Пример #1
/* ---------------- score_mat_string --------------------------
 * This is not a score routine, it is not an alignment routine.
 * Maybe it should go in its own file.
 * Here are the tricks to remember.
 * Our M+N score matrix is actually (M+2)(M+2) so as to allow
 * for empty places and end-gaps. You don't have to use them if
 * you don't like them.
 * The loops below are far more elegant if we temporarily store
 * the strings with end bits at start and end.
char *
score_mat_string (struct score_mat *smat, struct seq *s1, struct seq *s2)
    char *ret = NULL;
    char *str1, *str2;
    size_t n_rows = smat->n_rows;
    size_t n_cols = smat->n_cols;
    size_t i, j;
    const char *c_fmt = "%4c ";
    const char *f_fmt = "%4.2f ";
    const char *hat   = "^";
    seq_thomas2std (s1);
    seq_thomas2std (s2);
    str1 = save_str (hat);
    str1 = save_str_append (str1, s1->seq);
    str1 = save_str_append (str1, hat);
    str2 = save_str (hat);
    str2 = save_str_append (str2, s2->seq);
    str2 = save_str_append (str2, hat);

    scr_printf (c_fmt, ' ');
    for ( i = 0; i < n_cols; i++)
        scr_printf (c_fmt, str2[i]);
    scr_printf ("\n");
    for ( i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) {
        scr_printf (c_fmt, str1[i]);
        for ( j = 0 ; j < n_cols; j++)
            scr_printf (f_fmt, smat->mat[i][j]);
        ret = scr_printf ("\n");
    free (str1);
    free (str2);
    return (ret);
/* ---------------- pair_set_chimera  --------------------------
 * Given an alignment, write pairs of atoms to a file in a format
 * that chimera can read.
 * We return a char * to space which is allocated by the
 * scr_printf() routines.
char *
pair_set_chimera (struct pair_set *pair_set,
                  const struct coord *c1, const struct coord *c2)
    const char *this_sub = "pair_set_chimera";
    int **p;
    char *s1 = NULL;
    char *s2 = NULL;
    char *ret;
    size_t i;
    if (pair_set->n == 0) {
        err_printf (this_sub, "empty pair set\n");
        return NULL;
    s1 = save_str ("#0");
    s2 = save_str ("#1");
    p = pair_set->indices;
    for ( i = 0; i < pair_set->n; i++) {
        int a = p[i][0], b = p[i][1];
        if (( a != GAP_INDEX) && ( b != GAP_INDEX)) {
            s1 = add_res (s1, a, c1);
            s2 = add_res (s2, b, c2);
    ret = scr_printf ("match %s %s", s1, s2);
    free (s1);
    free (s2);
    return (ret);
Пример #3
/* --------------------- seq_duplicate --------------
 * creates a copy of a n-times duplicated sequence.
 * n = 1 returns a sequence copy
 * n = 2 returns a sequence duplicated (simply doubled)
 * n = ...
 * n = 0 is not allowed, returns NULL in failure case
 * params:
 * 		*src - struct seq : sequence to be duplicated
 * 		 n   - size_t     : amount of wanted duplications
 * return:
 * 		dst - struct seq  : new seq
struct seq *
seq_duplicate ( const struct seq *seq, size_t n )
	size_t newsize;
    struct seq *dst;

	if (!seq || n < 1)
		return NULL;

	newsize = seq->length * n ;
    dst = E_MALLOC (sizeof (*dst));
    seq_ini (dst);
    dst->seq = E_MALLOC( newsize * sizeof(char));

    if (seq->seq){
    	size_t i;
    	for(i = 0; i < n ; i++){
    		memcpy ( dst->seq + (i * seq->length) , seq->seq , seq->length );
        /* dst->seq = save_anything ( seq->seq, ( n + 1) * sizeof (seq->seq[0])); */

    if (seq->comment)
        dst->comment = save_str (seq->comment);
    dst->length = newsize;
    dst->format = seq->format;

    return dst;
Пример #4
static int pop3_fastuidl( int sock,  struct query *ctl, unsigned int count, int *newp)
    int ok;
    unsigned int first_nr, last_nr, try_nr;
    char id [IDLEN+1];

    first_nr = 0;
    last_nr = count + 1;
    while (first_nr < last_nr - 1)
	struct idlist	*newl;

	try_nr = (first_nr + last_nr) / 2;
	if ((ok = pop3_getuidl(sock, try_nr, id, sizeof(id))) != 0)
	    return ok;
	if ((newl = str_in_list(&ctl->oldsaved, id, FALSE)))
	    flag mark = newl->val.status.mark;
	    if (mark == UID_DELETED || mark == UID_EXPUNGED)
		if (outlevel >= O_VERBOSE)
		    report(stderr, GT_("id=%s (num=%u) was deleted, but is still present!\n"), id, try_nr);
		/* just mark it as seen now! */
		newl->val.status.mark = mark = UID_SEEN;

	    /* narrow the search region! */
	    if (mark == UID_UNSEEN)
		if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
		    report(stdout, GT_("%u is unseen\n"), try_nr);
		last_nr = try_nr;
		first_nr = try_nr;

	    /* save the number */
	    newl->val.status.num = try_nr;
	    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
		report(stdout, GT_("%u is unseen\n"), try_nr);
	    last_nr = try_nr;

	    /* save it */
	    newl = save_str(&ctl->oldsaved, id, UID_UNSEEN);
	    newl->val.status.num = try_nr;
    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG && last_nr <= count)
	report(stdout, GT_("%u is first unseen\n"), last_nr);

    /* update last! */
    *newp = count - first_nr;
    last = first_nr;
    return 0;
Пример #5
/* ---------------- save_str_append ---------------------------
 * Given a malloc'd string (dst) and another string (src),
 * grow dst appropriately and append src.
char *
save_str_append (char *dst, const char *src)
    if (dst == NULL) {
        dst = save_str (src);
    } else {
        size_t s1 = strlen (src) + 1;
        size_t s2 = strlen (dst);
        dst = E_REALLOC (dst, s1 + s2 );
        strncpy (dst + s2, src, s1);
    return dst;
Пример #6
/** add given address to xmit_names if it exactly matches a full address
 * \returns nonzero if matched */
static int map_address(const char *addr, struct query *ctl, struct idlist **xmit_names)
    const char	*lname;

    lname = idpair_find(&ctl->localnames, addr);
    if (lname) {
	if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	    report(stdout, GT_("mapped address %s to local %s\n"), addr, lname);
	save_str(xmit_names, lname, XMIT_ACCEPT);
    return lname != NULL;
Пример #7
/* ---------------- sub_mat_copy ------------------------------
 * Make a copy of a substitution matrix. Not obviously a useful
 * thing to do, but we can overwrite the contents and manipulate
 * it.
static struct sub_mat *
sub_mat_copy (const struct sub_mat *src)
    struct sub_mat* dst;
    int i, j;
    dst = E_MALLOC (sizeof (*dst));
    dst ->fname   = NULL;
    dst ->comment = NULL;
    dst ->fname = save_str (src->fname);
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_AA; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < MAX_AA; j++)
            dst->data[i][j] = src->data[i][j];
    return dst;
Пример #8
static ALWAYS_INLINE bool
internal_printf(strbuf_t *s1, bool (*save_str)(strbuf_t *, const char *, size_t), const char *fmt, va_list values)
    char *s2;
    int len;

    if (UNLIKELY((len = vasprintf(&s2, fmt, values)) < 0))
        return false;

    bool success = save_str(s1, s2, (size_t)len);

    return success;
Пример #9
/** add given name to xmit_names if it matches declared localnames */
static void map_name(const char *name, struct query *ctl, struct idlist **xmit_names)
/*   name:	 name to map */
/*   ctl:	 list of permissible aliases */
/*   xmit_names: list of recipient names parsed out */
    const char	*lname;

    lname = idpair_find(&ctl->localnames, name);
    if (!lname && ctl->wildcard)
	lname = name;

    if (lname != (char *)NULL)
	if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	    report(stdout, GT_("mapped %s to local %s\n"), name, lname);
	save_str(xmit_names, lname, XMIT_ACCEPT);
Пример #10
int chkVersionChange() {
    char keySaved[14]   = {0};
    char keyNew[14]     = {0};
    struct tm tm        = {0};
    char* verTime       = versionDateString();

