// Saves a settings file to (saveEntry). Returns true iff successful. bool ShortcutsWindow::_SaveKeySet(BEntry& saveEntry) { BFile saveTo(&saveEntry, B_WRITE_ONLY | B_CREATE_FILE | B_ERASE_FILE); if (saveTo.InitCheck() != B_NO_ERROR) return false; BMessage saveMsg; for (int i = 0; i < fColumnListView->CountItems(); i++) { BMessage next; if (((ShortcutsSpec*)fColumnListView->ItemAt(i))->Archive(&next) == B_NO_ERROR) saveMsg.AddMessage("spec", &next); else printf("Error archiving ShortcutsSpec #%i!\n",i); } bool ret = (saveMsg.Flatten(&saveTo) == B_NO_ERROR); if (ret) { fKeySetModified = false; fSaveButton->SetEnabled(false); } return ret; }
bool SettingsManager::save(const ArgumentParser * args) const { if(args != NULL) { QString altSettingsFileName = args->getValue("f"); if(altSettingsFileName.length() > 0) { QByteArray fileNameBytes = altSettingsFileName.toLocal8Bit(); printf("Saving settings to alternate file: %s\n", fileNameBytes.data()); bool savedSettings = saveTo(altSettingsFileName); if(!savedSettings) { printf("Failed to save settings to alternate file: %s\n", fileNameBytes.data()); } return savedSettings; } } return saveTo(defaultSettingsFileName); }
void MainWindow::on_actionSave_As_triggered() { QString tmpfilename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr("Save File"), "./", "Temperature Profile File (*.tpf)" ); saveTo(tmpfilename); }
bool OsmAnd::MapStylesPresets::saveTo(const QString& fileName) const { QFile file(fileName); if(!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text)) return false; const auto success = saveTo(file); if(!success) { file.close(); file.remove(); } return success; }
bool OsmAnd::FavoriteLocationsGpxCollection_P::saveTo(const QString& filename) const { QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text)) return false; QXmlStreamWriter writer(&file); writer.setAutoFormatting(true); const bool ok = saveTo(writer); file.close(); return ok; }
int SBookWidget::saveWithChoices(const char *title,QString &fn) { QFileDialog fd(QString::null,0,this,title,true); fd.setMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); fd.setCaption(title); fd.setSelection(QDir::currentDirPath()); fd.setFilters((const char **)ofilters); if(fd.exec()==QDialog::Accepted){ QString filter = fd.selectedFilter(); QString extension = filter.right(5); // get last 5 characters extension.truncate(4); // remove last ")" fn = fd.selectedFile(); if(fn.right(4).lower().compare(extension)!=0){ fn += extension; // add the ending if not ther } if(access(fn.latin1(),0)==0){ if(QMessageBox::warning(0,"File Exists","The file " + fn + " exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?", "OK","Cancel",QString::null,1,1)==1){ return -1; // aborted } } if(filter.compare(ofilters[FILTER_XML])==0){ saveTo(fn); } if(filter.compare(ofilters[FILTER_SBOOK_ASCII])==0){ data.Export(fn.latin1(),FORMAT_SBOOK_ASCII); } if(filter.compare(ofilters[FILTER_PALM_CSV])==0){ data.Export(fn.latin1(),FORMAT_PALM_CSV); } if(filter.compare(ofilters[FILTER_CSV])==0){ data.Export(fn.latin1(),FORMAT_CSV); } if(filter.compare(ofilters[FILTER_TAB])==0){ data.Export(fn.latin1(),FORMAT_TAB); } if(filter.compare(ofilters[FILTER_IG])==0){ data.Export(fn.latin1(),FORMAT_IG); } return 0; // good save } return -1; // didn't save }
