Пример #1
void arduinoDueSlave()
	int16_t byte ;
	uint16_t address ;
	// Initialise serial at 100K baud
  DDRE &= ~(1 << DDE0) ;    // set RXD0 pin as input
  PORTE &= ~(1 << PORTE0) ; // disable pullup on RXD0 pin

 	UCSR0A &= ~(1 << U2X0) ; // disable double speed operation.
 	UBRR0L = 4 ;		// 200000 baud
 	UBRR0H = 0 ;
  // set 8 N1
  UCSR0B = 0 | (0 << RXCIE0) | (0 << TXCIE0) | (0 << UDRIE0) | (0 << RXEN0) | (0 << TXEN0) | (0 << UCSZ02) ;
  UCSR0C = 0 | (1 << UCSZ01) | (1 << UCSZ00) ;
  while (UCSR0A & (1 << RXC0)) UDR0 ; // flush receive buffer

  UCSR0B |= (1 << RXEN0);  // enable RX
  UCSR0B |= (1 << RXCIE0); // enable Interrupt
  UCSR0B |= (1 << TXEN0) ; // enable TX, but not interrupt yet
	Arduino = 1 ;
  lcd_clear() ;
  lcd_puts_Pleft( 24, PSTR("Arduino Slave") ) ;

    static uint8_t lastTMR ;
    wdt_reset() ;
		while ( ( byte = get_fifo64( &Arduino_fifo ) ) != -1 )
			processSlaveByte( byte ) ;
			if (SlaveActionRequired)
				SlaveActionRequired = 0 ;
				if ( SlaveType < 16)
					SlaveDisplayRefresh = 1 ;
					switch ( SlaveType )
						case 0x10 :		// Protocol + channels
							Protocol = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[0] ;
							SubProtocol = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[1] ;
								uint8_t i ;
								uint8_t index = 0 ;
								for ( i = 2 ; i < 34 ; i += 2 )
									// May need cli/sei round this
									Channels[index] = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[i] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[i+1] <<  8 ) ;
									index += 1 ;
						break ;
						case 0x12 :
// 0x01, 0x12, 16 bit address, 0x01  - send 32 bytes EEPROM data @ address
							address = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[0] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[1] <<  8 ) ;
							EepromAddress = address ;
							EepromRequested = 1 ;
						break ;
		uint8_t t10ms ;
		t10ms = g_tmr10ms ;
    tick10ms = t10ms - lastTMR ;
    lastTMR = t10ms ;
    if(tick10ms) //make sure the rest happen only every 10ms.
			ControlsRequested = 1 ;
			if ( SlaveDisplayRefresh )
				SlaveDisplayRefresh = 0 ;
				refreshDiplay() ;
		if ( TxBusy == 0 )
			if ( EepromRequested )
				sendEeprom( EepromAddress ) ;
				EepromRequested = 0 ;
			else if ( ControlsRequested )
				sendControls() ;
				ControlsRequested = 0 ;
Пример #2
// Will be called approx 30 times per second
C_RESULT update_gamepad(void)

	return C_OK;