Пример #1
  receive data from X-Plane via UDP
bool XPlane::receive_data(void)
    uint8_t pkt[10000];
    uint8_t *p = &pkt[5];
    const uint8_t pkt_len = 36;
    uint64_t data_mask = 0;
    const uint64_t one = 1U;
    const uint64_t required_mask = (one<<Times | one<<LatLonAlt | one<<Speed | one<<PitchRollHeading |
                                    one<<LocVelDistTraveled | one<<AngularVelocities | one<<Gload |
                                    one << Joystick1 | one << ThrottleCommand | one << Trim |
                                    one << PropPitch | one << EngineRPM | one << PropRPM | one << Generator);
    Location loc {};
    Vector3f pos;
    uint32_t wait_time_ms = 1;
    uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();

    // if we are about to get another frame from X-Plane then wait longer
    if (xplane_frame_time > wait_time_ms &&
        now+1 >= last_data_time_ms + xplane_frame_time) {
        wait_time_ms = 10;
    ssize_t len = socket_in.recv(pkt, sizeof(pkt), wait_time_ms);
    if (len < pkt_len+5 || memcmp(pkt, "DATA@", 5) != 0) {
        // not a data packet we understand
        goto failed;
    len -= 5;

    if (!connected) {
        // we now know the IP X-Plane is using
        uint16_t port;
        socket_in.last_recv_address(xplane_ip, port);
        socket_out.connect(xplane_ip, xplane_port);
        connected = true;
        printf("Connected to %s:%u\n", xplane_ip, (unsigned)xplane_port);
    while (len >= pkt_len) {
        const float *data = (const float *)p;
        uint8_t code = p[0];
        // keep a mask of what codes we have received
        if (code < 64) {
            data_mask |= (((uint64_t)1) << code);
        switch (code) {
        case Times: {
            uint64_t tus = data[3] * 1.0e6f;
            if (tus + time_base_us <= time_now_us) {
                uint64_t tdiff = time_now_us - (tus + time_base_us);
                if (tdiff > 1e6f) {
                    printf("X-Plane time reset %lu\n", (unsigned long)tdiff);
                time_base_us = time_now_us - tus;
            uint64_t tnew = time_base_us + tus;
            //uint64_t dt = tnew - time_now_us;
            //printf("dt %u\n", (unsigned)dt);
            time_now_us = tnew;
        case LatLonAlt: {
            loc.lat = data[1] * 1e7;
            loc.lng = data[2] * 1e7;
            loc.alt = data[3] * FEET_TO_METERS * 100.0f;
            float hagl = data[4] * FEET_TO_METERS;
            ground_level = loc.alt * 0.01f - hagl;

        case Speed:
            airspeed = data[2] * KNOTS_TO_METERS_PER_SECOND;
            airspeed_pitot = airspeed;

        case AoA:
            // ignored

        case Trim:
            if (heli_frame) {
                // use flaps for collective as no direct collective data input
                rcin[2] = data[4];
        case PitchRollHeading: {
            float roll, pitch, yaw;
            pitch = radians(data[1]);
            roll = radians(data[2]);
            yaw = radians(data[3]);
            dcm.from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw);

        case AtmosphereWeather:
            // ignored

        case LocVelDistTraveled:
            pos.y = data[1];
            pos.z = -data[2];
            pos.x = -data[3];
            velocity_ef.y = data[4];
            velocity_ef.z = -data[5];
            velocity_ef.x = -data[6];

        case AngularVelocities:
            gyro.y = data[1];
            gyro.x = data[2];
            gyro.z = data[3];

        case Gload:
            accel_body.z = -data[5] * GRAVITY_MSS;
            accel_body.x = data[6] * GRAVITY_MSS;
            accel_body.y = data[7] * GRAVITY_MSS;

        case Joystick1:
            rcin_chan_count = 4;
            rcin[0] = (data[2] + 1)*0.5f;
            rcin[1] = (data[1] + 1)*0.5f;
            rcin[3] = (data[3] + 1)*0.5f;

        case ThrottleCommand: {
            if (!heli_frame) {
                /* getting joystick throttle input is very weird. The
                 * problem is that XPlane sends the ThrottleCommand packet
                 * both for joystick throttle input and for throttle that
                 * we have provided over the link. So we need some way to
                 * detect when we get our own values back. The trick used
                 * is to add throttle_magic to the values we send, then
                 * detect this offset in the data coming back. Very ugly,
                 * but I can't find a better way of allowing joystick
                 * input from XPlane10
                bool has_magic = ((uint32_t)(data[1] * throttle_magic_scale) % 1000U) == (uint32_t)(throttle_magic * throttle_magic_scale);
                if (data[1] < 0 ||
                    data[1] == throttle_sent ||
                    has_magic) {
                rcin[2] = data[1];

        case PropPitch: {

        case EngineRPM:
            rpm1 = data[1];

        case PropRPM:
            rpm2 = data[1];
        case Joystick2:

        case Generator:
              in order to get interlock switch on helis we map the
              "generator1 on/off" function of XPlane 10 to channel 8.
            rcin_chan_count = 8;
            rcin[7] = data[1];
        len -= pkt_len;
        p += pkt_len;

