Пример #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	//initial the client
	if (argc>1)
    port = atoi(argv[1]);
    int info_fd = client_init(SERVER_IP);

    char filename[FILENAME_MAXLEN] = {0};
    printf("BLOCKSIZE=  %d\n",BLOCKSIZE);
    printf("Input filename : ");
    int fd=0;
    if((fd = open(filename, O_RDWR)) == -1 )
		printf("open erro !\n");
    printf("Timer start!\n");
	time_t t_start, t_end;

	//send file info
    struct stat filestat;
	fstat(fd ,&filestat);
	int last_bs=0;
    struct fileinfo finfo;
	send_fileinfo(info_fd, filename, &filestat, &finfo, &last_bs);

    char id_buf[INT_SIZE] = {0};
    int n=0;
    for(n=0; n<INT_SIZE; n++){
        read(info_fd, &id_buf[n], 1);
    int freeid = *((int *)id_buf);
    printf("freeid = %d\n", freeid);

	//map .
    mbegin = (char *)mmap(NULL, filestat.st_size, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd , 0);

    //add task to the list 
    int j=0, num=finfo.count, offset=0;
	pthread_t pid[num];
	memset(pid, 0, num*sizeof(pthread_t));
	int head_len = sizeof(struct head);
	// file can be slipt into blocks
    if(last_bs == 0){
        for(j=0; j<num; j++){
            struct head * p_fhead = new_fb_head(filename, freeid, &offset);
			if (pthread_create(&pid[j], NULL, send_filedata, (void *)p_fhead) != 0){
            printf("%s:pthread_create failed, errno:%d, error:%s\n", __FUNCTION__, errno, strerror(errno));
	//file cannot slipt into blocks
        for(j=0; j<num-1; j++){
            struct head * p_fhead = new_fb_head(filename, freeid, &offset);
			if (pthread_create(&pid[j], NULL, send_filedata, (void *)p_fhead) != 0){
            	printf("%s:pthread_create failed, errno:%d, error:%s\n", __FUNCTION__, errno, strerror(errno));
        //the last block
        struct head * p_fhead = (struct head *)malloc(head_len);
		bzero(p_fhead, head_len);
        strcpy(p_fhead->filename, filename);
        p_fhead->id = freeid;
        p_fhead->offset = offset;
        p_fhead->bs = last_bs;

		if (pthread_create(&pid[j], NULL, send_filedata, (void *)p_fhead) != 0){
            printf("%s:pthread_create failed, errno:%d, error:%s\n", __FUNCTION__, errno, strerror(errno));

	//join all the pthread
    for (j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
        pthread_join(pid[j], NULL);

	//calculate the time for send file 
	printf("Master prosess exit!\n");

    return 0;
Пример #2
 * Perform the Announce/Register phase for a particular group/file
 * Group & encryption: ->ANNOUNCE <-REGISTER ->KEYINFO <-INFO_ACK
 * Group & no encryption: ->ANNOUNCE <-REGISTER ->REG_CONF
 * Files within a group: ->FILEINFO <-INFO_ACK
 * If client_key == 1, REGISTER is followed by CLIENT_KEY
 * Returns 1 if at least one client responded, 0 if none responded
int announce_phase(struct finfo_t *finfo)
    time_t endtime;
    int attempt, resend, announce, regconf, keyinfo, fileinfo, open, anyerror;
    int len, rval, rcv_status, last_pass, gotall, gotone, allreg, regdone, i;
    unsigned char *packet, *decrypted;
    struct uftp_h *header;
    struct timeval timeout;
    struct sockaddr_in receiver;

    if (finfo->file_id) {
        log1(0, 0, "File ID: %04X  Name: %s", finfo->file_id, finfo->filename);
        log1(0, 0, "  sending as: %s", finfo->destfname);
        switch (finfo->ftype) {
        case FTYPE_REG:
            log(0, 0, "Bytes: %s  Blocks: %d  Sections: %d", 
                       printll(finfo->size), finfo->blocks, finfo->sections);
        case FTYPE_DIR:
            log(0, 0, "Empty directory");
        case FTYPE_LINK:
            log(0, 0, "Symbolic link to %s", finfo->linkname);
    } else {
        log(0, 0, "Initializing group");
        if (sync_mode) {
            log0(0, 0, "- Connect -");

