int main(int ac, char **av) { char *ret; printf("[+] init\n"); printf("[+] Add service test\n"); service_add("test", test_service, "super service de test qui sert a rien"); printf("[+] Add service test\n"); service_add("test2", test2_service, "super service de test2 qui sert toujours a rien"); printf("[+] List services\n"); services_list(); printf("[+] Call service test\n"); ret = SERVICE_CALL("test", "bite [%s]\n", "bla"); printf("[+] test return [%s]\n", ret); printf("[+] uninit\n"); return (0); (void)ac; (void)av; }
int main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) { event_set_log_callback(write_to_file_cb); event_enable_debug_mode(); //log_level(LOG_DEBUG); log_fileline(LOG_FILELINE_ON); log_level(LOG_WARN); server_t *server = server_init(DEFAULT_PORT); if(server == NULL) { log_err(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Cannot init server."); exit(-1); } int power = 10; server->service_idx = service_index_init(power); char *str = NULL; str = calloc(sizeof(char), 5); memcpy(str, "aaaa", 4); service_t *aaaa = service_init(str); aaaa = service_add(server->service_idx, power, aaaa); server->service_first = aaaa; server->service_last = aaaa; server->num_services++; str = calloc(sizeof(char), 5); memcpy(str, "bbbb", 4); service_t *bbbb = service_init(str); bbbb = service_add(server->service_idx, power, bbbb); aaaa->all_next = bbbb; server->service_last = bbbb; server->num_services++; str = calloc(sizeof(char), 5); memcpy(str, "cccc", 4); service_t *cccc = service_init(str); cccc = service_add(server->service_idx, power, cccc); bbbb->all_next = cccc; server->service_last = cccc; server->num_services++; server_event_run(server); return 0; }
/**@brief Function for application main entry. */ int main(void) { gpio_config(); bool success = nrf6350_lcd_init(); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(success); success = nrf6350_lcd_write_string(" BLE ANCS ", MAX_CHARACTERS_PER_LINE, LCD_UPPER_LINE, 0); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(success); // Initialize. leds_init(); timers_init(); gpiote_init(); buttons_init(); ble_stack_init(); bond_manager_init(); gap_params_init(); service_add(); advertising_init(); conn_params_init(); sec_params_init(); radio_notification_init(); // Start execution. advertising_start(); // Enter main loop. for (;;) { power_manage(); } }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { hook_add_event("user_identify"); hook_add_user_identify(on_user_identify); hostsvs = service_add("hostserv", NULL, &conf_hs_table); }
static int dev_configuration(struct net_device *dev) { struct net_addr dst; struct service_id default_service; int ret; memset(&default_service, 0, sizeof(default_service)); if (ifname && strcmp(dev->name, ifname) != 0) return 0; if (dev->flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) ret = dev_get_ipv4_addr(dev, IFADDR_ADDRESS, &dst); else ret = dev_get_ipv4_addr(dev, IFADDR_BROADCAST, &dst); if (ret == 1) { #if defined(ENABLE_DEBUG) { char buf[16]; LOG_DBG("dev %s bc=%s\n", dev->name, inet_ntop(AF_INET, &dst, buf, 16)); } #endif service_add(&default_service, 0, SERVICE_RULE_FORWARD, 0, BROADCAST_SERVICE_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, BROADCAST_SERVICE_DEFAULT_WEIGHT, &dst, sizeof(dst), make_dev_target(dev), GFP_ATOMIC); } return ret; }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { chanfix_persist_record_t *rec = mowgli_global_storage_get("atheme.chanfix.main.persist"); chanfix_gather_init(rec); if (rec != NULL) { free(rec); return; } chanfix = service_add("chanfix", NULL); service_bind_command(chanfix, &cmd_list); service_bind_command(chanfix, &cmd_chanfix); service_bind_command(chanfix, &cmd_scores); service_bind_command(chanfix, &cmd_info); service_bind_command(chanfix, &cmd_help); service_bind_command(chanfix, &cmd_mark); service_bind_command(chanfix, &cmd_nofix); hook_add_event("channel_can_register"); hook_add_channel_can_register(chanfix_can_register); add_bool_conf_item("AUTOFIX", &chanfix->conf_table, 0, &chanfix_do_autofix, false); chanfix_autofix_timer = mowgli_timer_add(base_eventloop, "chanfix_autofix", chanfix_autofix_ev, NULL, 60); }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { funserv = service_add("funserv", NULL); service_bind_command(funserv, &funserv_requestbot); service_bind_command(funserv, &funserv_help); }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { hook_add_event("config_ready"); hook_add_config_ready(nickserv_config_ready); hook_add_event("nick_check"); hook_add_nick_check(nickserv_handle_nickchange); = service_add("nickserv", nickserv, &ns_cmdtree, &conf_ni_table); authservice_loaded++; }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { hook_add_event("user_identify"); hook_add_user_identify(on_user_identify); hook_add_event("user_away"); hook_add_user_away(on_user_away); memosvs = service_add("memoserv", NULL); add_uint_conf_item("MAXMEMOS", &memosvs->conf_table, 0, &maxmemos, 1, INT_MAX, 30); }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { mygroups_init(); groupsvs = service_add("groupserv", NULL, &conf_gs_table); add_uint_conf_item("MAXGROUPS", &conf_gs_table, 0, &maxgroups, 0, 65535, 5); add_uint_conf_item("MAXGROUPACS", &conf_gs_table, 0, &maxgroupacs, 0, 65535, 0); add_bool_conf_item("ENABLE_OPEN_GROUPS", &conf_gs_table, 0, &enable_open_groups, false); gs_db_init(); gs_hooks_init(); basecmds_init(); set_init(); }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { hook_add_event("user_identify"); hook_add_user_identify(on_user_identify); hook_add_event("operserv_info"); hook_add_operserv_info(osinfo_hook); hostsvs = service_add("hostserv", NULL); /* Minimum number of days between when users may reuse the HOSTSERV TAKE command to get another vhost. */ add_uint_conf_item("REQUEST_TIME", &hostsvs->conf_table, 0, &hostsvs_req_time, 0, INT_MAX, 60); add_bool_conf_item("LIMIT_FIRST_REQUEST", &hostsvs->conf_table, 0, &hostsvs_limit_first_req, false); }
/**@brief Function for application main entry. */ int main(void) { uint32_t err_code; // Initialize. app_trace_init(); const app_uart_comm_params_t comm_params = { RX_PIN_NUMBER, TX_PIN_NUMBER, RTS_PIN_NUMBER, CTS_PIN_NUMBER, APP_UART_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLED, false, UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud38400 }; APP_UART_FIFO_INIT(&comm_params, UART_RX_BUF_SIZE, UART_TX_BUF_SIZE, uart_error_handle, APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOW, err_code); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); APP_TIMER_INIT(APP_TIMER_PRESCALER, APP_TIMER_MAX_TIMERS, APP_TIMER_OP_QUEUE_SIZE, false); APP_GPIOTE_INIT(APP_GPIOTE_MAX_USERS); ble_stack_init(); err_code = bsp_init(BSP_INIT_LED | BSP_INIT_BUTTONS, APP_TIMER_TICKS(100, APP_TIMER_PRESCALER), button_event_handler); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); printf("BLE ANCS\n"); device_manager_init(); gap_params_init(); service_add(); advertising_init(); conn_params_init(); // Start execution. advertising_start(); // Enter main loop. for (;;) { power_manage(); } }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { loveserv = service_add("LoveServ", NULL); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_admirer); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_rose); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_chocolate); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_candy); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_hug); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_kiss); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_lovenote); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_apology); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_thankyou); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_spank); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_chocobo); service_bind_command(loveserv, &ls_help); }
/**@brief Function for application main entry. */ int main(void) { uint32_t err_code; bool is_notification_mode = false; bool is_non_connectable_mode = false; timers_init(); APP_GPIOTE_INIT(1); err_code = bsp_init(BSP_INIT_LED | BSP_INIT_BUTTONS, APP_TIMER_TICKS(100, APP_TIMER_PRESCALER), NULL); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); #if BUTTONS_NUMBER > 2 // Check button states. // Notification Start button. err_code = bsp_button_is_pressed(NOTIF_BUTTON_ID, &(is_notification_mode)); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // Non-connectable advertisement start button. if (!is_notification_mode) { err_code = bsp_button_is_pressed(NON_CONN_ADV_BUTTON_ID, &(is_non_connectable_mode)); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } // Un-configured button. else { } #else is_notification_mode = true; #endif // Initialize SoftDevice. ble_stack_init(); if (!is_notification_mode && !is_non_connectable_mode) { // The startup was not because of button presses. This is the first start. // Go into System-Off mode. Button presses will wake the chip up. err_code = sd_power_system_off(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } // If we reach this point, the application was woken up by pressing one of the two configured // buttons. gap_params_init(); if (is_notification_mode) { // Notification button is pressed. Start connectable advertisement. connectable_adv_init(); service_add(); } else { non_connectable_adv_init(); } advertising_data_init(); advertising_start(); // Enter main loop. for (;;) { power_manage(); } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2005 Atheme Development Group * Rights to this code are documented in doc/LICENSE. * * This file contains the main() routine. */ #include "atheme.h" service_t *gs; static void mod_init(module_t *const restrict m) { gs = service_add("gameserv", NULL); } static void mod_deinit(const module_unload_intent_t intent) { if (gs != NULL) service_delete(gs); } SIMPLE_DECLARE_MODULE_V1("gameserv/main", MODULE_UNLOAD_CAPABILITY_OK)
void _modinit(module_t * m) { statsvs = service_add("statserv", NULL); service_named_bind_command("statserv", &ss_help); }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { siteserv = service_add("siteserv", NULL); service_bind_command(siteserv, &siteserv_help); }
/**@brief Function for application main entry. */ int main(void) { bool is_notification_mode = false; bool is_non_connectable_mode = false; buttons_init(); // Check button states. // Notification Start button. if (nrf_gpio_pin_read(NOTIF_BUTTON_PIN_NO) == 0) { is_notification_mode = true; } // Non-connectable advertisement start button. else if (nrf_gpio_pin_read(NON_CONN_ADV_BUTTON_PIN_NO) == 0) { is_non_connectable_mode = true; } // Un-configured button. else { } // Initialize SoftDevice. ble_stack_init(); if (!is_notification_mode && !is_non_connectable_mode) { uint32_t err_code; // The startup was not because of button presses. This is the first start. // Go into System-Off mode. Button presses will wake the chip up. err_code = sd_power_system_off(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } // If we reach this point, the application was woken up by pressing one of the two configured // buttons. timers_init(); gap_params_init(); if (is_notification_mode) { // Notification button is pressed. Start connectable advertisement. connectable_adv_init(); service_add(); } else { non_connectable_adv_init(); } advertising_data_init(); advertising_start(); // Enter main loop. for (;;) { power_manage(); } }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { opersvs = service_add("operserv", NULL); }
/* main.c - rpgserv main() routine. * based on elly's rpgserv for atheme-6.x --nenolod */ #include "atheme.h" service_t *rpgserv; static void mod_init(module_t *const restrict m) { rpgserv = service_add("rpgserv", NULL); } static void mod_deinit(const module_unload_intent_t intent) { if (rpgserv) { service_delete(rpgserv); rpgserv = NULL; } } SIMPLE_DECLARE_MODULE_V1("rpgserv/main", MODULE_UNLOAD_CAPABILITY_OK)
static int ctrl_handle_add_service_msg(struct ctrlmsg *cm, int peer) { struct ctrlmsg_service *cmr = (struct ctrlmsg_service *)cm; unsigned int num_res = CTRLMSG_SERVICE_NUM(cmr); /* TODO - flags, etc */ unsigned int i, index = 0; int err = 0; LOG_DBG("adding %u services, msg size %u\n", num_res, CTRLMSG_SERVICE_LEN(cmr)); for (i = 0; i < num_res; i++) { struct net_device *dev = NULL; struct service_info *entry = &cmr->service[i]; unsigned short prefix_bits = SERVICE_ID_MAX_PREFIX_BITS; if (entry->type == SERVICE_RULE_FORWARD) { dev = resolve_dev(entry); if (!dev) continue; } if (entry->srvid_prefix_bits > 0) prefix_bits = entry->srvid_prefix_bits; #if defined(ENABLE_DEBUG) { char ipstr[18]; LOG_DBG("Adding service id: %s(%u) " "@ address %s, priority %u, weight %u\n", service_id_to_str(&entry->srvid), prefix_bits, inet_ntop(AF_INET, &entry->address, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr)), entry->priority, entry->weight); } #endif