    if (data_mask != required_mask) {
        // ask XPlane to change what data it sends
        select_data(data_mask & ~required_mask, required_mask & ~data_mask);
        goto failed;
    position = pos + position_zero;

    accel_earth = dcm * accel_body;
    accel_earth.z += GRAVITY_MSS;
    // the position may slowly deviate due to float accuracy and longitude scaling
    if (get_distance(loc, location) > 4 || fabsf(loc.alt - location.alt)*0.01 > 2) {
        printf("X-Plane home reset dist=%f alt=%.1f/%.1f\n",
               get_distance(loc, location), loc.alt*0.01f, location.alt*0.01f);
        // reset home location
        position_zero(-pos.x, -pos.y, -pos.z);
        home.lat = loc.lat;
        home.lng = loc.lng;
        home.alt = loc.alt;
        position.x = 0;
        position.y = 0;
        position.z = 0;


    if (now > last_data_time_ms && now - last_data_time_ms < 100) {
        xplane_frame_time = now - last_data_time_ms;
    last_data_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis();

    return true;
    if (AP_HAL::millis() - last_data_time_ms > 200) {
        // don't extrapolate beyond 0.2s
        return false;

    // advance time by 1ms
    Vector3f rot_accel;
    frame_time_us = 1000;
    float delta_time = frame_time_us * 1e-6f;

    time_now_us += frame_time_us;

    // extrapolate sensors
    dcm.rotate(gyro * delta_time);

    // work out acceleration as seen by the accelerometers. It sees the kinematic
    // acceleration (ie. real movement), plus gravity
    accel_body = dcm.transposed() * (accel_earth + Vector3f(0,0,-GRAVITY_MSS));

    // new velocity and position vectors
    velocity_ef += accel_earth * delta_time;
    position += velocity_ef * delta_time;
    velocity_air_ef = velocity_ef - wind_ef;
    velocity_air_bf = dcm.transposed() * velocity_air_ef;

    return false;
Пример #2
/** execute_db_operator takes as input the db_operator and executes the query.
 * It should return the result (currently as a char*, although I'm not clear
 * on what the return type should be, maybe a result struct, and then have
 * a serialization into a string message).
char* execute_db_operator(db_operator* query) {
    status s;

    if (query->type == INSERT) {
        table* tbl1 = query->tables[0];
        for(size_t i = 0; i < tbl1->col_count; i++) {
            s = col_insert(query->columns[i], query->value1[i]);
            if (s.code != OK) {
                return s.error_message;
        return "Rows successfully inserted.";
    } else if (query->type == SELECT) {
        result* r = malloc(sizeof(struct result));
        if (query->columns) {
            s = select_data(query, &r);
        } else if (query->result1 && query->result2) {
            s = vec_scan(query, &r);
        } else {
            return "Cannot perform select\n";

        if (s.code != OK) {
            return s.error_message;
        int idx = catalogs[0]->var_count;
        catalogs[0]->names[idx] = query->name1;
        catalogs[0]->results[idx] = r;
    } else if (query->type == PROJECT) {
        result* r = malloc(sizeof(struct result));
        status s = fetch(*(query->columns), query->result1->payload, query->result1->num_tuples, &r);
        if (s.code != OK) {
            return s.error_message;
        int idx = catalogs[0]->var_count;
        catalogs[0]->names[idx] = query->name1;
        catalogs[0]->results[idx] = r;
    } else if (query->type == ADD) {
        result* r = malloc(sizeof(struct result));
        s = add_col((int*)query->result1->payload, (int*)query->result2->payload, query->result1->num_tuples, &r);
        if (s.code != OK) {
            return s.error_message;
        int idx = catalogs[0]->var_count;
        catalogs[0]->names[idx] = query->name1;
        catalogs[0]->results[idx] = r;
        // for (size_t i = 0; i < r->num_tuples; ++i)
        // {
        //     printf("%ld\n", ((long*)r->payload)[i]);
        // }
    } else if (query->type == SUB) {
        result* r = malloc(sizeof(struct result));
        s = sub_col((int*)query->result1->payload, (int*)query->result2->payload, query->result1->num_tuples, &r);
        if (s.code != OK) {
            return s.error_message;
        int idx = catalogs[0]->var_count;
        catalogs[0]->names[idx] = query->name1;
        catalogs[0]->results[idx] = r;
    } else if (query->type == AGGREGATE) {
        result* r = malloc(sizeof(struct result));
        if (query->agg == MIN) {
            s = min_col(query->result1, &r);
        } else if (query->agg == MAX) {
            s = max_col(query->result1, &r);
        } else if (query->agg == AVG) {
            s = avg_col(query->result1, &r);
        } else if (query->agg == CNT) {
            s = count_col(query->result1->num_tuples, &r);
        } else {
            return "Failed aggregation";

        if (s.code != OK) {
            return s.error_message;

        int idx = catalogs[0]->var_count;
        catalogs[0]->names[idx] = query->name1;
        catalogs[0]->results[idx] = r;

    return "Success";