int main(void) { float salary; printf("\aEnter your desired monthly salary:"); printf("$_______\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); scanf_s("%f", &salary); printf("\n\t$%.2f a month is $%.2f a year.", salary, salary * 12); printf("\rGee!\n"); getchar(); getchar(); return 0; }
int main() { int len = 28; //scanf_s("%d", &len); int p[28] = { 32, 103, 24, 88, 95, 70, 97, 15, 102, 6, 79, 46, 51, 37, 93, 108, 9, 58, 53, 58, 79, 36, 58, 91, 78, 58, 61, 81 }; RadixSort Radix; Radix.radixSort(p, len); //insert_sort(p, len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { printf("%d,", *(p + i)); } scanf_s("%d", &len); return 0; }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { TCHAR *b = (TCHAR*)malloc(10); TCHAR *buf = (TCHAR*)malloc(0); STARTUPINFO info; ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(info)); PROCESS_INFORMATION proinfo = { 0 }; printf("please input the dll you want see:"); scanf_s("%s",b,10); wsprintf(buf, TEXT("cmd.exe /k DUMPBIN -exports c:\\windows\\system32\\%S.dll"), b); CreateProcess(NULL, buf, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, &info, &proinfo); WaitForSingleObject(proinfo.hProcess, INFINITE); printf("%s", buf); return 0; }
void te(){ printf("どこに置く?:"); do{ scanf_s("%d", &okimasu); } while (okimasu / 10000 != 0||okimasu/100>tate||okimasu%100>yoko); if (masu[okimasu / 100][okimasu % 100][0] == bomb){ endflag = 1; } else{ masu[okimasu / 100][okimasu % 100][1] = masu[okimasu / 100][okimasu % 100][0]; if (masu[okimasu / 100][okimasu % 100][1] == kara){ kuri_han(okimasu); } } }
int main() { double result = 0.0; double base = 0.0; int exponent = 0; printf("Please input base and exponent: "); scanf_s("%lf,%d", &base, &exponent); result = Power(base,exponent); if (g_InvalidInput == 1) printf("The input is invailable!\n"); else printf("%lf ^ %d = %lf\n",base,exponent,result); return 0; }
void DeleteVideo(LINKEDLIST* list){ int temp = 0; printf("»èÁ¦ÇÒ ºñµð¿À ¹øÈ£ : "); scanf_s("%d", &temp); fflush(stdin); NODE * pFindFlag = SSearchNumber(list, temp); if (pFindFlag) { list->DeleteAt(list, pFindFlag); } else { printf("ÀÏÄ¡ÇÏ´Â ºñµð¿À°¡ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.\n"); } }
void removeContact(struct contact *tailContact) { struct contact *currentContact; currentContact = (struct contact *)malloc(sizeof(struct contact)); clearContact(currentContact); setCursorPosition(40,4); printColouredText("please enter record id: ", 2); fflush(stdin); scanf_s("%i", ¤tContact->idNum); findDeleteContact( tailContact, currentContact); free(currentContact); }
int main(void) { char name[40]; printf("What's your name.\n"); scanf_s("%s", name); printf("Hello,%s.%s\n", name, PRAISE); printf("Your name of %d letters occupies %d memory cells.\n", strlen(name), sizeof name); printf("The phrase of praise has %d letters", strlen(PRAISE)); printf("and occupies %d memory cells.\n", sizeof PRAISE); getchar(); getchar(); return 0; }
int main() { int len=7; //scanf_s("%d", &len); int p[8] = { 6, 12, 4, 63, 2, 35, 11 }; InsertionSort insert; insert.insertionSort(p, len); //insert_sort(p, len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { printf("%d,", *(p + i)); } scanf_s("%d", &len); return 0; }
int readInput(INTERVAL *arr1) // Read input from user { int n = 0; char ch; while (1) { scanf_s("%d-%d", &arr1[n].min, &arr1[n].max); ch = getchar(); n++; if (ch != ',') break; } return n; }