err = service_add(&entry->srvid, prefix_bits, entry->type, entry->srvid_flags, entry->priority, entry->weight, &entry->address, sizeof(entry->address), make_target(dev), GFP_KERNEL); if (dev) dev_put(dev); if (err > 0) { if (index < i) { /* copy it over */ memcpy(&cmr->service[index], entry, sizeof(*entry)); } index++; } else { LOG_ERR("Error adding service %s: err=%d\n", service_id_to_str(&entry->srvid), err); } } if (index == 0) { /* Just return the original request with a return value */ cm->retval = CTRLMSG_RETVAL_NOENTRY; } else { /* Return the entries added */ cm->retval = CTRLMSG_RETVAL_OK; cm->len = CTRLMSG_SERVICE_NUM_LEN(index); } ctrl_sendmsg(cm, peer, GFP_KERNEL); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char * argv[], char * envp[] ) { #ifdef WIN32 // // initialize winsock // WORD reqver; WSADATA wsadata; memset( &wsadata, 0, sizeof( wsadata ) ); reqver = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 ); if( WSAStartup( reqver, &wsadata ) ) { printf( "wsastartup failed\n" ); return false; } // // check command line parameters // bool service = false; for( long count = 1; count < argc; count++ ) { if( !strcmp( argv[ count ], "-service" ) ) service = true; if( !strcmp( argv[ count ], "-register" ) ) { service_add( argv[ 0 ] ); return 0; } if( !strcmp( argv[ count ], "-deregister" ) ) { service_del( argv[ 0 ] ); return 0; } } // // are we running as a service // or a foreground application // if( service ) { // // running as a service // SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY ste[ 2 ]; ste[ 0 ].lpServiceName = SERVICE_NAME; ste[ 0 ].lpServiceProc = service_main; ste[ 1 ].lpServiceName = NULL; ste[ 1 ].lpServiceProc = NULL; if( !StartServiceCtrlDispatcher( ste ) ) printf( "ii : StartServiceCtrlDispatcher error = %d\n", GetLastError() ); } else { // // running as an application // if( iked.init( 0 ) != LIBIKE_OK ) return false; // // run daemon main loop // iked.loop(); } // // release winsock // WSACleanup(); #endif #ifdef UNIX // // check that we are root // if( getuid() ) { printf( "you must be root to run this program !!!\n" ); return LIBIKE_FAILED; } // // check command line parameters // char path_conf[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 }; char path_log[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 }; char path_pid[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 }; bool service = true; long debuglevel = 0; for( long argi = 1; argi < argc; argi++ ) { if( !strcmp( argv[ argi ], "-F" ) ) { service = false; continue; } if( !strcmp( argv[ argi ], "-p" ) ) { if( ( argc - argi ) < 2 ) { printf( "you must specify a path following the -p option\n" ); return -1; } strncpy( path_pid, argv[ ++argi ], MAX_PATH ); continue; } if( !strcmp( argv[ argi ], "-f" ) ) { if( ( argc - argi ) < 2 ) { printf( "you must specify a path following the -f option\n" ); return -1; } strncpy( path_conf, argv[ ++argi ], MAX_PATH ); continue; } if( !strcmp( argv[ argi ], "-l" ) ) { if( ( argc - argi ) < 2 ) { printf( "you must specify a path following the -l option\n" ); return -1; } strncpy( path_log, argv[ ++argi ], MAX_PATH ); continue; } if( !strcmp( argv[ argi ], "-d" ) ) { if( ( argc - argi ) < 2 ) { printf( "you must specify a debug level between 0 and 6 following the -d option\n" ); return -1; } debuglevel = atol( argv[ ++argi ] ); if ( ( debuglevel < 0 ) || (debuglevel > 6) ) { printf( "you must specify a debug level between 0 and 6 following the -d option\n" ); return -1; } continue; } printf( "invalid option %s specified\n", argv[ argi ] ); return -1; } // // setup stop signal // signal( SIGINT, daemon_stop ); signal( SIGTERM, daemon_stop ); signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); // // set config and log file paths // iked.set_files( path_conf, path_log ); // // initialize // if( iked.init( debuglevel ) != LIBIKE_OK ) return -1; // // are we running as a deamon // if( service ) daemon( 0, 0 ); // // create our pid file // if( path_pid[ 0 ] ) if( !daemon_pidfile_create( path_pid ) ) return -1; // // run daemon main loop // iked.loop(); // // remove our pidfile // if( path_pid[ 0 ] ) daemon_pidfile_remove( path_pid ); #endif return 0; }
void _modinit(module_t *m) { proxyscan = service_add("proxyscan", NULL); }