Пример #1
int restore_client(char*ipaddr, int port, char*clientpath, char*auxpath)
Purpose:Restore the path of a specific client. Transmit
the archives from my (the server's) local storage loc.
Params:	clientno - client# in g_clientlist[]
        clientpath - client's path to be restored
Return: result (0=success, nonzero=failure)
  struct s_server2client_msg_record rec_to_client;
  int res=0, socket_fd, len, i;
  char tmp[MAX_STR_LEN+1], infile[MAX_STR_LEN+1];

  log_it(info, "%s - restoration of %s commencing", ipaddr, clientpath);
// FIXME - don't assume the latest backup contains the files we want ;)
  sprintf(tmp, "find /var/spool/monitas/%s -type f | sort | tail -n1", ipaddr);
  strcpy(infile, call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output(tmp));
  log_it(debug, "Restoring from data file '%s'", infile);
  if (!does_file_exist(infile)) { log_it(error, "Backup '%s' not found. That should be impossible.", infile); return(1); }
  log_it(debug, "Restoring %s - archive=%s", ipaddr, infile);
  rec_to_client.msg_type = trigger_restore;
  strncpy(rec_to_client.body, clientpath, sizeof(rec_to_client.body));
  strncpy(rec_to_client.bodyAux, auxpath, sizeof(rec_to_client.bodyAux));
  if (send_msg_to_client(&rec_to_client, ipaddr, port, &socket_fd))
    { log_it(error, "restore_client - failed to send msg to client"); return(1); }
  if (!(fin=fopen(infile, "r")))
    { log_it(fatal, "Failed to openin temp data file"); }
  res += transmit_file_to_socket(fin, socket_fd);

  len=read(socket_fd, (char*)&i, sizeof(i));
  if (!len) { res++; log_it(error, "Client hasn't told me the result of its call to mondorestore"); }
  else if (len!=sizeof(i)) { res++; log_it(error, "Client didn't sent _entire_ result of its call to mondorestore"); }
  else if (i) { res++; log_it(error, "Client said, mondorestore returned an error."); }
  else { log_it(debug, "Client said, mondorestore returned OK"); }

  if (res>0)
      log_it(error, "%s - error(s) occurred while restoring %s", ipaddr, clientpath);
      rec_to_client.msg_type = restore_fail;
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "Failed to restore %s", clientpath);
      log_it(debug, rec_to_client.body);
      log_it(info, "%s - restored %s ok", ipaddr, clientpath);
      rec_to_client.msg_type = restore_ok;
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "%s - restored ok", clientpath);
      log_it(debug, rec_to_client.body);
  if (send_msg_to_client(&rec_to_client, ipaddr, port, &socket_fd))
      log_it(error, "Unable to notify %s of restore success/failure", ipaddr);
      i = find_client_in_clientlist(ipaddr);
      if (i>=0) { forcibly_logout_client(i); }
Пример #2
int handle_ping_request(int skt, struct s_client2server_msg_record *rec_from_client, char *clientIP)
Purpose:Handle a ping request which has just been received
	from client.
Params:	skt - client's port to talk to
	rec_from_client - ping record received from client
	clientIP - client's IP address, in string
Return: result (0=success, nonzero=failure)
  struct s_server2client_msg_record rec_to_client;
  int i;

  i = find_client_in_clientlist(clientIP);
  if (i < 0)
      log_it(error, "Hey, %s isn't logged in. I'm not going to pong him.", clientIP);
      rec_to_client.msg_type = pong; /* reply to ping */
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "Hey, I'm replying to client#%d's ping. Pong! (re: %s", i, rec_from_client->body);
      send_msg_to_client(&rec_to_client, clientIP, rec_from_client->port, NULL);
      log_it(debug, rec_to_client.body);
Пример #3
void Cpvp::send_msg_to_all_users(Cmessage* out, mapid_t homeid, uint32_t opid)
	DEBUG_LOG("Cpvp::send_msg_to_all_users(homeid = %lu, opid = %u)", homeid, opid);

	std::map<mapid_t,Cgame_item>::iterator map_it = homeid_game_map.find(homeid);
	Cgame_item& game_item = map_it->second;

