Пример #1
int schd_queue_available(Job *job, Queue *queue, char *reason)
   * If this queue is missing its resource info, or if its
   * STOPPED, etc.,  skip it.
  if (queue->rsrcs == NULL            ||
      (queue->flags & QFLAGS_DISABLED) ||
      (queue->flags & QFLAGS_NODEDOWN) ||
      (queue->flags & QFLAGS_STOPPED))

    /* sprintf(reason, "Queue unavailable"); */

   * Check if this job *could* run in this queue or not, based on
   * queue minimum and maximum limits, architecture, etc.
  if (!schd_job_fits_queue(job, queue, reason))

   * If this job has a user access control list, check that this
   * job can be allowed in it.
  if (queue->useracl && (queue->flags & QFLAGS_USER_ACL))
    if (!schd_useracl_okay(job, queue, reason))

  return(1); /* okay to run in this queue */
Пример #2
schd_job_can_queue(Job *job)
  QueueList *qptr;

  /* No?  Try the batch queues, if any. */

  if (schd_BatchQueues)
    for (qptr = schd_BatchQueues; qptr != NULL; qptr = qptr->next)
      if (schd_job_fits_queue(job, qptr->queue, NULL))
        return (1);

   * No queues were found that could run this job.  Reject it, since it
   * will never be able to run.

  return (0);
Пример #3
 * Given a list of jobs, ordered from most-eligible to least-eligible to
 * run, attempt to place as many of them as possible into the queues listed
 * in qlist.  Jobs that will not currently fit are ignored (i.e. the entire
 * list is processed, running each job in order that fits).
 * Jobs are run by run_job_on() as they are found on the list.  Resources
 * must be supplied because the jobs are tested against them in
 * 'schd_resource_limits()', and they are updated by sched_run_jobs_on().
 * This function returns the number of jobs run, or -1 on error.
schd_pack_queues(Job *jobs, QueueList *qlist, char *reason)
  char   *id = "schd_pack_queues";
  Job    *job, *nextjob;
  QueueList *qptr;
  Queue *queue, *firstfit;
  int    allfull, jobsrun, rerun;
  char   str[PBS_MAXHOSTNAME + 32];

  jobsrun = 0;

  DBPRT(("%s: scheduling queues", id));

  for (qptr = qlist; qptr != NULL; qptr = qptr->next)
    DBPRT((" %s@%s", qptr->queue->qname, qptr->queue->exechost));


  if (jobs == NULL)
    DBPRT(("No jobs available for QueueList %s%s - all done!",
           qlist->queue->qname, qlist->next ? " ..." : ""));
    return (0);

  /* This is the first run through this part of the code. */
  rerun = 0;

   * Consider jobs from the list of queues.  For each job, if it appears
   * eligible to run, try to find a queue on which to place it.
   * Note that schd_run_job_on() may remove the job from the list, so
   * this function must keep track of the current job's next pointer.


  for (job = jobs; job != NULL; job = nextjob)
    nextjob = job->next;

    /* Ignore any non-queued jobs in the list. */

    if (job->state != 'Q')

     * Would this job cause the user to exceed group's current allocation?
    if (schd_ENFORCE_ALLOCATION && schd_TimeNow >= schd_ENFORCE_ALLOCATION)
      if (job->group != NULL)
        if (schd_is_over_alloc(job->group))

           * schd_reject_over_alloc() will delete the job from
           * PBS, and also from the queue's job list.
          if (schd_reject_over_alloc(job))
                          "reject_over_alloc() failed for job %s\n",
                       id, log_buffer);

                      "ENFORCE ALLOCATION set, but job %s has no group field",


    /* See if any queues are available for scheduling now. */
    allfull = 1;  /* Assume all queues are full to start. */

    for (qptr = qlist; qptr != NULL; qptr = qptr->next)

      if ((qptr->queue->flags & QFLAGS_FULL == 0) &&
          ((qptr->queue->rsrcs == NULL) ||
           (!schd_evaluate_system(qptr->queue->rsrcs, reason))))
        DBPRT(("%s: evaluate_system: %s\n", id,
               qptr->queue->rsrcs ? reason : "No resources"));
        DBPRT(("%s: Marking queue %s@%s full\n", id,
               qptr->queue->qname, qptr->queue->exechost));
        qptr->queue->flags |= QFLAGS_FULL;

