bool stageThreeShutDown(void) { debug(LOG_WZ, "== stageThreeShutDown =="); removeSpotters(); // There is an assymetry in scripts initialization and destruction, due // the many different ways scripts get loaded. if (!shutdownScripts()) { return false; } challengesUp = false; challengeActive = false; isInGamePopupUp = false; shutdownTemplates(); // make sure any button tips are gone. widgReset(); audio_StopAll(); if(bMultiPlayer) { multiGameShutdown(); } cmdDroidMultiExpBoost(false); eventReset(); // reset the script values system scrvReset(); //call this here before mission data is released if (!missionShutDown()) { return false; } /* When this line wasn't at this point. The PSX version always failed on the next script after the tutorial ... unexplained why? */ // bInTutorial=false; scrExternReset(); //reset the run data so that doesn't need to be initialised in the scripts initRunData(); resetVTOLLandingPos(); setScriptWinLoseVideo(PLAY_NONE); return true; }
bool stageThreeShutDown() { debug(LOG_WZ, "== stageThreeShutDown =="); hostlaunch = 0; removeSpotters(); // There is an asymmetry in scripts initialization and destruction, due // the many different ways scripts get loaded. if (!shutdownScripts()) { return false; } challengesUp = false; challengeActive = false; isInGamePopupUp = false; shutdownTemplates(); // make sure any button tips are gone. widgReset(); audio_StopAll(); if (bMultiPlayer) { multiGameShutdown(); } eventReset(); // reset the script values system scrvReset(); //call this here before mission data is released if (!missionShutDown()) { return false; } scrExternReset(); // reset the run data so that doesn't need to be initialised in the scripts initRunData(); resetVTOLLandingPos(); setScriptWinLoseVideo(PLAY_NONE); return true; }