Пример #1
/* replace a range of lines with the joined text of those lines */
bool join_lines( const int from, const int to, const bool isglobal )
  static char * buf = 0;
  static int bufsz = 0;
  int size = 0;
  line_t * const ep = search_line_node( inc_addr( to ) );
  line_t * bp = search_line_node( from );

  while( bp != ep )
    const char * const s = get_sbuf_line( bp );
    if( !s || !resize_buffer( &buf, &bufsz, size + bp->len ) ) return false;
    memcpy( buf + size, s, bp->len );
    size += bp->len;
    bp = bp->q_forw;
  if( !resize_buffer( &buf, &bufsz, size + 2 ) ) return false;
  memcpy( buf + size, "\n", 2 );
  size += 2;
  if( !delete_lines( from, to, isglobal ) ) return false;
  current_addr_ = from - 1;
  if( !put_sbuf_line( buf, size, current_addr_ ) ||
      !push_undo_atom( UADD, current_addr_, current_addr_ ) )
    { enable_interrupts(); return false; }
  modified_ = true;
  return true;
Пример #2
/* copy a range of lines; return false if error */
bool copy_lines( const int first_addr, const int second_addr, const int addr )
  line_t *lp, *np = search_line_node( first_addr );
  undo_t * up = 0;
  int n = second_addr - first_addr + 1;
  int m = 0;

  current_addr_ = addr;
  if( addr >= first_addr && addr < second_addr )
    n = addr - first_addr + 1;
    m = second_addr - addr;
  for( ; n > 0; n = m, m = 0, np = search_line_node( current_addr_ + 1 ) )
    for( ; n-- > 0; np = np->q_forw )
      lp = dup_line_node( np );
      if( !lp ) { enable_interrupts(); return false; }
      add_line_node( lp, current_addr_++ );
      if( up ) up->tail = lp;
        up = push_undo_atom( UADD, current_addr_, current_addr_ );
        if( !up ) { enable_interrupts(); return false; }
      modified_ = true;
  return true;
Пример #3
/* for each line in a range, change text matching a pattern according to
   a substitution template; return false if error */
char search_and_replace( const int first_addr, const int second_addr,
                         const int gflags, const int snum, const char isglobal )
  int lc;
  char match_found = 0;

  set_current_addr( first_addr - 1 );
  for( lc = 0; lc <= second_addr - first_addr; ++lc )
    line_t *lp = search_line_node( inc_current_addr() );
    int len = replace_matching_text( lp, gflags, snum );
    if( len < 0 ) return 0;
    if( len )
      const char *txt = rbuf;
      const char *eot = rbuf + len;
      undo_t *up = 0;
      if( !delete_lines( current_addr(), current_addr(), isglobal ) ) return 0;
      do {
        txt = put_sbuf_line( txt, current_addr() );
        if( !txt ) { enable_interrupts(); return 0; }
        if( up ) up->tail = search_line_node( current_addr() );
        else if( !( up = push_undo_atom( UADD, -1, -1 ) ) )
          { enable_interrupts(); return 0; }
      while( txt != eot );
      match_found = 1;
  if( !match_found && !( gflags & GLB ) )
    { set_error_msg( "No match" ); return 0; }
  return 1;
Пример #4
/* delete a range of lines */
bool delete_lines( const int from, const int to, const bool isglobal )
  line_t *n, *p;

  if( !yank_lines( from, to ) ) return false;
  if( !push_undo_atom( UDEL, from, to ) )
    { enable_interrupts(); return false; }
  n = search_line_node( inc_addr( to ) );
  p = search_line_node( from - 1 );	/* this search_line_node last! */
  if( isglobal ) unset_active_nodes( p->q_forw, n );
  link_nodes( p, n );
  last_addr_ -= to - from + 1;
  current_addr_ = from - 1;
  modified_ = true;
  return true;
Пример #5
/* copy a range of lines to the cut buffer */
bool yank_lines( const int from, const int to )
  line_t * const ep = search_line_node( inc_addr( to ) );
  line_t * bp = search_line_node( from );
  line_t * lp = &yank_buffer_head;
  line_t * p;