EXPORT(sqInt) primitiveSynthesizeFrameIntoStartingAt(void) { float * aKlattFrame; short * buffer; sqInt bufferOop; sqInt rcvr; sqInt startIndex; sqInt oop; sqInt oop1; /* begin checkedFloatPtrOf: */ oop = interpreterProxy->stackValue(2); interpreterProxy->success(interpreterProxy->isWords(oop)); if (interpreterProxy->failed()) { aKlattFrame = 0; goto l1; } aKlattFrame = ((float *) (interpreterProxy->firstIndexableField(oop))); l1: /* end checkedFloatPtrOf: */; /* begin checkedShortPtrOf: */ oop1 = (bufferOop = interpreterProxy->stackValue(1)); interpreterProxy->success(interpreterProxy->isWords(oop1)); if (interpreterProxy->failed()) { buffer = 0; goto l2; } buffer = ((short *) (interpreterProxy->firstIndexableField(oop1))); l2: /* end checkedShortPtrOf: */; startIndex = interpreterProxy->stackIntegerValue(0); if (interpreterProxy->failed()) { return null; } rcvr = interpreterProxy->stackObjectValue(3); if (!(loadFrom(rcvr))) { return null; } interpreterProxy->success(((interpreterProxy->stSizeOf(bufferOop)) * 2) >= samplesPerFrame); if (interpreterProxy->failed()) { return null; } synthesizeFrameintostartingAt(aKlattFrame, buffer, startIndex); if (!(saveTo(rcvr))) { return null; } interpreterProxy->pop(3); return null; }
// Saves the application settings file to (saveEntry). Because this is a // non-essential file, errors are ignored when writing the settings. void ShortcutsWindow::_SaveWindowSettings(BEntry& saveEntry) { BFile saveTo(&saveEntry, B_WRITE_ONLY | B_CREATE_FILE | B_ERASE_FILE); if (saveTo.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; BMessage saveMsg; saveMsg.AddRect("window frame", Frame()); for (int i = 0; i < fColumnListView->CountColumns(); i++) { CLVColumn* column = fColumnListView->ColumnAt(i); saveMsg.AddFloat("column width", column->Width()); } saveMsg.Flatten(&saveTo); }
int SBookWidget::menuSave(void) { QString fn; if(strlen(data.filename)==0){ // if no filename? if(saveWithChoices("Save As",fn)==0){ // do a saveAs setDirty(false); return 0; } return -1; } if(dirty==false){ // no sense to do the save return 0; // since we are not dirty } if(saveTo(data.filename)==0){ // save to filename setDirty(false); // no longer dirty return 0; } return -1; }
int main(int c,char **argv) { QCoreApplication app(c,argv); if(app.arguments().size()<2) { qDebug() << app.arguments()[0] << " texturename"; return 0; } QFile src_tex(app.arguments()[1]); if(src_tex.exists() && src_tex.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { TexFileHdr hdr; src_tex.read((char *)&hdr,sizeof(TexFileHdr)); if(0==memcmp(hdr.magic,"TX2",3)) { qDebug() << "hdr.file_size" << hdr.file_size; qDebug() << "image size " << hdr.wdth << 'x'<<hdr.hght; qDebug() << "flags" << QString::number(hdr.flags,16); qDebug() << "fade" << hdr.fade[0]<< hdr.fade[1]; qDebug() << "alpha" << QString::number(hdr.alpha,16); QString originalname=QString(src_tex.read(hdr.header_size-sizeof(TexFileHdr))); qDebug() << "Original name was:" << originalname; QFileInfo fi(originalname); QDir here; here.mkpath(fi.path()); QFile unpacked(originalname); unpacked.open(QFile::WriteOnly); unpacked.write(src_tex.readAll()); unpacked.close(); CohTextureInfo info { hdr.file_size, hdr.wdth, hdr.hght, hdr.flags, {hdr.fade[0],hdr.fade[1]}, hdr.alpha }; qDebug() << saveTo(info); } } return 0; }
void ServerInterface::getXMLDone() { disconnect(m_reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(getXMLDone())); m_reply->deleteLater(); if(checkError()) { QString doctype = m_getDoc.first(); m_getDoc.removeFirst(); QFile saveTo(m_serverPath+doctype+".xml"); saveTo.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); saveTo.write(m_reply->readAll()); saveTo.close(); qDebug() << "got doc" << doctype; if(m_getDoc.isEmpty()) { m_reply = NULL; emit checkoutDone(m_serverPath); } else { getXML(); } } }