    if (verTime) {
        strptime(verTime, "%a %b %d %T PDT %Y", &tm);
        strftime(keyNew, sizeof(keyNew), "%s", &tm);

        load_str(MAND_CONF,  "MAGIC_KEY", keySaved, sizeof(keySaved), NULL);
        g_first_run = strcmp(keySaved, keyNew);
        if (g_first_run != 0)
            save_str(MAND_CONF, "MAGIC_KEY", keyNew);
    } else {
        g_first_run = 0;
    return g_first_run;
/* ---------------- seq_deletion ------------------------------
 * perl: seq_deletion seq start length
 *  returns  a new sequence with appropriately modified set
 *  Operation :
 *    for a deletion at s of length l,
 *    1.remove residues s to s+l-1 from the sequence
struct seq *
seq_deletion ( struct seq *oseq, size_t start,
	       size_t sl, size_t ql)
    const char *this_sub="seq_deletion";
    /* From seq_copy */
    size_t n;
    struct seq *dst;

    if (oseq==NULL) {
        err_printf (this_sub, "---- NULL SEQUENCE ----\n");
    if ((start>=oseq->length) ||
	((start+sl+ql)>oseq->length)) {
        err_printf (this_sub, "Unbounded Deletion of (%i, s%i, q%i) in sequence of %i residues.\n",start,sl,ql,oseq->length);
        return (NULL);
    n = oseq->length-sl-ql;
    dst = E_MALLOC (sizeof (*oseq));
    if (dst!=NULL) {
        seq_ini (dst);
        if (oseq->seq) {
            dst->seq = E_MALLOC(sizeof(oseq->seq[0])*(n+1));
            if (start)
                memcpy(dst->seq, oseq->seq, (start)*sizeof(oseq->seq[0]));
            if (n-start)
                memcpy(dst->seq+start, oseq->seq+(start+ql), (1+n-start)*sizeof(oseq->seq[0]));
            dst->seq[n]='\0'; /* excessive ensureing */
            if (oseq->comment)
                dst->comment = save_str (oseq->comment);
        dst->length = n;
        dst->format = oseq->format;
        return dst;
    } else
        err_printf (this_sub, "---- NO SEQUENCE MEMORY ----");
    return NULL;
Пример #12
static void find_server_names(const char *hdr,
			      struct query *ctl,
			      struct idlist **xmit_names)
/* parse names out of a RFC822 header into an ID list */
/*   hdr:		RFC822 header in question */
/*   ctl:		list of permissible aliases */
/*   xmit_names:	list of recipient names parsed out */
    if (hdr == (char *)NULL)
	char	*cp;

	for (cp = nxtaddr(hdr); cp != NULL; cp = nxtaddr(NULL))
	    char	*atsign;

	     * Handle empty address from a To: header containing only 
	     * a comment.
	    if (!*cp)

	     * If the name of the user begins with a qmail virtual
	     * domain prefix, ignore the prefix.  Doing this here
	     * means qvirtual will work either with ordinary name
	     * mapping or with a localdomains option.
	    if (ctl->server.qvirtual)
		int sl = strlen(ctl->server.qvirtual);
		if (!strncasecmp((char *)cp, ctl->server.qvirtual, sl))
		    cp += sl;

	    if ((atsign = strchr((char *)cp, '@'))) {
		struct idlist	*idp;

		/* try to match full address first, this takes
		 * precedence over localdomains and alias mappings */
		if (map_address(cp, ctl, xmit_names))
		    goto nomap;

		 * Does a trailing segment of the hostname match something
		 * on the localdomains list?  If so, save the whole name
		 * and keep going.
		for (idp = ctl->server.localdomains; idp; idp = idp->next) {
		    char	*rhs;

		    rhs = atsign + (strlen(atsign) - strlen(idp->id));
		    if (rhs > atsign &&
			(rhs[-1] == '.' || rhs[-1] == '@') &&
			strcasecmp(rhs, idp->id) == 0)
			if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
			    report(stdout, GT_("passed through %s matching %s\n"), 
				  cp, idp->id);
			save_str(xmit_names, (const char *)cp, XMIT_ACCEPT);
			goto nomap;

		/* if we matched a local domain, idp != NULL */
		if (!idp)
		     * Check to see if the right-hand part is an alias
		     * or MX equivalent of the mailserver.  If it's
		     * not, skip this name.  If it is, we'll keep
		     * going and try to find a mapping to a client name.
		    if (!is_host_alias(atsign+1, ctl, &ai0))
			save_str(xmit_names, cp, XMIT_REJECT);
		atsign[0] = '\0';
		map_name(cp, ctl, xmit_names);
Пример #13
int readheaders(int sock,
		       long fetchlen,
		       long reallen,
		       struct query *ctl,
		       int num,
		       flag *suppress_readbody)
/* read message headers and ship to SMTP or MDA */
/*   sock:		to which the server is connected */
/*   fetchlen:		length of message according to fetch response */
/*   reallen:		length of message according to getsizes */
/*   ctl:		query control record */
/*   num:		index of message */
/*   suppress_readbody:	whether call to readbody() should be supressed */
    struct addrblk
	int		offset;
	struct addrblk	*next;
    struct addrblk	*to_addrchain = NULL;
    struct addrblk	**to_chainptr = &to_addrchain;
    struct addrblk	*resent_to_addrchain = NULL;
    struct addrblk	**resent_to_chainptr = &resent_to_addrchain;

    char		buf[MSGBUFSIZE+1];
    int			from_offs, reply_to_offs, resent_from_offs;
    int			app_from_offs, sender_offs, resent_sender_offs;
    int			env_offs;
    char		*received_for, *rcv, *cp;
    static char		*delivered_to = NULL;
    int 		n, oldlen, ch, remaining, skipcount;
    size_t		linelen;
    int			delivered_to_count;
    struct idlist 	*idp;
    flag		no_local_matches = FALSE;
    flag		has_nuls;
    int			olderrs, good_addresses, bad_addresses;
    int			retain_mail = 0, refuse_mail = 0;
    flag		already_has_return_path = FALSE;

    sizeticker = 0;
    has_nuls = FALSE;
    msgblk.return_path[0] = '\0';
    olderrs = ctl->errcount;

    /* read message headers */
    msgblk.reallen = reallen;

     * We used to free the header block unconditionally at the end of 
     * readheaders, but it turns out that if close_sink() hits an error
     * condition the code for sending bouncemail will actually look
     * at the freed storage and coredump...

    /* initially, no message digest */
    memset(ctl->digest, '\0', sizeof(ctl->digest));

    received_for = NULL;
    from_offs = reply_to_offs = resent_from_offs = app_from_offs = 
	sender_offs = resent_sender_offs = env_offs = -1;
    oldlen = 0;
    msgblk.msglen = 0;
    skipcount = 0;
    delivered_to_count = 0;
    ctl->mimemsg = 0;

    for (remaining = fetchlen; remaining > 0 || protocol->delimited; )
	char *line, *rline;

	line = (char *)xmalloc(sizeof(buf));
	linelen = 0;
	line[0] = '\0';
	do {
	    do {
		char	*sp, *tp;

		if ((n = SockRead(sock, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) == -1) {

		 * Smash out any NULs, they could wreak havoc later on.
		 * Some network stacks seem to generate these at random,
		 * especially (according to reports) at the beginning of the
		 * first read.  NULs are illegal in RFC822 format.
		for (sp = tp = buf; sp < buf + n; sp++)
		    if (*sp)
			*tp++ = *sp;
		*tp = '\0';
		n = tp - buf;
	    } while
		  (n == 0);

	    remaining -= n;
	    linelen += n;
	    msgblk.msglen += n;

	     * Try to gracefully handle the case where the length of a
	     * line exceeds MSGBUFSIZE.
	    if (n && buf[n-1] != '\n') 
		rline = (char *) realloc(line, linelen + 1);
		if (rline == NULL)
		    free (line);
		line = rline;
		memcpy(line + linelen - n, buf, n);
		line[linelen] = '\0';
		ch = ' '; /* So the next iteration starts */

