void cb_error (ExoJob *job, GError *error, gpointer unused)
  g_return_if_fail (error != NULL);

  screenshooter_error ("%s", error->message);
Пример #2
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  GError *cli_error = NULL;
  GFile *default_save_dir;
  const gchar *rc_file;
  const gchar *conflict_error =
    _("Conflicting options: --%s and --%s cannot be used at the same time.\n");
  const gchar *ignore_error =
    _("The --%s option is only used when --fullscreen, --window or"
      " --region is given. It will be ignored.\n");

  ScreenshotData *sd = g_new0 (ScreenshotData, 1);
  sd->plugin = FALSE;


  /* Print a message to advise to use help when a non existing cli option is
  passed to the executable. */
  if (!gtk_init_with_args(&argc, &argv, "", entries, PACKAGE, &cli_error))
      if (cli_error != NULL)
          g_print (_("%s: %s\nTry %s --help to see a full list of"
                     " available command line options.\n"),
                   PACKAGE, cli_error->message, PACKAGE_NAME);

          g_error_free (cli_error);

          return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Exit if two region options were given */
  if (window && fullscreen)
      g_printerr (conflict_error, "window", "fullscreen");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if (window && region)
      g_printerr (conflict_error, "window", "region");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if (fullscreen && region)
      g_printerr (conflict_error, "fullscreen", "region");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Exit if two actions options were given */
  if (upload && (application != NULL))
      g_printerr (conflict_error, "upload", "open");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if (upload && (screenshot_dir != NULL))
      g_printerr (conflict_error, "upload", "save");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if ((application != NULL) && (screenshot_dir != NULL))
      g_printerr (conflict_error, "open", "save");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if (upload_imgur && upload)
      g_printerr (conflict_error, "upload", "imgur");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if (upload_imgur && (screenshot_dir != NULL))
      g_printerr (conflict_error, "imgur", "save");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if (upload_imgur && (application != NULL))
      g_printerr (conflict_error, "imgur", "open");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Warn that action options, mouse and delay will be ignored in 
   * non-cli mode */
  if ((application != NULL) && !(fullscreen || window || region))
    g_printerr (ignore_error, "open");
  if ((screenshot_dir != NULL)  && !(fullscreen || window || region ))
    g_printerr (ignore_error, "save");
  if (upload_imgur && !(fullscreen || window || region))
    g_printerr (ignore_error, "imgur");
  if (upload && !(fullscreen || window || region))
    g_printerr (ignore_error, "upload");
  if (delay && !(fullscreen || window || region))
    g_printerr (ignore_error, "delay");
  if (mouse && !(fullscreen || window || region))
    g_printerr (ignore_error, "mouse");

  if (!g_thread_supported ())
    g_thread_init (NULL);

  /* Read the preferences */
  rc_file = xfce_resource_save_location (XFCE_RESOURCE_CONFIG, "xfce4/xfce4-screenshooter", TRUE);
  screenshooter_read_rc_file (rc_file, sd);

  /* Default to no action specified */
  sd->action_specified = FALSE;

  /* Check if the directory read from the preferences is valid */
  default_save_dir = g_file_new_for_uri (sd->screenshot_dir);

  if (G_UNLIKELY (!g_file_query_exists (default_save_dir, NULL)))
      g_free (sd->screenshot_dir);
      sd->screenshot_dir = screenshooter_get_xdg_image_dir_uri ();

  g_object_unref (default_save_dir);

  /* Just print the version if we are in version mode */
  if (version)
      g_print ("%s\n", PACKAGE_STRING);

      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  /* If a region cli option is given, take the screenshot accordingly.*/
  if (fullscreen || window || region)
      /* Set the region to be captured */
      if (window)
        sd->region = ACTIVE_WINDOW;
      else if (fullscreen)
        sd->region = FULLSCREEN;
      else if (region)
        sd->region = SELECT;

      /* Whether to display the mouse pointer on the screenshot */
      mouse ? (sd->show_mouse = 1) : (sd->show_mouse = 0);

      sd->delay = delay;

      if (application != NULL)
          sd->app = application;
          sd->action = OPEN;
          sd->action_specified = TRUE;
      else if (upload)
          sd->app = g_strdup ("none");
          sd->action = UPLOAD;
          sd->action_specified = TRUE;
      else if (upload_imgur)
          sd->app = g_strdup ("none");
          sd->action = UPLOAD_IMGUR;
          sd->action_specified = TRUE;
          sd->app = g_strdup ("none");
          sd->action = SAVE;

      /* If the user gave a directory name, check that it is valid */
      if (screenshot_dir != NULL)
          default_save_dir = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (screenshot_dir);

          if (G_LIKELY (g_file_query_exists (default_save_dir, NULL)))
              g_free (sd->screenshot_dir);
              sd->screenshot_dir = g_file_get_uri (default_save_dir);
              sd->action_specified = TRUE;
              screenshooter_error (_("%s is not a valid directory, the default"
                                   " directory will be used."),

          g_object_unref (default_save_dir);
          g_free (screenshot_dir);

      g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) screenshooter_take_screenshot_idle, sd);
  /* Else we show a dialog which allows to set the screenshot options */
      GtkWidget *dialog;

      /* Use 0 as the minimal delay */
      if (sd->delay == 0)
        sd->delay = 1;

      /* Set the dialog up */
      dialog = screenshooter_region_dialog_new (sd, FALSE);
      g_signal_connect (dialog, "response",
                        G_CALLBACK (cb_dialog_response), sd);
      g_signal_connect (dialog, "key-press-event",
                        G_CALLBACK (screenshooter_f1_key), NULL);
      gtk_widget_show (dialog);

  gtk_main ();

  /* Save preferences */
  screenshooter_write_rc_file (rc_file, sd);

  g_free (sd->screenshot_dir);
  g_free (sd->title);
  g_free (sd->app);
  g_free (sd->last_user);
  g_free (sd);

  TRACE ("Ciao");

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;