static void memcached_io_cb(liEventBase *watcher, int events) { liMemcachedCon *con = LI_CONTAINER_OF(li_event_io_from(watcher), liMemcachedCon, con_watcher); if (1 == g_atomic_int_get(&con->refcount) && li_event_active(&con->con_watcher)) { memcached_stop_io(con); return; } if (-1 == con->fd) { memcached_connect(con); return; } li_memcached_con_acquire(con); /* make sure con isn't freed in the middle of something */ if (events & LI_EV_WRITE) { int i; ssize_t written, len; gchar *data; send_item *si; si = g_queue_peek_head(&con->out); for (i = 0; si && (i < 10); i++) { /* don't send more than 10 chunks */ data = si->buf->addr + si->pos; len = si->len; written = write(li_event_io_fd(&con->con_watcher), data, len); if (written < 0) { switch (errno) { case EINTR: continue; case EAGAIN: #if EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN case EWOULDBLOCK: #endif goto write_eagain; default: /* Fatal error, connection has to be closed */ g_clear_error(&con->err); g_set_error(&con->err, LI_MEMCACHED_ERROR, LI_MEMCACHED_CONNECTION, "Couldn't write socket '%s': %s", li_sockaddr_to_string(con->addr, con->tmpstr, TRUE)->str, g_strerror(errno)); close_con(con); goto out; } } else { si->pos += written; si->len -= written; if (0 == si->len) { send_queue_item_free(si); g_queue_pop_head(&con->out); si = g_queue_peek_head(&con->out); } } } write_eagain: send_queue_clean(&con->out); } if (events & LI_EV_READ) { do { handle_read(con); } while (con->remaining && con->remaining->used > 0); } out: memcached_update_io(con); li_memcached_con_release(con); }
static void angel_connection_io_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w, int revents) { liAngelConnection *acon = (liAngelConnection*) w->data; if (revents | EV_WRITE) { GString *out_str; int i; ssize_t written, len; gchar *data; gboolean out_queue_empty; angel_connection_send_item_t *send_item; g_mutex_lock(acon->mutex); send_item = g_queue_peek_head(acon->out); g_mutex_unlock(acon->mutex); for (i = 0; send_item && (i < 10); i++) { /* don't send more than 10 chunks */ switch (send_item->type) { case ANGEL_CONNECTION_ITEM_GSTRING: out_str = send_item->value.string.buf; written = send_item->value.string.pos; data = out_str->str + written; len = out_str->len - written; while (len > 0) { written = write(w->fd, data, len); if (written < 0) { switch (errno) { case EINTR: continue; case EAGAIN: #if EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN case EWOULDBLOCK: #endif goto write_eagain; default: /* Fatal error, connection has to be closed */ li_ev_safe_ref_and_stop(ev_async_stop, loop, &acon->out_notify_watcher); li_ev_safe_ref_and_stop(ev_io_stop, loop, &acon->fd_watcher); acon->close_cb(acon, NULL); /* TODO: set err */ return; } } else { data += written; len -= written; send_item->value.string.pos += written; } } break; case ANGEL_CONNECTION_ITEM_FDS: while (send_item->value.fds.pos < send_item->value.fds.fds->len) { switch (li_send_fd(w->fd, g_array_index(send_item->value.fds.fds, int, send_item->value.fds.pos))) { case 0: send_item->value.fds.pos++; continue; case -1: /* Fatal error, connection has to be closed */ li_ev_safe_ref_and_stop(ev_async_stop, loop, &acon->out_notify_watcher); li_ev_safe_ref_and_stop(ev_io_stop, loop, &acon->fd_watcher); acon->close_cb(acon, NULL); /* TODO: set err */ return; case -2: goto write_eagain; } } break; } g_mutex_lock(acon->mutex); send_queue_clean(acon->out); send_item = g_queue_peek_head(acon->out); g_mutex_unlock(acon->mutex); } write_eagain: g_mutex_lock(acon->mutex); send_queue_clean(acon->out); out_queue_empty = (0 == acon->out->length); g_mutex_unlock(acon->mutex); if (out_queue_empty) li_ev_io_rem_events(loop, w, EV_WRITE); }