Пример #1
//! Writes a string of characters to the UART output.
//! \param pcBuf points to a buffer containing the string to transmit.
//! \param ui32Len is the length of the string to transmit.
//! This function will transmit the string to the UART output.  The number of
//! characters transmitted is determined by the \e ui32Len parameter.  This
//! function does no interpretation or translation of any characters.  Since
//! the output is sent to a UART, any LF (/n) characters encountered will be
//! replaced with a CRLF pair.
//! Besides using the \e ui32Len parameter to stop transmitting the string, if
//! a null character (0) is encountered, then no more characters will be
//! transmitted and the function will return.
//! In non-buffered mode, this function is blocking and will not return until
//! all the characters have been written to the output FIFO.  In buffered mode,
//! the characters are written to the UART transmit buffer and the call returns
//! immediately.  If insufficient space remains in the transmit buffer,
//! additional characters are discarded.
//! \return Returns the count of characters written.
UARTwrite(const char *pcBuf, unsigned int ui32Len)

    unsigned int uIdx;

    // Send the characters
    for(uIdx = 0; uIdx < ui32Len; uIdx++)
        // If the character to the UART is \n, then add a \r before it so that
        // \n is translated to \n\r in the output.
        if(pcBuf[uIdx] == '\n')
        	sciSendByte(SCI_REG, '\r');

        // Send the character to the UART output.
        sciSendByte(SCI_REG, pcBuf[uIdx]);

    // Return the number of characters written.
Пример #2
void sciDisplayText(sciBASE_t *sci, uint8 *text,uint32 length)
        while ((UART->FLR & 0x4) == 4); /* wait until busy */
        sciSendByte(UART,*text++);      /* send out text   */
Пример #3
//! A simple UART based get string function, with some line processing.
//! \param pcBuf points to a buffer for the incoming string from the UART.
//! \param ui32Len is the length of the buffer for storage of the string,
//! including the trailing 0.
//! This function will receive a string from the UART input and store the
//! characters in the buffer pointed to by \e pcBuf.  The characters will
//! continue to be stored until a termination character is received.  The
//! termination characters are CR, LF, or ESC.  A CRLF pair is treated as a
//! single termination character.  The termination characters are not stored in
//! the string.  The string will be terminated with a 0 and the function will
//! return.
//! In both buffered and unbuffered modes, this function will block until
//! a termination character is received.  If non-blocking operation is required
//! in buffered mode, a call to UARTPeek() may be made to determine whether
//! a termination character already exists in the receive buffer prior to
//! calling UARTgets().
//! Since the string will be null terminated, the user must ensure that the
//! buffer is sized to allow for the additional null character.
//! \return Returns the count of characters that were stored, not including
//! the trailing 0.
UARTgets( char *pcBuf, unsigned int ui32Len)

    unsigned int ui32Count = 0;
    int8_t cChar;
    static int8_t bLastWasCR = 0;

    // Adjust the length back by 1 to leave space for the trailing
    // null terminator.

    // Process characters until a newline is received.
        // Read the next character from the console.
        cChar = sciReceiveByte(SCI_REG);

        // See if the backspace key was pressed.
        if(cChar == '\b')
            // If there are any characters already in the buffer, then delete
            // the last.
                // Rub out the previous character.
                UARTwrite("\b \b", 3);

                // Decrement the number of characters in the buffer.

            // Skip ahead to read the next character.

        // If this character is LF and last was CR, then just gobble up the
        // character because the EOL processing was taken care of with the CR.
        if((cChar == '\n') && bLastWasCR)
            bLastWasCR = 0;

        // See if a newline or escape character was received.
        if((cChar == '\r') || (cChar == '\n') || (cChar == 0x1b))
            // If the character is a CR, then it may be followed by a LF which
            // should be paired with the CR.  So remember that a CR was
            // received.
            if(cChar == '\r')
                bLastWasCR = 1;

            // Stop processing the input and end the line.

        // Process the received character as long as we are not at the end of
        // the buffer.  If the end of the buffer has been reached then all
        // additional characters are ignored until a newline is received.
        if(ui32Count < ui32Len)
            // Store the character in the caller supplied buffer.
            pcBuf[ui32Count] = cChar;

            // Increment the count of characters received.

            // Reflect the character back to the user.
            sciSendByte(SCI_REG, cChar);

    // Add a null termination to the string.
    pcBuf[ui32Count] = 0;

    // Send a CRLF pair to the terminal to end the line.
    UARTwrite("\r\n", 2);

    // Return the count of int8_ts in the buffer, not counting the trailing 0.