void ofxWFrame::onSave(int & pressed){ if(!pressed){ saveTo(filename,xml_root); } }
void ShortcutsWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { switch(msg->what) { case OPEN_KEYSET: case APPEND_KEYSET: fLastOpenWasAppend = (msg->what == APPEND_KEYSET); if (fOpenPanel) fOpenPanel->Show(); else { BMessenger m(this); fOpenPanel = new BFilePanel(B_OPEN_PANEL, &m, NULL, 0, false); fOpenPanel->Show(); } fOpenPanel->SetButtonLabel(B_DEFAULT_BUTTON, fLastOpenWasAppend ? "Append" : "Open"); break; case REVERT_KEYSET: { // Send a message to myself, to get me to reload the settings file fLastOpenWasAppend = false; BMessage reload(B_REFS_RECEIVED); entry_ref eref; _GetSettingsFile(&eref); reload.AddRef("refs", &eref); reload.AddString("startupRef", "yeah"); PostMessage(&reload); } break; // Respond to drag-and-drop messages here case B_SIMPLE_DATA: { int i = 0; entry_ref ref; while (msg->FindRef("refs", i++, &ref) == B_NO_ERROR) { BEntry entry(&ref); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_NO_ERROR) { BPath path(&entry); if (path.InitCheck() == B_NO_ERROR) { // Add a new item with the given path. BString str(path.Path()); DoStandardEscapes(str); _AddNewSpec(str.String()); } } } } break; // Respond to FileRequester's messages here case B_REFS_RECEIVED: { // Find file ref entry_ref ref; bool isStartMsg = msg->HasString("startupRef"); if (msg->FindRef("refs", &ref) == B_NO_ERROR) { // load the file into (fileMsg) BMessage fileMsg; { BFile file(&ref, B_READ_ONLY); if ((file.InitCheck() != B_NO_ERROR) || (fileMsg.Unflatten(&file) != B_NO_ERROR)) { if (isStartMsg) { // use this to save to anyway fLastSaved = BEntry(&ref); break; } else { (new BAlert(ERROR, "Shortcuts was couldn't open your KeySet file!" , "Okay"))->Go(NULL); break; } } } if (fLastOpenWasAppend == false) { // Clear the menu... ShortcutsSpec * item; do { delete (item = ((ShortcutsSpec*) fColumnListView->RemoveItem(int32(0)))); } while (item); } if (_LoadKeySet(fileMsg)) { if (isStartMsg) fLastSaved = BEntry(&ref); fSaveButton->SetEnabled(isStartMsg == false); // If we just loaded in the Shortcuts settings file, then // no need to tell the user to save on exit. entry_ref eref; _GetSettingsFile(&eref); if (ref == eref) fKeySetModified = false; } else { (new BAlert(ERROR, "Shortcuts was unable to parse your KeySet file!", "Okay"))->Go(NULL); break; } } } break; // These messages come from the pop-up menu of the Applications column case SELECT_APPLICATION: { int csel = fColumnListView->CurrentSelection(); if (csel >= 0) { entry_ref aref; if (msg->FindRef("refs", &aref) == B_NO_ERROR) { BEntry ent(&aref); if (ent.InitCheck() == B_NO_ERROR) { BPath path; if ((ent.GetPath(&path) == B_NO_ERROR) && (((ShortcutsSpec *) fColumnListView->ItemAt(csel))-> ProcessColumnTextString(ShortcutsSpec:: STRING_COLUMN_INDEX, path.Path()))) { fColumnListView->InvalidateItem(csel); _MarkKeySetModified(); } } } } } break; case SAVE_KEYSET: { bool showSaveError = false; const char * name; entry_ref entry; if ((msg->FindString("name", &name) == B_NO_ERROR) && (msg->FindRef("directory", &entry) == B_NO_ERROR)) { BDirectory dir(&entry); BEntry saveTo(&dir, name, true); showSaveError = ((saveTo.InitCheck() != B_NO_ERROR) || (_SaveKeySet(saveTo) == false)); } else if (fLastSaved.InitCheck() == B_NO_ERROR) { // We've saved this before, save over previous file. showSaveError = (_SaveKeySet(fLastSaved) == false); } else PostMessage(SAVE_KEYSET_AS); // open the save requester... if (showSaveError) { (new