Пример #1
 *  retrieves a token converted from a pp-token;
 *  ASSUMPTION: signed/unsigned integers are compatible on the host
int (clx_next)(void)
    lex_t *t;

    clx_ppos = clx_cpos;

    while (1) {
        t = lst_next();
        clx_cpos = t->pos;
        switch(t->id) {
            case -1:
                strg_free((arena_t *)t->spell);
            case LEX_CREM:        /* %= */
            case LEX_CBAND:       /* &= */
            case LEX_CMUL:        /* *= */
            case LEX_CADD:        /* += */
            case LEX_CSUB:        /* -= */
            case LEX_CDIV:        /* /= */
            case LEX_CRSHFT:      /* >>= */
            case LEX_CLSHFT:      /* <<= */
            case LEX_CBXOR:       /* ^= */
            case LEX_CBOR:        /* |= */
            case '!':
            case '%':
            case '&':
            case LEX_INCR:        /* ++ */
            case '(':
            case ')':
            case '*':
            case '+':
            case ',':
            case '-':
            case '.':
            case '/':
            case LEX_DECR:        /* -- */
            case LEX_DEREF:       /* -> */
            case LEX_ANDAND:      /* && */
            case LEX_OROR:        /* || */
            case LEX_LEQ:         /* <= */
            case LEX_EQEQ:        /* == */
            case LEX_NEQ:         /* != */
            case LEX_GEQ:         /* >= */
            case LEX_RSHFT:       /* >> */
            case LEX_LSHFT:       /* << */
            case ':':
            case ';':
            case '<':
            case '=':
            case '>':
            case '?':
            case LEX_ELLIPSIS:    /* ... */
            case ']':
            case '[':
            case '^':
            case '{':
            case '|':
            case '}':
            case '~':
            case LEX_EOI:
                return t->id;
            case LEX_ID:
                return id(t);
            case LEX_CCON:
                    int w = 0;
                    ux_t c = clx_ccon(t, &w);
                    tval.type = (w)? ty_wchartype: ty_inttype;
                    tval.u.c.v.u = c;
                    clx_sym = &tval;
                return t->id;
            case LEX_SCON:
                    int w = 0;
                    sz_t len = scon(t, &w);
                    tval.type = ty_array((!w)? ty_chartype: ty_wchartype, len, clx_cpos);
                    tval.u.c.v.p = xcfp(strg_sbuf);
                    clx_sym = &tval;
                return t->id;
            case LEX_PPNUM:
                return ifcon(t);
            case LEX_SPACE:
            case LEX_NEWLINE:
            case LEX_SHARP:      /* # */
            case LEX_DSHARP:     /* ## */
            case LEX_UNKNOWN:
                    const char *p = LEX_SPELL(t);
                    err_dpos(t->pos, (*p == '\\')? ERR_LEX_STRAYBS: ERR_LEX_UNKNOWN, p);

    /* assert(!"impossible control flow -- should never reach here");
       return t->id; */
Пример #2
void MotionController::drive(Vector vector, short rotationSpeed) {

    ipcSendingConnection scon("MOTION_CONTROL", "NAVIGATION");

    Vector g;
    Vector h;

    double length_g, length_h;
    length_g = g.abs();
    length_h = h.abs();

    if (vector.getAngle() > (315) || vector.getAngle() <= 45) {
        g.set(1, 1);
        h.set(-1, 1);
        length_g = 1;
        length_h = 1;
    else if (vector.getAngle() > 45 && vector.getAngle() <= 135) {
        g.set(1, 1);
        h.set(1, -1);
        length_g = 1;
        length_h = -1;
    else if (vector.getAngle() > 135 && vector.getAngle() <= 225) {
        g.set(-1, -1);
        h.set(1, -1);
        length_g = -1;
        length_h = -1;
    else if (vector.getAngle() > 225 && vector.getAngle() <= 315) {
        g.set(-1, -1);
        h.set(-1, 1);
        length_g = -1;
        length_h = 1;
    else {
        std::cerr << "wrong vector" << std::endl;
        debug->send("MotionController::drive --> wrong Vector !!!");

    g.setLength(cos(abs(vector.getAngle(g, false, false))) * vector.abs());
    h.setLength(sin(abs(vector.getAngle(g, false, false))) * vector.abs());

    length_g *= g.abs();
    length_h *= h.abs();

    if (length_g > 255 || length_g < (-255) || length_h > 255 || length_h < (-255)) {
        std::cerr << "MotorController::drive --> vector length out of range !!!" << std::endl;
        debug->send("MotorController::drive --> vector length out of range !!!");

        return; /// Error occured !