	home_proto_t head_pkg; 
	init_pkg_proto(&(head_pkg) ,0,61002,0, homeid , opid);
	std::set<uint32_t>::iterator set_it;	

		uint32_t userid=*set_it;
		DEBUG_LOG("START  SEND PKG: userid=%u ",userid);
		std::map<uint32_t, stru_pre_user_info>::iterator it;
		it = user_info_map.find(userid);
		if (it != user_info_map.end()) {
			stru_pre_user_info* p_pre_user_info = &(it->second);
			head_pkg.id = userid;
			head_pkg.onlineid = p_pre_user_info->onlineid;
			if ( all_fds[p_pre_user_info->onlineid]){
				send_msg_to_client(all_fds[p_pre_user_info->onlineid], (char*)&head_pkg, out);
Пример #4
int forcibly_logout_client(int clientno)
Purpose: Logout specific client(#) by force.
Params:  Client# in g_clientlist[] array.
Returns: 0=success, nonzero=failure to get other end to hear me;)
NB:      The client was definitely removed from our login table.
         If the client got the message, return 0; else, nonzero.
  struct s_server2client_msg_record rec_to_client;
  char tmp[MAX_STR_LEN+1];
  int res=0;

  log_it(info, "Forcibly logging %s out", g_clientlist.el[clientno].ipaddr);
  rec_to_client.msg_type = logout_ok; /* to confirm logout */
  strcpy(rec_to_client.body, "Server is shutting down. You are forced to logout");
  res=send_msg_to_client(&rec_to_client, g_clientlist.el[clientno].ipaddr, g_clientlist.el[clientno].port, NULL);
  if (--g_clientlist.items > 0)
      log_it(debug, "Moving clientlist[%d] to clientlist[%d]", clientno, g_clientlist.items);
      sprintf(tmp, "Was ipaddr=%s; now is ipaddr=", g_clientlist.el[clientno].ipaddr);
      memcpy((void*)&g_clientlist.el[clientno], (void*)&g_clientlist.el[g_clientlist.items], sizeof(struct s_registered_client_record));
      strcat(tmp, g_clientlist.el[clientno].ipaddr);
      /* FIXME: tmp must never contain '%'-sequences */
      log_it(debug, tmp);
Пример #5
inline int
Online::send_msg_to_user(fdsession_t* fdsess,uint32_t uid, int cmd, Cmessage *c_in)
    char pkg_head[256];
    svr_proto_t* ppr = reinterpret_cast<svr_proto_t*>(pkg_head );
    ppr->id = uid;
    ppr->len = sizeof(svr_proto_t);
    ppr->cmd = cmd;
    ppr->ret = 0;
    if (send_msg_to_client(fdsess , pkg_head ,c_in) == -1) {
        ERROR_RETURN(("failed to send msg to user:  cmd=%u", ppr->cmd), -1);
    return 0;   
Пример #6
inline int
Online::send_msg_to_online(uint32_t onlineid, int cmd, Cmessage *c_in)
    char pkg_head[256];
    svr_proto_t* ppr = reinterpret_cast<svr_proto_t*>(pkg_head );
    ppr->id = 0;
    ppr->len = sizeof(svr_proto_t);
    ppr->cmd = cmd;
    ppr->ret = 0;
	const online_info_t* olinfo = get_online_info(onlineid);
    if (olinfo && send_msg_to_client(olinfo->fdsess , pkg_head ,c_in) == -1) {
        ERROR_RETURN(("failed to send pkg to online: olid=%u cmd=%u",onlineid, ppr->cmd), -1);
	DEBUG_LOG("send_msg_to_online:olid=%u cmd=%u",onlineid,cmd);
    return 0;   
Пример #7
int handle_logout_request(int skt, struct s_client2server_msg_record *rec_from_client, char *clientIP)
Purpose:Handle a logout request which has just been received
	from client.
Params:	skt - client's port to talk to
	rec_from_client - logout rq record received from client
	clientIP - client's IP address, in string
Return: result (0=success, nonzero=failure)
  struct s_server2client_msg_record rec_to_client;
  int i, res=0;

