Will fill the hCL histogram with the 1-CL curve.
/// - Start at a scan value that is in the middle of the allowed
///   range, preferably a solution, and scan up and down from there.
/// - use the "probforce" command line flag to enable force minimum finding
/// \param fast This will scan each scanpoint only once.
/// \param reverse This will scan in reverse direction.
///   When using the drag mode, this can sometimes make a difference.
/// \return status: 2 = new global minimum found, 1 = error
int MethodProbScan::scan1d(bool fast, bool reverse)
	if ( arg->debug ) cout << "MethodProbScan::scan1d() : starting ... " << endl;

	// The "improve" method doesn't need multiple scans.
	if ( arg->probforce || arg->probimprove ) fast = true;
	if ( arg->probforce ) scanDisableDragMode = true;

	// Save parameter values that were active at function call.
	if ( startPars ) delete startPars;
	startPars = new RooDataSet("startPars", "startPars", *w->set(parsName));

	// // start scan from global minimum (not always a good idea as we need to set from other places as well)
	// setParameters(w, parsName, globalMin);

	// load scan parameter and scan range
	setLimit(w, scanVar1, "scan");
	RooRealVar *par = w->var(scanVar1);
	float min = hCL->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
	float max = hCL->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
	if ( fabs(par->getMin()-min)>1e-6 || fabs(par->getMax()-max)>1e-6 ){
		cout << "MethodProbScan::scan1d() : WARNING : Scan range was changed after initScan()" << endl;
		cout << "                           was called so the old range will be used." << endl;
	if ( arg->verbose ){
		cout << "\nProb configuration:" << endl;
		cout << "  combination : " << title << endl;
		cout << "  scan variable : " << scanVar1 << endl;
		cout << "  scan range : " << min << " ... " << max << endl;
		cout << "  scan steps : " << nPoints1d << endl;
		cout << "  fast mode : " << fast << endl;
		cout << endl;

	// Set limit to all parameters.

	// fix scan parameter

	// j =
	// 0 : start value -> upper limit
	// 1 : upper limit -> start value
	// 2 : start value -> lower limit
	// 3 : lower limit -> start value
	float startValue = par->getVal();
	bool scanUp;

	// for the status bar
	float nTotalSteps = nPoints1d;
	nTotalSteps *= fast ? 1 : 2;
	float nStep = 0;
	float printFreq = nTotalSteps>15 ? 10 : nTotalSteps;

	// Report on the smallest new minimum we come across while scanning.
	// Sometimes the scan doesn't find the minimum
	// that was found before. Warn if this happens.
	double bestMinOld = chi2minGlobal;
	double bestMinFoundInScan = 100.;

	for ( int jj=0; jj<4; jj++ )
		int j = jj;
		if ( reverse ) switch(jj)
			case 0: j = 2; break;
			case 1: j = 3; break;
			case 2: j = 0; break;
			case 3: j = 1; break;

		float scanStart, scanStop;
			case 0:
				// UP
				setParameters(w, parsName, startPars->get(0));
				scanStart = startValue;
				scanStop  = par->getMax();
				scanUp = true;
			case 1:
				// DOWN
				scanStart = par->getMax();
				scanStop  = startValue;
				scanUp = false;
			case 2:
				// DOWN
				setParameters(w, parsName, startPars->get(0));
				scanStart = startValue;
				scanStop  = par->getMin();
				scanUp = false;
			case 3:
				// UP
				scanStart = par->getMin();
				scanStop  = startValue;
				scanUp = true;

		if ( fast && ( j==1 || j==3 ) ) continue;

		for ( int i=0; i<nPoints1d; i++ )
			float scanvalue;
			if ( scanUp )
				scanvalue = min + (max-min)*(double)i/(double)nPoints1d + hCL->GetBinWidth(1)/2.;
				if ( scanvalue < scanStart ) continue;
				if ( scanvalue > scanStop ) break;
				scanvalue = max - (max-min)*(double)(i+1)/(double)nPoints1d + hCL->GetBinWidth(1)/2.;
				if ( scanvalue > scanStart ) continue;
				if ( scanvalue < scanStop ) break;

			// disable drag mode
			// (the improve method doesn't work with drag mode as parameter run
			// at their limits)
			if ( scanDisableDragMode ) setParameters(w, parsName, startPars->get(0));