    motorSpeeds[0] = length_h;
    motorSpeeds[1] = length_g;
    motorSpeeds[2] = length_h;
    motorSpeeds[3] = length_g;

    //std::cout << "set motor speeds: " << motorSpeeds[0] << "\t" << motorSpeeds[1] << "\t" << motorSpeeds[2] << "\t" << motorSpeeds[3] << std::endl;

    /// set all motors to the minimum motor offset and calculate new values for the others

    // find smallest value
    double smallest_value = 255;
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (abs(motorSpeeds[i]) < smallest_value && abs(motorSpeeds[i]) > 0) smallest_value = motorSpeeds[i];

    if (smallest_value < MOTOR_MINIMUM_OFFSET) {
        double ratio = abs(double(MOTOR_MINIMUM_OFFSET) / smallest_value);
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            motorSpeeds[j] *= ratio;
    /*if (abs(smallest_value) < MOTOR_MINIMUM_OFFSET) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            if (motorSpeeds[i] < 0) motorSpeeds[i] -= abs(MOTOR_MINIMUM_OFFSET - smallest_value);
            else motorSpeeds[i] += abs(MOTOR_MINIMUM_OFFSET - smallest_value);

    /// calculate motor-values dependend to the turn
    /// check here for speed overflows and step down the values if neccessary ...

    if (rotationSpeed < 0) {
        if (motorSpeeds[0] + rotationSpeed > 255) {
            double factor = (motorSpeeds[0] - (abs(rotationSpeed) - 255 + motorSpeeds[0])) / abs(motorSpeeds[0]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                motorSpeeds[i] = double(motorSpeeds[i]) * factor;
        if (motorSpeeds[1] + rotationSpeed > 255) {
            double factor = (motorSpeeds[1] - (abs(rotationSpeed) - 255 + motorSpeeds[1])) / abs(motorSpeeds[1]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                motorSpeeds[i] = double(motorSpeeds[i]) * factor;
        if (motorSpeeds[2] - rotationSpeed < (-255)) {
            double factor = (motorSpeeds[2] - (abs(rotationSpeed) - 255 + motorSpeeds[2])) / abs(motorSpeeds[2]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                motorSpeeds[i] = double(motorSpeeds[i]) * factor;
        if (motorSpeeds[3] - rotationSpeed < (-255)) {
            double factor = (motorSpeeds[3] - (abs(rotationSpeed) - 255 + motorSpeeds[3])) / abs(motorSpeeds[3]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                motorSpeeds[i] = double(motorSpeeds[i]) * factor;
    else {
        if (motorSpeeds[0] - rotationSpeed < (-255)) {
            double factor = (motorSpeeds[0] - (abs(rotationSpeed) - 255 + motorSpeeds[0])) / abs(motorSpeeds[0]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                motorSpeeds[i] = double(motorSpeeds[i]) * factor;
        if (motorSpeeds[1] - rotationSpeed < (-255)) {
            double factor = (motorSpeeds[1] - (abs(rotationSpeed) - 255 + motorSpeeds[1])) / abs(motorSpeeds[1]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                motorSpeeds[i] = double(motorSpeeds[i]) * factor;
        if (motorSpeeds[2] + rotationSpeed > 255) {
            double factor = (motorSpeeds[2] - (abs(rotationSpeed) - 255 + motorSpeeds[2])) / abs(motorSpeeds[2]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                motorSpeeds[i] = double(motorSpeeds[i]) * factor;
        if (motorSpeeds[3] + rotationSpeed > 255) {
            double factor = (motorSpeeds[3] - (abs(rotationSpeed) - 255 + motorSpeeds[3])) / abs(motorSpeeds[3]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                motorSpeeds[i] = double(motorSpeeds[i]) * factor;

    motorSpeeds[0] -= rotationSpeed;
    motorSpeeds[1] -= rotationSpeed;
    motorSpeeds[2] += rotationSpeed;
    motorSpeeds[3] += rotationSpeed;

    motors->setSpeed(motorSpeeds[0], motorSpeeds[1], motorSpeeds[2], motorSpeeds[3]);