	    /* lines may not be properly CRLF terminated; fix this for qmail */
	    /* we don't want to overflow the buffer here */
	    if (ctl->forcecr && buf[n-1]=='\n' && (n==1 || buf[n-2]!='\r'))
		char * tcp;
		rline = (char *) realloc(line, linelen + 2);
		if (rline == NULL)
		    free (line);
		line = rline;
		memcpy(line + linelen - n, buf, n - 1);
		tcp = line + linelen - 1;
		*tcp++ = '\r';
		*tcp++ = '\n';
		*tcp = '\0';
		/* n++; - not used later on */
		rline = (char *) realloc(line, linelen + 1);
		if (rline == NULL)
		    free (line);
		line = rline;
		memcpy(line + linelen - n, buf, n + 1);

	    /* check for end of headers */
	    if (end_of_header(line))
		if (linelen != strlen (line))
		    has_nuls = TRUE;
		goto process_headers;

	     * Check for end of message immediately.  If one of your folders
	     * has been mangled, the delimiter may occur directly after the
	     * header.
	    if (protocol->delimited && line[0] == '.' && EMPTYLINE(line+1))
		if (suppress_readbody)
		    *suppress_readbody = TRUE;
		goto eoh; /* above */

	     * At least one brain-dead website (netmind.com) is known to
	     * send out robotmail that's missing the RFC822 delimiter blank
	     * line before the body! Without this check fetchmail segfaults.
	     * With it, we treat such messages as spam and refuse them.
	     * Frederic Marchal reported in February 2006 that hotmail
	     * or something improperly wrapped a very long TO header
	     * (wrapped without inserting whitespace in the continuation
	     * line) and found that this code thus refused a message
	     * that should have been delivered.
	     * XXX FIXME: we should probably wrap the message up as
	     * message/rfc822 attachment and forward to postmaster (Rob
	     * MacGregor)
	    if (!refuse_mail
		&& !ctl->server.badheader == BHACCEPT
		&& !isspace((unsigned char)line[0])
		&& !strchr(line, ':'))
		if (linelen != strlen (line))
		    has_nuls = TRUE;
		if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
			   GT_("incorrect header line found - see manpage for bad-header option\n"));
		if (outlevel >= O_VERBOSE)
		    report (stdout, GT_("line: %s"), line);
		refuse_mail = 1;

	    /* check for RFC822 continuations */
	    ch = SockPeek(sock);
	} while
	    (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t');	/* continuation to next line? */

	/* write the message size dots */
	if ((outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE) && linelen > 0)
	    print_ticker(&sizeticker, linelen);

	 * Decode MIME encoded headers. We MUST do this before
	 * looking at the Content-Type / Content-Transfer-Encoding
	 * headers (RFC 2046).
	if ( ctl->mimedecode )
	    char *tcp;
	    /* the line is now shorter. So we retrace back till we find
	     * our terminating combination \n\0, we move backwards to
	     * make sure that we don't catch some \n\0 stored in the
	     * decoded part of the message */
	    for (tcp = line + linelen - 1; tcp > line && (*tcp != 0 || tcp[-1] != '\n'); tcp--);
	    if  (tcp > line) linelen = tcp - line;

	/* skip processing if we are going to retain or refuse this mail */
	if (retain_mail || refuse_mail)

	/* we see an ordinary (non-header, non-message-delimiter) line */
	if (linelen != strlen (line))
	    has_nuls = TRUE;

	 * The University of Washington IMAP server (the reference
	 * implementation of IMAP4 written by Mark Crispin) relies
	 * on being able to keep base-UID information in a special
	 * message at the head of the mailbox.  This message should
	 * neither be deleted nor forwarded.
	 * An example for such a message is (keep this in so people
	 * find it when looking where the special code is to handle the
	 * data):
	 *   From MAILER-DAEMON Wed Nov 23 11:38:42 2005
	 *   Date: 23 Nov 2005 11:38:42 +0100
	 *   From: Mail System Internal Data <*****@*****.**>
	 *   Message-ID: <*****@*****.**>
	 *   X-IMAP: 1132742306 0000000001
	 *   Status: RO
	 *   This text is part of the internal format of your mail folder, and is not
	 *   a real message.  It is created automatically by the mail system software.
	 *   If deleted, important folder data will be lost, and it will be re-created
	 *   with the data reset to initial values.
	 * This message is only visible if a POP3 server that is unaware
	 * of these UWIMAP messages is used besides UWIMAP or PINE.
	 * We will just check if the first message in the mailbox has an
	 * X-IMAP: header.
#ifdef POP2_ENABLE
	 * We disable this check under POP2 because there's no way to
	 * prevent deletion of the message.  So at least we ought to
	 * forward it to the user so he or she will have some clue
	 * that things have gone awry.
	if (servport("pop2") != servport(protocol->service))
#endif /* POP2_ENABLE */
	    if (num == 1 && !strncasecmp(line, "X-IMAP:", 7)) {
		retain_mail = 1;

	 * This code prevents fetchmail from becoming an accessory after
	 * the fact to upstream sendmails with the `E' option on.  It also
	 * copes with certain brain-dead POP servers (like NT's) that pass
	 * through Unix from_ lines.
	 * Either of these bugs can result in a non-RFC822 line at the
	 * beginning of the headers.  If fetchmail just passes it
	 * through, the client listener may think the message has *no*
	 * headers (since the first) line it sees doesn't look
	 * RFC822-conformant) and fake up a set.
	 * What the user would see in this case is bogus (synthesized)
	 * headers, followed by a blank line, followed by the >From, 
	 * followed by the real headers, followed by a blank line,
	 * followed by text.
	 * We forestall this lossage by tossing anything that looks
	 * like an escaped or passed-through From_ line in headers.
	 * These aren't RFC822 so our conscience is clear...
	if (!strncasecmp(line, ">From ", 6) || !strncasecmp(line, "From ", 5))

	 * We remove all Delivered-To: headers if dropdelivered is set
	 * - special care must be taken if Delivered-To: is also used
	 * as envelope at the same time.
	 * This is to avoid false mail loops errors when delivering
	 * local messages to and from a Postfix or qmail mailserver.
	if (ctl->dropdelivered && !strncasecmp(line, "Delivered-To:", 13)) 
	    if (delivered_to ||
	    	ctl->server.envelope == STRING_DISABLED ||
		!ctl->server.envelope ||
		strcasecmp(ctl->server.envelope, "Delivered-To") ||
		delivered_to_count != ctl->server.envskip)
		delivered_to = line;

	 * If we see a Status line, it may have been inserted by an MUA
	 * on the mail host, or it may have been inserted by the server
	 * program after the headers in the transaction stream.  This
	 * can actually hose some new-mail notifiers such as xbuffy,
	 * which assumes any Status line came from a *local* MDA and
	 * therefore indicates that the message has been seen.
	 * Some buggy POP servers (including at least the 3.3(20)
	 * version of the one distributed with IMAP) insert empty
	 * Status lines in the transaction stream; we'll chuck those
	 * unconditionally.  Nonempty ones get chucked if the user
	 * turns on the dropstatus flag.
	    char	*tcp;

	    if (!strncasecmp(line, "Status:", 7))
		tcp = line + 7;
	    else if (!strncasecmp(line, "X-Mozilla-Status:", 17))
		tcp = line + 17;
		tcp = NULL;
	    if (tcp) {
		while (*tcp && isspace((unsigned char)*tcp)) tcp++;
		if (!*tcp || ctl->dropstatus)

	if (ctl->rewrite)
	    line = reply_hack(line, ctl->server.truename, &linelen);