  while( bp != ep )
    p = dup_line_node( bp );
    if( !p ) { enable_interrupts(); return false; }
    insert_node( p, lp );
    bp = bp->q_forw; lp = p;
  return true;
Пример #6
/* return pointer to intialized undo node */
undo_t * push_undo_atom( const int type, const int from, const int to )
  if( !resize_undo_buffer( &ustack, &usize, ( u_ptr + 1 ) * sizeof (undo_t) ) )
    show_strerror( 0, errno );
    set_error_msg( "Memory exhausted" );
    if( ustack )
      free( ustack );
      ustack = 0;
      usize = u_ptr = 0;
      u_current_addr = u_last_addr = -1;
    return 0;
  ustack[u_ptr].type = type;
  ustack[u_ptr].tail = search_line_node( to );
  ustack[u_ptr].head = search_line_node( from );
  return ustack + u_ptr++;
Пример #7
/* undo last change to the editor buffer */
bool undo( const bool isglobal )
  int n;
  const int o_current_addr = current_addr_;
  const int o_last_addr = last_addr_;
  const bool o_modified = modified_;

  if( u_ptr <= 0 || u_current_addr < 0 || u_last_addr < 0 )
    { set_error_msg( "Nothing to undo" ); return false; }
  search_line_node( 0 );		/* reset cached value */
  for( n = u_ptr - 1; n >= 0; --n )
    switch( ustack[n].type )
      case UADD: link_nodes( ustack[n].head->q_back, ustack[n].tail->q_forw );
      case UDEL: link_nodes( ustack[n].head->q_back, ustack[n].head );
                 link_nodes( ustack[n].tail, ustack[n].tail->q_forw );
      case UMOV:
      case VMOV: link_nodes( ustack[n-1].head, ustack[n].head->q_forw );
                 link_nodes( ustack[n].tail->q_back, ustack[n-1].tail );
                 link_nodes( ustack[n].head, ustack[n].tail ); --n;
    ustack[n].type ^= 1;
  /* reverse undo stack order */
  for( n = 0; 2 * n < u_ptr - 1; ++n )
    undo_t tmp = ustack[n];
    ustack[n] = ustack[u_ptr-1-n]; ustack[u_ptr-1-n] = tmp;
  if( isglobal ) clear_active_list();
  current_addr_ = u_current_addr; u_current_addr = o_current_addr;
  last_addr_ = u_last_addr; u_last_addr = o_last_addr;
  modified_ = u_modified; u_modified = o_modified;
  return true;
Пример #8
/* return the address of the next line matching a pattern in a given
   direction. wrap around begin/end of editor buffer if necessary */
int get_matching_node_addr( const char **ibufpp, const char forward )
  regex_t *pat = get_compiled_pattern( ibufpp );
  int addr = current_addr();

  if( !pat ) return -1;
  do {
    addr = ( forward ? inc_addr( addr ) : dec_addr( addr ) );
    if( addr )
      line_t *lp = search_line_node( addr );
      char *s = get_sbuf_line( lp );
      if( !s ) return -1;
      if( isbinary() ) nul_to_newline( s, lp->len );
      if( !regexec( pat, s, 0, 0, 0 ) ) return addr;
  while( addr != current_addr() );
  set_error_msg( "No match" );
  return -1;
Пример #9
/* move a range of lines */
bool move_lines( const int first_addr, const int second_addr, const int addr,
                 const bool isglobal )
  line_t *b1, *a1, *b2, *a2;
  int n = inc_addr( second_addr );
  int p = first_addr - 1;

