int main(void) { time_t then, now; cpu_init(DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ); #ifdef CONSOLE_SERIAL serial_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT); #endif #ifdef CONSOLE_SEMIHOSTING semihosting_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT) #endif #ifdef CONSOLE_USB usb_serial_stdio(NULL); getch(); #endif puts("\033[H\033[2JSTR91x A/D Converter Test (" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")\n"); puts(revision); printf("\nCPU Freq:%u Hz Compiler:%s %s %s\n\n", (unsigned int) SystemCoreClock, __COMPILER__, __VERSION__, __ABI__); // Turn on peripheral clocks SCU_APBPeriphClockConfig(__RTC, ENABLE); SCU_APBPeriphClockConfig(__ADC, ENABLE); SCU_APBPeriphClockConfig(__GPIO4, ENABLE); // Configure RTC RTC_DeInit(); // Reset RTC // Configure P4.6 as analog input 6 GPIO_DeInit(GPIO4); // Reset GPIO4 GPIO_ANAPinConfig(GPIO_ANAChannel6, ENABLE); // Configure A/D converter ADC_DeInit(); // Reset A/D converter ADC_Cmd(ENABLE); // Power on A/D converter ADC_PrescalerConfig(0x2); // Conversion clock is 24 MHz // Sample analog input 6 once a second then = 0; for (;;) { now = time(NULL); if (now == then) continue; then = now; printf("The value of A/D input 6 is %04X\n", SampleADC(ADC_Channel_6)); } }
int main(void) { int status; char buf[256]; uint8_t commandbyte; uint8_t responsebyte; cpu_init(DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ); #ifdef CONSOLE_SERIAL serial_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT); #endif #ifdef CONSOLE_SEMIHOSTING semihosting_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT) #endif #ifdef CONSOLE_USB usb_serial_stdio(NULL); getch(); #endif printf("\033[H\033[2J%s SPI Master Test (" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")\n\n", MCUFAMILYNAME); puts(revision); printf("\nCPU Freq:%u Hz Compiler:%s %s %s\n\n", (unsigned int) SystemCoreClock, __COMPILER__, __VERSION__, __ABI__); if ((status = spi_master_init(SPI_PORT, 8, 0, 281250, SPI_MSBFIRST))) { printf("ERROR: spi_master_init() failed at line %d, %s\n", status, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } for (;;) { printf("Enter a value to send: "); gets(buf); commandbyte = atoi(buf); if ((status = spi_master_transfer(SPI_PORT, &commandbyte, 1, &responsebyte, 1))) { printf("ERROR: spi_master_transfer() failed at line %d, %s\n", status, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } printf("Response was %02X\n\n", responsebyte); } }
int main(void) { int i; unsigned int myseed; cpu_init(DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ); #ifdef CONSOLE_SERIAL serial_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT); #endif #ifdef CONSOLE_SEMIHOSTING semihosting_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT) #endif #ifdef CONSOLE_USB usb_serial_stdio(NULL); getch(); #endif printf("\033[H\033[2J%s Minimal Standard Random Number Generator Test (" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")\n\n", MCUFAMILYNAME); puts(revision); printf("\nCPU Freq:%u Hz Compiler:%s %s %s\n\n", (unsigned int) SystemCoreClock, __COMPILER__, __VERSION__, __ABI__); myseed = Z1; printf("z1 is %d\n", myseed); for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) rand_r(&myseed); printf("z%d is %d\n\n", ITERATIONS + 1, myseed); if (myseed == Zn) { puts("SUCCESS!"); } else { printf("FAILURE! Expected z%d is %d\n", ITERATIONS + 1, Zn); } exit(0); }
int main(void) { int status; char buf[256]; uint8_t commandbyte; uint8_t responsebyte; cpu_init(DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ); serial_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT); puts("\033[H\033[2JSTM32F1 SPI Master Test (" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")\n"); puts(revision); printf("\nCPU Freq:%ld Hz Compiler:%s\n\n", CPUFREQ, __VERSION__); if ((status = spimaster_init(SPI_PORT, 0, 281250, TRUE))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: spimaster_init() failed at line %d, %s\n", status, strerror(errno)); assert(FALSE); } for (;;) { printf("Enter a value to send: "); fflush(stdout); fflush(stdin); gets(buf); commandbyte = atoi(buf); if ((status = spimaster_transfer(SPI_PORT, &commandbyte, 1, &responsebyte, 1))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: spimaster_transfer() failed at line %d, %s\n", status, strerror(errno)); assert(FALSE); } printf("Response was %02X\n\n", responsebyte); } }
int main(void) { xTaskHandle task1; xTaskHandle task2; xTaskHandle task3; cpu_init(DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ); #ifdef CONSOLE_SERIAL serial_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT); #endif #ifdef CONSOLE_SEMIHOSTING semihosting_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT) #endif #ifdef CONSOLE_USB usb_serial_stdio(NULL); getch(); #endif // Display version information printf("\033[H\033[2J%s FreeRTOS Test (" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")\n\n", MCUFAMILYNAME); puts(revision); printf("\nCPU Freq:%u Hz Compiler:%s %s %s FreeRTOS:%s\n\n", (unsigned int) SystemCoreClock, __COMPILER__, __VERSION__, __ABI__, tskKERNEL_VERSION_NUMBER); // Create mutex to arbitrate console output console_lock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); if (console_lock == NULL) { puts("ERROR: xSemaphoreCreateMutex() for console_lock failed!"); fflush(stdout); assert(false); } // Create a couple of tasks if (xTaskCreate(putsTaskFunction, (signed char *) "task1", 512, NULL, 1, &task1) != pdPASS) { puts("ERROR: xTaskCreate() for task1 failed!"); fflush(stdout); assert(false); } if (xTaskCreate(putsTaskFunction, (signed char *) "task2", 512, NULL, 1, &task2) != pdPASS) { puts("ERROR: xTaskCreate() for task2 failed!"); fflush(stdout); assert(false); } if (xTaskCreate(LEDTaskFunction, (signed char *) "task3", 256, NULL, 1, &task3) != pdPASS) { puts("ERROR: xTaskCreate() for task3 failed!"); fflush(stdout); assert(false); } vTaskStartScheduler(); assert(false); }
int main(void) { cpu_init(DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ); #ifdef CONSOLE_SERIAL serial_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT); #endif #ifdef CONSOLE_SEMIHOSTING semihosting_stdio(CONSOLE_PORT) #endif #ifdef CONSOLE_USB usb_serial_stdio(NULL); getch(); #endif printf("\033[H\033[2J%s C++ Object Test (" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")\n\n", MCUFAMILYNAME); puts(revision); printf("\nCPU Freq:%u Hz Compiler:%s %s %s\n\n", (unsigned int) SystemCoreClock, __COMPILER__, __VERSION__, __ABI__); // Create some local objects testclass1 mytest5 = testclass1(5); testclass1 mytest6(6); testclass2 mytest7 = testclass2(7); testclass2 mytest8(8); // Test the objects if (mytest1.param == 1) { puts("Object mytest1 was created successfully!"); } if (mytest2.param == 2) { puts("Object mytest2 was created successfully!"); } if (mytest3.param == 3) { puts("Object mytest3 was created successfully!"); } if (mytest4.param == 4) { puts("Object mytest4 was created successfully!"); } if (mytest5.param == 5) { puts("Object mytest5 was created successfully!"); } if (mytest6.param == 6) { puts("Object mytest6 was created successfully!"); } if (mytest7.param == 7) { puts("Object mytest7 was created successfully!"); } if (mytest8.param == 8) { puts("Object mytest8 was created successfully!"); } }