	 * OK, this is messy.  If we're forwarding by SMTP, it's the
	 * SMTP-receiver's job (according to RFC821, page 22, section
	 * 4.1.1) to generate a Return-Path line on final delivery.
	 * The trouble is, we've already got one because the
	 * mailserver's SMTP thought *it* was responsible for final
	 * delivery.
	 * Stash away the contents of Return-Path (as modified by reply_hack)
	 * for use in generating MAIL FROM later on, then prevent the header
	 * from being saved with the others.  In effect, we strip it off here.
	 * If the SMTP server conforms to the standards, and fetchmail gets the
	 * envelope sender from the Return-Path, the new Return-Path should be
	 * exactly the same as the original one.
	 * We do *not* want to ignore empty Return-Path headers.  These should
	 * be passed through as a way of indicating that a message should
	 * not trigger bounces if delivery fails.  What we *do* need to do is
	 * make sure we never try to rewrite such a blank Return-Path.  We
	 * handle this with a check for <> in the rewrite logic above.
	 * Also, if an email has multiple Return-Path: headers, we only
	 * read the first occurance, as some spam email has more than one
	 * Return-Path.
	if ((already_has_return_path==FALSE) && !strncasecmp("Return-Path:", line, 12) && (cp = nxtaddr(line)))
	    char nulladdr[] = "<>";
	    already_has_return_path = TRUE;
	    if (cp[0]=='\0')	/* nxtaddr() strips the brackets... */
	    strncpy(msgblk.return_path, cp, sizeof(msgblk.return_path));
	    msgblk.return_path[sizeof(msgblk.return_path)-1] = '\0';
	    if (!ctl->mda) {

	if (!msgblk.headers)
	    oldlen = linelen;
	    msgblk.headers = (char *)xmalloc(oldlen + 1);
	    (void) memcpy(msgblk.headers, line, linelen);
	    msgblk.headers[oldlen] = '\0';
	    line = msgblk.headers;
	    char *newhdrs;
	    int	newlen;

	    newlen = oldlen + linelen;
	    newhdrs = (char *) realloc(msgblk.headers, newlen + 1);
	    if (newhdrs == NULL) {
	    msgblk.headers = newhdrs;
	    memcpy(msgblk.headers + oldlen, line, linelen);
	    msgblk.headers[newlen] = '\0';
	    line = msgblk.headers + oldlen;
	    oldlen = newlen;

	/* find offsets of various special headers */
	if (!strncasecmp("From:", line, 5))
	    from_offs = (line - msgblk.headers);
	else if (!strncasecmp("Reply-To:", line, 9))
	    reply_to_offs = (line - msgblk.headers);
	else if (!strncasecmp("Resent-From:", line, 12))
	    resent_from_offs = (line - msgblk.headers);
	else if (!strncasecmp("Apparently-From:", line, 16))
	    app_from_offs = (line - msgblk.headers);
	 * Netscape 4.7 puts "Sender: zap" in mail headers.  Perverse...
	 * But a literal reading of RFC822 sec. 4.4.2 supports the idea
	 * that Sender: *doesn't* have to be a working email address.
	 * The definition of the Sender header in RFC822 says, in
	 * part, "The Sender mailbox specification includes a word
	 * sequence which must correspond to a specific agent (i.e., a
	 * human user or a computer program) rather than a standard
	 * address."  That implies that the contents of the Sender
	 * field don't need to be a legal email address at all So
	 * ignore any Sender or Resent-Sender lines unless they
	 * contain @.
	 * (RFC2822 says the contents of Sender must be a valid mailbox
	 * address, which is also what RFC822 4.4.4 implies.)
	else if (!strncasecmp("Sender:", line, 7) && (strchr(line, '@') || strchr(line, '!')))
	    sender_offs = (line - msgblk.headers);
	else if (!strncasecmp("Resent-Sender:", line, 14) && (strchr(line, '@') || strchr(line, '!')))
	    resent_sender_offs = (line - msgblk.headers);

#ifdef __UNUSED__
 	else if (!strncasecmp("Message-Id:", line, 11))
	    if (ctl->server.uidl)
	        char id[IDLEN+1];

		line[IDLEN+12] = 0;		/* prevent stack overflow */
 		sscanf(line+12, "%s", id);
 	        if (!str_find( &ctl->newsaved, num))
 		    struct idlist *newl = save_str(&ctl->newsaved,id,UID_SEEN);
		    newl->val.status.num = num;
#endif /* __UNUSED__ */

	/* if multidrop is on, gather addressee headers */
	if (MULTIDROP(ctl))
	    if (!strncasecmp("To:", line, 3)
		|| !strncasecmp("Cc:", line, 3)
		|| !strncasecmp("Bcc:", line, 4)
		|| !strncasecmp("Apparently-To:", line, 14))
		*to_chainptr = (struct addrblk *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct addrblk));
		(*to_chainptr)->offset = (line - msgblk.headers);
		to_chainptr = &(*to_chainptr)->next; 
		*to_chainptr = NULL;

	    else if (!strncasecmp("Resent-To:", line, 10)
		     || !strncasecmp("Resent-Cc:", line, 10)
		     || !strncasecmp("Resent-Bcc:", line, 11))
		*resent_to_chainptr = (struct addrblk *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct addrblk));
		(*resent_to_chainptr)->offset = (line - msgblk.headers);
		resent_to_chainptr = &(*resent_to_chainptr)->next; 
		*resent_to_chainptr = NULL;

	    else if (ctl->server.envelope != STRING_DISABLED)
		if (ctl->server.envelope 
		    && strcasecmp(ctl->server.envelope, "Received"))
		    if (env_offs == -1 && !strncasecmp(ctl->server.envelope,
			if (skipcount++ < ctl->server.envskip)
			env_offs = (line - msgblk.headers);
		else if (!received_for && !strncasecmp("Received:", line, 9))
		    if (skipcount++ < ctl->server.envskip)
		    received_for = parse_received(ctl, line);


    if (retain_mail) {

    if (refuse_mail)
     * This is the duplicate-message killer code.
     * When mail delivered to a multidrop mailbox on the server is
     * addressed to multiple people on the client machine, there will
     * be one copy left in the box for each recipient.  This is not a
     * problem if we have the actual recipient address to dispatch on
     * (e.g. because we've mined it out of sendmail trace headers, or
     * a qmail Delivered-To line, or a declared sender envelope line).
     * But if we're mining addressees out of the To/Cc/Bcc fields, and
     * if the mail is addressed to N people, each recipient will
     * get N copies.  This is bad when N > 1.
     * Foil this by suppressing all but one copy of a message with a
     * given set of headers.
     * Note: This implementation only catches runs of successive
     * messages with the same ID, but that should be good
     * enough. A more general implementation would have to store
     * ever-growing lists of seen message-IDs; in a long-running
     * daemon this would turn into a memory leak even if the 
     * implementation were perfect.
     * Don't mess with this code casually.  It would be way too easy
     * to break it in a way that blackholed mail.  Better to pass
     * the occasional duplicate than to do that...
     * Matthias Andree:
     * The real fix however is to insist on Delivered-To: or similar
     * headers and require that one copy per recipient be dropped.
     * Everything else breaks sooner or later.
    if (MULTIDROP(ctl) && msgblk.headers)
	MD5_CTX context;

	MD5Update(&context, (unsigned char *)msgblk.headers, strlen(msgblk.headers));
	MD5Final(ctl->digest, &context);

	if (!received_for && env_offs == -1 && !delivered_to)
	     * Hmmm...can MD5 ever yield all zeroes as a hash value?
	     * If so there is a one in 18-quadrillion chance this 
	     * code will incorrectly nuke the first message.
	    if (!memcmp(ctl->lastdigest, ctl->digest, DIGESTLEN))
	memcpy(ctl->lastdigest, ctl->digest, DIGESTLEN);

     * Hack time.  If the first line of the message was blank, with no headers
     * (this happens occasionally due to bad gatewaying software) cons up
     * a set of fake headers.  
     * If you modify the fake header template below, be sure you don't
     * make either From or To address @-less, otherwise the reply_hack
     * logic will do bad things.
    if (msgblk.headers == (char *)NULL)
	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
		"To: %s@%s\r\n"
		"Subject: Headerless mail from %s's mailbox on %s\r\n",
		user, fetchmailhost, ctl->remotename, ctl->server.truename);
	msgblk.headers = xstrdup(buf);

     * We can now process message headers before reading the text.
     * In fact we have to, as this will tell us where to forward to.