  if( addr == first_addr - 1 || addr == second_addr )
    a2 = search_line_node( n );
    b2 = search_line_node( p );
    current_addr_ = second_addr;
  else if( !push_undo_atom( UMOV, p, n ) ||
           !push_undo_atom( UMOV, addr, inc_addr( addr ) ) )
    { enable_interrupts(); return false; }
    a1 = search_line_node( n );
    if( addr < first_addr )
      b1 = search_line_node( p );
      b2 = search_line_node( addr );	/* this search_line_node last! */
      b2 = search_line_node( addr );
      b1 = search_line_node( p );	/* this search_line_node last! */
    a2 = b2->q_forw;
    link_nodes( b2, b1->q_forw );
    link_nodes( a1->q_back, a2 );
    link_nodes( b1, a1 );
    current_addr_ = addr + ( ( addr < first_addr ) ?
                           second_addr - first_addr + 1 : 0 );
  if( isglobal ) unset_active_nodes( b2->q_forw, a2 );
  modified_ = true;
  return true;
Пример #10
/* Insert text from stdin (or from command buffer if global) to after
   line n; stop when either a single period is read or EOF.
   Return false if insertion fails. */
bool append_lines( const char ** const ibufpp, const int addr,
                   const bool isglobal )
  int size = 0;
  undo_t * up = 0;
  current_addr_ = addr;

  while( true )
    if( !isglobal )
      *ibufpp = get_tty_line( &size );
      if( !*ibufpp ) return false;
      if( size == 0 || (*ibufpp)[size-1] != '\n' )
        { clearerr( stdin ); return ( size == 0 ); }
      if( !**ibufpp ) return true;
      for( size = 0; (*ibufpp)[size++] != '\n'; ) ;
    if( size == 2 && **ibufpp == '.' ) { *ibufpp += size; return true; }
    if( !put_sbuf_line( *ibufpp, size, current_addr_ ) )
      { enable_interrupts(); return false; }
    if( up ) up->tail = search_line_node( current_addr_ );
      up = push_undo_atom( UADD, current_addr_, current_addr_ );
      if( !up ) { enable_interrupts(); return false; }
    *ibufpp += size;
    modified_ = true;
Пример #11
/* add line matching a pattern to the global-active list */
char build_active_list( const char **ibufpp, const int first_addr,
                        const int second_addr, const char match )
  regex_t *pat;
  line_t *lp;
  int addr;
  const char delimiter = **ibufpp;

  if( delimiter == ' ' || delimiter == '\n' )
    { set_error_msg( "Invalid pattern delimiter" ); return 0; }
  if( !( pat = get_compiled_pattern( ibufpp ) ) ) return 0;
  if( **ibufpp == delimiter ) ++(*ibufpp);
  lp = search_line_node( first_addr );
  for( addr = first_addr; addr <= second_addr; ++addr, lp = lp->q_forw )
    char *s = get_sbuf_line( lp );
    if( !s ) return 0;
    if( isbinary() ) nul_to_newline( s, lp->len );
    if( !regexec( pat, s, 0, 0, 0 ) == match && !set_active_node( lp ) )
      return 0;
  return 1;
Пример #12
/* add a line node in the editor buffer after the given line */
static void add_line_node( line_t * const lp, const int addr )
  line_t * const prev = search_line_node( addr );
  insert_node( lp, prev );
Пример #13
/* execute the next command in command buffer; return error status */
static int exec_command( const char ** const ibufpp, const int prev_status,
                         const bool isglobal )
  const char * fnp;
  int gflags = 0;
  int addr, c, n;
  const int addr_cnt = extract_addr_range( ibufpp );

