Пример #1
int search_states(char *netname, char *layname)
{ int net, k, j, lay = -1, ok = TRUE;
  /*   search of network   */
  if (strlen(netname) == 0) net = ptdn-1;
  else net = search_network (netname);    
  if (net >= 0) {    /*   search of layer   */
    lay = search_layer(net, layname);
    if (lay >= 0) 
      if (net != (ptdn-1)) {    /*   insert a virtual layer   */
	k = search_layer(ptdn-1, layname);
        if (k < 0)   /*   the layer is created in "tdl"   */
          if (ptdl == MaxTdL)
            yyerror("Table of layerss is completely full");
          else {
            tdl[ptdl].name   = layname; tdl[ptdl].type  = tdl[lay].type; 
            tdl[ptdl].refnet = net;     tdl[ptdl].root  = TRUE;
             /*   the table "tdn" is updated   */
            if (tdn[ptdn-1].belem < 0)
	      tdn[ptdn-1].belem = tdn[ptdn-1].eelem = ptdl;
	      tdn[ptdn-1].eelem = ptdl;
            lay = ptdl; ptdl++; tdl[ptdl] = tdlini;
	else lay = k;
      else ;
    else yyerror("The name of the layer does not exist on this network");
  else yyerror("Network name does not exist");
  return lay;
Пример #2
/* Gathers layers which are supposed to occupy the same layer position on the
   Tilecal. This function is smart enough to live with search_layer()
   defficiency of returning the first layer that matches the required depth
   (see discussion above on search_layer(). Actually, the layer returned by
   search_layer() is the one that is going to be used as destination to all
   other layers that have the same depth, but cannot be picked-up by
   search_layer(). This is Ok for tilecal because all layers have the same
   granularity approximately. */
bool_t gather_tilecal_layers(hadtt_t tt)
  int i; /* iterator */
  int tt_e,tt_p; /* iterators */
  int layer_idx;
  for (tt_p=0; tt_p < HadRoIGran; ++tt_p)
    for (tt_e=0; tt_e < HadRoIGran; ++tt_e)
      for (i=0; i < tt[tt_p][tt_e].NoOfLayers; ++i)
	if (tt[tt_p][tt_e].layer[i].calo == TILECAL) {
	  bool_t sum_ok = TRUE;

	  /* If I've got one of these and and previous layer which is *NOT*
	     those, I have to add them up. */
	  switch (tt[tt_p][tt_e].layer[i].level) {
	  case 1: case 4: case 9:
	    layer_idx = search_layer(&tt[tt_p][tt_e], HAD, 1);
	    if (layer_idx != i)
	      sum_ok = add_equal_layers(&tt[tt_p][tt_e].layer[layer_idx],
	  case 2: case 5: case 7: case 10:
	    layer_idx = search_layer(&tt[tt_p][tt_e], HAD, 2);
	    if (layer_idx != i)
	      sum_ok = add_equal_layers(&tt[tt_p][tt_e].layer[layer_idx],
	  case 3: case 6: case 8: case 11:
	    layer_idx = search_layer(&tt[tt_p][tt_e], HAD, 3);
	    if (layer_idx != i)
	      sum_ok = add_equal_layers(&tt[tt_p][tt_e].layer[layer_idx],

	  /* If something went wrong I'll warn, but that's it, after that I'll
	     wash my hands. */
	  if (!sum_ok) {
	    /* fprintf(stderr, "(uniform.c)ERROR: Can't add layers\n"); */
	    return (FALSE);

  return (TRUE);
Пример #3
/* Given a roi and a layer to uniformize, this function can do it, verifying
   the RoI integrity for the specific layer and applying the correct algorithm
   for placing cells correctly. */
bool_t uniformize_em_tt(const emtt_t tt, CaloLayer* layer)
  int tt_eta; /* The trigger tower position within a layer */
  int tt_phi; /* The trigger tower position within a layer */
  int  cell_eta; /* The cell position within a trigger tower */
  int  cell_phi; /* The cell position within a trigger tower */
  const int maxcell_eta = layer->EtaGran / EMRoIGran; /* Granularity within a
                                                         TT */
  const int maxcell_phi = layer->PhiGran / EMRoIGran; /* Granularity within a
                                                         TT */
  index_t d2_index; /* The 2-D and 1-D indexes respectively */
  int d1_index;

  for(tt_phi = 0; tt_phi < EMRoIGran; ++tt_phi)
    for(tt_eta = 0; tt_eta < EMRoIGran; ++tt_eta) {