    /* Check for MIME headers indicating possible 8-bit data */
    ctl->mimemsg = MimeBodyType(msgblk.headers, ctl->mimedecode);

    if (ctl->server.sdps && sdps_envfrom)
	/* We have the real envelope return-path, stored out of band by
	 * SDPS - that's more accurate than any header is going to be.
	strlcpy(msgblk.return_path, sdps_envfrom, sizeof(msgblk.return_path));
    } else
#endif /* SDPS_ENABLE */
     * If there is a Return-Path address on the message, this was
     * almost certainly the MAIL FROM address given the originating
     * sendmail.  This is the best thing to use for logging the
     * message origin (it sets up the right behavior for bounces and
     * mailing lists).  Otherwise, fall down to the next available 
     * envelope address (which is the most probable real sender).
     * *** The order is important! ***
     * This is especially useful when receiving mailing list
     * messages in multidrop mode.  if a local address doesn't
     * exist, the bounce message won't be returned blindly to the 
     * author or to the list itself but rather to the list manager
     * (ex: specified by "Sender:") which is much less annoying.  This 
     * is true for most mailing list packages.
    if( !msgblk.return_path[0] ){
	char *ap = NULL;
	if (resent_sender_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(msgblk.headers + resent_sender_offs)));
	else if (sender_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(msgblk.headers + sender_offs)));
	else if (resent_from_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(msgblk.headers + resent_from_offs)));
	else if (from_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(msgblk.headers + from_offs)));
	else if (reply_to_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(msgblk.headers + reply_to_offs)));
	else if (app_from_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(msgblk.headers + app_from_offs))) {}
	/* multi-line MAIL FROM addresses confuse SMTP terribly */
	if (ap && !strchr(ap, '\n')) {
	    strncpy(msgblk.return_path, ap, sizeof(msgblk.return_path));
	    msgblk.return_path[sizeof(msgblk.return_path)-1] = '\0';

    /* cons up a list of local recipients */
    msgblk.recipients = (struct idlist *)NULL;
    accept_count = reject_count = 0;
    /* is this a multidrop box? */
    if (MULTIDROP(ctl))
	if (ctl->server.sdps && sdps_envto)
	    /* We have the real envelope recipient, stored out of band by
	     * SDPS - that's more accurate than any header is going to be.
	    find_server_names(sdps_envto, ctl, &msgblk.recipients);
	} else
#endif /* SDPS_ENABLE */ 
	if (env_offs > -1)	    /* We have the actual envelope addressee */
	    find_server_names(msgblk.headers + env_offs, ctl, &msgblk.recipients);
	else if (delivered_to && ctl->server.envelope != STRING_DISABLED &&
      ctl->server.envelope && !strcasecmp(ctl->server.envelope, "Delivered-To"))
	    find_server_names(delivered_to, ctl, &msgblk.recipients);
	else if (received_for)
	     * We have the Received for addressee.  
	     * It has to be a mailserver address, or we
	     * wouldn't have got here.
	     * We use find_server_names() to let local 
	     * hostnames go through.
	    find_server_names(received_for, ctl, &msgblk.recipients);
	     * We haven't extracted the envelope address.
	     * So check all the "Resent-To" header addresses if 
	     * they exist.  If and only if they don't, consider
	     * the "To" addresses.
	    register struct addrblk *nextptr;
	    if (resent_to_addrchain) {
		/* delete the "To" chain and substitute it 
		 * with the "Resent-To" list 
		while (to_addrchain) {
		    nextptr = to_addrchain->next;
		    to_addrchain = nextptr;
		to_addrchain = resent_to_addrchain;
		resent_to_addrchain = NULL;
	    /* now look for remaining adresses */
	    while (to_addrchain) {
		find_server_names(msgblk.headers+to_addrchain->offset, ctl, &msgblk.recipients);
		nextptr = to_addrchain->next;
		to_addrchain = nextptr;
	if (!accept_count)
	    no_local_matches = TRUE;
	    save_str(&msgblk.recipients, run.postmaster, XMIT_ACCEPT);
	    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
		      GT_("no local matches, forwarding to %s\n"),
    else	/* it's a single-drop box, use first localname */
	save_str(&msgblk.recipients, ctl->localnames->id, XMIT_ACCEPT);

     * Time to either address the message or decide we can't deliver it yet.
    if (ctl->errcount > olderrs)	/* there were DNS errors above */
	if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
		   GT_("forwarding and deletion suppressed due to DNS errors\n"));
	/* set up stuffline() so we can deliver the message body through it */ 
	if ((n = open_sink(ctl, &msgblk,
			   &good_addresses, &bad_addresses)) != PS_SUCCESS)

    n = 0;
     * Some server/sendmail combinations cause problems when our
     * synthetic Received line is before the From header.  Cope
     * with this...
    if ((rcv = strstr(msgblk.headers, "Received:")) == (char *)NULL)
	rcv = msgblk.headers;
    /* handle ">Received:" lines too */
    while (rcv > msgblk.headers && rcv[-1] != '\n')
    if (rcv > msgblk.headers)
	char	c = *rcv;

	*rcv = '\0';
	n = stuffline(ctl, msgblk.headers);
	*rcv = c;
    if (!run.invisible && n != -1)
	/* utter any per-message Received information we need here */
        if (ctl->server.trueaddr) {
	    char saddr[50];
	    int e;

	    e = getnameinfo(ctl->server.trueaddr, ctl->server.trueaddr_len,
		    saddr, sizeof(saddr), NULL, 0,
	    if (e)
		snprintf(saddr, sizeof(saddr), "(%-.*s)", (int)(sizeof(saddr) - 3), gai_strerror(e));
	    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
		    "Received: from %s [%s]\r\n", 
		    ctl->server.truename, saddr);
	} else {
	    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
		  "Received: from %s\r\n", ctl->server.truename);
	n = stuffline(ctl, buf);
	if (n != -1)
	     * We SHOULD (RFC-2821 sec. 4.4/p. 53) make sure to only use
	     * IANA registered protocol names here.
	    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
		    "\tby %s with %s (fetchmail-%s",
	    if (ctl->server.tracepolls)
		snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf),
			" polling %s account %s",
		if (ctl->folder)
		    snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf),
			    " folder %s",
	    snprintf(buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf), ")\r\n");
	    n = stuffline(ctl, buf);
	    if (n != -1)
		buf[0] = '\t';
		if (good_addresses == 0)
		    snprintf(buf+1, sizeof(buf)-1, "for <%s> (by default); ",
			    rcpt_address (ctl, run.postmaster, 0));
		else if (good_addresses == 1)
		    for (idp = msgblk.recipients; idp; idp = idp->next)
			if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_ACCEPT)
			    break;	/* only report first address */
		    if (idp)
			snprintf(buf+1, sizeof(buf)-1,
				"for <%s>", rcpt_address (ctl, idp->id, 1));
		    snprintf(buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf)-1,
			    " (%s); ",
			    MULTIDROP(ctl) ? "multi-drop" : "single-drop");
		    buf[1] = '\0';

		snprintf(buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf), "%s\r\n",
		n = stuffline(ctl, buf);

    if (n != -1)
	n = stuffline(ctl, rcv);	/* ship out rest of msgblk.headers */

    if (n == -1)
	report(stdout, GT_("writing RFC822 msgblk.headers\n"));
    if (want_progress())
	fputc('#', stdout);

    /* write error notifications */
    if (no_local_matches || has_nuls || bad_addresses)
	int	errlen = 0;
	char	errhd[USERNAMELEN + POPBUFSIZE], *errmsg;

	errmsg = errhd;
	strlcpy(errhd, "X-Fetchmail-Warning: ", sizeof(errhd));
	if (no_local_matches)
	    if (reject_count != 1)
		strlcat(errhd, GT_("no recipient addresses matched declared local names"), sizeof(errhd));
		for (idp = msgblk.recipients; idp; idp = idp->next)
		    if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_REJECT)
		snprintf(errhd+strlen(errhd), sizeof(errhd)-strlen(errhd),
			GT_("recipient address %s didn't match any local name"), idp->id);

	if (has_nuls)
	    if (errhd[sizeof("X-Fetchmail-Warning: ")])
		snprintf(errhd+strlen(errhd), sizeof(errhd)-strlen(errhd), "; ");
	    snprintf(errhd+strlen(errhd), sizeof(errhd)-strlen(errhd),
			GT_("message has embedded NULs"));

	if (bad_addresses)
	    if (errhd[sizeof("X-Fetchmail-Warning: ")])
		snprintf(errhd+strlen(errhd), sizeof(errhd)-strlen(errhd), "; ");
	    snprintf(errhd+strlen(errhd), sizeof(errhd)-strlen(errhd),
			GT_("SMTP listener rejected local recipient addresses: "));
	    errlen = strlen(errhd);
	    for (idp = msgblk.recipients; idp; idp = idp->next)
		if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_RCPTBAD)
		    errlen += strlen(idp->id) + 2;

	    errmsg = (char *)xmalloc(errlen + 3);
	    strcpy(errmsg, errhd);
	    for (idp = msgblk.recipients; idp; idp = idp->next)
		if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_RCPTBAD)
		    strcat(errmsg, idp->id);
		    if (idp->next)
			strcat(errmsg, ", ");


	strcat(errmsg, "\r\n");