    rval = 1;
    packet = calloc(mtu, 1);
    decrypted = calloc(mtu, 1);
    if ((packet == NULL) || (decrypted == NULL)) {
        syserror(0, 0, "calloc failed!");
    header = (struct uftp_h *)packet;
    endtime = time(NULL) + announce_time;
    announce = (finfo->file_id == 0);
    regconf = (announce && (keytype == KEY_NONE));
    keyinfo = (announce && (keytype != KEY_NONE));
    fileinfo = (finfo->file_id != 0);
    open = (destcount == 0);
    for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
        // At start of group, initialize all clients/proxies to DEST_MUTE.
        // At start of file, initialize proxies to DEST_ACTIVE (since they
        // don't respond directly to a FILEINFO) and clients to DEST_REGISTERED.
        if (announce) {
            destlist[i].status = DEST_MUTE;
        } else if (!client_error(i)) {
            if (destlist[i].clientcnt != -1) {
                destlist[i].status = DEST_ACTIVE;
            } else {
                destlist[i].status = DEST_REGISTERED;

    timeout.tv_sec = announce_int / 1000;
    timeout.tv_usec = (announce_int % 1000) * 1000;
    resend = 1;
    attempt = 1;
    last_pass = 0;
    regdone = 0;
    while (time(NULL) < endtime) {
        // On the initial pass, or when the announce timeout trips,
        // send any necessary messages.
        if (resend) {
            if (keyinfo && !send_keyinfo(finfo, attempt)) {
            if (announce && !send_regconf(finfo, attempt, regconf)) {
            if (fileinfo && !send_fileinfo(finfo, attempt)) {
            if (announce && !send_announce(finfo, attempt, open)) {
            resend = 0;
        // TODO: Currently, the interval between sends is really an inactivity
        // timer, not the actual time between sends.  We might want to change
        // it to that, and perhaps add an extra "overage" timer in case we're
        // still processing responses when we're due to resend, that way we'll
        // always wait some minimum amount of time.
        if ((rcv_status = read_packet(sock, &receiver, packet, &len,
                                      mtu, &timeout)) == -1) {
        } else if (rcv_status == 0) {
            resend = 1;
            if (last_pass) break;
        if (!validate_packet(packet, len, finfo)) {

        if (!handle_announce_phase(packet, decrypted, &receiver, finfo,
                                   announce, open, regconf)) {
        if (!open) {
            for (i = 0, gotall = 1, allreg = 1;
                    (i < destcount) && (gotall || allreg); i++) {
                if (announce) {
                    gotall = gotall && ((destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) ||
                                        (destlist[i].status == DEST_ABORT));
                    allreg = allreg && ((destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) ||
                                (destlist[i].status == DEST_REGISTERED) ||
                                (destlist[i].status == DEST_ABORT));
                } else {
                    gotall = gotall && ((destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) ||
                                        (destlist[i].status == DEST_DONE) ||
            if (gotall) {
                // Break out right away if this is a file registration.
                // For group registration, do one last wait, even if 
                // encryption is enabled since we can still send a
                // REG_CONF for a client behind a proxy.
                // Change the wait interval to the client's register_int * 1.5
                // to allow for late registers.
                // Be careful not to overrun the phase timeout!
                if (finfo->file_id != 0) break;
                timeout.tv_sec = (int)(register_int / 1000 * 1.5);
                timeout.tv_usec = (int)((register_int % 1000) * 1000 * 1.5);
                if (timeout.tv_sec > endtime) {
#ifdef WINDOWS
                    timeout.tv_sec = (long)endtime;
                    timeout.tv_sec = endtime;
                    timeout.tv_usec = 0;
                if (!last_pass) {
                    log(0, 0, "Late registers:");
                last_pass = 1;
                send_regconf(finfo, attempt + 1, regconf);
            } else if (announce && allreg && !regdone) {
                // All have registered, so don't wait to send the next message
                resend = 1;
                regdone = 1;
    for (i = 0, gotone = 0, anyerror = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
        gotone = gotone || (((destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) || 
                             (destlist[i].status == DEST_DONE)) && 
                            (destlist[i].clientcnt == -1));
        if (destlist[i].status == DEST_REGISTERED) {
            log1(0, 0, "Couldn't get INFO_ACK from %s", destlist[i].name);
            destlist[i].status = DEST_LOST;
            anyerror = 1;
        if ((destlist[i].status == DEST_MUTE) ||
                (destlist[i].status == DEST_ABORT)) {
            anyerror = 1;
    if (anyerror && quit_on_error) {
        log0(0, 0, "Aboring all clients");
        send_abort(finfo, "A client dropped out, aborting all",
                &receive_dest, NULL, (keytype != KEY_NONE), 0);
        for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
            if (destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) {
                destlist[i].status = DEST_ABORT;
        rval = 0;
    if (!gotone) {
        log0(0, 0, "Announce timed out");
        rval = 0;
    if (open) {
        send_regconf(finfo, attempt, regconf);
    if ((finfo->file_id == 0) && sync_mode) {
        for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
            if (destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) {
                log0(0, 0, "CONNECT;success;%s", destlist[i].name);
            } else {
                log0(0, 0, "CONNECT;failed;%s", destlist[i].name);
        log0(0, 0, "- Transfer -");
    return rval;