      /* What I have to do for each trigger tower */

      /* 1) Find out if the layer is there */
      int layer_idx = -1; /* default is: no layer found == -1 */

      layer_idx = search_layer(&tt[tt_phi][tt_eta], layer->calo, layer->level);

      if (layer_idx == -1) {
	/* fprintf(stderr, "(uniform.c)ERROR: Can't find layer in TT\n"); */
	return (FALSE); /* No such layer */       
      /* 2) If it is, then I can process each cell */
      for(cell_phi = 0; cell_phi < maxcell_phi; ++cell_phi)
	for(cell_eta = 0; cell_eta < maxcell_eta; ++cell_eta) {

	  /* What I have to do for each cell */

	  /* A. Evaluate the position of the cell into the original TT */
	  int ttindex = cell_phi *
	    tt[tt_phi][tt_eta].layer[layer_idx].EtaGran + cell_eta; 
	  /* B. Evaluate the cell linear position into the new uniform layer*/
	  d2_index.eta = tt_eta * maxcell_eta + cell_eta;
	  d2_index.phi = tt_phi * maxcell_phi + cell_phi; 
	  d1_index = d2_index.phi * layer->EtaGran + d2_index.eta;

	  /* C. Finally, copy the energy values */
	  layer->cell[d1_index].energy = 
	} /* end for all cells into TT */
    } /* end for all TT's into RoI */

  return (TRUE);

} /* end of uniformize_em_tt() */ 
Пример #4
/* Given a roi and a layer to uniformize, this function can do it, verifying
   the RoI integrity for the specific layer and applying the correct algorithm
   for placing cells correctly. */
bool_t uniformize_had_tt(const hadtt_t tt, CaloLayer* layer)
  int tt_eta; /* The trigger tower position within a layer */
  int tt_phi; /* The trigger tower position within a layer */
  int  cell_eta; /* The cell position within a trigger tower */
  int  cell_phi; /* The cell position within a trigger tower */
  const int maxcell_eta = layer->EtaGran / HadRoIGran; /* Granularity within a
                                                          TT */
  const int maxcell_phi = layer->PhiGran / HadRoIGran; /* Granularity within a
                                                          TT */
  index_t d2_index; /* The 2-D and 1-D indexes respectively */
  int d1_index;
  hadtt_t mytt;
  /* The next 2 instructions should flatten the information on layers 1/4, 2/5
     and 3/6 on the TILECAL. This is important because the energy information
     is splitted among different parts of it and a 1st. layer is not exactly
     defined. See descriptions. The other layers are ignored for the time
     being. */
  if (!gather_tilecal_layers(mytt))  return (FALSE);

  for(tt_phi = 0; tt_phi < HadRoIGran; ++tt_phi)
    for(tt_eta = 0; tt_eta < HadRoIGran; ++tt_eta) {

      /* What I have to do for each trigger tower */

      /* 1) Find out if the layer is there */
      int layer_idx = -1; /* default is: no layer found == -1 */

      layer_idx = search_layer(&mytt[tt_phi][tt_eta], 
			       layer->calo, layer->level);

      if (layer_idx == -1) {
	/* fprintf(stderr, "(uniform.c)ERROR: Can't find layer in TT\n"); */
	return (FALSE); /* No such layer */       

      /* 2) If it is, then I can process each cell */
      for(cell_phi = 0; cell_phi < maxcell_phi; ++cell_phi)
	for(cell_eta = 0; cell_eta < maxcell_eta; ++cell_eta) {

	  /* What I have to do for each cell */

	  /* A. Evaluate the position of the cell into the original TT */
	  int ttindex = cell_phi *
	    mytt[tt_phi][tt_eta].layer[layer_idx].EtaGran + cell_eta; 
	  /* B. Evaluate the cell linear position into the new uniform layer*/
	  d2_index.eta = tt_eta * maxcell_eta + cell_eta;
	  d2_index.phi = tt_phi * maxcell_phi + cell_phi; 
	  d1_index = d2_index.phi * layer->EtaGran + d2_index.eta;

	  /* C. Finally, copy the energy values */
	  layer->cell[d1_index].energy = 
	} /* end for all cells into TT */
    } /* end for all TT's into RoI */

  /* Before finishing, I have to free what I've allocated */
  free_had_tt (mytt);

  return (TRUE);
} /* end of uniformize_had_tt() */