	/* ship out the error line */
	stuffline(ctl, errmsg);

	if (errmsg != errhd)

    /* issue the delimiter line */
    cp = buf;
    *cp++ = '\r';
    *cp++ = '\n';
    *cp = '\0';
    n = stuffline(ctl, buf);

    if ((size_t)n == strlen(buf))
	return PS_SUCCESS;
	return PS_SOCKET;
Пример #14
/** Read saved IDs from \a idfile and attach to each host in \a hostlist. */
void initialize_saved_lists(struct query *hostlist, const char *idfile)
    struct stat statbuf;
    FILE	*tmpfp;
    struct query *ctl;

    /* make sure lists are initially empty */
    for (ctl = hostlist; ctl; ctl = ctl->next) {
	ctl->skipped = (struct idlist *)NULL;


    errno = 0;

     * Croak if the uidl directory does not exist.
     * This probably means an NFS mount failed and we can't
     * see a uidl file that ought to be there.
     * Question: is this a portable check? It's not clear
     * that all implementations of lstat() will return ENOTDIR
     * rather than plain ENOENT in this case...
    if (lstat(idfile, &statbuf) < 0) {
	if (errno == ENOTDIR)
	    report(stderr, "lstat: %s: %s\n", idfile, strerror(errno));

    /* let's get stored message UIDs from previous queries */
    if ((tmpfp = fopen(idfile, "r")) != (FILE *)NULL)
	char buf[POPBUFSIZE+1];
	char *host = NULL;	/* pacify -Wall */
	char *user;
	char *id;
	char *atsign;	/* temp pointer used in parsing user and host */
	char *delimp1;
	char saveddelim1;
	char *delimp2;
	char saveddelim2 = '\0';	/* pacify -Wall */

	while (fgets(buf, POPBUFSIZE, tmpfp) != (char *)NULL)
	     * At this point, we assume the bug has two fields -- a user@host
	     * part, and an ID part. Either field may contain spurious @ signs.
	     * The previous version of this code presumed one could split at
	     * the rightmost '@'.  This is not correct, as InterMail puts an
	     * '@' in the UIDL.

	    /* first, skip leading spaces */
	    user = buf + strspn(buf, " \t");

	     * First, we split the buf into a userhost part and an id
	     * part ... but id doesn't necessarily start with a '<',
	     * espescially if the POP server returns an X-UIDL header
	     * instead of a Message-ID, as GMX's (www.gmx.net) POP3
	     * StreamProxy V1.0 does.
	     * this is one other trick. The userhost part
	     * may contain ' ' in the user part, at least in
	     * the lotus notes case.
	     * So we start looking for the '@' after which the
	     * host will follow with the ' ' separator with the id.
	     * XXX FIXME: There is a case this code cannot handle:
	     * the user name cannot have blanks after a '@'.
	    if ((delimp1 = strchr(user, '@')) != NULL &&
		(id = strchr(delimp1,' ')) != NULL)
	        for (delimp1 = id; delimp1 >= user; delimp1--)
		    if ((*delimp1 != ' ') && (*delimp1 != '\t'))

		 * It should be safe to assume that id starts after
		 * the " " - after all, we're writing the " "
		 * ourselves in write_saved_lists() :-)
		id = id + strspn(id, " ");

		delimp1++; /* but what if there is only white space ?!? */
		/* we have at least one @, else we are not in this branch */
		saveddelim1 = *delimp1;		/* save char after token */
		*delimp1 = '\0';		/* delimit token with \0 */

		/* now remove trailing white space chars from id */
		if ((delimp2 = strpbrk(id, " \t\n")) != NULL ) {
		    saveddelim2 = *delimp2;
		    *delimp2 = '\0';

		atsign = strrchr(user, '@');
		/* we have at least one @, else we are not in this branch */
		*atsign = '\0';
		host = atsign + 1;

		/* find uidl db and save it */
		for (ctl = hostlist; ctl; ctl = ctl->next) {
		    if (strcasecmp(host, ctl->server.queryname) == 0
			    && strcasecmp(user, ctl->remotename) == 0) {
			uid_db_insert(&ctl->oldsaved, id, UID_SEEN);
		 * If it's not in a host we're querying,
		 * save it anyway.  Otherwise we'd lose UIDL
		 * information any time we queried an explicit
		 * subset of hosts.
		if (ctl == (struct query *)NULL) {
		    /* restore string */
		    *delimp1 = saveddelim1;
		    *atsign = '@';
		    if (delimp2 != NULL) {
			*delimp2 = saveddelim2;
		    save_str(&scratchlist, buf, UID_SEEN);
	fclose(tmpfp);	/* not checking should be safe, mode was "r" */

    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	struct idlist	*idp;

	for (ctl = hostlist; ctl; ctl = ctl->next)
		report_build(stdout, GT_("Old UID list from %s:"),

		if (!uid_db_n_records(&ctl->oldsaved))
		    report_build(stdout, GT_(" <empty>"));
		    traverse_uid_db(&ctl->oldsaved, dump_saved_uid, NULL);

		report_complete(stdout, "\n");

	report_build(stdout, GT_("Scratch list of UIDs:"));
	if (!scratchlist)
		report_build(stdout, GT_(" <empty>"));
	else for (idp = scratchlist; idp; idp = idp->next) {
		char *t = sdump(idp->id, strlen(idp->id)-1);
		report_build(stdout, " %s\n", t);
	report_complete(stdout, "\n");
Пример #15
/* ---------------- sub_mat_read ------------------------------
struct sub_mat *
sub_mat_read (const char *fname)
#   ifndef BUFSIZ
#       error please define BUFSIZ to around 1024
#   endif
    fpos_t pos;
    struct sub_mat *smat = NULL;
    FILE *fp;
    char buf [BUFSIZ];
    char aanames [ MAX_AA + 3];
    const char *this_sub = "read_mat";
    const char comment = '#';
    if ((fp = mfopen (fname, "r", this_sub)) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* Portably initialise the fpos_t structure
     * because =0 is insufficient
    if (fgetpos(fp, &pos)) {
        mperror (this_sub);
        goto broken;

    smat = E_MALLOC ( sizeof (*smat));
    smat -> fname   = NULL;
    smat -> comment = NULL;
    smat->fname = save_str (fname);

    while (fgets (buf, BUFSIZ, fp) != NULL) {
        if ( buf[0] != comment) {
            if (fsetpos (fp, &pos)) {
                mperror (this_sub);
                goto broken;
        smat->comment = save_str_append (smat->comment, buf);
        if (fgetpos(fp, &pos)) {
            mperror (this_sub);
            goto broken;

    if (fgets (buf, BUFSIZ, fp) == NULL)
        goto broken;
    memset (aanames, BAD_AA, MAX_AA);
    if (get_aa_names (aanames, buf, BAD_AA) == EXIT_FAILURE)
        goto broken;
        int n, m;
        for (n = 0; n < MAX_AA; n++)
            for ( m = 0; m < MAX_AA; m++)
                smat->data[n][m] = (mat_t) INVALID;
        int n = 0;
        for ( ;fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, fp) != NULL; n++) {
            if (aanames [n] == BAD_AA)
            if (add_to_mat (smat, aanames, buf, n) == EXIT_FAILURE)
                err_printf (this_sub, "Ignoring matrix line\n");

    fclose (fp);
    return smat;
    fclose (fp);
    free_if_not_null (smat->comment);
    free_if_not_null (smat->fname);
    free_if_not_null (smat);
    return NULL;
Пример #16
/** parse and validate the command line options */
int parsecmdline (int argc /** argument count */,
		  char **argv /** argument strings */,
		  struct runctl *rctl /** global run controls to modify */,
		  struct query *ctl /** option record to initialize */,
		  flag *safewithbg /** set to whether options are
				     compatible with another copy
				     running in the background */)
     * return value: if positive, argv index of last parsed option + 1
     * (presumes one or more server names follows).  if zero, the
     * command line switches are such that no server names are
     * required (e.g. --version).  if negative, the command line is
     * has one or more syntax errors.