void DeleteVideo(LINKEDLIST* list){ int temp = 0; printf("찾을 값 : "); scanf_s("%d", &temp); fflush(stdin); NODE * pFindFlag = SSearchNumber(list, temp); if (pFindFlag) { list->DeleteAt(list, pFindFlag); } else { printf("그런거 없다."); } }
void main() { int i, choice = 1; startNode = NULL; while (choice != 0) { puts("Please select an option:\n"); puts("---------------------------------------"); puts("01\tInsert a Node"); puts("02\tDelete a Node"); puts("03\tDisplay all Nodes"); puts("04\tSearch for a Node"); puts("\n00\tExit"); puts("---------------------------------------\n"); fflush(stdin); scanf_s("%d", &choice); switch (choice) { case 1: insertNode(); break; case 2: deleteNode(); break; case 3: displayAll(); break; case 4: findNode(); break; case 0: break; default: puts("Invalid selection!\n"); break; } } free(startNode); free(currentNode); }
void inputItem(ItemStruct* ior_item) { int numberOfArgumentsRecived; int okFlag; do { //TODO (Extra): Blanka alla ch_arr innan vi skriver till dem!! printf_s("Name of item %d: ", (*ior_item).isId); okFlag = readLine(ior_item->isName, sizeof(ior_item->isName)); if (ior_item->isName[0] == '\0') { printf_s("Name cannot be empty!\n"); okFlag = FALSE; } else if (okFlag == FALSE) { // Inmatningen är för lång. printf_s("WARNING! The entered Name has been truncated!\n"); okFlag = TRUE; } // scanf_s("%s", &ior_item->isName[0], sizeof(ior_item->isName)); // Bryter vid mellanslag // flushRestOfLine(); } while (!okFlag); do { printf_s("Number of this item: "); numberOfArgumentsRecived = scanf_s("%f", &ior_item->isAmount); // Space after %f replaces flushRestOfLine flushRestOfLine(); if (numberOfArgumentsRecived == 1) { break; } else { printf_s("*** Please enter a number! ***\n"); } } while (TRUE); printf_s("Enter the Unit: "); okFlag = readLine(ior_item->isUnit, sizeof(ior_item->isUnit)); // scanf_s("%s", &ior_item->isUnit[0], C_UNIT_NAME_LENGTH); // flushRestOfLine(); } // inputItem
int main() { int a[4]; int i; printf("please enter 4 numbers:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { scanf_s("%d", &a[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf("%d ", *(a + i)); } return 0; }
void judge3() { int num; printf("请输入年份:\n"); scanf_s("%d", &num); if (0 == num % 4 && 0 != num%100) { printf("%d是闰年\n", num); } else if (0 == num % 400){ printf("%d是闰年\n", num); } else { printf("%d不是闰年\n", num); } finish(); }
int main( void ) { std::vector<int> priceTable = { 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 17, 17, 20, 24, 30 }; int len; printf_s( "input rod length : " ); scanf_s( "%d", &len ); printf_s( "MaxPrice : %d\n", GetMaxPrice( len, priceTable ) ); getchar(); getchar(); return 0; }
void GetCLDev() { cl_int ret = 0; int index = 0; std::vector<cl_device_id> devices; GetDeviceIds(devices); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < devices.size(); ++i) { PrintDeviceInfo(i + 1, devices[i]); } printf("Enter device no:"); scanf_s("%d", &index); m_currentDev = devices[index - 1]; }
int main(void) { int t_ct; // term count double time, x; int limit; printf("Enter the number of terms you want: "); scanf_s("%d", &limit); for (time = 0, x = 1, t_ct = 1; t_ct <= limit; t_ct++, x *= 2.0) { time += 1.0 / x; printf("time = %f when terms = %d.\n", time, t_ct); } return 0; }
