Пример #1
int16_t ESP8266Class::ping(char * server)
	char params[strlen(server) + 3];
	sprintf(params, "\"%s\"", server);
	// Send AT+Ping=<server>
	sendCommand(ESP8266_PING, ESP8266_CMD_SETUP, params); 
	// Example responses:
	//  * Good response: +12\r\n\r\nOK\r\n
	//  * Timeout response: +timeout\r\n\r\nERROR\r\n
	//  * Error response (unreachable): ERROR\r\n\r\n
	if (rsp > 0)
		char * p = searchBuffer("+");
		p += 1; // Move p forward 1 space
		char * q = strchr(p, '\r'); // Find the first \r
		if (q == NULL)
			return ESP8266_RSP_UNKNOWN;
		char tempRsp[10];
		strncpy(tempRsp, p, q - p);
		return atoi(tempRsp);
		if (searchBuffer("timeout") != NULL)
			return 0;
	return rsp;
int MG2639_Cell::readWaitForResponses(const char * goodRsp, 
                                      const char * failRsp, unsigned int timeout)
	unsigned long timeIn = millis(); // Timestamp coming into function
	unsigned int received = 0; // received keeps track of number of chars read
	clearBuffer(); // Clear the class receive buffer (rxBuffer)
	while (timeIn + timeout > millis()) // While we haven't timed out
		if (dataAvailable()) // If data is available on UART RX
			// Increment received count & read byte to buffer
			received += readByteToBuffer();
			if (searchBuffer(goodRsp))
				return received; // If we've received [goodRsp], return received
			if (searchBuffer(failRsp)) // If we've received [failRsp]
				return ERROR_FAIL_RESPONSE; // return FAIL response error code
	if (received > 0) // If we received any characters
		return ERROR_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE;	// Return unkown response error code
	else // If we haven't received any characters
		return ERROR_TIMEOUT; // Return the timeout error code
Пример #3
int16_t ESP8266Class::readForResponses(const char * pass, const char * fail, unsigned int timeout)
	unsigned long timeIn = millis();	// Timestamp coming into function
	unsigned int received = 0; // received keeps track of number of chars read
	clearBuffer();	// Clear the class receive buffer (esp8266RxBuffer)
	while (timeIn + timeout > millis()) // While we haven't timed out
		if (_serial->available()) // If data is available on UART RX
			received += readByteToBuffer();
			if (searchBuffer(pass))	// Search the buffer for goodRsp
				return received;	// Return how number of chars read
			if (searchBuffer(fail))
				return ESP8266_RSP_FAIL;
	if (received > 0) // If we received any characters
		return ESP8266_RSP_UNKNOWN; // Return unkown response error code
	else // If we haven't received any characters
		return ESP8266_RSP_TIMEOUT; // Return the timeout error code
Пример #4
int16_t ESP8266Class::tcpConnect(uint8_t linkID, const char * destination, uint16_t port, uint16_t keepAlive)
	if (keepAlive > 0)
		// keepAlive is in units of 500 milliseconds.
		// Max is 7200 * 500 = 3600000 ms = 60 minutes.
		print(keepAlive / 500);
	// Example good: CONNECT\r\n\r\nOK\r\n
	// Example bad: DNS Fail\r\n\r\nERROR\r\n
	// Example meh: ALREADY CONNECTED\r\n\r\nERROR\r\n
	if (rsp < 0)
		// We may see "ERROR", but be "ALREADY CONNECTED".
		// Search for "ALREADY", and return success if we see it.
		char * p = searchBuffer("ALREADY");
		if (p != NULL)
			return 2;
		// Otherwise the connection failed. Return the error code:
		return rsp;
	// Return 1 on successful (new) connection
	return 1;
Пример #5
int16_t ESP8266Class::updateStatus()
	sendCommand(ESP8266_TCP_STATUS); // Send AT+CIPSTATUS\r\n
	// Example response: (connected as client)
	// STATUS:3\r\n
	// +CIPSTATUS:0,"TCP","",80,0\r\n\r\nOK\r\n 
	// - or - (clients connected to ESP8266 server)
	// STATUS:3\r\n
	// +CIPSTATUS:0,"TCP","",54723,1\r\n
	// +CIPSTATUS:1,"TCP","",54724,1\r\n\r\nOK\r\n 
	int16_t rsp = readForResponse(RESPONSE_OK, COMMAND_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);