  if( addr_cnt < 0 ) return ERR;
  *ibufpp = skip_blanks( *ibufpp );
  c = *(*ibufpp)++;
  switch( c )
    case 'a': if( !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              if( !isglobal ) clear_undo_stack();
              if( !append_lines( ibufpp, second_addr, isglobal ) ) return ERR;
    case 'c': if( first_addr == 0 ) first_addr = 1;
              if( second_addr == 0 ) second_addr = 1;
              if( !check_current_addr( addr_cnt ) ||
                  !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              if( !isglobal ) clear_undo_stack();
              if( !delete_lines( first_addr, second_addr, isglobal ) ||
                  !append_lines( ibufpp, current_addr(), isglobal ) ) return ERR;
    case 'd': if( !check_current_addr( addr_cnt ) ||
                  !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              if( !isglobal ) clear_undo_stack();
              if( !delete_lines( first_addr, second_addr, isglobal ) ) return ERR;
    case 'e': if( modified() && !scripted() && prev_status != EMOD )
                return EMOD;				/* fall through */
    case 'E': if( unexpected_address( addr_cnt ) ||
                  unexpected_command_suffix( **ibufpp ) ) return ERR;
              fnp = get_filename( ibufpp );
              if( !fnp || !delete_lines( 1, last_addr(), isglobal ) ||
                  !close_sbuf() ) return ERR;
              if( !open_sbuf() ) return FATAL;
              if( fnp[0] && fnp[0] != '!' ) set_def_filename( fnp );
              if( traditional() && !fnp[0] && !def_filename[0] )
                { set_error_msg( "No current filename" ); return ERR; }
              if( read_file( fnp[0] ? fnp : def_filename, 0 ) < 0 )
                return ERR;
              reset_undo_state(); set_modified( false );
    case 'f': if( unexpected_address( addr_cnt ) ||
                  unexpected_command_suffix( **ibufpp ) ) return ERR;
              fnp = get_filename( ibufpp );
              if( !fnp ) return ERR;
              if( fnp[0] == '!' )
                { set_error_msg( "Invalid redirection" ); return ERR; }
              if( fnp[0] ) set_def_filename( fnp );
              printf( "%s\n", strip_escapes( def_filename ) );
    case 'g':
    case 'v':
    case 'G':
    case 'V': if( isglobal )
                { set_error_msg( "Cannot nest global commands" ); return ERR; }
              n = ( c == 'g' || c == 'G' );	/* mark matching lines */
              if( !check_addr_range( 1, last_addr(), addr_cnt ) ||
                  !build_active_list( ibufpp, first_addr, second_addr, n ) )
                return ERR;
              n = ( c == 'G' || c == 'V' );		/* interactive */
              if( ( n && !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) ||
                  !exec_global( ibufpp, gflags, n ) )
                return ERR;
    case 'h':
    case 'H': if( unexpected_address( addr_cnt ) ||
                  !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              if( c == 'H' ) verbose = !verbose;
              if( ( c == 'h' || verbose ) && errmsg[0] )
                fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", errmsg );
    case 'i': if( second_addr == 0 ) second_addr = 1;
              if( !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              if( !isglobal ) clear_undo_stack();
              if( !append_lines( ibufpp, second_addr - 1, isglobal ) )
                return ERR;
    case 'j': if( !check_addr_range( current_addr(), current_addr() + 1, addr_cnt ) ||
                  !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              if( !isglobal ) clear_undo_stack();
              if( first_addr != second_addr &&
                  !join_lines( first_addr, second_addr, isglobal ) ) return ERR;
    case 'k': n = *(*ibufpp)++;
              if( second_addr == 0 ) { invalid_address(); return ERR; }
              if( !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ||
                  !mark_line_node( search_line_node( second_addr ), n ) )
                return ERR;
    case 'l':
    case 'n':
    case 'p': if( c == 'l' ) n = GLS; else if( c == 'n' ) n = GNP; else n = GPR;
              if( !check_current_addr( addr_cnt ) ||
                  !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ||
                  !display_lines( first_addr, second_addr, gflags | n ) )
                return ERR;
              gflags = 0;
    case 'm': if( !check_current_addr( addr_cnt ) ||
                  !get_third_addr( ibufpp, &addr ) ) return ERR;
              if( addr >= first_addr && addr < second_addr )
                { set_error_msg( "Invalid destination" ); return ERR; }
              if( !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              if( !isglobal ) clear_undo_stack();