			// set the parameter of interest to the scan point

			// don't scan in unphysical region
			if ( scanvalue < par->getMin() || scanvalue > par->getMax() ) continue;

			// status bar
			if ( (((int)nStep % (int)(nTotalSteps/printFreq)) == 0))
				cout << "MethodProbScan::scan1d() : scanning " << (float)nStep/(float)nTotalSteps*100. << "%   \r" << flush;

			// fit!
			RooFitResult *fr = 0;
			if ( arg->probforce )         fr = fitToMinForce(w, combiner->getPdfName());
			else if ( arg->probimprove )  fr = fitToMinImprove(w, combiner->getPdfName());
			else                          fr = fitToMinBringBackAngles(w->pdf(pdfName), false, -1);
			double chi2minScan = fr->minNll();
			if ( std::isinf(chi2minScan) ) chi2minScan=1e4; // else the toys in PDF_testConstraint don't work
			RooSlimFitResult *r = new RooSlimFitResult(fr); // try to save memory by using the slim fit result
			delete fr;
			bestMinFoundInScan = TMath::Min((double)chi2minScan, (double)bestMinFoundInScan);

			TString warningChi2Neg;
			if ( chi2minScan < 0 ){
				float newChi2minScan = chi2minGlobal + 25.; // 5sigma more than best point
				warningChi2Neg = "MethodProbScan::scan1d() : WARNING : " + title;
				warningChi2Neg += TString(Form(" chi2 negative for scan point %i: %f",i,chi2minScan));
				warningChi2Neg += " setting to: " + TString(Form("%f",newChi2minScan));
				//cout << warningChi2Neg << "\r" << flush;
				cout << warningChi2Neg << endl;
				chi2minScan = newChi2minScan;

			// If we find a minimum smaller than the old "global" minimum, this means that all
			// previous 1-CL values are too high.
			if ( chi2minScan<chi2minGlobal ){
				if ( arg->verbose ) cout << "MethodProbScan::scan1d() : WARNING : '" << title << "' new global minimum found! "
																		<< " chi2minScan=" << chi2minScan << endl;
				chi2minGlobal = chi2minScan;
				// recompute previous 1-CL values
				for ( int k=1; k<=hCL->GetNbinsX(); k++ ){
					hCL->SetBinContent(k, TMath::Prob(hChi2min->GetBinContent(k)-chi2minGlobal, 1));

			double deltaChi2 = chi2minScan - chi2minGlobal;
			double oneMinusCL = TMath::Prob(deltaChi2, 1);

			// Save the 1-CL value and the corresponding fit result.
			// But only if better than before!
			if ( hCL->GetBinContent(hCL->FindBin(scanvalue)) <= oneMinusCL ){
				hCL->SetBinContent(hCL->FindBin(scanvalue), oneMinusCL);
				hChi2min->SetBinContent(hCL->FindBin(scanvalue), chi2minScan);
				int iRes = hCL->FindBin(scanvalue)-1;
				curveResults[iRes] = r;

	cout << "MethodProbScan::scan1d() : scan done.           " << endl;

	if ( bestMinFoundInScan-bestMinOld > 0.01 ){
		cout << "MethodProbScan::scan1d() : WARNING: Scan didn't find similar minimum to what was found before!" << endl;
		cout << "MethodProbScan::scan1d() :          Too strict parameter limits? Too coarse scan steps? Didn't load global minimum?" << endl;
		cout << "MethodProbScan::scan1d() :          chi2 bestMinFoundInScan=" << bestMinFoundInScan << ", bestMinOld=" << bestMinOld << endl;

	// attempt to correct for undercoverage
	if (pvalueCorrectorSet) {
		for ( int k=1; k<=hCL->GetNbinsX(); k++ ){
			double pvalueProb = hCL->GetBinContent(k);
			pvalueProb = pvalueCorrector->transform(pvalueProb);
			hCL->SetBinContent(k, pvalueProb);

	setParameters(w, parsName, startPars->get(0));
	if (arg->confirmsols) confirmSolutions();

	if ( (bestMinFoundInScan-bestMinOld)/bestMinOld > 0.01 ) return 1;
	return 0;