void ChooseGeneralBox::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) {
    //||                   萩僉夲�揖米薦議冷繍                  ||
    //||       ______   ______   ______   ______   ______       ||
    //||      |      | |      | |      | |      | |      |      ||
    //||      |  g1  | |  g2  | |  g3  | |  g4  | |  g5  |      ||
    //||      |      | |      | |      | |      | |      |      ||
    //||       !!!!!!   !!!!!!   !!!!!!   !!!!!!   !!!!!!       ||
    //||           ______   ______   ______   ______            ||
    //||          |      | |      | |      | |      |           ||
    //||          |  g6  | |  g7  | |  g8  | |  g9  |           ||
    //||          |      | |      | |      | |      |           ||
    //||           !!!!!!   !!!!!!   !!!!!!   !!!!!!            ||
    //||     ----------------------------------------------     ||                  
    //||                           \/                           ||
    //||                    ______   ______                     ||
    //||                   |      | |      |                    ||
    //||                   |  hg  | |  dg  |                    ||
    //||                   |      | |      |                    ||
    //||                    !!!!!!   !!!!!!                     ||
    //||                       __________                       ||
    //||                      |   鳩協   |                      ||
    //||                       !!!!!!!!!!                       ||
    //||               =========================                || 
    //||                                                        ||
    //||               岑失岑泳鉱心麼繍                ||
    //||                                              ||
    //||             __________________               ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              || 
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||             !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!               ||
    //||                                              ||
    //||             ==================               ||
    //||             ||   confirm    ||               ||
    //||             ==================               ||
    //||                                              ||
    QRectF rect = boundingRect();
    const int x = rect.x();
    const int y = rect.y();
    const int w = rect.width();
    const int h = rect.height();
    painter->drawRect(QRect(x, y, w, h));
    painter->drawRect(QRect(x, y, w, top_dark_bar));
    G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_chooseGeneralBoxTitleFont.paintText(painter, QRect(x, y, w, top_dark_bar), Qt::AlignCenter, single_result ? tr("Please select one general") : tr("Please select the same nationality generals"));
    painter->drawRect(QRect(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2));

    if (single_result) return;

    int split_line_y = top_blank_width + G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight + card_bottom_to_split_line;
    if (general_number > 5)
        split_line_y += (card_to_center_line + G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight);
    const int line_length = boundingRect().width() - 2 * left_blank_width;
    painter->drawPixmap(left_blank_width, split_line_y, line, (line.width() - line_length) / 2, y, line_length, line.height());

    QPixmap seat = G_ROOM_SKIN.getPixmap(QSanRoomSkin::S_SKIN_KEY_CHOOSE_GENERAL_BOX_DEST_SEAT);
    QRect seat1_rect(rect.center().x() - G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalWidth - card_to_center_line - 2, split_line_y + split_line_to_card_seat - 2, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalWidth + 4, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight + 4);
    painter->drawPixmap(seat1_rect, seat);
    IQSanComponentSkin::QSanSimpleTextFont font = G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_chooseGeneralBoxDestSeatFont;
    font.paintText(painter, seat1_rect, Qt::AlignCenter, tr("head_general"));
    QRect seat2_rect(rect.center().x() + card_to_center_line - 2, split_line_y + split_line_to_card_seat - 2, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalWidth + 4, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight + 4);
    painter->drawPixmap(seat2_rect, seat);
    font.paintText(painter, seat2_rect, Qt::AlignCenter, tr("deputy_general"));
Пример #2
void ChooseGeneralBox::paintLayout(QPainter *painter) {
    //||      Please select the same nationality generals       ||
    //||       ______   ______   ______   ______   ______       ||
    //||      |      | |      | |      | |      | |      |      ||
    //||      |  g1  | |  g2  | |  g3  | |  g4  | |  g5  |      ||
    //||      |      | |      | |      | |      | |      |      ||
    //||       ------   ------   ------   ------   ------       ||
    //||           ______   ______   ______   ______            ||
    //||          |      | |      | |      | |      |           ||
    //||          |  g6  | |  g7  | |  g8  | |  g9  |           ||
    //||          |      | |      | |      | |      |           ||
    //||           ------   ------   ------   ------            ||
    //||     ----------------------------------------------     ||
    //||                           \/                           ||
    //||                    ______   ______                     ||
    //||                   |      | |      |                    ||
    //||                   |  hg  | |  dg  |                    ||
    //||                   |      | |      |                    ||
    //||                    ------   ------                     ||
    //||                       __________                       ||
    //||                      |   fight  |                      ||
    //||                       ----------                       ||
    //||               =========================                ||
    //||                                                        ||
    //||             KnownBoth View Head              ||
    //||                                              ||
    //||             __________________               ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||            |                  |              ||
    //||             ------------------               ||
    //||                                              ||
    //||             ==================               ||
    //||             ||   confirm    ||               ||
    //||             ==================               ||
    //||                                              ||

    if (m_viewOnly || single_result) return;

    int split_line_y = top_blank_width + G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight + card_bottom_to_split_line;
    if (general_number > 5)
        split_line_y += (card_to_center_line + G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight);

    const int line_length = boundingRect().width() - 2 * left_blank_width;
    const QRectF rect = boundingRect();

    painter->drawPixmap(left_blank_width, split_line_y, line, (line.width() - line_length) / 2, rect.y(), line_length, line.height());

    QPixmap seat = G_ROOM_SKIN.getPixmap(QSanRoomSkin::S_SKIN_KEY_CHOOSE_GENERAL_BOX_DEST_SEAT);
    QRect seat1_rect(rect.center().x() - G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalWidth - card_to_center_line - 2, split_line_y + split_line_to_card_seat - 2, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalWidth + 4, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight + 4);
    painter->drawPixmap(seat1_rect, seat);
    IQSanComponentSkin::QSanSimpleTextFont font = G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_chooseGeneralBoxDestSeatFont;
    font.paintText(painter, seat1_rect, Qt::AlignCenter, tr("head_general"));
    QRect seat2_rect(rect.center().x() + card_to_center_line - 2, split_line_y + split_line_to_card_seat - 2, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalWidth + 4, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight + 4);
    painter->drawPixmap(seat2_rect, seat);
    font.paintText(painter, seat2_rect, Qt::AlignCenter, tr("deputy_general"));