	if (rsp > 0)
		char * p = searchBuffer("STATUS:");
		if (p == NULL)
			return ESP8266_RSP_UNKNOWN;
		p += 7;//strlen("STATUS:");
		_status.stat = (esp8266_connect_status)(*p - 48);
		for (int i=0; i<ESP8266_MAX_SOCK_NUM; i++)
			p = strstr(p, "+CIPSTATUS:");
			if (p == NULL)
				// Didn't find any IPSTATUS'. Set linkID to 255.
				for (int j=i; j<ESP8266_MAX_SOCK_NUM; j++)
					_status.ipstatus[j].linkID = 255;
				return rsp;
				p += 11;//strlen("+CIPSTATUS:");
				// Find linkID:
				uint8_t linkId = *p - 48;
				if (linkId >= ESP8266_MAX_SOCK_NUM)
					return rsp;
				_status.ipstatus[linkId].linkID = linkId;
				// Find type (p pointing at linkID):
				p += 3; // Move p to either "T" or "U"
				if (*p == 'T')
					_status.ipstatus[linkId].type = ESP8266_TCP;
				else if (*p == 'U')
					_status.ipstatus[linkId].type = ESP8266_UDP;
					_status.ipstatus[linkId].type = ESP8266_TYPE_UNDEFINED;
				// Find remoteIP (p pointing at first letter or type):
				p += 6; // Move p to first digit of first octet.
				for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++)
					char tempOctet[4];
					memset(tempOctet, 0, 4); // Clear tempOctet
					size_t octetLength = strspn(p, "0123456789"); // Find length of numerical string:
					strncpy(tempOctet, p, octetLength); // Copy string to temp char array:
					_status.ipstatus[linkId].remoteIP[j] = atoi(tempOctet); // Move the temp char into IP Address octet
					p += (octetLength + 1); // Increment p to next octet
				// Find port (p pointing at ',' between IP and port:
				p += 1; // Move p to first digit of port
				char tempPort[6];
				memset(tempPort, 0, 6);
				size_t portLen = strspn(p, "0123456789"); // Find length of numerical string:
				strncpy(tempPort, p, portLen);
				_status.ipstatus[linkId].port = atoi(tempPort);
				p += portLen + 1;
				// Find tetype (p pointing at tetype)
				if (*p == '0')
					_status.ipstatus[linkId].tetype = ESP8266_CLIENT;
				else if (*p == '1')
					_status.ipstatus[linkId].tetype = ESP8266_SERVER;
	return rsp;
Пример #6
static void performSearch( char *fn )
    int         io;
    int         retries;    // number of times we read the pipe and got nothing
    int         red;
    int         sav;
    size_t      size;
    unsigned    frag;
    char        *locn;
    unsigned    saveRecs;
    char        **currs;
    char        **nexts;
    char        *probe;
    struct stat buf;

    MatchCount = 0;
    if( strcmp( fn, "@@" ) == 0 ) {
        fn = "stdin";
        io = STDIN_FILENO;
        setmode( io, O_BINARY );
    } else {
        if( FileMode != 0 ) {
            if( stat( fn, &buf ) != -1 ) {
                if( (buf.st_mode & FileMode) != 0 ) {
        io = open( fn, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY );
        if( io == -1 ) {
            Warning( "Unable to open", fn );
    FName = fn;
    retries = 0;        // number of times we read the pipe and got nothing
    if( PrtAll ) {
    PrtFn = TRUE;
    red = readFile( io, Buff, BSize );
    if( red == -1 ) {
        // Warning( "Error reading file", fn ); // removed for 0 length files
        if( io != STDIN_FILENO ) {
            close( io );