  i = find_client_in_clientlist(clientIP);
  if (i<0)
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "Client is not logged in yet. How can I log him out?");
      log_it(error, rec_to_client.body);
      rec_to_client.msg_type = logout_fail;
  else if (g_clientlist.el[i].busy)
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "Client is working. I shouldn't log him out.");
      log_it(error, rec_to_client.body);
      rec_to_client.msg_type = logout_fail;
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "Removed client#%d from login table. Thanks for logging out.", i);
      for(; i<g_clientlist.items; i++)
	  memcpy((char*)(&g_clientlist.el[i]), (char*)(&g_clientlist.el[i+1]), sizeof(struct s_registered_client_record));
      strncpy(g_clientlist.el[i].hostname_pretty, "WTF? Someone teach Hugo to handle pointers properly, please!", sizeof(g_clientlist.el[i].hostname_pretty));
      rec_to_client.msg_type = logout_ok; /* to confirm logout */
      log_it(info,  "Logout request from %s ACCEPTED", clientIP);
  send_msg_to_client(&rec_to_client, clientIP, rec_from_client->port, NULL);
Пример #8
void Cpvp::send_msg_to_a_user(Cmessage* msg,mapid_t homeid, userid_t uid, uint32_t opid)
	DEBUG_LOG("Cpvp::send_msg_to_a_user(homeid = %lu, userid = %u, opid = %u)", homeid, uid, opid);

	home_proto_t head_pkg;
	init_pkg_proto(&(head_pkg) ,0,61002,0, homeid , opid);

	DEBUG_LOG("START  SEND PKG: userid=%u ",uid);
	std::map<uint32_t, stru_pre_user_info>::iterator it = user_info_map.find(uid);
	if (it != user_info_map.end()) {
		stru_pre_user_info* p_pre_user_info = &(it->second);
		head_pkg.id= uid;
		head_pkg.onlineid= p_pre_user_info->onlineid;
		if ( all_fds[p_pre_user_info->onlineid]){
			send_msg_to_client(all_fds[p_pre_user_info->onlineid], (char*)&head_pkg, msg);
Пример #9
int handle_login_request(int skt, struct s_client2server_msg_record *rec_from_client, char *clientIP)
Purpose:Handle a login request which has just been received
	from client.
Params:	skt - client's port to talk to
	rec_from_client - login rq record received from client
	clientIP - client's IP address, in string
Return: result (0=success, nonzero=failure)
  struct s_server2client_msg_record rec_to_client;
  int clientno;

//FIXME - lock g_clientlist[]
  clientno = find_client_in_clientlist(clientIP);
  if (clientno>=0)
      rec_to_client.msg_type = login_fail;
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "Sorry, you're already logged in!");
      log_it(error, "Ignoring login rq from %s: he's already logged in.", clientIP);
/* FIXME - ping client (which will have a child watching for incoming
packets by now - you didn't forget to do that, did you? :)) - to find out
if client is still running. If it's not then say OK, forget it, I'll kill
that old connection and log you in anew. If it _is_ then say hey, you're
already logged in; either you're an idiot or you're a hacker. */
      rec_to_client.msg_type = login_ok; /* to confirm login */
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "Thanks for logging in.");
      clientno = g_clientlist.items;
      strncpy(g_clientlist.el[clientno].hostname_pretty, rec_from_client->body, sizeof(g_clientlist.el[clientno].hostname_pretty));
      strncpy(g_clientlist.el[clientno].ipaddr, clientIP, sizeof(g_clientlist.el[clientno].ipaddr));
      g_clientlist.el[clientno].port = rec_from_client->port;
      g_clientlist.el[clientno].busy = false;
      g_clientlist.items ++;
      log_it(info, "Login request from %s ACCEPTED", clientIP);
      strcpy(g_clientlist.el[clientno].last_progress_rpt, "Logged in");
  send_msg_to_client(&rec_to_client, clientIP, rec_from_client->port, NULL);
Пример #10
int send_to_player(c_player *p, btlsw_proto_t *p_header, Cmessage *p_out, bool complete)

    p_header->id = p->m_id;