              if( !move_lines( first_addr, second_addr, addr, isglobal ) )
                return ERR;
    case 'P':
    case 'q':
    case 'Q': if( unexpected_address( addr_cnt ) ||
                  !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              if( c == 'P' ) prompt_on = !prompt_on;
              else if( modified() && !scripted() && c == 'q' &&
                       prev_status != EMOD ) return EMOD;
              else return QUIT;
    case 'r': if( unexpected_command_suffix( **ibufpp ) ) return ERR;
              if( addr_cnt == 0 ) second_addr = last_addr();
              fnp = get_filename( ibufpp );
              if( !fnp ) return ERR;
              if( !isglobal ) clear_undo_stack();
              if( !def_filename[0] && fnp[0] != '!' ) set_def_filename( fnp );
              if( traditional() && !fnp[0] && !def_filename[0] )
                { set_error_msg( "No current filename" ); return ERR; }
              addr = read_file( fnp[0] ? fnp : def_filename, second_addr );
              if( addr < 0 ) return ERR;
              if( addr ) set_modified( true );
    case 's': if( !command_s( ibufpp, &gflags, addr_cnt, isglobal ) )
                return ERR;
    case 't': if( !check_current_addr( addr_cnt ) ||
                  !get_third_addr( ibufpp, &addr ) ||
                  !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              if( !isglobal ) clear_undo_stack();
              if( !copy_lines( first_addr, second_addr, addr ) ) return ERR;
    case 'u': if( unexpected_address( addr_cnt ) ||
                  !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ||
                  !undo( isglobal ) ) return ERR;
    case 'w':
    case 'W': n = **ibufpp;
              if( n == 'q' || n == 'Q' ) ++*ibufpp;
              if( unexpected_command_suffix( **ibufpp ) ) return ERR;
              fnp = get_filename( ibufpp );
              if( !fnp ) return ERR;
              if( addr_cnt == 0 && last_addr() == 0 )
                first_addr = second_addr = 0;
              else if( !check_addr_range( 1, last_addr(), addr_cnt ) )
                return ERR;
              if( !def_filename[0] && fnp[0] != '!' ) set_def_filename( fnp );
              if( traditional() && !fnp[0] && !def_filename[0] )
                { set_error_msg( "No current filename" ); return ERR; }
              addr = write_file( fnp[0] ? fnp : def_filename,
                     ( c == 'W' ) ? "a" : "w", first_addr, second_addr );
              if( addr < 0 ) return ERR;
              if( addr == last_addr() ) set_modified( false );
              else if( modified() && !scripted() && n == 'q' &&
                       prev_status != EMOD ) return EMOD;
              if( n == 'q' || n == 'Q' ) return QUIT;
    case 'x': if( second_addr < 0 || last_addr() < second_addr )
                { invalid_address(); return ERR; }
              if( !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              if( !isglobal ) clear_undo_stack();
              if( !put_lines( second_addr ) ) return ERR;
    case 'y': if( !check_current_addr( addr_cnt ) ||
                  !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ||
                  !yank_lines( first_addr, second_addr ) ) return ERR;
    case 'z': first_addr = 1;
              if( !check_addr_range( first_addr, current_addr() +
                                     ( traditional() || !isglobal ), addr_cnt ) )
                return ERR;
              if( **ibufpp > '0' && **ibufpp <= '9' )
                { if( parse_int( &n, *ibufpp, ibufpp ) ) set_window_lines( n );
                  else return ERR; }
              if( !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ||
                  !display_lines( second_addr, min( last_addr(), second_addr + window_lines() ),
                                  gflags ) )
                return ERR;
              gflags = 0;
    case '=': if( !get_command_suffix( ibufpp, &gflags ) ) return ERR;
              printf( "%d\n", addr_cnt ? second_addr : last_addr() );
    case '!': if( unexpected_address( addr_cnt ) ) return ERR;
              fnp = get_shell_command( ibufpp );
              if( !fnp ) return ERR;
              if( system( fnp + 1 ) < 0 )
                { set_error_msg( "Can't create shell process" ); return ERR; }
              if( !scripted() ) printf( "!\n" );
    case '\n': first_addr = 1;
              if( !check_addr_range( first_addr, current_addr() +
                                     ( traditional() || !isglobal ), addr_cnt ) ||
                  !display_lines( second_addr, second_addr, 0 ) )
                return ERR;
    case '#': while( *(*ibufpp)++ != '\n' ) ;
    default : set_error_msg( "Unknown command" ); return ERR;
  if( gflags && !display_lines( current_addr(), current_addr(), gflags ) )
    return ERR;
  return 0;