    // look for two '\n's with no preceeding '\r'
    probe = (char *)memchr( Buff, '\n', red );          // look for a newline
    if( ( probe == Buff || ( probe != NULL && probe[-1] != '\r' ) )
            && red > 1 ) {
        probe = (char *)memchr( probe+1, '\n', red - ( probe+1 - Buff ) );
        if( probe != NULL && probe[-1] != '\n' ) {
            OutMode( O_TEXT );          // we'll assume file has no \r's        in it
        } else {
            OutMode( O_BINARY );        // assume file has \r\n pairs
    } else {
        OutMode( O_BINARY );
    Recs = 1;
    locn = Buff;
    size = BSize;
    for(;;) {
        retries = 0;                    // we actually got something
        sav = red;                      // preserve old value
        Buff[ sav + 0 ] = '\0';
        Buff[ sav + 1 ] = '\n';         // put this here as a sentinel
                                        // (required by searchBuffer)
        while( red != 0 && Buff[red-1] != '\n' ) { // break on record boundary
        if( red == 0 ) red = sav;       // if we did not find NL restore red
        currs = SrchStrings;
        saveRecs = Recs;                // reset line number for each search string

        while( *currs ) {
            Recs = saveRecs;
            strcpy( Buff + sav + 2, *currs );
            searchBuffer( *currs, red );  // - search the buffer
            if( ExitStatus && QuitFirst ) {
                nexts = currs;
                for( ;; ) {
                    nexts[ 0 ] = nexts[ 1 ];
                    if( nexts[ 0 ] == NULL ) break;
                if( *SrchStrings ) {
                    ExitStatus = 0;
            } else {
        if( ExitStatus ) break;
        frag = (unsigned)(sav - red);
        if( frag != 0) {
            memcpy( Buff, &Buff[red], frag );
        locn = &Buff[frag];
        size = BSize - frag;
        red = readFile( io, locn, size );       // read a big hunk of the file
        if( red == -1 ) {                       // if nothing read
            if( frag == 0 ) break;              // - and no fragment quit
            red = 0;                            // - did not read anything
        }                                       // endif
        red += frag;                            // include size of piece moved
    if( io != STDIN_FILENO ) {
        close( io );
    if( PrtCount && (MatchCount != 0) ) {
        printf( "Lines: %d\r\n", MatchCount );
Пример #7
CELL * p_find(CELL * params) 
char * key;
char * str;
ssize_t found;
CELL * next;
CELL * keyCell;
CELL * funcCell;
size_t size;
long options = -1;
size_t offset = 0;
UINT * resultIdxSave;

keyCell = evaluateExpression(params);
params = getEvalDefault(params->next, &next);

if(keyCell->type == CELL_STRING && next->type == CELL_STRING)
	key = (char *)keyCell->contents;
	str = (char *)next->contents;
	size = next->aux - 1;

	if(params != nilCell)
		if(params->next != nilCell)
			getInteger(params->next, (UINT*)&offset);
		if(offset > size) offset = size;
		params = evaluateExpression(params);
			getIntegerExt(params, (UINT *)&options, FALSE);

	if(options == -1)
		found = searchBuffer(str + offset, size - offset, key, keyCell->aux - 1, TRUE);
        found = searchBufferRegex(str, (int)offset, key, (int)size, options, NULL) - offset;
	if(found < 0) return(nilCell);
    /* list mode with optional functor */

	if(!isList(next->type)) return(nilCell);
	next = (CELL *)next->contents;
	found = 0;

	if(params != nilCell)
		funcCell = evaluateExpression(params);
	else funcCell = NULL;

   	/* do regex when first arg is string and option# is present */
   	if(funcCell && isNumber(funcCell->type) && keyCell->type == CELL_STRING)
       	getIntegerExt(funcCell, (UINT*)&options, FALSE);
       	key = (char *)keyCell->contents;
       	while(next != nilCell)
           	if(next->type == CELL_STRING)
               	if(searchBufferRegex((char *)next->contents, 0, 
						key, next->aux - 1 , options, NULL) != -1) break;
           	next = next->next;
       	if(next == nilCell) return(nilCell);
		else return(stuffInteger(found));

	resultIdxSave = resultStackIdx;
    while(next != nilCell)
		if(compareFunc(keyCell, next, funcCell) == 0)
				sysSymbol[0]->contents = (UINT)copyCell(next);
		next = next->next;
	if(next == nilCell) return(nilCell);

return(stuffInteger(found + offset));