BAlert(ERROR, "Shortcuts wasn't able to save your keyset." , "Okay"))->Go(NULL); } } break; case SAVE_KEYSET_AS: { if (fSavePanel) fSavePanel->Show(); else { BMessage msg(SAVE_KEYSET); BMessenger messenger(this); fSavePanel = new BFilePanel(B_SAVE_PANEL, &messenger, NULL, 0, false, &msg); fSavePanel->Show(); } } break; case B_ABOUT_REQUESTED: be_app_messenger.SendMessage(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED); break; case ADD_HOTKEY_ITEM: _AddNewSpec(NULL); break; case REMOVE_HOTKEY_ITEM: { int index = fColumnListView->CurrentSelection(); if (index >= 0) { CLVListItem* item = (CLVListItem*) fColumnListView->ItemAt(index); fColumnListView->RemoveItem(index); delete item; _MarkKeySetModified(); // Rules for new selection: If there is an item at (index), // select it. Otherwise, if there is an item at (index-1), // select it. Otherwise, select nothing. int num = fColumnListView->CountItems(); if (num > 0) { if (index < num) fColumnListView->Select(index); else { if (index > 0) index--; if (index < num) fColumnListView->Select(index); } } } } break; // Received when the user clicks on the ColumnListView case HOTKEY_ITEM_SELECTED: { int32 index = -1; msg->FindInt32("index", &index); bool validItem = (index >= 0); fRemoveButton->SetEnabled(validItem); } break; // Received when an entry is to be modified in response to GUI activity case HOTKEY_ITEM_MODIFIED: { int32 row, column; if ((msg->FindInt32("row", &row) == B_NO_ERROR) && (msg->FindInt32("column", &column) == B_NO_ERROR)) { int32 key; const char* bytes; if (row >= 0) { ShortcutsSpec* item = (ShortcutsSpec*) fColumnListView->ItemAt(row); bool repaintNeeded = false; // default if (msg->HasInt32("mouseClick")) { repaintNeeded = item->ProcessColumnMouseClick(column); } else if ((msg->FindString("bytes", &bytes) == B_NO_ERROR) && (msg->FindInt32("key", &key) == B_NO_ERROR)) { repaintNeeded = item->ProcessColumnKeyStroke(column, bytes, key); } else if (msg->FindInt32("unmappedkey", &key) == B_NO_ERROR) { repaintNeeded = ((column == item->KEY_COLUMN_INDEX) && ((key > 0xFF) || (GetKeyName(key) != NULL)) && (item->ProcessColumnKeyStroke(column, NULL, key))); } else if (msg->FindString("text", &bytes) == B_NO_ERROR) { if ((bytes[0] == '(')&&(bytes[1] == 'C')) { if (fSelectPanel) fSelectPanel->Show(); else { BMessage msg(SELECT_APPLICATION); BMessenger m(this); fSelectPanel = new BFilePanel(B_OPEN_PANEL, &m, NULL, 0, false, &msg); fSelectPanel->Show(); } fSelectPanel->SetButtonLabel(B_DEFAULT_BUTTON, "Select"); } else repaintNeeded = item->ProcessColumnTextString( column, bytes); } if (repaintNeeded) { fColumnListView->InvalidateItem(row); _MarkKeySetModified(); } } } } break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(msg); break; } }
/** * Saves the container to file using default <code>serializer</code> * * @param path a file to save data to * @throws IOException is thrown if there was a failure saving BDOC container. For example added * document does not exist. * @throws BDocException is thrown if BDOC class is not correctly initialized. * @see save() */ void digidoc::BDoc::saveTo(std::string path) throw(IOException, BDocException) { std::auto_ptr<ISerialize> serializer(new ZipSerialize(path)); saveTo(serializer); }
