/* attempt defer and async script execution * * execute scripts using algorithm found in: * http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/scripting-1.html#the-script-element * */ bool html_scripts_exec(html_content *c) { unsigned int i; struct html_script *s; script_handler_t *script_handler; if (c->jscontext == NULL) return false; for (i = 0, s = c->scripts; i != c->scripts_count; i++, s++) { if (s->already_started) { continue; } if ((s->type == HTML_SCRIPT_ASYNC) || (s->type == HTML_SCRIPT_DEFER)) { /* ensure script content is present */ if (s->data.handle == NULL) continue; /* ensure script content fetch status is not an error */ if (content_get_status(s->data.handle) == CONTENT_STATUS_ERROR) continue; /* ensure script handler for content type */ script_handler = select_script_handler( content_get_type(s->data.handle)); if (script_handler == NULL) continue; /* unsupported type */ if (content_get_status(s->data.handle) == CONTENT_STATUS_DONE) { /* external script is now available */ const char *data; unsigned long size; data = content_get_source_data( s->data.handle, &size ); script_handler(c->jscontext, data, size); s->already_started = true; } } } return true; }
static dom_hubbub_error exec_inline_script(html_content *c, dom_node *node, dom_string *mimetype) { union content_msg_data msg_data; dom_string *script; dom_exception exc; /* returned by libdom functions */ struct lwc_string_s *lwcmimetype; script_handler_t *script_handler; struct html_script *nscript; /* does not appear to be a src so script is inline content */ exc = dom_node_get_text_content(node, &script); if ((exc != DOM_NO_ERR) || (script == NULL)) { return DOM_HUBBUB_OK; /* no contents, skip */ } nscript = html_process_new_script(c, mimetype, HTML_SCRIPT_INLINE); if (nscript == NULL) { dom_string_unref(script); msg_data.error = messages_get("NoMemory"); content_broadcast(&c->base, CONTENT_MSG_ERROR, msg_data); return DOM_HUBBUB_NOMEM; } nscript->data.string = script; nscript->already_started = true; /* ensure script handler for content type */ dom_string_intern(mimetype, &lwcmimetype); script_handler = select_script_handler(content_factory_type_from_mime_type(lwcmimetype)); lwc_string_unref(lwcmimetype); if (script_handler != NULL) { script_handler(c->jscontext, dom_string_data(script), dom_string_byte_length(script)); } return DOM_HUBBUB_OK; }
//Kommunikation void command(uint8_t *buf) { uint8_t m_comand = buf[0]; struct rgb rgb_color; struct hsv hsv_color; switch (m_comand) { case mpxl_cmd_off: led_off(); break; case mpxl_cmd_on: led_on(); break; case mpxl_cmd_setRGB: rgb_color.Red = buf[1]; rgb_color.Green = buf[2]; rgb_color.Blue = buf[3]; set_led_color(&rgb_color); break; case mpxl_cmd_setHSV: hsv_color.hsv[0] = buf[1]; hsv_color.hsv[1] = buf[2]; hsv_color.saturation = buf[3]; hsv_color.value = buf[4]; hsv2rgb(&hsv_color,&rgb_color); set_led_color(&rgb_color); break; case mpxl_cmd_fade: rgb_color.Red = buf[1]; rgb_color.Green = buf[2]; rgb_color.Blue = buf[3]; rgb_fade_int(rgb_color, buf[4]); case mpxl_cmd_script: script_handler(buf); break; } }
/** * Callback for syncronous scripts */ static nserror convert_script_sync_cb(hlcache_handle *script, const hlcache_event *event, void *pw) { html_content *parent = pw; unsigned int i; struct html_script *s; script_handler_t *script_handler; dom_hubbub_error err; /* Find script */ for (i = 0, s = parent->scripts; i != parent->scripts_count; i++, s++) { if (s->type == HTML_SCRIPT_SYNC && s->data.handle == script) break; } assert(i != parent->scripts_count); switch (event->type) { case CONTENT_MSG_LOADING: break; case CONTENT_MSG_READY: break; case CONTENT_MSG_DONE: LOG(("script %d done '%s'", i, nsurl_access(hlcache_handle_get_url(script)))); parent->base.active--; LOG(("%d fetches active", parent->base.active)); s->already_started = true; /* attempt to execute script */ script_handler = select_script_handler(content_get_type(s->data.handle)); if (script_handler != NULL) { /* script has a handler */ const char *data; unsigned long size; data = content_get_source_data(s->data.handle, &size ); script_handler(parent->jscontext, data, size); } /* continue parse */ err = dom_hubbub_parser_pause(parent->parser, false); if (err != DOM_HUBBUB_OK) { LOG(("unpause returned 0x%x", err)); } break; case CONTENT_MSG_ERROR: LOG(("script %s failed: %s", nsurl_access(hlcache_handle_get_url(script)), event->data.error)); hlcache_handle_release(script); s->data.handle = NULL; parent->base.active--; LOG(("%d fetches active", parent->base.active)); content_add_error(&parent->base, "?", 0); s->already_started = true; /* continue parse */ err = dom_hubbub_parser_pause(parent->parser, false); if (err != DOM_HUBBUB_OK) { LOG(("unpause returned 0x%x", err)); } break; case CONTENT_MSG_STATUS: break; default: assert(0); } /* if there are no active fetches remaining begin post parse * conversion */ if (html_can_begin_conversion(parent)) { html_begin_conversion(parent); } return NSERROR_OK; }