    int c;
    int ocount = 0;	/* count of destinations specified */
    int errflag = 0;	/* TRUE when a syntax error is detected */
    int helpflag = 0;	/* TRUE when option help was explicitly requested */
    int option_index;
    int option_safe;	/* to track if option currently parsed is safe
			   with a background copy */
    char *buf, *cp;

    rctl->poll_interval = -1;
    *safewithbg = TRUE;

    memset(ctl, '\0', sizeof(struct query));    /* start clean */
    ctl->smtp_socket = -1;

    while (!errflag && 
	   (c = getopt_long(argc,argv,shortoptions,
			    longoptions, &option_index)) != -1)
	option_safe = FALSE;

	switch (c) {
	case 'C':
	    ctl->pwmd_socket = prependdir(optarg, currentwd);
	case 'G':
	    ctl->pwmd_file = xstrdup(optarg);
	case 'O':
	    rctl->pinentry_timeout = atoi(optarg);
	case 'V':
	    versioninfo = TRUE;
	    option_safe = TRUE;
	case 'c':
	    check_only = TRUE;
	case 's':
	    outlevel = O_SILENT;
	    option_safe = 1;
	case 'v':
	    if (outlevel >= O_VERBOSE)
		outlevel = O_DEBUG;
		outlevel = O_VERBOSE;
	    option_safe = TRUE;
	case 'd':
	    rctl->poll_interval = xatoi(optarg, &errflag);
	case 'N':
	    nodetach = TRUE;
	case 'q':
	    quitmode = TRUE;
	    quitind = optind;
	case 'L':
	    rctl->logfile = prependdir (optarg, currentwd);
	    rctl->invisible = FLAG_TRUE;
	    rctl->showdots = FLAG_TRUE;
	case 'f':
	    rcfile = prependdir (optarg, currentwd);
	case 'i':
	    rctl->idfile = prependdir (optarg, currentwd);
	    rctl->pidfile = prependdir (optarg, currentwd);
	    rctl->postmaster = (char *) xstrdup(optarg);
	    rctl->bouncemail = FLAG_FALSE;
	    rctl->softbounce = FLAG_FALSE;
	    rctl->softbounce = FLAG_TRUE;
	    if (strcasecmp(optarg,"accept") == 0) {
		ctl->server.badheader = BHACCEPT;
	    } else if (strcasecmp(optarg,"reject") == 0) {
		ctl->server.badheader = BHREJECT;
	    } else {
		fprintf(stderr,GT_("Invalid bad-header policy `%s' specified.\n"), optarg);

	case 'p':
	    /* XXX -- should probably use a table lookup here */
	    if (strcasecmp(optarg,"auto") == 0)
		ctl->server.protocol = P_AUTO;
	    else if (strcasecmp(optarg,"sdps") == 0)
		ctl->server.protocol = P_POP3; 
		ctl->server.sdps = TRUE;
#endif /* SDPS_ENABLE */
	    else if (strcasecmp(optarg,"pop3") == 0)
		ctl->server.protocol = P_POP3;
	    else if (strcasecmp(optarg,"kpop") == 0)
		ctl->server.protocol = P_POP3;
		ctl->server.service = xstrdup(KPOP_PORT);
#ifdef KERBEROS_V5
		ctl->server.authenticate =  A_KERBEROS_V5;
#endif /* KERBEROS_V5 */
	    else if (strcasecmp(optarg,"imap") == 0)
		ctl->server.protocol = P_IMAP;
	    else if (strcasecmp(optarg,"etrn") == 0)
		ctl->server.protocol = P_ETRN;
	    else if (strcasecmp(optarg,"odmr") == 0)
		ctl->server.protocol = P_ODMR;
	    else {
		fprintf(stderr,GT_("Invalid protocol `%s' specified.\n"), optarg);
	case 'U':
	    /* EMPTY - removed in 7.0.0 */
	case LA_IDLE:
	    ctl->idle = FLAG_TRUE;
	case 'P':
	    ctl->server.service = optarg;
	case LA_AUTH:
	    if (strcmp(optarg, "password") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_PASSWORD;
#ifdef KERBEROS_V5
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "kerberos") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_KERBEROS_V5;
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "kerberos_v5") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_KERBEROS_V5;
#endif /* KERBEROS_V5 */
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "ssh") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_SSH;
	    else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "external") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_EXTERNAL;
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "otp") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_OTP;
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "opie") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_OTP;
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "ntlm") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_NTLM;
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "cram") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_CRAM_MD5;
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "cram-md5") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_CRAM_MD5;
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "gssapi") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_GSSAPI;
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "any") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_ANY;
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "msn") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_MSN;
	    else if (strcmp(optarg, "apop") == 0)
		ctl->server.authenticate = A_APOP;
	    else {
		fprintf(stderr,GT_("Invalid authentication `%s' specified.\n"), optarg);
	case 't':
	    ctl->server.timeout = xatoi(optarg, &errflag);
	    if (ctl->server.timeout == 0)
		ctl->server.timeout = -1;
	case 'E':
	    ctl->server.envelope = xstrdup(optarg);
	case 'Q':    
	    ctl->server.qvirtual = xstrdup(optarg);

	case 'u':
	    ctl->remotename = xstrdup(optarg);
	case 'a':
	    ctl->fetchall = FLAG_TRUE;
	case 'K':
	    ctl->keep = FLAG_FALSE;
	case 'k':
	    ctl->keep = FLAG_TRUE;
	case 'F':
	    ctl->flush = FLAG_TRUE;
	    ctl->limitflush = FLAG_TRUE;
	case 'n':
	    ctl->rewrite = FLAG_FALSE;
	case 'l':
	    c = xatoi(optarg, &errflag);
	    ctl->limit = NUM_VALUE_IN(c);
	case 'r':
	    buf = xstrdup(optarg);
	    cp = strtok(buf, ",");
	    do {
		save_str(&ctl->mailboxes, cp, 0);
	    } while
		((cp = strtok((char *)NULL, ",")));
	case 'S':
	    buf = xstrdup(optarg);
	    cp = strtok(buf, ",");
	    do {
		save_str(&ctl->smtphunt, cp, TRUE);
	    } while
		((cp = strtok((char *)NULL, ",")));
	    buf = xstrdup(optarg);
	    cp = strtok(buf, ",");
	    do {
		save_str(&ctl->domainlist, cp, TRUE);
	    } while
		((cp = strtok((char *)NULL, ",")));
	case 'D':
	    ctl->smtpaddress = xstrdup(optarg);
	  ctl->smtpname = xstrdup(optarg);
	case 'Z':
	    buf = xstrdup(optarg);
	    cp = strtok(buf, ",");
	    do {
		struct idlist	*idp = save_str(&ctl->antispam, STRING_DUMMY, 0);

		idp->val.status.num = xatoi(cp, &errflag);
	    } while
		((cp = strtok((char *)NULL, ",")));
	case 'b':
	    c = xatoi(optarg, &errflag);
	    ctl->batchlimit = NUM_VALUE_IN(c);
	case 'B':
	    c = xatoi(optarg, &errflag);
	    ctl->fetchlimit = NUM_VALUE_IN(c);
	    c = xatoi(optarg, &errflag);
	    ctl->fetchsizelimit = NUM_VALUE_IN(c);
	    c = xatoi(optarg, &errflag);
	    ctl->fastuidl = NUM_VALUE_IN(c);
	case 'e':
	    c = xatoi(optarg, &errflag);
	    ctl->expunge = NUM_VALUE_IN(c);
	case 'm':
	    ctl->mda = xstrdup(optarg);
	case LA_BSMTP:
	    ctl->bsmtp = prependdir (optarg, currentwd);
	case LA_LMTP:
	    ctl->listener = LMTP_MODE;

	case 'I':
	    interface_parse(optarg, &ctl->server);
	case 'M':
	    ctl->server.monitor = xstrdup(optarg);
#endif /* CAN_MONITOR */
	case LA_PLUGIN:
	    ctl->server.plugin = xstrdup(optarg);
	    ctl->server.plugout = xstrdup(optarg);