       * If an empty queue has not yet been found, check this one.
       * if this queue is not full, then all queues are not full.
       * Note this and continue - if all queues are full at the
       * end of this exercise, we will give up.
      if (allfull)
        if (!schd_check_queue_limits(qptr->queue, NULL))
          allfull = 0;

     * Check each queue in the list in order, to see if this job
     * will fit, and if it should be run now.
    firstfit = NULL; /* Haven't found the first queue it fits. */

    for (qptr = qlist; qptr != NULL; qptr = qptr->next)
      queue = qptr->queue;
       * If this is the first queue that this job will fit in, then
       * note it.  This is the "best fit" queue (hopefully) and the
       * job comment should not be modified unless the comment refers
       * to this queue.

      if (!schd_job_fits_queue(job, queue, reason))

       * If this job has a user access control list, check that this
       * job can be allowed in it.
      if (queue->useracl && (queue->flags & QFLAGS_USER_ACL))
        if (!schd_useracl_okay(job, queue, reason))
          DBPRT(("%s: %s %s\n", id, job->jobid, reason));

      if (!firstfit)
        firstfit = queue;

       * Check that this job will not overrun a dedicated time.  The '0'
       * indicates that we are interested in "now".
      if (schd_ENFORCE_DEDTIME && schd_TimeNow >= schd_ENFORCE_DEDTIME)
        if (!schd_dedicated_can_run(job, queue, 0, reason))
          if (firstfit == queue)
            schd_comment_job(job, reason, JOB_COMMENT_OPTIONAL);


       * Check primetime limits.  If it is primetime now, and the job
       * will complete before primetime, limit it to 1 hour.  If it will
       * overrun primetime, be sure that the amount that falls within
       * primetime will not violate the primetime limit.
       * Special jobs are not subject to primetime walltime limits.
      if (schd_ENFORCE_PRIME_TIME &&
          (schd_TimeNow >= schd_ENFORCE_PRIME_TIME) &&
          (schd_SMALL_JOB_MAX <= 0))
        if (!(job->flags & JFLAGS_PRIORITY))
          if (schd_primetime_limits(job, queue, 0, reason))
            schd_comment_job(job, reason, JOB_COMMENT_OPTIONAL);

            /* Note that a job could have run if it were not pt. */

            if (!rerun)
              queue->flags |= QFLAGS_NPT_JOBS;


       * Check that this job will complete before the beginning of
       * nonprime. The '0' indicates that we are interested in "now".
      if (schd_NONPRIME_DRAIN_SYS)
        /* Note: Special jobs are not subject to this restriction */
        if (!(job->flags & JFLAGS_PRIORITY))
          if (!schd_finish_before_np(job, queue, 0, reason))
            schd_comment_job(job, reason, JOB_COMMENT_OPTIONAL);

            /* Note that a job could have run if it were not pt. */

            if (!rerun)
              queue->flags |= QFLAGS_NPT_JOBS;


       * Check that the queue is actually available to pack jobs
       * into.  Although it was checked above, the above test is
       * very inexpensive, so it's not a big deal to do it again.

      if (schd_check_queue_limits(queue, reason))
        if (firstfit == queue)
          schd_comment_job(job, reason, JOB_COMMENT_OPTIONAL);


       * Check this job against the execution resource limits.
       * There is no point to going any further if this job would
       * overrun the system limits.
       * It is possible for the size of the queues to be larger than
       * the available resources on the machine (i.e. a node board
       * goes down).  Make sure that jobs are not considered that will
       * not be able to run within the system's current resources.

      if (!schd_resources_avail(job, queue->rsrcs, reason) ||
          schd_resource_limits(job, queue->rsrcs, reason))
        if (firstfit == queue)
          schd_comment_job(job, reason, JOB_COMMENT_OPTIONAL);

        /* Continue to the next job. */

       * Check that this job will complete before the beginning of
       * nonprime. The '0' indicates that we are interested in "now".
       * Note: Special jobs are not subject to this restriction.
      if (schd_NONPRIME_DRAIN_SYS && !(job->flags & JFLAGS_PRIORITY))
        if (!schd_finish_before_np(job, queue, 0, reason))
          schd_comment_job(job, reason, JOB_COMMENT_OPTIONAL);

       * If the queue is being drained, don't run the job in it unless
       * (1) there are unreserved resources available, or
       * (2) it would *not* increase the time it will take to drain
       * the queue. Note that drain_by is the absolute time, while
       * the job->time_left is relative to now.