std::list<std::string> Lexer::split(const std::string& s) { std::list<std::string> ret; t = ""; for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { if (s[i] == ' ' || s[i] == '\t') { saveTo(ret); count++; } else if (s[i] == '\n' || s[i] == '\r'){ saveTo(ret); count++; } else if (symbols.find(s[i]) != symbols.end()) { saveTo(ret); saveTo(std::string("") + s[i], ret); } else if ((s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'z') || (s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'Z') || (s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9' || s[i] == '_')) { t += s[i]; //< <= <> } else if (s[i] == '<') { saveTo(ret); if (s[i + 1] == '>') { saveTo("<>", ret); i++; } else if (s[i + 1] == '=') { saveTo("<=", ret); i++; } else { saveTo("<", ret); } //> >= } else if (s[i] == '>') { saveTo(ret); if (s[i + 1] == '=') { saveTo(">=", ret); i++; } else { saveTo(">", ret); } //= == //= = will be interpreted as two "=" } else if (s[i] == '=') { saveTo(ret); if (s[i + 1] == '=') { saveTo("==", ret); i++; } else { saveTo("=", ret); } //&& || } else if (s[i] == '&' || s[i] == '|') { saveTo(ret); if (s[i + 1] == s[i]) { saveTo(std::string("") + s[i] + s[i], ret); i++; } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Illegal Token at col " << count << " detected."; throw(SDBException(ss.str())); } } else if (s[i] == '!') { saveTo(ret); saveTo(std::string("") + s[i], ret); } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Illegal Token at col " << count << " detected."; throw(SDBException(ss.str())); } } saveTo(ret); return ret; }
bool Model::saveTo(const QString &filePath) { return !m_writer ? false : saveTo(filePath, *m_writer); }
bool SettingsManager::saveTo(const QString & fileName) const { QByteArray fileNameBytes = fileName.toLocal8Bit(); return saveTo(fileNameBytes.data()); }
bool SambaFile::slotApply() { if (readonly) { kdDebug(FILESHARE_DEBUG) << "SambaFile::slotApply: readonly=true" << endl; return false; } // If we have write access to the smb.conf // we simply save the values to it // if not we have to save the results in // a temporary file and copy it afterwards // over the smb.conf file with kdesu. if (QFileInfo(path).isWritable()) { saveTo(path); changed = false; return true; } // Create a temporary smb.conf file delete _tempFile; _tempFile = new KTempFile(); _tempFile->setAutoDelete(true); if (!saveTo(_tempFile->name())) { kdDebug(5009) << "SambaFile::slotApply: Could not save to temporary file" << endl; delete _tempFile; _tempFile = 0; return false; } QFileInfo fi(path); KURL url(path); if (KURL(path).isLocalFile()) { KProcess proc; kdDebug(5009) << "SambaFile::slotApply: is local file!" << endl; QString suCommand=QString("cp %1 %2; rm %3") .arg(_tempFile->name()) .arg(path) .arg(_tempFile->name()); proc << "kdesu" << "-d" << suCommand; if (! proc.start(KProcess::Block)) { kdDebug(5009) << "SambaFile::slotApply: saving to " << path << " failed!" << endl; //KMessageBox::sorry(0,i18n("Saving the results to %1 failed.").arg(path)); delete _tempFile; _tempFile = 0; return false; } else { changed = false; delete _tempFile; _tempFile = 0; kdDebug(5009) << "SambaFile::slotApply: changes successfully saved!" << endl; return true; } } else { kdDebug(5009) << "SambaFile::slotApply: is remote file!" << endl; _tempFile->setAutoDelete(true); KURL srcURL; srcURL.setPath( _tempFile->name() ); KIO::FileCopyJob * job = KIO::file_copy( srcURL, url, -1, true ); connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ), this, SLOT( slotSaveJobFinished ( KIO::Job * ) ) ); return (job->error()==0); } return true; }
void CIniFile::Save(void) { saveTo(m_strFile.c_str()); }
void ofxBaseGui::saveToFile(string filename) { serializer->load(filename); saveTo(*serializer); serializer->save(filename); }
void HtmlExtractor::save() { saveTo(_path); }