    TRACE_TLOG("send_to_player[%u]: u=%u, online_id=%u, seq=%u, ret=%u",
			p_header->cmd, p->m_id, p->get_online()->m_id,
			p_header->seq, p_header->ret);

    if (-1 == send_msg_to_client(p->get_online()->m_fdsess, (char *)p_header, p_out)) {
		ERROR_TLOG("send_to_player failed[%u] u=%u, online_id=%u, seq=%u",
				p_header->cmd, p->m_id, p->get_online()->m_id, p_header->seq);
		return -1;

    if (complete) {

	return 0;
Пример #11
int backup_client(char*ipaddr, int port, char*clientpath)
Purpose:Backup the path of a specific client. Receive
the archives. Store them locally (on me, the server).
Params:	clientno - client# in g_clientlist[]
        clientpath - client's path to be backed up
Return: result (0=success, nonzero=failure)
  struct s_server2client_msg_record rec_to_client;
  int res=0, socket_fd, noof_archives, i, len;
  char tmp[MAX_STR_LEN+1], outfile[MAX_STR_LEN+1];

  log_it(info, "%s - backup of %s commencing", ipaddr, clientpath);
  sprintf(outfile, "/var/spool/monitas/%s/%lu.dat", ipaddr, time(NULL));
  if (does_file_exist(outfile)) { log_it(error, "Backup storage location '%s' exists already. That should be impossible.", outfile); return(1); }
  if (make_hole_for_file(outfile))
    { res++; log_it(error, "Cannot write archive to spool dir '%s'", outfile); }
  else if (!(fout=fopen(outfile, "w")))
    { res++; log_it(fatal, "Failed to openout temp data file '%s'", outfile); }
      log_it(debug, "Backing up %s - archive=%s", ipaddr, outfile);
      rec_to_client.msg_type = trigger_backup;
      strncpy(rec_to_client.body, clientpath, sizeof(rec_to_client.body));
      if (send_msg_to_client(&rec_to_client, ipaddr, port, &socket_fd))
        { log_it(error, "backup_client - failed to send msg to client"); return(1); }
      res += receive_file_from_socket(fout, socket_fd);
      len=read(socket_fd, (char*)&i, sizeof(i));
      if (!len) { res++; log_it(error, "Client hasn't told me the result of its call to mondoarchive"); }
      else if (len!=sizeof(i)) { res++; log_it(error, "Client didn't sent _entire_ result of its call to mondoarchive"); }
      else if (i) { res++; log_it(error, "Client said, mondoarchive returned an error."); }
      else { log_it(debug, "Client said, mondoarchive returned OK"); }
/* Shuffle older backups off the mortal coil. Leave maximum of 4 backup files in /var/spool/monitas/[ipaddr] */
  sprintf(tmp, "find /var/spool/monitas/%s -type f 2> /dev/null | grep -n \"\" | tail -n1 | cut -d':' -f1", ipaddr);
  noof_archives = atoi(call_program_and_get_last_line_of_output(tmp));
  i = noof_archives - 3;
  if (i>0)
      sprintf(tmp, "rm -f `find /var/spool/monitas/%s -type f | sort | head -n%d`", ipaddr, i);
/* Return success/failure value */
  if (res>0)
      log_it(error, "%s - error(s) occurred while backing up %s", ipaddr, clientpath);
      rec_to_client.msg_type = backup_fail;
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "Failed to backup %s", clientpath);
      log_it(debug, rec_to_client.body);
      log_it(info, "%s - backed up %s ok", ipaddr, clientpath);
      rec_to_client.msg_type = backup_ok;
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "%s - backed up ok", clientpath);
      log_it(debug, rec_to_client.body);
  if (send_msg_to_client(&rec_to_client, ipaddr, port, &socket_fd))
      log_it(error, "Unable to notify %s of backup success/failure", ipaddr);
      i = find_client_in_clientlist(ipaddr);
      if (i>=0) { forcibly_logout_client(i); }
      log_it(info, "I'm assuming the backup was bad because the client cannot be reached.");