      /* (1) are there unreserved nodes available?
      if (job->nodes >
          (queue->nodes_max - (queue->nodes_assn + queue->nodes_rsvd)))
        /* no, so (2) see if we can backfill with this job... */

        if (queue->flags & QFLAGS_DRAINING)
          if ((schd_TimeNow + job->walltime) > queue->drain_by)
            (void)sprintf(reason, "Queue %s is being drained for high-priority job.",

            if (firstfit == queue)
              schd_comment_job(job, reason, JOB_COMMENT_OPTIONAL);


       * Queue can accept a job, provided the job does not overrun the
       * queue limits.
      if (schd_user_limits(job, queue, reason))
        if (firstfit == queue)
          schd_comment_job(job, reason, JOB_COMMENT_OPTIONAL);


       * Check for fragmentation in the queue, and don't run it if so.
       * fragment_okay() returns -1 if queue is nonsensical, 1 if this
       * job would induce or perpetuate fragmentation.  If this job is
       * waiting, we don't care - just run it.
      if (schd_AVOID_FRAGS && !(job->flags & JFLAGS_WAITING))
        if (!schd_fragment_okay(job, queue, reason))
          if (firstfit == queue)
            schd_comment_job(job, reason, JOB_COMMENT_OPTIONAL);


       * Found a queue on which this job can run.  Attempt to run it.

     * If the job was unable to fit on all of the queues, go on to the
     * next one.  For "strict" packing, make this a 'break' and it will
     * stop processing jobs when it finds the first one that does not
     * fit.
    if (!qptr)
       * If the job did not fit in any of the provided queues, assume
       * that the queue it wants is not available.  Provide a comment,
       * even if it is sort of vague.
      if (firstfit == NULL)
        schd_comment_job(job, schd_JobMsg[NO_RESOURCES],


    /* There is a queue free enough to run this job. */
    if (schd_run_job_on(job, qptr->queue, qptr->queue->exechost,
                    "Unable to run batch job %s on queue %s",
                    job->jobid, qptr->queue->qname);
      log_record(PBSEVENT_SYSTEM, PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER, id, log_buffer);

      return (-1);

     * Account for the job's impact on the queue.
     * This includes subtracting the job's resource requests from the
     * queue's available resources.

    schd_charge_job(job, queue, queue->rsrcs);

    jobsrun ++;

   * Adjust the observance of primetime on the queues, if necessary.  Do
   * it only if the queue is observing primetime, it has been idle for a
   * while(*), it's close enough(*) to primetime, and there were some jobs
   * that could have been run if primetime had been not-observed.
  if (!rerun &&
      (schd_ENFORCE_PRIME_TIME && schd_TimeNow >= schd_ENFORCE_PRIME_TIME) &&
      schd_NP_DRAIN_BACKTIME > 0 &&
      schd_prime_time(0) &&
      schd_secs_til_nonprime(0) <= schd_NP_DRAIN_BACKTIME)
    for (qptr = qlist; qptr != NULL; qptr = qptr->next)
      queue = qptr->queue;

      /* Were there any jobs that could have run if it were non-pt? */

      if (!(queue->flags & QFLAGS_NPT_JOBS))

      if (queue->running)

      /* Already disabled or idle - ignore this queue. */
      if (!queue->observe_pt)

      /* If a minimum idle time is given, check it. */
      if ((schd_NP_DRAIN_IDLETIME > 0) &&
          (schd_TimeNow - queue->idle_since) <= schd_NP_DRAIN_IDLETIME)

       * Queue has been idle for some time.  Start non-primetime early
       * so those jobs that were refused can start running now.
                    "Turning off prime-time enforcement on queue %s\n",

      log_record(PBSEVENT_SYSTEM, PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER, id, log_buffer);

      queue->observe_pt = 0;

      rerun ++;

    if (rerun)
                    "Prime-time enforcement adjusted - reconsidering active jobs.");
      log_record(PBSEVENT_SYSTEM, PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER, id, log_buffer);
      DBPRT(("%s: %s\n", id, log_buffer));

      goto run_job_list;

  return (jobsrun);