int main(void) { float weight; float value; printf("Are you worth your weight in rhodium?\n"); printf("Let's check it out!\n"); printf("Please enter you weight in pounds.\n"); scanf_s("%f", &weight); value = 770 * weight*14.5833; printf("Your weight in rhodium is worth $%.2f\n", value); printf("You are easily worth that!If rhodium prise drop,\n"); printf("eat more to maintain you value!"); getchar(); getchar(); return 0; }
int main() { FILE *f; freopen_s(&f, "input.txt", "r", stdin); char ch; int i; fseek(f, 2, SEEK_SET); scanf_s("%c", &ch); freopen_s(&f, "output.txt", "w", stdout); printf("%c %d", ch,ch); return 0; }
void ovning3_A() { int tal; printf("Ange tal:"); scanf_s("%d", &tal); if (tal % 2 == 0) { printf("Tal är jämnt \n"); } else { printf("Tal är udda \n"); } }
int main() { char board[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE]; init_board(board); board[3][3] = WHITE_K; //board[2][4] = BLACK_M; //board[4][4] = BLACK_M; //board[5][7] = EMPTY; print_board(board); print_message(WRONG_MINIMAX_DEPTH); perror_message("TEST"); Move* m = get_all_moves(board, WHITE); print_moves(m); scanf_s("DONE"); return 0; }
int main() { int girilenSayi; int basamak4, basamak3, basamak2, basamak1; int *x; printf("4 basamakli bir sayi giriniz:"); scanf_s("%d",&girilenSayi); x = &girilenSayi; islem(x); _getch(); return 0; }
main() { int a = 0,c; char ch, dh,eh; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) { if(c == '\n') { ++a; } } printf("%d\n", a); scanf_s("%c\t%c\v%d\n", &ch, &dh, &eh); printf("%c\t%c\v%d\n", ch, dh, eh); return 0; }
int main() { int num,i=7; char arr[9]; printf("Enter a number: "); scanf_s("%d", &num); arr[8] = '\0'; while (num != 0){ arr[i] = num % 10+'0'; i--; num = num / 10; } permutations(arr, i+1, 7); _getch(); return 0; }
int main() { unsigned int N; printf("Input any number : "); scanf_s("%u", &N); do { N = AddPosi(N); printf("%u\n", N); } while (N >= 10); return 0; }
int main() { void cs(); int chr; lp:cs(); swindex:printf("Your choice:"); scanf_s("%d",&chr); //chr = chr - 48; switch (chr) { case 1:system("cls"); goto lp; break; case 2:break; default:printf("error\n"); goto swindex; } return 0; }
# include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <time.h> int N; //For N * N ChessBoard int flag; void printArray(int a[]); /* Just to Print the Final Solution */ void getPositions(int a[], int n1, int n2); /* The Recursive Function */ int main_NQueens() { int *a; int ctr = 0; printf("\nTHE N QUEENS PROBLEM "); printf("\nNumber Of Rows(N) For NxN Chessboard."); scanf_s("%d", &N); a = (int *)(malloc(sizeof(int)*N)); printf("\nAll possible Solutions .. \n"); printf("\nIn Each of the solutions the Coordinates of the N-Queens are given (Row,Col) ."); printf("\nNote that the Rows and Colums are numbered between 1 - N :\n"); for (ctr = 0; ctr<N; ctr++) getPositions(a, 0, ctr); getchar(); getchar(); }
//This code checks what the user wants for special feature when reaching the end of the GameBoard int bonus() { int i; printf("Choose which choice you want : 1. Delete a oppponent \n"); scanf_s("%d", &i); if (i == 1) { printf("Delete oppponent !\n"); return 1; } else { printf("Invalid choice , bonus lost!\n"); return 0; } }
void input_task(coro_input_t::self_t& self, input_args* pia) { while (true) { printf("number: "); if (!scanf_s("%d", pia->target)) { b_quit = true; return; } self.yield(); } printf("ERROR: should not reach the end of input function\n"); }