	case LA_SSL:
	    ctl->sslmode = TLSM_WRAPPED;
	    if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
		report(stderr, GT_("Warning: --ssl is obsolescent, please use --sslmode=wrapped instead.\n"));

	case LA_SSLKEY:
	    ctl->sslkey = prependdir (optarg, currentwd);

	    ctl->sslcert = prependdir (optarg, currentwd);

	    e_sslmode e = tlsm_parse(optarg);

	    if (e != TLSM_INVALID) {
		ctl->sslmode = e;
	    } else {
		report(stderr, GT_("Invalid argument to --sslmode \"%s\" specified.\n"), optarg);
		errflag = 1;
	    ctl->sslproto = xstrdup(optarg);

	    ctl->sslcertck = FLAG_TRUE;

	    ctl->sslcertck = FLAG_FALSE;

	    ctl->sslcertfile = prependdir(optarg, currentwd);

	    ctl->sslcertpath = prependdir(optarg, currentwd);

	    ctl->sslcommonname = xstrdup(optarg);

	    ctl->sslfingerprint = xstrdup(optarg);

	    ctl->server.principal = xstrdup(optarg);

	case 'y':
	    yydebug = TRUE;

	case 'w':
	    c = xatoi(optarg, &errflag);
	    ctl->warnings = NUM_VALUE_IN(c);

	    configdump = TRUE;
	    option_safe = TRUE;

	case LA_SYSLOG:
	    rctl->use_syslog = FLAG_TRUE;

	    rctl->use_syslog = FLAG_FALSE;

	    ctl->server.tracepolls = FLAG_TRUE;

	    if (strcasecmp(optarg,"abort") == 0) {
		ctl->server.retrieveerror = RE_ABORT;
	    } else if (strcasecmp(optarg,"continue") == 0) {
		ctl->server.retrieveerror = RE_CONTINUE;
	    } else if (strcasecmp(optarg,"markseen") == 0) {
		ctl->server.retrieveerror = RE_MARKSEEN;
	    } else {
		fprintf(stderr,GT_("Invalid retrieve-error policy `%s' specified.\n"), optarg);

	case '?':
	    helpflag = 1;
	*safewithbg &= option_safe;

    if (errflag || ocount > 1 || helpflag) {
	/* squawk if syntax errors were detected */
#define P(s)    fputs(s, helpflag ? stdout : stderr)
	P(GT_("usage:  fetchmail [options] [server ...]\n"));
	P(GT_("  Options are as follows:\n"));
	P(GT_("  -?, --help        display this option help\n"));
	P(GT_("  -V, --version     display version info\n"));

	P(GT_("  -c, --check       check for messages without fetching\n"));
	P(GT_("  -s, --silent      work silently\n"));
	P(GT_("  -v, --verbose     work noisily (diagnostic output)\n"));
	P(GT_("  -d, --daemon      run as a daemon once per n seconds\n"));
	P(GT_("  -N, --nodetach    don't detach daemon process\n"));
	P(GT_("  -q, --quit        kill daemon process\n"));
	P(GT_("  -L, --logfile     specify logfile name\n"));
	P(GT_("      --syslog      use syslog(3) for most messages when running as a daemon\n"));
	P(GT_("      --invisible   don't write Received & enable host spoofing\n"));
	P(GT_("  -f, --fetchmailrc specify alternate run control file\n"));
	P(GT_("  -i, --idfile      specify alternate UIDs file\n"));
	P(GT_("      --pidfile     specify alternate PID (lock) file\n"));
	P(GT_("      --postmaster  specify recipient of last resort\n"));
	P(GT_("      --nobounce    redirect bounces from user to postmaster.\n"));
	P(GT_("      --nosoftbounce fetchmail deletes permanently undeliverable messages.\n"));
	P(GT_("      --softbounce  keep permanently undeliverable messages on server (default).\n"));
	P(GT_("  -I, --interface   interface required specification\n"));
	P(GT_("  -M, --monitor     monitor interface for activity\n"));
#if defined( SSL_ENABLE )
	P(GT_("      --ssl         enable ssl encrypted session\n"));
	P(GT_("      --sslkey      ssl private key file\n"));
	P(GT_("      --sslcert     ssl client certificate\n"));
	P(GT_("      --nosslcertck INSECURE disable server certificate check (discouraged)\n"));
	P(GT_("      --sslcertck   do strict server certificate check (recommended)\n"));
	P(GT_("      --sslcertfile path to trusted-CA ssl certificate file\n"));
	P(GT_("      --sslcertpath path to trusted-CA ssl certificate directory\n"));
	P(GT_("      --sslcommonname  expect this CommonName from server (discouraged)\n"));
	P(GT_("      --sslfingerprint fingerprint that must match that of the server's cert.\n"));
	P(GT_("      --sslmode     force ssl mode (none/wrapped/starttls=may/starttls=must)\n")); // see tls.c
	P(GT_("      --sslprotocolver  force ssl version (often unneeded, see manual page!)\n"));

	P(GT_("      --plugin      specify external command to open connection\n"));
	P(GT_("      --plugout     specify external command to open smtp connection\n"));
	P(GT_("      --bad-header {reject|accept}\n"
	      "                    specify policy for handling messages with bad headers\n"));
	P(GT_("      --retrieve-error {abort|continue|markseen}\n"
              "                        specify policy for processing messages with retrieve errors\n"));

	P(GT_("  -p, --protocol    specify retrieval protocol (see man page)\n"));
        P(GT_("  -C, --pwmd-socket pwmd socket path (~/.pwmd/socket)\n"));
        P(GT_("  -G, --pwmd-file   filename to use on the pwmd server\n"));
        P(GT_("  -O, --pinentry-timeout   seconds until pinentry is canceled\n"));

	P(GT_("      --port        TCP port to connect to (obsolete, use --service)\n"));
	P(GT_("  -P, --service     TCP service to connect to (can be numeric TCP port)\n"));
	P(GT_("      --auth        authentication type (password/kerberos/ssh/otp)\n"));
	P(GT_("  -t, --timeout     server nonresponse timeout\n"));
	P(GT_("  -E, --envelope    envelope address header\n"));
	P(GT_("  -Q, --qvirtual    prefix to remove from local user id\n"));
	P(GT_("      --principal   mail service principal\n"));
	P(GT_("      --tracepolls  add poll-tracing information to Received header\n"));

	P(GT_("  -u, --username    specify users's login on server\n"));
	P(GT_("  -a, --[fetch]all  retrieve old and new messages\n"));
	P(GT_("  -K, --nokeep      delete new messages after retrieval\n"));
	P(GT_("  -k, --keep        save new messages after retrieval\n"));
	P(GT_("  -F, --flush       delete old messages from server\n"));
	P(GT_("      --limitflush  delete oversized messages\n"));
	P(GT_("  -n, --norewrite   don't rewrite header addresses\n"));
	P(GT_("  -l, --limit       don't fetch messages over given size\n"));
	P(GT_("  -w, --warnings    interval between warning mail notification\n"));

	P(GT_("  -S, --smtphost    set SMTP forwarding host\n"));
	P(GT_("      --fetchdomains fetch mail for specified domains\n"));
	P(GT_("  -D, --smtpaddress set SMTP delivery domain to use\n"));
	P(GT_("      --smtpname    set SMTP full name username@domain\n"));
	P(GT_("  -Z, --antispam,   set antispam response values\n"));
	P(GT_("  -b, --batchlimit  set batch limit for SMTP connections\n"));
	P(GT_("  -B, --fetchlimit  set fetch limit for server connections\n"));
	P(GT_("      --fetchsizelimit set fetch message size limit\n"));
	P(GT_("      --fastuidl    do a binary search for UIDLs\n"));
	P(GT_("  -e, --expunge     set max deletions between expunges\n"));
	P(GT_("  -m, --mda         set MDA to use for forwarding\n"));
	P(GT_("      --bsmtp       set output BSMTP file\n"));
	P(GT_("      --lmtp        use LMTP (RFC2033) for delivery\n"));
	P(GT_("  -r, --folder      specify remote folder name\n"));
	P(GT_("      --showdots    show progress dots even in logfiles\n"));
#undef P
	/* undocumented:
	 * --configdump (internal use by fetchmailconf, dumps
	 *               configuration as Python source code)
	 * --yydebug    (developer use, enables parser debugging) */

	if (helpflag)
